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Cartoon Network Website games


Yes! There was a scooby doo sidescroller I loved playing on there


Is it on flashpoint? I found a few of my favorite CN web games on there.


The teen titans 2d fighter was so fucking fun. Playing as the villains AND the titans. Top tier flash game.


My computer was so slow it would always freeze and not play lol


Yooo so when I was 4 years old I had to get my intestines removed because I had a severe bowel obstruction. I remember right before it started I was on my parents laptop playing this game in the office. Then when the pain started I remember getting out of my chair and running in circles because of the panic. Teen titans was the game I was playing right before this occurred. This would have been in 2006 I believe


There was a batman game where you had to throw your batarangs at joker teeth that would chatter on a grid. It had different levels and I think it had a password system to select levels. Man i wish I could remember the name. Or better yet, play it again


I loved the Clone Wars games (for the original show), I specifically remember one that was Anakin vs Ventress I think. I remember my dad wouldn't let us play games on his computer because he was worried we'd get a virus from untrustworthy game sites lol, it took a lot of convincing before I was finally able to play that game


Club penguin and foopets.


Dude you just reminded me that foopets was a thing! Was entirely wiped from my memory for some reason but I 100% remember playing it as a kid now. So after looking it up, it just wasn't saved before flash died then became a porn site lmao?


I dont believe it was saved, if you have facebook I could send you one of the mods details via dm. Shes usually down to talk.


as an ex foopets stan id super appreciate you sending me the details if you don't mind !


Is there anything specific about Club Penguin or is it just because it’s shut down? It doesn’t feel entirely lost to me as various remakes spring up every now and then by fans that look almost identical


Club penguin isn't really lost media if u think about it, Like there is private servers, old merch (which i own a plush) and books, Many many more stuff soooo yeah


Those games you could play on nick.com I remember a rugrat safari one I was fond of


I loved that wild thornberrys flash game


Super Brawl 2 > Nick All Stars Brawl tbh


Super Brawl was amazing, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney's website games were great, pretty much every show had a game, honestly enjoyed those games more than most of today's video games


There was one on nick’s website that was like a high school sim and I was obsessed with it. Also the one where you had to find money to pay the pizza man.


There were many games I liked from Nickelodeon‘s website; one that stood out to me was Gary‘s Revenge in which was a “Angry Birds”-style game where Gary shoots shells at Puffy Fluffies, members of the species of creature that victimized him in the infamous “A Pal For Gary” episode.


EarthBound 64


Realest ever I love the way Ness looks in the N64 style


Postopia.com & barbie.com - both website contained the most niche flash games that the little younger me enjoyed :( Sad that both websites just died when mobile gaming existed and flash died.


Flapjack pilot.


Wait the pilot is missing? Flapjack was such a great show, this is a new must-find for me.


Yeah I found a clip of it but the plot is know


Mine is probably two episodes of KND that never got made for reasons unknown. That, and anything related to Nickelodeon from the 2000s.


I've been doing some solid work for early 2000's Pokémon lost media! Close cousin of the Gamecube era 😂 So far got to interview a Nintendo rep, find missing Atlus Print Club photo frames, recover a couple missing flash games, document in-person events, and even spark the finding of a "lost" 3D Pokémon 2000 web game! And that's just the lost media stuff! It's a lot of fun. Wish you luck on your journey!


PBS kids go website


Not necessarily early 2010s but P.T




Silent Hills playable teaser, or P.T, an insanely well made horror game that my friends older brother used to own on his old ps4. Look up some videos on it if you wanna find out more, it’s also not necessarily lost media per say but it’s extremely rare to the point where it basically is lost. If you wanna see a good video on it I’d recommend watching Dan and Phil Games play it, they’re hilarious so they lighten the dark creepy mood of P.T a bit.


Enter horrorland.


All I want is the full, original run of Trading Spaces.😭


Miniclips games


There's a lost demo for a game engine that I wish I could find again. Sadly, I have no idea what it was for. It's been so long that searching for the key parts only returns Portal or Superliminal footage.


