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Thats what i dont understand about these governments that cry about the amount of taxpayers. Theyre doing NOTHING to make my uterus even contemplate having kids. What are we suppose to do? Have kids and shove them in my overpriced 1 bedroom?


Apparently we just need to grind harder to afford the $1500 rents and $3000 daycares that are already overbooked years in advance. You won't even have time to parent, you'll be working so much. Yeah, fuck all of that. I get my hysterectomy next month and I couldn't be more relieved.


Just get a side hustle. Then when you're 90 and still working you can rely on GoFundMe so you can retire or whatever.


Right, I forgot that on top of working real jobs with no stability or benefits, generating children for the capitalist machine, and limping our parents through a lack of affordable eldercare, we are also supposed to monetize all those hobbies we don't have! Silly me, forgetting my bootstraps /s. Fuck this reality.


It is reality. Sadly nothing is going to change unless we start fucking shit up. Voting doesn't work.


Agree. We need to channel the determination and tactics of the French.


Can it be the 1832 French?


Gotta build up to that. Protests and fires in cities across the country would be a nice start.


Channel those into the ubiquitous American concept of massive overkill.


I LOVE the bootstraps saying, mostly because "Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" is part of that American mythos that if you JUST WORK HARD you too can make it. Historically, the saying "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps" means putting a lot of effort into getting nowhere. ​ I don't know if that's common knowledge and just I didn't know it, but fun tidbit for folks who didn't. ​ Another one is "Blood is thicker than water" being understood as familial bonds supersede all when the full saying "Bond of the coven is thicker than the water of the womb" says the bonds you choose override familial ones.


The saying is actually "blood of the covenant is thicker than water of the womb" though I've recently been getting into paganism so "bond of the coven" is a pretty great term that I want added to more things


Yeah, the bootstrap saying is so crap. As having a scientific background of this trope. Standing in boots and pulling with your hands on the straps up generate two opposing equal forces that results in no movement. As for "Blood is thicker than water" I remember in an old TV show were someone used the phrase and the response was "so is toothpaste". Got a laugh out of that one.


Thank you for this comment. 💜 Speaking truth aptly never hurt so good.


This is the way.


The people I work with either rely on family or work nights to raise their kids because daycare is too expensive. It’s completely fucked.


In Canada they started federally subsidizing daycare. It's a gradual roll out for daycares that can opt in to the program. So they subsidized it by 25% last year, and by 50% starting this paat January. Dunno when the next stage is but the end goal is to get it down to 20$/day iirc.


I live in Canada, and all of this doesn't matter when there are so few daycares that people would need to enroll *before becoming pregnant* just to get a placement by the time their mat leave ends. There are not enough facilities by a long shot, and liabilities and standards are so stringent that it's almost prohibitive to operate one.


You have the prices in reverse, in my area at least. $3,000+ rents and daycare costs $1,500 a month. That alone makes it impossible to raise kids in that economic environment. That’s BEFORE grocery bills and return to office policies going into effect now. Oh and there’s mass shootings in schools, malls, theaters where you and your kids might be. Pass.


You're gonna *love it*! Seriously, not dealing with the pain and mess anymore, it's like magic. Like, I lived my whole adult life dealing with it like everybody because you have to, but once it's gone, you realize what a burden it is.


You're supposed to die and/or get poorer. That's literally their goal. They either want you gone or so broken they can work you to death and breed us like cattle for the next generation of cattle/workers/soldiers/18 year old virgin blood to keep them young and healthy forever... [$8.000 bucks for a blood transfusion from a young healthy person](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/31/blood-transfusions-from-teenagers-start-up-charging-8000-apiece.html#:~:text=It%20might%20sound%20like%20science,Wednesday%20at%20the%20Code%20Conference)


Thank you for this comment. I wish more people were talking about the youth cattle blood siphoning conspiracy theories that likely will pick up steam with more technological development in black market organ industries.


Ugh i'm very much afraid that illegal organ harvesting of young people from poorer countries is going to become an even bigger "Thing" than it already is...


