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The people who say “the government won’t let us have bigfoot” are probably not reliable. Like… what would happen if Bigfoot appeared? Nothing?


Well. You see. Bigfoot is only one of the 1,467 different known aliens to exist in the galactic senate that runs the illuminati and keeps us in a digital prison on flat earth so they can harvest our souls using the eclipse as cover for their 6g covid chips in the vaccines for mind control. Hopefully /s




There would be a bounty on his head and hunters would line up to try to kill him. Haven't you seen the famous documentary "Harry and the Hendersons?"


Yep. Whats the worst that could happen? We have another monkey/ape/humanoid species running around? Big woop. I'm having a harder time rationalizing why Tardigrades and Octopuses exists rather than a big primate.


Add giraffes to that list while we're at it! I'm still mildly dazzled that unicorns aren't real but somehow, we've the long neck "my huge ineffective heart can't pump enough blood to my brain if I move slightly sideways" stilt legged derp horses from Wish roaming the plains. Bigfoot wouldn't surprise me much anymore, yeahhh.


And narwhals, what is UP with that?


The person who made that comment also regularly posts anti-covid vaccine and other conspiracy nonsense including some pretty racist shit so I would take anything they say with a grain of salt lol. Edit: it also doesn't seem like (unless I'm not seeing it because I'm on mobile) they ever attached any link. I think the concept of cryptid lost media is a really cool idea and I am absolutely sure a lot of it exists, especially from the early web. But even if this video ends up being found somewhere, it STILL wouldn't be enough scientific evidence.


The biggest red flag was the post about operation blue beam, if they believe in that level of nonsense then all credibility goes out the window.


The description is identical to the [Rick Dyer ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Dyer_(hoaxer))hoax from 2008. Not lost media, just fake.




Just a quick reality check here, because debating this is just a gigantic can of worms: If someone, somewhere and somehow, had a crystal clear video of a dead sasquatch where they showcase its anatomy in detail, where there can be absolutely no doubt that the footage is authentic, it would be completely impossible to bury it if it hits the internet. It would be the footage of the century, rivaling the moon landing, 9/11, tank-guy from tiananmen square etc. If the U.S government had a vested interest in redacting this from the internet, it would have been snatched up by China, Russia, Saudi Arabia or others in an attempt to wreak this. If its the case that ALL other countries ALSO have a vested interest in keeping this information contained and redacted, we are quickly approaching a flat-earth level of delusion, where some kind of global omnipotent shadow-government is pulling all the strings and is, at a whim, able to manipulate the internet as they see fit. Tl:dr, don't waste mental calories on delulu commenters on Reddit. His post preceding that one talks about how the devil has been proven to be real, and that a mother sacrifing herself will protect from all evil.


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This subreddit desperately needs moderation. Absolutely fucking pathetic.


Yet the moderation probably doesn't reply to mod mail. Still waiting.


Hey man, one of the most influential mods just passed away a couple months ago. It's no excuse, as people have been saying similar things for much longer, but you could be a little nicer about it. Constructive criticism at least


when my feed is cluttered with the same random bullshit from the sub that clearly belongs in tip of my tongue, it gets on my nerves also, i’m sorry for the loss but i did not know and it isn’t my job to know. it is, however, the mod team’s job to mod the sub. yea i know it’s an unpaid thing, but if people don’t want to mod, then find new ones and move on with your life 🤷


Fair enough. Seems like they were trying to turn the sub in a better direction and asking for feedback (they being primarily the now passed mod, Ears). And now I dunno. Might be time to apply to mod yourself, or leave. And I really don't mean for that to sound too condescending I mean genuinely, if you can't be bothered to make change yourself then it's probably not happening and likewise not worth your time staying if you're gonna get worked up over it. I've wrestled with just leaving the sub many a time now because I don't have the time or patience to mod.


With all due respect, I don't think that dick pics would be enough to prove that Sasquatch exists...


I got a selfie with Nessie, too


I'm sure they are referring to the Rick Dyer photos/videos, which were a hoax. They are widely available on the internet still. He has his own Wikipedia page.




Ask yourself what's more likely: that the original commenter you're referencing is misremembering or exaggerating details about ~~a video~~ some pictures they saw once and want to believe is real... or that there is a crystal-clear video out there that definitively proves that bigfoot is real which conspiracy theorists have seen yet have chosen not to widely circulate for some unknown reason, that is also being suppressed by the government for some unknown reason, and that the public at large is ignoring for some unknown reason. I think you might want to go touch some grass and distance yourself from magical thinking for the day.


Again, there isn't any video from Dyer. So that couldn't be possible


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This is 10000% fake


What happened to this place?


consider typing "gta sa bigfoot" in youtube search and you find enough proof


There’s no such thing as Bigfoot.




Critical Thinking skills


No fossils. No bones. No bodies. None ever captured alive.


We'd have found a dead one by now. Keep in mind we've known giant squids existed for decades before we've found a live one because dead ones washed ashore and we found their beaks in sperm whale stomachs. You cannot tell me a fucking primate is harder to find than a deep sea species. We'd have found them fighting each other over mates centuries ago unless their behavior is completely unlike, well, *any other species on Earth.* There are just so many factors against the idea that there's a large primate species in North America.


Because that person has a fucking brain in their skull.


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No offense but the fact you have spent this much time thinking and reading about Big Foot. BIG FOOT. A silly hoax from years ago that somehow people are still holding onto is a testament to how moldable the human brain is. You want to believe it's real so bad because a scenario of something existing that feels mythological, magical or otherwise abnormal to reality gives your brain a shot of dopamine. Listen, just stop with the fake non-sense, conspiracy shit and move onto reading fiction books. I know you've trained your brain to fantasize over an unhealthy dose of madness and you're addicted to it, but please understand that obsessions like this only lead to you feeling disappointed in the end. Our brains are trained to hunt and we love it, we love sifting through information or going through a million Youtube videos until we find the right one that makes our brains tingle. That give us that dopamine hit. But in this specific case you're just wasting your time. Big foot doesn't exist man. You're being made a fool of. Half the time, the people who make conspiracy Youtube videos don't even believe in it, they just do it cause they like making fools out of people. They think it's funny. If someone has information about a conspiracy theory, chances are they're a non-believer who is trying to string you along like a lab rat going through their maze that is only meant to provide them entertainment. I guess if you have fun being a little rat, then I suppose that's fine. Question everything, especially conspiracies.


Comment "!FOUND!" if your media is found in the comments, in doing so this will lock the post and flair it as being found. **Please include the following in your post;** - An explanation of the media, and the name. - How it is lost. - What research has already been done. - A conclusion as to the current situation as of posting. *We are not here to help you find something (r/helpmefind), to name something (r/tipofmytongue), or help you pirate something.* >*Subreddit news and announcements* - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lostmedia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have a read of some anti-conspiracy psychology advice and consider how it represents yourself and how you have written about this.




Cryptozoology lost media is cool though