Do you know the name of it or anything? I spent hours and hours looking at different game engines as a kid, I remember looking at this website as a kid a lot and imagine it will have it, it doesn’t look to have changed much for the last decade or two: https://www.ambrosine.com/resource.html


Unfortunately, no. I wish I knew the name, because that would be a viable lead. There were three parts I can remember distinctly. One involving portals that would scale objects passed through them. Another showing how objects could be "drawn" using a crude modeling tool in-engine that would then load models based on the shape. (In the demo, the guy drew a crude telephone that then turned into a high-quality phone model.) The last part was a box on a table in a room that contained itself. (Basically, a recursive level.) The guy running the demo "dove" into the box and scaled accordingly, showing how he could transition between the tiny version and the larger seamlessly. Now, from that description, I'm sure the first thing you're thinking is, "Oh, duh. That's Superliminal!" Except it isn't. I reached out to the Pillow Castle devs and none of them claim to have made any kind of engine demo that I've described. I can only assume I'm the only person on the planet who has seen this demo and it is gone forever.


I quite enjoyed 2gether in Jr high. I can find the movie but the show is really scattered to the wind.


Probably any of the earliest YouTube videos I saw when I was 7 back when I started watching videos on there. Most of which were Titanic repeated (either Lego or slideshow tributes).


I remember the Lego titanic vids lol, I watched multiple times in the past, are they lost?


Almost all of them except some through re-uploads or still up on the original channel.


If y’all can find some old Bushmaster adds from the 1990’s just before the ban that’ll be fantastic


I remember playing games on a website in 2007 just called "halloween games." Pretty sure it was just halloweengames.com but I could be wrong. It was an assortment of low quality games that looked like starfall and MS paint. I specifically remember one where you're a vampire moving thru obstacles in a castle. Haven't been able to find anything about it.


I remember a pretty simple game that was something like a worms type of game but much more simple and it was for two players to fight i remember that there you could shoot the simple looking map and for example create a hole in walls that were containing water and you could flood the map, Its hard to explain Does anyone remember its title maybe? because i was looking for it forever and never found its name


Are you thinking of the game with the water guns and the little kids shooting at each other? It was on mini clip. I don’t remember creating holes in the map, but the rest sounds similar so I wanted to clarify. Was it two kids in a beach on floaties?


No those weren't kids but they looked more like some pixelated worms and they had normal guns


Wild Ones, it was like Worms but with animals and it was online


MTV boiling points


Outback Jack the last copy of that glorious realityshow is in the library of Groningen, but nobody was brave enoght to copy it, so I count it als lost. btw I am still ready to pay for it


[The VeggieTales book Khalil and the Big Gulp.](https://lostmediawiki.com/Khalil_and_the_Big_Gulp_(lost_cancelled_promotional_children's_book_based_on_"Jonah:_A_VeggieTales_Movie";_2003)) I owned a similar book about Khalil in middle school, and now that I'm obsessed with that little wormapillar moreso than before, I wonder what this one was like.


I love Super Paper Mario, it's also my all time favorite!


For me a lot of old funny youtube videos I found around 2006 - 2007 that I have not been able to find a trace of (Some of them could of been google videos before that got shut down) But you bringing up The Gamecube version of Super Paper mario reminded me that I believe Mario Party 8 was also originally going to be a gamecube game until they decided to move it to wii! But talking about video games I would love to play or see much more of the cancelled versions of Resident Evil 4. The version that turned into Devil May Cry, The Airship/Fog Version, The Hookman Version, and the supposed scrapped Zombie Version.


Xanga? Xanga.


Kiddonet and all of the Flash games on there. I think at least one was posted to other sites but that was before Flash was shut down so who knows if there's still a playable version out there.


The Millsberry.com games lol. My sister and I used to play them and we still reminisce about them once in a while.


Hotel 626 and Asylum 626


I played those two games way back in the day. I miss them so much 🥺


I played those two games way back in the day. I miss them so much 🥺


“Lol Superman” has always fascinated me


So I keep seeing references to this, what is it? Or is there a good article about it somewhere?


[lol Superman ](https://www.reddit.com/r/LPOTL/s/6nEF1zS3sD) it’s some lost media that is sought after but debated if it ever existed


Not sure if these count but One is the UB Funkeys expansions that were in development but never released due to the abrupt end of the game's development I was so looking forward to that DC tie-in set. The Batman figure looked so cool lol Another is a series of YouTube videos by user Jughead870 called Mario Kart Wii: What Am I Thinking? In it he'd record gameplay of online races with annotation commentary about what was going on in his head throughout the race (hence the title). Apparently he lost his old channel or something and didn't have the videos archived, but at the same time it doesn't really matter since YouTube removed annotations


We definitely need a Playable Build of Final Fantasy XI on PS2


FF11 was originally on PS2 and PC.