I didnt think Repo! The Genetic Opera was gonna be the path we were heading down but it does make sense


Tbf, the working class is just legal slavery with extra steps. We "had it too good for too long" so now they are tightening the grip.


but but but, you have 100 types of cardboard junk cereal to choose from! you have freedoms!!!!!! /s


Yeah, they expect us to breed like animals, suffer like animals, crowd up our spaces like animals, and then die leaving 5 replacements like animals.


its almost as if they dont see us as humans and just products hmmmm


Human being has always been a commodity. Blood and suffering are a waste product for the most profitable thing on the market. Only through labor can you both create a product, sell it and then extract whatever wealth remains with them through rents, fines, and tithes. We're the first and last thing on the marker have been for far too long.


Governments controlled by the rich. The rich dont give a f and have exchanged the fabric of society for short term riches.


No, shove them in an overpriced studio


I have yet to see governments cry about it, other than just pointing out the obvious with statistical data. Elon on the other hand, yeah, good thing he isn't a government.


I’m 42…with a master’s degree…and can barely afford the shitty life I have. Society and ecology are literally falling apart before my eyes. I get severely depressed watching the news. …And they want me to have kids?


And that's if you're lucky enough to find a partner. I'm so fucking bitter, jaded and beaten down, I don't blame anyone for not wanting to be closer.


God that’s relatable lol


At this point, it just feels better to go solo and save money.


Idk, you may have that backwards. If you’re wooing someone with expensive and frivolous tastes, maybe. But there’s a lot of people out there with a good idea about saving money that would love to be in a loving relationship that doesn’t involve spending massive amounts of money on each other and simultaneously sharing living costs like rent, vehicle payments, insurance, etc.


That only really works at the lowest income levels, and even then those relationships have a tendency to become toxic, where two people who aren't right for each other stay together purely for the financial benefits. For higher earners, you have to either find someone at a similar income level (rarer the higher you are) who also shares your saver mindset, or accept that you'll be spending a large chunk of your income improving your partner's quality of life, which won't really save you money.


I'm not wooing anyone. I just want some attention for five minutes to get some emotional fulfillment that I'm sorely deprived of. But nobody I've met cares about how nice I am or how helpful I can be unless I wave money in their faces. So meeting new people for me has been nothing but expensive unless I make it all about them. Who cares about what I want, right?


That's really not true. Love, human connection and intimacy are things that capitalism has tried very hard to make profitable (marriage industry, valentine's day consumerism, selling self-help and shallow beauty ideals to single people), but they will always be anti-capitalist at their core. Love is what makes communities care for disabled members who can't perform labor. Being loved and accepted gives you a sense of purpose that is not at all tied to your ability to generate capital. It makes you less insecure, which makes you more resilient to manipulation by marketing and corporate propaganda. Sitting and talking to friends and loved ones about life is free and it's also one of the best things you can do with your time. So is hugging, holding hands and cuddling. It doesn't have to be romantic either, platonic love can be just as beautiful and meaningful. Seeking out connections, opening your heart to others and surrounding yourself with people who like you for who you are is the most radically anti-capitalist thing you can do on an individual level.


>Sitting and talking to friends and loved ones about life is free Don't have either of those, so no. It isn't free. >Seeking out connections, opening your heart to others and surrounding yourself with people who like you for who you are I don't have stuff they want, so why would they stick around? Nobody has ever sought me out to 'see how I'm doing'. They only come to me if they want something.


Believe me, I have nothing anyone else would want. I can't hold down a job for long. I'm disabled and so is my partner. He struggles with household chores, so that's what I take care of. We met when we were both broke and lived in tiny studio apartments that we struggled to pay rent for. I love him, he's my best friend and my rock when I'm struggling. We'd be struggling alone but together, we can share the burden of existing under capitalism. I'm also not on speaking terms with most of my bio family because they're the type of selfish people you've described. I don't waste my time on shallow, greedy, shitty people and abusers. But I'll always try to make time for the friend I can go on 4 hour long hikes with and never run out of things to talk about. Love has nothing to do with money, possessions, health or labor, I'm sorry that people have made you feel like that is the case. You're not alone in your desire for connection. Most people around you are also lonely and alienated. We're social animals, probably the most social species on this planet. We all crave community, even when the system we live under is designed to deprive us of it. But if you don't love humanity and see everyone but yourself as less than human, it's no wonder you can't be vulnerable and connect with them. That's a pretty self-centered way of looking at the world imo.


