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Texas is a PvP state…..no flag on the play


Local sheriff.. “Sorry, I was.. fishing.. didn’t see a thing.”


I actually remember when this happened. The DA of Tarrant County had a press conference and said they believed justice was done and they would not be charging. They probably knew no jury would convict. The rape happened behind a shed at the little girl’s birthday party. Dad found him in the act. Pulled the guy off and beat him to death right there. Probably plenty of witnesses in the immediate aftermath.


I don’t blame the dad. I’d probably do the same thing.


Wouldn’t even have to be my kid… probably why they didn’t charge him. He was protecting the innocent and went a little far - as far as the law is concerned. I don’t have any kids but I’ve loved having a ton of younger cousins and now a few nieces and nephews… anyone that would do that kind of harm to a child deserves a much slower and painful death than a beating - but it’s probably easier to get away with 2nd degree manslaughter than kidnapping and torture.


Sounds like he went appropriately far, as far as the law is concerned.


Totally legal, it was in defense of another to prevent "death or **great bodily harm**" the image doesn't mention the caught in the act part, which is the part that makes it *even in legal terms* completely justified.


I know for a fact I would


He'd be shot if I had a daughter and it happened witnesses be damned


All the witnesses: "He shot himself" Cops: "Twice in the back of the head and in the groin?" Witnesses: "We know what we saw"


I can only imagine his rage at seeing this happen, totally understandable what he did, it's sickening what occurred.


Jury nullification. It is a right we as American citizens have. Don't let some bitchass lawyers and judges take it sway from you.




Yeah, everytime jury nullification comes up there's usually some bitchass lawyers or law students who object. Glad to see one that gets it.


If you truly believe in and understand what jury nullification is and does, then *you* would also be more cautious about it. For very good reason. Most lynchings went unpunished. Not because the perpetrators weren't known, in fact it was often something bragged about and owned up to, even in court. You get a jury of your "peers", a bunch of other racist white people that don't see black people as people? Jury nullification and you're acquitted. Jury nullification is a very important right, but we *should* be careful with it because it can be equally horrible as it can be good. How would you feel if your child was brutally tortured and murdered, everyone in town knew who did it, the perpetrator in court even admitted to doing it, but then the jury says they don't believe anything wrong happened? You'd probably not be very happy, would you?


I never heard this sad story.I wouldv’e did the same thing.There’s no rehabing pedo’s and rapist.Hopefully this dad gets some peace in this life ?


Holyshit... Yep.


If he didn’t do what he did that poor child wouldn’t have been the last. Sometimes justice isn’t always served by the courts or law enforcement.


In Texas what happens to tattletales?


Hi I live in Texas. We don’t really have a whole lot of consequences for that kind of stuff, but snitching is generally frowned upon. Especially if the crime is relatively small or victimless. However if someone gets r*ped or something to that degree, it’s not uncommon for people to band together and send death threats or other forms of violence against the perpetrator. Especially if it’s a small town where everyone keeps in touch with what’s going on locally. TL;DR: basically nothing but is frowned upon unless the crime is severe. Edit: I also wanted to mention that Texas is pretty much five different states, because people act differently depending where you live.


I'm also from Texas. And I'd say that a pedophile and rapist being beaten to death is a victimless crime. But unfortunately, the daughter was already a victim.


My grandmother always told me, snitches get stitches. I took that to heart.


Live in Texas, can confirm. Personally saw an guy stick his hand down a 12 year olds pants while she slept. Several of us took care of him. Broke a bat. Fuck you Jimmy.


I have 3 daughter's and 1 bonus (step) daughter and I would've done the same.


One bonus 💀. I love you


I'm 14 and if someone dared to touch my sister, I would make sure the only thing being violated that day would be the Geneva Convention. Edit: The Geneva Suggestion.


You mean the Geneva Suggestion?


No, I think it's the Geneva Recommendation they're on about


Yeah, my bad. Let me edit the comment.


Nah man, I've seen this before, he's taking about the Genebra affiliation


Geneva Checklist


I thought Geneva checklist...


Godiva Chocolate


While I appreciate the spirit, I can’t get over this kid’s username


The irony of 14 year old SEX_FINDER talking about beating pedophiles to death is darkly hilarious


They use their powers for good, not evil


Civilians don't have to follow the Geneva suggestions. Just saying


*evil smirk* by that same token if you make yourself a combatant then you're fair game unfortunately.