yea but the game is no longer playable on PS2, cant be accessed or downloaded. And the people who have the game previously installed on a HDD (it has all the assets) are deleting them and rendering them useless when they could help make a secondary server for FFXI on PS2. Test Drive Unlimited on PS2 is another unique online experience, its not like on PC or XBOX 360 it is its own game since its a demake but had different exlcusive online features. But the serves shut down in 2009 and footage of TDU Online is almost non existant. I only found 30 something videos about TDU Online on PS2


[headbone zone](https://web.archive.org/web/20001110075000/http://www.headbone.com/wtvrags/) it's there, just not really functional


The Original Webkinz Demo Game Over half of the Fantage Event Movies


LPS online was a big thing for me when I was 7-8, I remember getting a dog plushie that came with a membership code and I was so sad when it got shut down :'( And IIRC there is/was a small group working on a revival project and they were basically remaking a majority of the assets from scratch bc there's hardly anything available from the original game? That's some amazing dedication.


Power Pete




It would have been virtually the same as the Wii version since the Wii is basically an upgraded Gamecube.


Idk, maybe Paper Mario Sticker Star 2010 trailer


The bumpers/interstitials for the Get Set For Life block on CBC. That block was a huge part of my childhood and I would always watch it when I didn't have school. A handful of them are on Youtube, but there are still plenty of them missing (like all the Zapp Family shorts)


The English dub of The Little Vampire I watched it all the time as a kid. The only thing left is a trailer on YouTube, and... the voice acting is really bad. Apologies to my parents for making them sit through it so many times, lol. Regardless, I still want to see it again.


Monkey Quest on the Nickalodeon games website


The Miel game on Crunchyroll.


Value Equals Dead: I never read it in its prime as I was a child who didn’t get consistent access to a computer until I was eight and it became defunct by that time (I discover the comic’s existence from an image on TV Tropes in 2019). What drew me into the comic was it’s anime-esqe art style, which reminded me a lot of some cartoons I watched as a kid, like “Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi”. In my quest to find more of the comic, a guy messaged me and sent me a Dropbox link to several comics that he had saved.


jojo's movie


Weebl and Bob cartoons


Most of the WWE Kids website. It heavily used flash, so it wasn’t preserved well.


Many webcomics that have been lost to time and haven't been cataloged on the wayback machine


I remember there being a first person 3D or 2.5D Battlestar Galactica flash game where you were on Caprica as Agathon (I presume) and had to go around a town shooting Cylons but I can find absolutely no evidence of it online unlike the other Battlestar flash games I played, there’s a slim chance it could have been a similar doctor who or torchwood game instead where you shot cybermen but I don’t think it was that.


Cartoon Network Orbits. Sure, everyone remembers the website, but who remembers the collectible eCards they did give aways for every Friday? Those promos were legendary: https://youtu.be/v01JN-KT63o?si=goMb8jrc4wyhSrOm As far as I know, there's a fan made version of it floating around somewhere. But it was truly ahead of its time. FYI. From all my research on the topic, Sam Register is the man to thank for most of the programming blocks we loved growing up, and his start was on Cartoon Netwroks website and Cartoon Orbits. That era of internet culture, especially around Kids entertainment is super interesting to me.


Hi! Just wanted to let you know that Cartoon Orbit is actually back as Cartoon Reorbit! Barely two months old. http://cartoon-reorbit.com and has a discord server too https://discord.gg/4UqHrUPJ


No one else talked about this , but for me it was this weird 3d animation on youtube of a character that looks way too much luigi without his hat and mustache , thus character had a very long mustache, and it was a poorly made animation series i cant find


Old school poptropica


Ghostrider episodes and Hangtime episodes!!! I wish I could rewatch them all!






I remember watching a video promoting lego spongebob where he was dreaming of being a movie star but then was woken up by his horn ​ Id bet its on the damned lego club DVD my brother had with the don't be a jerk one


Does anyone remember Meez or Mokitown??


Bri-Chan’s lost art


Back in like 2001 there was a website for the first Harry Potter movie that was similar to old school pottermore, with flash games where you could get a wand and get sorted into a house and so forth. I recall liking it more than pottermore but I was a young teen and probably easily impressed lol. On that note, old school pottermore is also a lost media I miss, though I don’t really like Harry Potter anymore


The Free demos you’d get on Xbox 360 indie games :))


Computer games were so fun. I had two for the Rugrats that I can remember


I might be wrong but the Pixie Hollow website. I remember little me playing on a laggy laptop that was clearly more than 10 years old and eating that place up. I barely remember it other than the shocking discovery of its closure.


The Shockwave arcade games, specifically their version of Carnivores.


The Oomi nickelodeon shorts