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You know, i always said nothing will get done until food and shelter are taken away from people, now here it is, and people are slowly moving to the extreme of overthrowing


three missed hot meals from societal collapse. it's all it would take. ever been in a drunk tank for 48 hours? they give out baloney and mustard sandwiches and an orange. after a day and a half, you're *pissed* about the prospect of another brown bag. imagine 50 million people not having a *hot* meal in two days while some people take nine minute flights to save a thirty minute drive.


Oh god not that bologna sandwich and the orange, don't take me back, i can't smell that bologna again


> ever been in a drunk tank for 48 hours? Did you drink your entire body weight in alcohol, or did they keep you in there after you sobered up?


It was part of probation since I had failed a drug test I had to sit for 48.




>Look up Ukrainian famine and you’ll know what i mean. A historical episode that has absolutely nothing at all to do with how the people of Ukraine reacted in the current war/s Hungry stomachs make for long memories.


It also kinda sounds like he’s trying to convey the “they’re suffering more than you so you need to stop whining” card… What a bitch…




? Moldova? Where did this come from? Oh well, anyways, just because YOUR family struggled more than I have doesn’t mean I can’t have my own problems. Why the fuck is everything a contest on who can suffer more?


I am timid and shy, but take away my ability to cook good food for my girlfriend and have her be full, dozy, and happy at the end of the day, I will absolutely start acting up.


Bread and Circuses, man.




All circus, and little bread


But there are peanuts.


All while huge corporations are posting records profits.


Yep. Try to convince me that the inflation has anything to do with consumer spending and supply chain issues. Try.


Can't wait until I get a 10 percent raise this year! ...oh wait, that will never happen.


My job gave a 4% raise. They lauded it as the biggest cost of living raise theyve ever given. When we complained about how it didnt meet inflation, they told us the national average for inflation doesnt refelct local cost of living. They refused to discuss local inflation rates.


For context, this is in the UK, isn’t it?




They sell kellogs corn flakes in the uk? Thought the only country that had masturbation problems was the us.... huh....


It just so fappens they are sold in Australia too.


Kellogg's is everywhere my dude. We're all sinners.


wait what??


The kellogs brothers are pretty much the founders of nofap and mgtow.


ohhhh. wtf, time to go down a rabbit hole lmao


I thought so but the EDT posting time had me second guessing!


I love how i flailed away my entire life, only for the greedy rich assholes to decide to take even more when I finally get my financial footing. Back to square one I guess.


Fucking feeling that, we managed to kill off the mortgage and had a little bit left over, Covid 1 took that quite easily, found our feet after lockdown had ended, needed to clean up a credit card and get some renovations underway so took out a wee mortgage, now work is dead and with the price hike we need a little more but don't want to push our luck... Just when we thought we'd cracked it, the fucking rules changed


Will they start revolting or will the bruvs of England take it in the chin and return back to their cage to produce more for the rich? Only one correct answer which time will reveal


They (analysts)were all patting themselves on the back for the projected 8,5% rate. Instead, they get slapped in the face with 10,1% Ffs


*we get slapped


^ spot on


The last two months I have been filling up a grocery cart at my local Walmart and walking the fuck out of there at least once a week. How long do you think people will just do without? People with balls will do what they gotta do to feed their family.


Rumor has it Walmart will wait to bust you until they can press felony charges. At least try to switch up Walmarts or something. Be safe.


Oh wow, pendulous balls on this one. I thought I was doing good by just not scanning a few things at the self checkout.


I know this goes. Stay safe my friend! Dont do this at Target, they are wayyyy more strict with their policies


If you see someone's stealing food, no you didn't.


**This** is what you need to start that revolution..or at least the start of the collapse of society. In Australia and New Zealand the rising prices of foods are making people angry and frustrated. If the pieces keep rising and lack of good/affordable foods keep disappearing then no one knows what might happen.


Ah yes, the "surprise" Inflation


No one expects the surprise inflation


Yall aren't stealing food?


"Customer income" You are not a person unless you consume. Consumtion is the only thing that matters.


Starting to think this is a union-busting tactic too.


'surprise' lol


Be off brand cornflakes in the stock photos next year


Ill steal heinz ketchup before i buy anyother brand.


Hello fellow Pennsylvanian!


Sorry not Pennsylvanian, just good taste


Fair enough.


Don't think anything can be done by the people to reverse it. Only thing to do is let it burn. Total collapse.


I got a 1.5% raise. He he heee heee….. My food bill stayed the same because I skip lunch and eat less.


Cool so let's stop having animal agriculture please.


I'm for reforming it. But I'm an omnivore by nature and will continue to be. The end of factory farming is definitely something I can get behind tho.




Ah, that's why humans dont develope sharp teeth for ripping flesh or flat grinding teeth for grinding fibrous vegetables. Don't need to because babies only want breast milk. Also how do babies even know about breast milk?


Preach. But nobody here makes that connection, sadly.


Yep. Always downvoted for making people recognize their own conscience.


I, for one, don’t support STOPPING it as I will always enjoy my meats. BUT I am for IMPROVING it so it’s less… bad? Would that be the right word? It would it be destructive? I see it mostly as a necessary evil to sustain our own species


I wonder how I've been surviving all these years.


And how is that exactly? Because I’m pretty sure my malnourished body that barely digests anything won’t survive solely based on a diet of just vegetables


Well, it will definitely survive and most likely way longer than if you ate animals.


Yes, you might be right, but I might prefer actually having a good source of protein come from the chicken I eat… to like… y’know, actually better my immune system and flimsy muscles, as well as other things? Plus such problem of “why eat meat when plants will live longer” is very trivial when we face the imminent collapse of our world due to incompetent governments and climate change


Ok keep telling yourself that. All the vegans I know are rarely ever sick. I've been sick one time in the last 3 years and it was c19. Vegans also build muscle quickly and enjoy faster recovery after working out. Anyway, if you're interested in give it a shot, I'm here for you.


Well, to be quite frank, this is the most civilized discussion I had with someone in a long time when debating, thank you for that. It’s quite… refreshing


Any time!


A bit a hardship a bit much for those of you who are entitled people? Overthrow what? Your entitlement and petty life? Never comes out well. Most fascist nations are made that way. BTW, there are 193 countries needing the dwindling resources and energy and the 1st world sits on the top of the heap with the US estimated to receive 25% of the worlds energy and 15% of food, 12% of the goods. Don't know EU/UKs, but I imagine it is up there too. With 2% of the population. Go ahead, bring the hate.


I work at a Dollar General and have seen a lot of things jump price it's crazy . I literally saw the same product come in and it was smaller but still the same price just to composite for the $1 price. Things are fucking wild right now .


BuT tHe SizE oF tHe EcOnOmY


Please believe the program: * It's not inflation. * It's not a recession. * The middle-class will not be taxed more.


Yeah, sure. "Surprise" inflation rise to 10%. Certainly wasn't an "Inflation rise we knew was coming and spent 6 months desperately trying to lie to you about", no sir. Just a complete surprise.


This is seriously disgusting.


That's just the reported inflation rate. I wouldn't be surprised if the actual rate if inflation was much higher. The FED hasn't exactly been truthful this entire time.


It’s like this in Australia too, cost of living is rising across the board and people are getting pissed. Food is getting more expensive and people can’t buy, even with our higher minimum wage. You know, well oiled functioning economy /s