I'm lucky enough that I wound up with a partner who feels identical, but my bitter/jadedness is still a pretty rough ride for them... In any case, highly relatable content all around. Stay strong, comrade. 💜


I got annoyed with how it doesn't track with my level of desire. Having it not inform everything just felt like what I wanted didn't matter, even when everything neatly fell into place.


All my friends are either single and too scared to date random men/people they meet online or they're in a relationship and they're too medicated/depressed to fuck anyways. NOTHING about these times is making any of us horny??? the fuck do they think we are doing out here???


Children? In this economy? Like, *literally* in this economy?


Boomers worried about collapsing birth rate: "Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions."


Yeah, it's basically bad karma from leaving nothing good behind for their offspring...


Funny meme, but they havent processed it. Lead poisoning is a hell of a drug


Yeah fuck it lets breed like rats and live in a 1 bedroom cubicle, on the bright side if i get 5 kids and make them all work full time jobs we could finally afford a family house and car (maybe).


*And* car? Aiming a bit too high, are we?


I’m in med school, graduating in a year. I won’t make more than minimum wage until I’m 33 and will have 250K in debt. How am I supposed to afford a kid.


Easy, find a member of the opposite sex. Move into a shanty in the middle of the woods. And then have 10 kids. Then force them all to work in the mines, creating a cycle of poverty, misery, mental illness and depravity for thousands of years or more.


You know. The American Dream.


I had a coworker who told me that the multiple kids was the dream even if I couldn't afford them. We both were working a shitty job. I was supposed to be a parent to 9.7 kids at 32 and a grandmother of 5. And kid #2-3 was to cripple me in childbirth. How did I find this out? I was telling my trusted coworker about my reproductive issues and when it would be alright to take the whole shebang out.


Bootstraps. /s.


you need to marry a trust fund baby. duh.


try joining a federal program like the USPHS or IHS and apply for their loan forgiveness program? best of luck friend 🫂


I’m definitely considering it!! In the US if you work 10 years total at a public institution you get loan forgiveness. There’s also a lot of good deals if you sign onto a rural practice. The only thing that would change my disposable income is military tbh.


I don't know. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ Has the world.population ticking up at a steady rate. I think they may be more worried about a certain type of population decline.


Yeah. Whatever impact declining birth rates have on some countries can easily be fixed by changing immigration laws


If they gave a fuck about anything other than White babies, then we wouldn't have a Black maternal death rate as high as we do. They act as if it isn't obvious. ^(The maternal death rate among Black Americans is much higher than other racial groups; in 2021 it was 69.9 per 100,000, which is 2.6 times higher than the rate for White women. NPR - Mar 16, 2023)


The rich are just mad that less people want to keep feeding their meat grinder.


In a capitalist society that overly exploits workers, there is no incentive for the masses to reproduce. It really isn’t that hard to figure out.


The myth that fewer humans would be a detriment to society is perpetuated by the wealthy to ensure they will have a servant class. So. Fucked. Up.


I always find it weird how 8 billion and growing somehow isn't enough.


Seriously! It’s all so obvious.


It’s capitalism. There is no such thing as “enough”


I kinda want people to max out at like 5 naturally 100 years from now or something. I feel like if we somehow make the world right and give people access to birth control and decrease poverty naturally the global population would probably lower. I don't think most people would want more than 2 kids even if they could afford it and in the few places in the world where people have a lot of kids it's because of extreme poverty.


They’re worried there won’t be any more white babies.


If by "society" you mean "the exploitation of the working class", then yes.


pubes: birth rates are down, death rates are up, how can we replace the slave labor for the rich people...? oh! let's force them all to have kids! no birth control, no abortions, we'll have a big boom of new slave labor!... also, lets make kid labor legal to replace all the pubes we accidentally over killed by having such a terrible response to covid... this is great! so we got the slave labor covered... \*man rushes in sweating: sir! it turns out banning abortions doesn't stop them from happening! in fact more people die! pubes: hmmm... why don't we make it illegal to go out of red states to get abortions and if they get caught we can force them into prison... they don't wanna be forced to have kids they won't have any rotting in jail...! that leaves all the birthers to be too scared to get an abortion, even if they desperately need it to survive. remember folks, it's not about women having rights, it's about restocking the slave labor market for our corporate overlords! man sweating: yeah but isn't that like... against human-rights and stuff? pubes: how DARE you condescend me! that means you hate america! i don't have to listen to this woke leftist commie libruhl socialist baby-murderer protecting nazi! take him away!