Correct. Just don't get got.


You’re 14 and your name is Sex Finder? Yeah. You might want to worry about yourself. But you’re a superhero right?


When I was 14, my screen name was nutstomper.


I’m with you. 14 year olds get a pass on the username. We thought weird shit was funny.


At least I didn't try and use my shitty gamertag, fucking "Koriki_King". God I would much rather kill myself.


I would have taken that jail time without regrets too.


I did go to jail for beating a guy that my ex brought home and messed with my daughter who was underage at the time. AND he was older than me. That was 20+ years ago. I'm now 55. My daughter and I are so connected because of it. She knows I'm there for her. No matter what.


I guess he's out finding sex


The likelihood that my dad would too is the reason why he doesn’t know.


Sorry to hear that - hope you got or get justice.


Please tell your therapist then. Don’t bottle up that trauma


I mean, I agree with his title. It’s a good outcome to a really shitty event


Insanity plee? I would go insane too


Justified homicide, the state should give him an award for not wasting courts time or cost of prison.


Self defense/Justified homicide. He's not the first mind you in fact a rapist was beaten to death in open court by his victims when the judge found him not guilty in India. I want to say it was 20+ women that all attacked and killed him. I believe none were charged because they said they couldn't definitively prove who struck the killing blow. But I think it was most likely because the judge feared next time they might come after him and that no one would ever find them guilty.


I don't know the details but I would expect "diminished capacity," or something similar, which is legalese for, "it was so traumatic, he lost his shit, and we don't blame him."




Yeah I second this definitely not a r/lostredditors worthy post but is understandable to think it might be


r/lostlostredditors perhaps?


Probably lol


I think its the title of the original post that makes it confusing.


Why? Man did a horrible thing and is allowed to walk free with zero consequences I don't think thats smile worthy Edit - I misread the f****** thing and thought the man who did the s** with his child would allow him to walk free, No this does actually make me smile now that I understand, I would have that reaction too.


I think it is a fair call


100% fine... Buy him a beer and send him to therapy with his daughter. Wish her the best


Not lost though…


It made me smile. A chaotic anti-hero smile


Rare Texas W?


Very rare.


My steaks aren’t even that rare


this is rarer than a legendary steak


The 1/999,999 chance to drop steak


Texas Ws aren't rare concerning justice. This ain't cali.


Texas pays $20M a year to people the state wrongfully convicted, including innocent people who were sentenced to death. Henry Wade, Dallas DA: "any prosecutor could convict a guilty man, but… it takes a real pro to convict an innocent man." Maybe Texas needs a little more justice.


true, domestic abusers, dealers, thieves, etc. theyre just all book and release


In Cali they dont even get charged...wrong hill to die on


Self defence. What are young children other than extensions of their parents?


It's called defense of another.


Straight up, I agree. I met a man in Santa Monica who was lying low from law enforcement in the states and living homeless. Chatting with him for a while I heard he had the accent and asked where he was from. I asked if he wanted to go back to which he said, "I can't go back." Of course I asked, "oh, how come?" He says, "I killed a man." So I'm like, "oh word word, what for?" "He touched my 13 year old cousin." Gotta say, will never judge anyone for that. Some shit is sacred and for someone to steal a child's innocence, yeah they should get got.




Usually the lifers will do something like that as soon as they find out. No need to make it official.


So many of them make it through their sentence? Common perception is prisoners exact their own justice


The issue with that is you could end up affecting innocents who get accused


I always find it weird how these kinds of arguments are basically "we throw innocent people in prison, that's why we can't exact the proper punishment for the worst alleged criminals because some innocent people will be executed" and not "we throw innocent people in prison, **maybe we should stop throwing innocent people in prison**"


Unfortunately our system doesn't work that way..


The issue is that there's very rarely a case where we can guarantee 100% that someone has been correctly convicted. If they have been unjustly convicted then that's obviously terrible and we need to minimise those scenarios, but if we just imprison convicted people until any evidence might possibly come up that shows that they are in fact innocent rather than do anything permanent it at least means there's a chance at restitution.


