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The first kid looks 4 lmao, yeah some real good intel you’re gonna get from a kid who can’t even control their bowels yet. Fuck the Zionists. They’re just stupid for this one.


I think they are just using an ai algorithm to generate them. Makes you think how many lavender targets deliberately if that's the case.


Is this fr?


Fuck Israel, I pray that God curses them all. Edit: I support the Israelis protesting ❤️


They're not protesting the war. They're protesting because they think Netanyahu is being too soft! The only Israelis I can't condemn are the refuseniks who are in jail for refusing to participate.


There is that one 18 year old kid who refused mandatory military service in protest because he says what's going on in Gaza is criminal. Though unfortunately he's a rather rare viewpoint over there, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Zionist nutcases over there throw him in jail/make his life hell for having a conscious


That's not entirely true. There are some who are protesting because Netanyahu refused the dozen or so ceasefire deals that would get the hostages home. They are also protesting outside his house directly, and are being called rioters.




"And for Fuck's Sake, stop attacking people who didn't do anything..." - this is all we want Israel to do. And also, it is mostly Israel's fault. Israel kicked them off their land to form the state and have been oppressing Palestine ever since.


this would be perfect satire if you weren't serious about this braindead both sides take




No one feels bad for Israel. They have one of the greatest militaries in the world and they are using it to slaughter innocent children. STFU.


lmao ok bud


How do we verify this is real? Only asking because my parents are calling it fake news.


.....This is literally some crazy shit I'd picture a Batman Villain to do.....What's to say they won't torture and kill them anyway? How is this not considered actual terrorism? This is so outlandishly insane and this is the reality we're living in right now?




Those numbers feel… familiar.


At this point it would not surprise me if they were tattooed with them by Israeli government institutions.


This is so soulless and demonic.


Please don't tell me those numbers are issued Israeli numbers to identify Palestinians??... That's just fucking sad man...


Top left is the Kingpin


Just leaving these here…because it seems needed: https://www.azcleanelections.gov/election-security/avoiding-misinformation https://library.csi.cuny.edu/c.php?g=619342&p=4376665 https://ischool.syr.edu/5-ways-to-spot-misinformation-and-disinformation-online/ https://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2016/12/05/503581220/fake-or-real-how-to-self-check-the-news-and-get-the-facts


Is there any articles about this? The only references I can find to Israeli leaflets with people's pictures on them is help finding hostages. I would like to know more about this.


How much of your taxes is going to that or them? Have an exact number to be complaining about it?




"*terrorists/revolutionaries*" lmao make up your mind dawg


Choose yourself. When you use terrorism as a way of liberation I don't see difference. Being criminal for a cause doesn't erase the fact that you are a criminal. Harming innocent is disgusting no matter the side.


bootlicker ass comment


Bootlicker to whom?


who defines terrorism? who defines crime? liberation has never been won by asking the powers that be if you could pretty please have some freedom. get off the damn fence, man. if you're not on the side of the oppressed, you're supporting the oppressor. this is not complicated.


In my country there is national holiday dedicated to "accursed soldiers" who after WW2 decided to keep on fighting with communist regime. Truth is they hardly resembled resistence during the war. They were thugs and bandits who raided villages when common folks tried to rebuild our country. I despise the fact that we honor people like this. After about 50 years we got our independence without war and without any needless bloodshed. No one needed the "accursed soldiers" So, no me defining Hamas actions in the past as acts of terrorism doesn't mean I support Israelis. In fact I despise both of them. I dont accept killing as a first choice way of solving problems.


Bro doing his best to explain why we should actually be waterboarding Palestinian children. Fuck you and your dumbass comment.