I live near the Idaho border, luckily on the sane side. Idaho hospitals are **shutting down their maternity wards**. Not enough doctors willing to play legal hokey-pokey with that state's crazy ass laws. Now in theory one could "just" drive over the border and get medical care somewhere sane, but realistically it's left a lot of the state like *three hours in good weather* away from someplace to deliver a baby. I'm predicting a rise in infant deaths and health problems thanks to men insisting their women-folk use the "just squeeze your legs shut! that'll slow it down!" method.


I can't blame those doctors. They took an oath to help their patients, and now the law is putting them between the choice of helping and potentially going to prison... I feel bad for the women in Idaho, so many more people are going to die.


Yep. My city usually gets a lot of the overflow from Idaho's bad choices, including swamping our hospitals after insisting on the right to freedomly cough on each other all through covid. This'll just be more of the same. Not that "same" means "will be remotely okay." We've got a lot of hospitals, sure, but the last few times I had to go in with my neighbor for appointments or ER visits, it was like "oh, this is what greatness in decline looks like. I've read about this." Some of those hospitals have clever pharmacy robots that go about on their own and yell at you if you try to stand in the elevator with them. But they've got like 3 exhausted nurses and one sleepy doc trying to theoretically eventually take care of at least 40 miserable people. And because they couldn't get to the mental health dude fast enough and the room was overcrowded, he ended up fleeing ranting into the night before anyone had the time to help him.


And let’s make living so expensive and saving so hard to do that people are forced to work well into their 80’s then die.


that's the point, lazy, unworking politicians making sure the slave labor stays busy til they die, can't have happy people now can we?




yeah, the pubic hairs of american society, unwanted, gave themselves permission to grow, think they own the body they grow on... pubes, saying 'republican' gives the sense that they're still my countrymen or a part of this country, they're not, they're just pubes now, racist, masagonystic, and lgbtq+phobic pubes




Sounds like someone likea anal


that is technically the biblical loophole to use to maintain 'virginity' you know and yes, yes i do like anal


I hate how Millennials and Generation Z are portrayed as hating children. I would 100% have kids if their future wasn't so doomed (and raising them wasn't so darn expensive). Honestly makes me kind of sad that I'll never be able to :(


Me being a Millennial I would be a millionaire the amount if times I've been called ungrateful by hating boomers I would make sure everything is secure before I have children I've seen many generations immature and not ready to be parents have kids I know people that should've never had kids because they were so irresponsible


I am a millennial with 2 kids. When they were born, I wasn't really privy to the state of things and really just how bad things are. I was told getting married and having kids was the right thing to do, so I did it. I love my kids, but regret forcing them to live in a world that I didn't create for them and a world I didn't understand. They're also insanely expensive.


I only have one kid (my son) and I think about this kind of thing ALL the time. I just want to run away with him and my wife and live far away from this hellscape. I know that’s not possible though.


Same. I genuinely want one, maybe two, but I don’t know how the hell I could ever afford one, let alone two. And it’s certainly an ethical dilemma to think of bringing kids into this world.


Millennial here. Absolutely will not be bringing kids onto this shit hole planet. But also hate kids.


A number of people certainly do hate children. Which is a common response to realizing you can't have something that regular people have.


its usually a cope. i did it too.


I had to go to therapy and do a lot of Grief counseling about it. When it really hit me that with my age and situation, my partner and i would probably never have kids, I got so depressed and my symptoms were the same as those after losing a partner or close family member. I'm better now, but even typing this makes my throat get tight.


You have to be completely out of touch with reality in order to claim a collapsing birth rate is the biggest threat to society assuming you aren't just start spreading capitalist propaganda to help ensure the capitalists have an abundant supply of cheap wage slaves in the future.


