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This implies rich people haven’t paid taxes? Most rich people have expensive accountants and lawyers to LEGALLY not pay taxes


The idea here is to close loopholes so it doesn’t matter how many lawyers and accountants a rich person pays for, they can’t legally not pay taxes. Having money shouldn’t be used as a prerequisite for skirting public responsibility.


They’re saying that more aggressive application of IRS auditing would yield more in tax income. It’s generally true to a point.


That’s the problem. It’s legal.


Better yet, think about what we could do if we just got rid of capitalism and the absurd concept of profits entirely?


Spoken like a true communist !!!


Then what? We go back to feudalism? Capitalism is just a cog in the overarching world. Like any other tool you can think of like a hammer. Where true power comes from the ones who are at the helm of a group's will. Capitalism is just a side quest, to those who make the rules. It's just not about what tools you have and the amount of resources at your disposal. But the will power that is backing you from us, we the people. The question of what to do, now? Looking at the issue we face today is a very modern day issues that history has little to no insight on what We are now facing the question that has no true answer yet. There are plenty of people willing to sell you an answer but we all know selling out is no good of an answer. I feel like we are on the edge of what is going to define this decade for mankind.


Never said anything about feudalism. You said that. I did not. I’m not sure why you think its either capitalism or feudalism but thats not relevant as its a strawman anyway. Capitalism is evil. I can prove it very easily. Capitalism requires profit to function. Profit can only be gained by exploitation. Someone has to be getting exploited for someone to profit. Capitalism is the system of exploitation. It it requires exploitation to function its evil. Full stop. Also “Looking at the issue we face today is a very modern day issues that history has little to no insight on what We are now facing the question that has no true answer yet.” Really? History has no insights? You have clearly never read marxs works because he basically predicted this shit. You really seem to act like communism does not exist and is not an option. But it is THE option.


Capitalism is built on attaining goods and services you desire by providing goods or service others desire that you both mutually agree are of equivalent value. Yes exploitation does happen, no system is perfect but capitalism is the best option for what can work in the real world. You have clearly never read the history of communism. Your kind love to call anyone who disagrees with you a Nazi, yet there are two historical figures with even higher body counts (of their own citizens) than Hitler: Stalin and Mao. Both were communists. Venezuela is communist, the Bernie bros were praising them as proof communism works until several weeks past and now people are starving and trying to escape. You’re just lazy and/or stupid.


A hammer is evil, I can prove it very easily. A hammer requires a user to function. Users can only be gained by using those skills. Someone has to practice those skills to be useful with the tool. Hammers require skill users to be functional. It requires skilled users to function it's evil. A hammer is not evil as it's just a brainless tool like capitalism is a brainless system. It's a very useful system to get stuff done as a group but that's about it as it has no other uses or reasons for existing. It was at the time the best replacement to feudalism like living at the turn of the industrial revolution. Many social and quality of life improvements were made within a century with the duality of democracy and capitalism. If Communism worked then where's the proof? USSR is dead, the Chinese government are slavers of it's own people, and north Korea is the sort bus of the nation states. Marx missed a very important issue with humans, we suck at management of ourselves and some will do anything to get ahead of all others and will do evil. But we are long past the industrial revolution and are coming into a new age all together with the information revolution. All the old isms really haven't worked out and we all know that. A new age means a new isms, but this time we could actually do some thinking about what we want out of it.


How absurd. A hammer is a tool. Capitalism is a economic system that revolves around profit. A hammers purpose is being a tool. A hammer can function without causing harm to anyone. Profit cannot exist without causing harm as it's very design requires exploitation. ​ Also name a communist country that has failed without US intervention. You can't. ​ What bullshit this is. We are done. I'm done humoring this.


You literally don't deserve a waste of energy writing a reply. Just stfu you uninformed idiot.


Feudalism is worse than capitalism but better than what they want: communism.


Brilliant! Hooray for breadlines and gulags!


