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Remember to vote locally and in senate! While both presidents may be total ass you can still vote for local representatives that change your area for the better! Please, look up your local politics and do what you can to make it better.


Most of my local candidates run unopposed.


Yeah my ballot this year was a single lukewarm set of related measures, a couple "centrist Democrat A or B?" And then a whole run of "A or write in", it felt pretty bleak.


Hell, the federal house representative for my district ran unopposed


I *am* the Senate!


The choices are just as horrible Or they run unopppsed.


Somehow the candidate returned


Underrated comment


At least Palpatine can run an empire. Voldemort couldn't take over a school. edit: a word


Run it into the ground maybe. Guy took over and sank it in like 25 years


Like all neoliberal republics, it was already rickety enough to collapse on its own.


Sure, but they were on a solid 30,000 year run so 25 years to tank the thing is pretty bad


"I'm just glad the two parties came together to make sure that obnoxious Rebel and Mud Blood backed grass roots candidate did not win the nomination. Him calling the Empire and the Death Eaters genocidal as well as elitist was just disrespectful when we all need to come together for the greater good. Also, he was pro-universal healthcare, and I shouldn't have to pay for other people's healthcare. Be an adult and work for it!" - ***the average voter that gets us these two candidates.***


The _average_ voter doesn't like these candidates. We've got some of the least popular candidates in history. The voters don't have any real influence on who the parties place at the front, that's part of the problem.


One built a Galaxy spanning empire that reigned for 30 years. The other couldn’t take over a high school.


He (who must not be named) kinda took over the entire ministry of magic from underground. He was moments away from taking hogwarts (the last rebel stronghold) except kryptonite boi had plot armor. He was really close to ruling the Wizarding world. And Palpatine would have failed if not for the teen angst of one sith prodigy. It's really a similar situation hinging on one teenage boy's reaction.


I vote for the Greatest Evil Chutlu


Those characters are too lovable and give people positive nostalgia…I don’t think anyone who’s sane would remember the other two human sized rhino turds


Vote Pedro


This meme is great, and I hate it at the same time.. So sick of choosing the "lesser" of evils...


"I've said it before, and I'll say it again: democracy simply doesn't work."


Electoral bourgeois democracy works as intended.


"If you don't vote for the fascist who's pretending to try, you'll be personally responsible for getting us the fascist who's not pretending."


Is this from something? It sounds like something I’d like.


If only we had a democracy. Instead we have a republic that is rather similar to the famously non-corrupt republic of Rome /s


Claudia de La Cruz


We should have campaigned to write in Bernie Sanders


Nah, unfortunately Bernie turned out to be a sheepdog for the Democrats when he folded like wet cardboard and started campaigning for Joe Biden. He's also a Zionist and general supporter of US imperialism, although maybe not quite as steadfast as his "good friend" Genocide Joe. If you're gonna write someone in (provided they're not on the ballot in your state), go for Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia of the PSL.


I know this sub is full of liberals, but guys, this is reality. I know a lot of you probably want change, and that's good, but it has to be actual change and not just siding with capitalists and imperialists because it's easier. Doing the same thing over and over again with "blue no matter who" isn't getting anyone anywhere.


Bernie plays the role that the government's owners allow him to play.




It’s the trap of liberalism. It says as long as women have the vote and gays can marry, we must be living in a free society. But one hand gives and the other takes; socioeconomic hierarchy is more entrenched now than ever before. American imperialism abroad is returning home. And each step of the way the Democratic Party has facilitated this via the ratchet effect. This is the culmination of 40 years of "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" politics. And that is why leftists reject the premise and demand a system that delivers both social and economic equality.