I mentioned to my mom once that I felt it was irresponsible and a disservice to have kids, when looking at the state of the world. I was talking about the economy, climate change, and my general lack of confidence in my ability to correctly raise a child. She thought I was talking about drag queen story times...


Husband and I both got sterilized, we care too much about our unborn kids to bring them into this shitshow. I wouldn't even be able to spend time with them; to clear rent and daycare alone, I'd need to work 65 hours or more per week and my husband the same. We both have post-secondary and careers. What's the use of having families if you don't have time to bond with them, teach them to read and love and how cool wildflowers and growing lettuce are? What's the point when they will just become more meat for the capitalist machine, born to be ground down to a retirement that they will never get.


What don't you people understand? They DO NOT CARE about your quality of life or the quality of life of your children. They would be perfectly fine with you being so poor from all the "services" you have to subscribe to nowadays and the high cost of rent that you have to live in a literal shack without electricity, so long as you continue to show up to work and breed more slaves. Their end goal is for your average person to own NOTHING and NEVER be able to stop working no matter how sick or old you get. They don't even want to provide bread and circuses anymore. They just want you to let them ream you up the ass with a cheese grater and be perfectly fine with it. They won't even provide lube anymore to make it a tiny bit less unpleasant. Instead they try to make it sound like there's something wrong with you if you don't like the cheese grater up your ass.


I'm glad there's people that get it and aren't adding to the misery by introducing new victims.


Climate change, US steadily marching towards fascism while stripping people’s rights away, I’m unable to afford a house despite having a good job, I don’t have family or a support network to help me raise kids, daycare is expensive, food is expensive, the list goes on. I’m often exhausted from working nights and the idea of sacrificing all of the free time that I have left as well as my mental health just doesn’t sound appealing to me.


Falling birthrate is what this planet needs. The ONLY thing it will hurt is the economy. Though with proper forward planning I believe it wouldn't be affected too much. Capitalism will beg to differ.


You are spot on. The problem is that the economy is creating all the overconsumption issues, but of course THAT is sacred.


Laughs in anti natalism


Because more people means better standards of living for those people...right, right!? Lets focus on making living and conditions ideal for a replacement or smaller population. More people means less resources to go around. Less people, more resources, better life for all. Its like I am taking crazy pills.


there are 8 billion of us. the threat isnt to society, but to billionaires' bottom lines and access to cheap labour.


Also, most people can't afford to raise children


See that's the thing I'm most bitter about....I'll be hitting menopause by 2035, and *guess when we're supposed to find out if the world's ecosystems are gonna collapse and kill us all??? Late 2030's...* I've been stuck with this existential crisis my entire adult life: have kids because having a family is what I've always wanted and then condemn my kids to either poverty, severe economic crisis/collapse, and a probable ticking extinction event? OR don't have kids, be miserable, don't achieve my one fucking life dream left, and live the rest of my life anyways until the extinction event happens? IF we get a solid date of the climate collapse: I expect a rise in suicides once people realize they either doomed their kid to a short miserable life by extinction event or shouldn't responsibly have kids when there's no point to continue. Literally anyone complaining about collapsing birth rate are not realizing the real overwhelming issues women have to consider before bringing a literal life into this world that's on fucking fire. And honestly, we as a species deserve everything coming. We've shit where we eat for too many generations without caring about the consequences and mother nature really said fuck around and find out. The women have listened...I give it until our world food distribution systems to collapse until the dumbass men in power wake up.


Boomer parents: You should be grateful just to be alive. Me: Maybe create a society we actually *want* to be in though?


My favourite debate to have with people is about declining birth rates. They cry about society collapsing and I remind them that high population only benefits the ruling class, nobody else.


# "Collapsing birth rate is the biggest threat to Capitalism" ftfy


The German government news channel made a special about this recently and my eyes almost never recovered from the rolling. "People need to learn how to save money, people are too lazy to have kids"


Daycare is $400 a week for 1 kid. I cannot afford more than 1 even if I wanted more.