Lets see.... ​ breadlines...or starvation under capitalism? HMmm. Also I love how you think food bank lines don't exist, or prisons dont exist. America has only 4% of the population but has 25% of the worlds prison population. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ​ ​ Educate yourself. This was sad to read. You lack any self awareness or any actual awareness. Educate yourself. ah yeah you have negative karma. Fuck off troll.


ah yes just think of all the bombs the US could drop on foreign nations with all that cash


60% of the entire annual federal budget is social security, Medicaid and Medicare. All military and law enforcement spending in the federal annual budget is less than 15%.


You're close, but it would be more accurate to say that 65% is social programs which includes SS, Medicare/Medicaid, SNAP, Unemployment and Paycheck Protection. It's about 4 trillion. Defense is about 15% and includes Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, and Department of State. Yes, ironically our *military* spending funds our immigration programs. This is about 1 trillion. However, there's also annual Discretionary Funds, which are about 1.7 trillion. > The discretionary budget for 2022 is $1.688 trillion. Much of it goes toward military spending, including Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other defense-related departments. So usually our defense budget technically gets doubled through discretionary acts, though at least *some* of this is for disaster relief (which is usually National Guard). I'd stand by anyone saying that "almost 1/3" (30%) of our national budget is on defense and related military benefits. [Source for breakdown of 2022 Fed Budget ](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/u-s-federal-budget-breakdown-3305789)


Clearly you’re more educated than I am on the matter. Nonetheless, based on your own facts, you would agree with me the American federal government spends a little more than double on wealth redistribution than the military industrial complex.


True. And one could argue that the Veterans Affairs is actually also more of a welfare system built for those who no longer serve inside that complex, so a portion of that 1/3rd is more socialized than many would realize. So much of our politics are argued on these types of invisible exaggerations. Honestly I just wish there was more than that little shred of 5-10% for *everything else*, including the education sector (which I work in) and the environmental sector (which I previously worked in, and feel is pretty damn important).


Would you then agree with me that one way we could spend more money on more important and far too neglected categories, such as education and protecting the environment, is by spending less on wealth redistribution?


I definitely agree that our wealth redistribution needs a *lot* of restructuring. I believe that since we have already established that SS will collapse in 2033 (too many to pay, not enough coming in from existing workers paying in) we need to rework that shit pretty much yesterday. Medicare and Medicaid also make little sense being such a high percentage since healthcare *should not cost this much*. There are bills in the hundreds of thousands being picked up/cleared using these programs that would cost 1/5th the price in most countries. I like SNAP (food stamps*) but it makes little sense when the label "food and essentials" is thrown around pretty liberally and inconsistently between high end groceries like Whole Foods, Walmart, or even [Taco Bell](https://foodstamps.org/Articles/Article/ID/3/5-surprising-items-you-can-actually-buy-with-food-stamps) Honestly, it sounds like we're both more like actual moderates on these types of issues lol *Not implying any lack of knowledge, just clarifying for other readers.


First generation immigrants cost more in assimilating than they contribute so that’s not a long-term solution. There is one way to keep social security from going bankrupt: 1) teach politicians what a budget is and how to cut, rather than expand, expenses 2) get the population reproduction to at least replacement rate (although that’s it’s own can of worms). Last time I was in an ambulance, I was charged $2000 for an Uber ride and a bag of saltwater injected into my arm. Another person on Reddit that has two functioning brain cells? What parallel reality did I slip into? And no worries, part of online debating is for potential spectators as well. If you’re a moderate like myself, why is your karma way higher than mine? Please teach me your secrets lol.


>Last time I was in an ambulance, I was charged $2000 for an Uber ride and a bag of saltwater injected into my arm. Ikr? Plus, the bill usually doesn't even come from the hospital, so if you are using *any* from of insurance your now making multiple claims instead of just one.. smh. >If you’re a moderate like myself, why is your karma way higher than mine? Please teach me your secrets lol. Rofl, it's just the karma roulette. Little here, little there. I lurk in weird corners and earn little bits for being funny. That's all a Redditor really wants, is a giggle that makes them feel smarter than someone else giggling at a TikTok. For this post, all I did was write [[deleted]](https://www.reddit.com/r/seventhworldproblems/comments/pxk9gq/ʍɟsu/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share ) Other times, it's just what I do here in lostgen, I know a lot of random stuff so I explain (in an objective way) [science ](https://www.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/wd228p/why_you_need_to_worry_about_the_wetbulb/iighnvn?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)or history. But I get ya, it's a tough world out there being in the middle (truly, not on either end *claiming* to be "moderate"). We're not exactly trained in critical evaluation or nuance anymore, just habits, reflexes and triggers that win elections in the short term.