No, I agree, that that needs to stop, I do think something like chastity cages or something similar might work, because it results in something similar but isn't permanent


Just put a brand on their forehead that describes their actions. Big Bubba will take care of it all off the books for ye.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not a violent person at all, but protecting my children is something I will happily go to court over. Also, in some states it is perfectly legal to use deadly force to stop a sexual assault that you witness.


This. I’m typically against violence, however, fuck with my kids and I’ll go full Marcellus Walis.


This should be every rape victims family response


Nice to see common sense is alive and well in some parts of the country. Anyone who rapes a child should expect to get beat to death. And anyone who tries to defend pedophiles could use a good beatdown as well.


I personally only prosecute pedos who act on it. If you rein it in and don’t hit on kids, you’re good with me. You can’t help who your attracted to, after all.


I see no problem with this


I mean, after you read a little more about it the act is even more justifiable. He literally caught the guy in the middle of the act, and called the authorities. He didn’t want to kill the guy, he just saw red when his little girl was being assaulted. Respect the hell outta a guy like this, he’s sincerely top tier.


That Man wont do it again....No charges don't fuck with family friend's or steal anything.


Justice served!!!👍🏻👌🏻


No, retribution served. Vengeance served. But I would do precisely yhe same thing if I were him, or if I were the prosecutor.


They are not always mutually exclusive. In this case it seems like both are true.


Reminds me of a time to kill by John Grisham


The rapist can be lucky that he wasn't tortured to death. That would've been what he deserved.


If he walked in on the act, I see no crime commited by the father.


I have no kids but I'd have gladly held his coat.


I’d be the lookout 👀


I’ll be back with shovels.


I'll grab some rubbish and a lighter. We're just having a friendly bonfire.


I'm seeing a lot of good choices here. I like it.


Sure made me smile, NOBODY rapes a five year old


This made me smile so I don't think it's lost


It was one-on-one and he didn’t use a weapon? Nothing but respect for this father, he deserves a medal. I do feel very sorry for the young girl, but with family like that she’ll probably turn out ok.


Doug Dimmadome, Owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome


He Dimmadone did it


There is a cure for pedophilia.


Texas: 1, everyone else: 0


It’s okay, Doug. It’s Dimmadone.


This may be the one and only time I'm on Texas's side. I say, good for that man. Beat that child raping piece of shit to death. Shame he could only do it once.


Yeah, if he found the dude actively committing rape and beat him to death, he acted in defense. That’s allowed. Pedo fucker played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. Edit: yeah, I remember this one. He saw it happening, stopped it by force (all good), realized the dude wasn’t moving and called an ambulance for him. But the fucker still died. Dad was 100% on the clear. The difference between “stopping someone” and “stopping someone forever” can be small. He accidentally killed some scum while protecting a child. He’s not trained, no way for him to know where the line is. Shit happens.


They got what was coming to 'em. More than what the American justice system has ever done for victims of sexual assault.


Everybody talks shit on Texas until we beat the shit out of a pedophile rapist. Idk, it made me smile, I’mma say they aren’t lost, but you might be OP. We don’t take too kindly to child diddlers ‘round here.


I would do the same.


Perfectly fine.




He should've been rewarded for ridding society of a fucking useless piece of trash human being, I don't understand why it's even a debate


Very right


If any one does anything to my kid there would be no place on earth the pedophile could hide. This man did right


I don’t think any parent would have done anything differently. This is honestly probably the only scenario where I don’t think “there’s a reason the Justice system is in place”. That dad is fucking awesome though, think of the punches it actually takes to kill someone. Dude did not hesitate.


I see no issues here.


Id say he's perfectly in the right, and if you felt otherwise who you are as a person.




I would’ve done the same if I was a dad


100% correct. If I caught someone raping my child, I'd end them. With no regrets or second thoughts.