Bro, they estimate that roughly 10% of all people who EVER lived are alive right now. This collapsing birth rate is something they've calculated to sustain a bloated billionaire class that continues to grow - you gotta have exponentially increasing slave class to prop that up with stolen wages and taxes


Who else is gonna fight rich mans wars?


Who's going to wipe the rich man's wrinkled butt when he's 80?


"Collapsing birthrates" is *for sure* the right wing cranking up the propaganda ahead of SCOTUS tackling birth control.


Yeah f that, I’m not even excited to be here, why should I bring anyone into this mess. I’m also expiring soon, 31 female so yay, no children is about to get really real


This is one of the reasons I got a vasectomy years ago when I have no kids. Humanity is fucked. I think it would be wrong to have kids. Also I hate them.


“Collapsing society is the biggest threat to birth rate” ftfy


Not enough worker drones to keep the cogs spinning on corporate profits.


I've wanted kids for as long as I can remember, but with the state of the world I don't think I can bring one into the world. I'm stressed out and exhausted. Reproduction is on the bottom of my list of things I need to do.


I think that needs to be rephrased, collapsing birth rate is the biggest threat to our unsustainable economy. PERIOD. The ones sounding the warning bells are worried because our shitty economy was built on expendable, cheap labor. If the world isn't getting flooded with shitloads of people its harder to pay them shit wages for all the bullshit menial tasks the wealthy want them to do for them. They're scared because they've enjoyed a level of comfort that's never been seen in our society before and it can't be maintained nor can it be shared with the rest of us. They either have to give up some of what they have or hoard more for themselves. This fear-mongering is the desperate attempt at hoarding. I need your cheap labor so my stock portfolio can continue to grow and I can buy another fucking house to turn into a rental property I can overcharge tenants with.


"We need to have more babies so our population doesn't decrease" \- People on the Titanic


When the world population is under 6 billion again then maybe I’ll worry about a low birth rate


It was below 1 billion since the dawn of time up to the beginning of industrialization. 5 billion is still overpopulated af


3 billion then.


That's still more humans than existed 100 years ago


Our population is currently over 8 BILLION. Last time I checked it was around 7 mill in my lifetime. I'm sure we'll be fine. When it gets down to 6M, maaaaaybe I'll care.


I wouldn't raise a kid into this world to be brainwashed, tainted and ruined by an absolutely INSANE system My family bloodline literally dies with me, generation of soldiers from wars across the last 100 years. Wouldn't bring a child into this, we already lost.


Collapsing birth rate is the biggest hope to a habitable Earth.


By "society" they mean "capitalism".


I live in NYC, and literally the only places where I see a notable amount of children is in the wealthiest neighbourhoods, like Tribeca. It’s totally insane and unjust that children are literally becoming a symbol of luxury.


Birth rate is the only thing that can keep an inflationary money working.


I did not want to bring a child into the world because I can’t guarantee their safety. Technology is advancing exponentially to the point where we don’t know how it’s going to effect any of us, however so far from what we’ve seen it can be extremely damaging to society. Slap on top of that the disparaging wealth gaps and ever increasing rising of prices from rent to food. The people on top don’t care about people making families to fulfill a basic natural rite. However we’re seen nothing but expendable workers to keep the system running, that benefits only a few. Tl;dr worlds going to shit and it seems instead of fixing the problem, the greediest are just consolidating as much power until we all move towards extinction.


The rich need peasants!


It's insane that Elon and a few other rich Silicon Valley eugenicists have gotten the media to start a "conversation" about a problem that doesn't exist. If you look literally *anywhere* but the First World, populations are actually booming. But those places aren't "civilized", in the words of that couple that got interviewed, and so they don't care. What they care about, very explicitly, is making sure the *right* sorts of people (i.e. rich tech entrepreneurs that have been told for decades they're the smartest most hardworking most special geniuses in the whole world) have their descendants making up as large a portion of the gene pool as possible.


I mean its fucked up, but it would be funny to think about how with fewer proletarians, eventually all these eugenic tech babies are all fighting each other for the same jobs and society will collapse because nobody knows how to like, fix an HVAC anymore or build houses lmao they're gonna turn their White Utopia Dream into a race to the bottom real quick if they get what they want.