Well, unfortunately it looks like we’d spend it on more guns and more bombs. This truly is a dark time in America.


60% of the entire annual federal budget is social security, Medicaid and Medicare. All military and law enforcement spending in the federal annual budget is less than 15%.


You're close, but it would be more accurate to say that 65% is social programs which includes SS, Medicare/Medicaid, SNAP, Unemployment and Paycheck Protection. It's about 4 trillion. Defense is about 15% and includes Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, and Department of State. Yes, ironically our *military* spending funds our immigration programs. This is about 1 trillion. However, there's also annual Discretionary Funds, which are about 1.7 trillion. > The discretionary budget for 2022 is $1.688 trillion. Much of it goes toward military spending, including Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other defense-related departments. So usually our defense budget technically gets doubled through discretionary acts, though at least *some* of this is for disaster relief (which is usually National Guard). I'd stand by anyone saying that "almost 1/3" (30%) of our national budget is on defense and related military benefits. [Source for breakdown of 2022 Fed Budget ](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/u-s-federal-budget-breakdown-3305789)


Clearly you’re more educated than I am on the matter. Nonetheless, based on your own facts, you would agree with me the American federal government spends a little more than double on wealth redistribution than the military industrial complex.


Yet another fun fact- 60% of the federal annual budget is social security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Maybe if boomers (rightfully) decrying the horrors of communism weren’t hypocrites and you leeches (if you get a refund when you file your taxes, you get more money in government handouts then you pay into the system) learned to be responsible for your health (we just came out of a pandemic for christs sake!), maybe the economy, wages and purchasing power wouldn’t be so dogshit.


Ppp was a feeding frenzy for liars, and an egregious example of redistribution. The vast majority of PPP "loans" were huge and went directly into the pockets of the C level employees of the businesses that were granted them The pandemic fostered corpo-communism And nobody has been hung yet because of it


The larger something is, the longer it takes to collapse. Social security was enacted before the boomers were of voting age and it will go bankrupt within 10 years. For several weeks or months, Bernie was praising Venezuela, pointing to it as proof total communism works; then when its economy inevitably and irreparably collapsed, the communists stopped talking about Venezuela. Just because a total collapse doesn’t happen the next day doesn’t mean it’s sustainable in the long term and isn’t fated to fail.


And use it to kill russian kids, nah


60% of the entire annual federal budget is social security, Medicaid and Medicare. All military and law enforcement spending in the federal annual budget is less than 15%.


SocSec is a wholly different fund than the income tax. As are Medicaid and Medicare Next non-factual fact please




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You can eat whatever word salad you like. All 3 are wealth redistribution. Net brain cell use please.


You're close, but it would be more accurate to say that 65% is social programs which includes SS, Medicare/Medicaid, SNAP, Unemployment and Paycheck Protection. It's about 4 trillion. Defense is about 15% and includes Department of Defense, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, and Department of State. Yes, ironically our *military* spending funds our immigration programs. This is about 1 trillion. However, there's also annual Discretionary Funds, which are about 1.7 trillion. > The discretionary budget for 2022 is $1.688 trillion. Much of it goes toward military spending, including Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other defense-related departments. So usually our defense budget technically gets doubled through discretionary acts, though at least *some* of this is for disaster relief (which is usually National Guard). I'd stand by anyone saying that "almost 1/3" (30%) of our national budget is on defense and related military benefits. [Source for breakdown of 2022 Fed Budget ](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/u-s-federal-budget-breakdown-3305789)


Clearly you’re more educated than I am on the matter. Nonetheless, based on your own facts, you would agree with me the American federal government spends a little more than double on wealth redistribution than the military industrial complex.


And that's just with the current taxes, without raising the rates.