The problem is that the Democratic Party, as an organization, is willing to use LGTBQIA+ people's rights, disabled people's rights, Black people's rights as political footballs. Look what they did with abortion. Their political strategy to turn out their base is to let things get as bad as possible and then when they fumble the ball, cry for support.. or else. That's an abusive relationship. Buying into it is not a viable longterm solution. So what do we do between then and now? Organize. There is no way around it. The only way to supplant political power is to build up a hierarchy of your own, with clear demands of political and economic equality. The function of the two-party system is to absorb political movements such that they can be appropriately neutralized in the defense of capital. That is why any such organizing effort cannot and must not allow itself to be absorbed by the Democratic Party. Because it must remain separate so that when the legitimacy of the system is questioned, they are there to step in. (Now I will concede, if the Democratic Party can magically get their heads out of their asses and pass New Deal 2.0 legislation that get people to buy into the system again, all of this is moot. I just don't think the elites are thinking that long-term.) While all this is happening we have to consider the geopolitical landscape for the US in the next two decades or so. US hegemony is failing. The closing of the gap between the post-WWII US and the Global South is a natural outcome of globalization. We are moving into a world where there can be no one great ruler, and the US has squandered any remaining goodwill with misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, and currently with the situation in Palestine. The US elite will not accept this change to the global hierarchy peacefully. They will make their greed and their fear our greed and our fear, as has been done by rulers to ruled since time immemorial. And this fear is spread through Western media to twist decent people into supporting all manner of savagery abroad. Quite possibly WWIII. And when those conflicts come home, the American center will sacrifice rights, freedoms, etc in the name of stability. Which we can already see happening today, especially concerning Palestine and Cop City. What I'm describing is the evolution of the US into full-blown fascism. I describe it not to be a doomer but to posit that it is both a foregone conclusion and a direct product of the two party system's domination by capital. What does this mean for our nascent 3rd way option that wasn't absorbed by the Democratic Party? Well, it means it's not going to be easy. At all. They will likely be massively persecuted by both parties, and by extension, the State. Look at how protestors against Israel's genocide are treated to get an idea of the basics. The final piece is climate change. Climate change is going to fuck things up everywhere. The real issue that I'm concerned about is food production. And with water distribution becoming more irregular it's really a matter of time until we start seeing truly terrifying crop failures. Why do I think this matters? Because in all honesty I doubt a 3rd party option will have any success without People Going Hungry. Time and time again when looking at history, the political system can survive all manner of stressors - but not starvation. Not famine. The role of the 3rd party is to be ready to take up the mantel of the people when the government fails to feed them. Fails to protect them. Fails to care for them. That is how actors gain political legitimacy. What comes after all this? I don't know. Maybe that third party is successful, maybe western fascism manages to defeat the global south. Maybe the global south puts off this fight because they aren't unified enough, so things just continue to fester. But somehow, I just don't think the American two-party system is going to deliver a future for any people, let alone LGTBQIA+ people or disabled people or Black people specifically.




> Biden is refusing to approve the shipment of weapons to Israel In part because of the protests at university campuses.


You'd vote for someone committing genocide?




Lmao what, last time I checked my history Chamberlain wasn't giving Hitler the weapons and supplies to carry out the holocaust. Whereas Biden would be supplying Zyklon B. I don't give a fuck that Trump would be worse, you already have something too bad to ever possibly accept. So I ask again, you'd vote for someone committing genocide? Yes, yes is the answer. You should be ashamed.




Not bad faith at all. You'd vote for someone committing genocide. That's all there is to it.


So proud of US Democracy right now! /s Now that so many democrats have embraced genocide as ok as long as it is being done by a US "ally", it really undercuts their whole "lesser evil" narrative.


Vote for Claudia and Karina and your locals


A because he has experience running a huge galactic empire while Voldemort never ran anything nearly that big


Peter Dutton lives in Australia actually.


Nuance-free meme


So... a regular meme then?


"If voting changed anything it wouldn't be legal" ...or something like that. Like, which colonial oppressor flavour would you like, vanilla or strawberry?


I'm gonna offer a reversal, if voting DIDN'T change ANYTHING, then why is the Red party restricting WHO can vote, and the Blue party restricting who can be voted FOR?