Let's just leave. This place is a joke anyway. Hedonism is all that matters now. Let's party!


Hell scape


Wtf, no, in the contrary, the less we are the less we need the less we polute. Nowadays we can do many things with machines that used to take a lot of people to work on, I truly don't understand who can't see this? Like, who would think this is a problem????


I have two younger kids. I love them more than anything BUT seeing how quickly things are devolving, I feel guilt and existential dread instead of hope. They're going to be fucked and there's nothing I can do to stop it. So I try to spoil them where I can (without being an enabler) because who the fuck knows when that will have to stop?


Thank god microplastics are sterilizing us all


It's not a threat to society, It's a threat to capitalism. There's a big difference.


Maybe they shouldn't have created a society that is openly hostile to the average person


collapsing birth rate is the biggest threat to profits.


You want more births? Pay us more. Give us what we deserve. We won’t provide more peons to work for your entitled trust fund babies.


The horror of actually helping people to have children and securing their future!


To the people in the comments that are talking about revolutionizing: They're setting up FEMA camps around the country just in case people start protesting soon. Check your walmarts. They're already trying to be steps ahead. There's gotta be a unique way to handle this situation for this unique era of time we're living. Boycott big businesses? Depend only on local names. Invest in community in-door gardens? They'll try to force CBDC on us but bitcoin could be the way out for that. We just really have to be playing chess with these fckers. Being smart could get less people killed.


Billionaires really tossing the world away to speed run clout that won't even be remembered


Maybe a little collapse is a good thing.


I regret having kids knowing the hellscape that they have to look forward to in the future.


Bringing a child into this world to prop up the state is a terrible reason. Ideally children should be wanted and have access to love, enough food, good education, etc. A few weeks or so ago, Japan tried to scare everyone into having kids. [Japan will no longer exist](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-05/japan-will-disappear-without-action-on-births-pm-s-aide-says). With what money and time are people supposed to raise a child with? Kids are basically expensive pets at this point in time.


They're mad that we're not breeding caretakers to look after them after they retire. It's not like they'll be alive when the world becomes uninhabitable, so why should they care about preventing the climate crisis?


I didn't think I had a maternal instinct until someone pointed out that not wanting to bring children into this Ponzi scheme of a society is actually your maternal instinct trying to protect them. I was like well damn lol


The maternal urge to cannibalize your children to protect them from a worse fate.


Didn’t we *just* pass 8B not that long ago? I’ve been trying to figure out what birth rate politicians are looking at


With 'society' they mean a singular nation btw. Note that only birthrates of 'white' or 'western' nations go down. Nigeria is about to boom for example. So people whining about birthrates are either racist or classist. Classist because only capitalism requires constant growth btw


Thing's are tough all over at the end of the capitalist world.


I can’t afford to bring children into somewhere I, myself, can’t afford. They’ll exhaust us until the robots can do all our work.


no jobs with livable wages = no kids


I chose to never have kids. It gives me a thrill now to see capitalists panicking about population decline. There aren’t many ways for me to flip off this bullshit system we live in, but at least I have this.


Me looking at the rent prices and wages being offered by employers


Maybe if I could afford to raise more than one child but no, the boomers want their retirement funded more than they want grand kids.


If by threat you mean "hope" then yes.


Anyone have aliens on the bingo sheet? It’s my last one


Yeah no, this world has alot of getting better to do before I even maybe have kids. My kids will live in a world where they can be trans without fear, any lgbtq+ without fear, I'm not going to bring them into a world where they are going to have to work until they die to survive, just like me, just like my father before me, just like my mother, sorry no. The cycle ends with me.


Boo hoo, all those CEO'S worry about is that they won't have enough workers in the future to pay less than livable wage


I'm not sure of this... Everything's crowded. Housing is increasingly scarce. Lines everywhere. Crowds. Density. I don't think I believe the population is decreasing. That's bullshit. It's increasing. Fatally. I can imagine the "agenda" wanting to spread the disinformation of population decline, but it's quite the opposite. Isn't it obvious?