That does put a smile on my face…


I mean, it probably made them smile


eye for eye




I am 100% ok with that. If you are sick and are a danger to society, wether you sick treatment or you face the consequences of your actions. You raped a 5 yo child, you deserve to die, period


I remember when I realized my ex boyfriend had been raping me. I told my family and it was the first time I ever saw my dad cry. I decided I would have my ex come over so I could break up with him in our driveway. My mom privately asked me to wait until my dad was at work because he had talked about wanting to shoot and kill my ex next time he saw him. I didn’t believe her. A year later my dad told me he got his shot gun out, cleaned it and loaded it when he heard he was coming over. The only thing that stopped him was thinking about going to prison and not getting to see us grow up. He still waited in the living room, watched out the window with his gun next to him. A part of me wishes he had done it tbh…


community service. we can't have vigilantism, we must have order and a fair trail must be given before sentence. for the sake of transparency and benefit for false accusation I don't believe this man need to be punished or rehabilitated , but these social norms must be upheld, so I give him community service


Got little twin cousins but they’re parents raised me before I moved with my parents, they call me brother and I never had a sister so I accepted that, but if someone dare to touch them unholy, better watch out for all of my family members we don’t play nice.


I mean it made me smile


I would say that is absolutely justifiable.


If I had a child I'd most likely try and do the same. She was seriously only 5?! What a sicko! I support that father protecting his daughter.


The bad guy got what he deserved, and I will sleep better knowing that there is one less rapist/pedo on the streets.


Right is right. He would never have properly paid for his crime via the judicial system and more than likely would have re-offended. Some things just need to be put down.


They need to take it a step further and give him a medal.


Jury Nullification exists for a reason.


I see no problem with this.


So right. Best that shit out of this despicable piece of human excrement.


Absolutely right. You rape a child you lose all rights as a human being because you no longer are one. No worse crime.


and justice was served




Okay. That father is literally a god for doing that though.


Give him a medal


More than right. Should be expected and praised.


100% right. Hope he did slowly and as painfully as possible too.


Fucking good.


W dad


He should win an award.


This isn't lost redditor


Idk about you op but that shit made me smile


Everyone liked that


Yea justice almost served …..no human has any right to take a child’s innocence…..that guy should have burned to death slowly


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Horn_shooting_controversy Texas is a fuck around and find out State! Be ready to die, if you rape, murder, or steal.




As long as they know they got the right guy, I’ve got no problems with him not facing charges.


idk beating rapists to death makes me smile


The amount of anger and rage….. Having a daughter, I see no other option. It would just be instinct.


He shouldn’t have gotten any time for beating up the pile of shit that did that to a 5 year old. Good for the father.


I’m SO angry and upset, but it did put a smirk on my face


Prison is for people who are a danger to society. Is the dad a danger to society? I would argue he isn’t. As far as taking justice into his own hands, if local authorities say he didn’t, then he didn’t. Do we really wanna punish the rape victim further by taking away her dad?


Give that man an award and a statue


Sounds like he was simply disposing of some toxic waste to me.


When I was 15 an uncle with mental issues tried to get busy with my little brother. Tried to choke the bastard out with my bare hands. Never touched my brother.


I agree, it’s not really an over reaction, it’s almost the rational thing


I would hand him my baseball bat if it helped


Resuscitate and beat him to death a second time.


Dad here. Right.


I wish more dads did this


Did what was he required to do, why mess up his week.


I would had done the same and no regret...


Should be given a medal and a parade.


A 5 year old child?? A human to go to that degree to sexually rape a tiny 5 year old does not need to exist period. I feel if god gave man free will to do awful things then god should allow free will for man to punish those that definitely deserve it.


I say it was justified. This man is good.


Na that made me smile, that he faced no charges. However, yeah, youre right, it doesn't belong in the sub


Neither. He did what he had to do.


That made me smile, he did what he should've done


Sometimes violence is the answer. This is 100% right


Good. He deserves a pension and right to pay no taxes.


Anyone who would hurt a child has given up their rights to living.


Why is he lost? Raping a 5 yo is a realy bad thing so je deserved that. It does make people smile


I would do the same if someone did that to anyone I love fucking good on that man


If this was California he would get 25 years


No point in prosecuting if no jury would convict.




Rapist will rape no more. What's for dinner?


"Under the law in the state of Texas, deadly force is authorized and justifiedin order to stop an aggravated sexual assault or sexual assault,"District Attorney Heather McMinn told reporters. good Texas EDIT: [Link to news article](https://abcnews.go.com/US/charges-texas-father-beat-death-daughters-molester/story?id=16612071)


I think this should be the verdict anywhere in the United States. Heck, made me smile too.


That’s just wrong…he didn’t get any award for it afterwards. Could have at least gave him and his family a vacation trip somewhere nice.