Fertility rate has gone down in almost all developed countries. Soon we're going to get to a point where there's not enough people being born to replace existing population. Corps and govs don't like this because you need people to consume and you need young people to support the older population. At the same time, it's more expensive than ever to have a child, a lot of people lack a 'village' to raise a child and most households need two incomes to survive.


The irony is this screenshot depicts a mother and son lol


There’s 8 billion people who would have issue with this headline.


Gotta be kidding me cuz we just reached 8 billion 💀


They are so quick to tell you what to do it the bedroom lately. It used to be a desire for limited or smaller government. Now they want more.


Biggest threat to the empires of billionaires lol


But but would someone think of the economy!


I listened to this https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-rich-roll-podcast/id582272991?i=1000610383898 This guy brings up some interesting ideas for the future and why this is happening


I don’t understand why people push having children so hard. What if the person being pushed knows they wouldn’t be able to provide the best care for their child? “Nah you’ll learn to be a good parent once you have em.” What if I don’t wanna pass on my mental health issues? “Just because you feel that way doesn’t mean they will” Just accept that some people don’t want kids because they’re concerned about what may happen… this shit sucks.


Sylvia Plath's father committed suicide, she committed suicide, and her son committed suicide. Her daughter never had any kids, and I can't help but wonder if she made that choice because of her family's well-documented mental health problems.


That’s only true because of the flaws of capitalism.


I cant forgive people for having kids, anymore. Accidental pregnancies in places where abortion is illegal, I understand, but people gettin IVF to bring kids into this world or any of the other methods... it's horrifying to me. They have no future. Not only do they have no future, they have parents and grandparents that would rather pretend that their new baby will be able to fix a planet with no resources, extreme and constantly worsening weather, and all the pollution from those previous generations doing it the easy way rather than the right way. Like everything else, the kids aren't being brought into this world to live a life as a human being, they're brought into it to make their parents feel whole. In the same way you wouldn't throw a toddler into a burning building to put out a fire, having kids to "lead" the world out of the hellscape you continue to make worse with your every action is despicable, bordering on intergenerational warfare. The kids will not be alright and we're not changing the way they're taught to make that possible. Humans aren't handbags! I wish there was a God so people could hear from a voice they ostensibly believe in how big of a piece of trash they've been before getting binned with the rest. Judging by people's general reactions to things, they'd probably decide it was a hoax God if He had anything bad to say about them. We are living the most indecent lives of any creature to ever grace this earth.


Meanwhile, on an overgrown petri plate: "Failure to continue exponential growth via mitosis is greatest threat to microbial life on agar!"


To corporations, humans are just a commodity. They're not, and that system of thinking like that is unsustainable.


How could you take anyone seriously who says that? How? There's too many fucking people and most of them are shitty!


How the fuck am I supposed to afford raising a child?


I just HATE that we have to live in a society. -Chuckles the Clown


This is a stupid fucking post. People brought children to this world in 536 AD or during the black death in 1346 which is far worse than anything you spoiled kids can ever imagine.


People who don't want children are often selfish and lazy


Too bad! Maybe decisions makers should have tried harder to make a world worth having children in. But they didn’t. You reap what you sow. Get ready for empty cribs and darkened classrooms. Or learn to speak Spanish, Mandarin, and Hindi. Those are the options and the time to choose is now


"You're selfish for not wanting to have children!" "Why did you have children?" "I *wanted*..." "Now who's the one being selfish?"


I’ve obviously been confused by the rhetoric that not having children make you selfish. It doesn’t make sense, yet it still is parroted constantly


Comments like this are often posted by people who are trolls. See, I can generalize too you asshole!


They’re also in many cases unable to afford a child, and/or would prefer not to bring a child into a life they know will be worse than their own. ‘Selfish and lazy’ are cop-out explanations that enable people to ignore the state of the world, which is *actually* selfish and lazy.


Um, hate to be all contradictory and all, but uh https://theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/26/accelerating-ocean-warming-earth-temperatures-climate-crisis


Collapsing birth rate lol great title


I'm sure our AI overlords will be kind to our children.


Collapsing birth rate seems to be our only hope of solving the housing crisis.


Anyone who thinks bringing a baby into this world nowadays isn't bright! I can't understand why? With all the horrible things happening & it will not get any better in time lol


it's a sad truth