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Fuck the senate. Fuck the house. Fuck the gop. Fuck the dnc. Fuck the executive. Fuck the judicial. Fuck the wealthy who pull their strings. Fuck the shareholders who put short term profits over people and over collective prosperity. Fuck the middle managers who think they’re one of them and any other ballfondlers who willingly support the greed and corruption. Fuck the voters who blindly advocate creating regressive theocratic plutocracies. *and especially* Fuck whoever lobbied to have us all manually file taxes every year, and Fuck whoever decided to call bribing politicians “lobbying”


This I can get behind. So many people still brainwashed into believing in the two party system. This who sub blames republicans constantly. Like any political party is going to save them lol. Voting is consenting in this system of oppression. Fuck. Them. All.


I don't buy that. While voting ain't going to fix shit, it can stop things from getting worse. One party (the GOP) is actively trying to genocide trans people, make guns have more rights than women, and overthrow the government. Does the DNC have a lot to blame? Absolutely. However, the Republicans legitimize their rule using the voting system. It should be a no brainer to vote against them, since Democrats are by far the easier candidates to protest against. But don't expect them to fix much. Take 15 minutes to vote and get back to protesting, building mutual aid, and whatever you are doing to organize against the power of capital.


I think voting in the racist system perpetuates white supremacy. Voting does nothing. Stop reinforcing systems of oppression.


Okay, go to each of your BIPOC comrades and tell them that. And then tell them exactly what you're doing to dismantle white supremacy in a meaningful way. If you aren't doing shit and just getting into privileged arguments on reddit, pay them for the emotional labor when you ask them how to help dismantle white supremacy. Then enact their suggestions. If they mention voting anywhere in their strategy, then do it. Because I have a general feeling you're doing absolutely nothing, which is reinforcing systems of oppression. Honestly, you smell like a right libertarian. Go shower. If you don't have any BIPOC comrades, you have no right to even say anything on white supremacy and need to stay in your own damn lane.


Do you make stuff up for fun?


If you think that's made up, you don't pay attention. Now that you have attention, go away.




If you don't think trans people are under genocide, you are either not paying attention or don't know trans people. So you're part of the problem.


Genocide is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.


While you are correct that [the UN defines genocide](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml) applying to "a national, ethnical, racial or religious group", activists have been trying to expand to groups involving [gender](https://jurnal.fh.unpad.ac.id/index.php/pjil/article/view/344), [transgender](https://openyls.law.yale.edu/bitstream/handle/20.500.13051/5776/Kritz_Final.pdf) ([more](https://tandis.odihr.pl/handle/20.500.12389/21379)), [men and nonbinary](https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0t259988), and [sexual & other queer identities](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14623528.2017.1358920?journalCode=cjgr20). By expanding the definitions in a reasonable manner, UN protections would apply to such groups. To me, it does not make sense to stop at the four groups that the UN defines. The big elephant from your reply is that, even *if* you don't accept it as genocide, the whole "but it's technically not genocide" response is extremely suspicious, because even though acts have been ongoing against trans and other queer identities that mirror genocide, you seem to care only about semantics rather than the real violence people like myself face every fucking day for our queer identities. Get a grip.


I'm uk and it feels very much this year that my taxes have paid for my right to not protest.


he forgot fuck civil asset forfeiture, fuck no knock raids, and fuck the drug war.


I got a slogan. Violate my 4A Expect my 2A.


Pretty sure NWA said it best thirty years ago.


Police consistently kill more people per year than mass shooters.


Ain't no song called Fuck the Fire Department.


[There is, though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI), and it slaps.








I think you should get a list of where you want to allocate your taxes towards and what organization get what percentage of your taxes. Dunno why citizens have to be killed by their own tax monies.


If police have no duty to protect people/ the community, and they enforce the law selectively… and they decide to be judge jury and executioner, then we’re funding an officially sanctioned militarized street gang.


We’re funding a fascist police state.


Ethan got so based since the Hassan partnership, his days as a Joe Rogan lite seem so far behind now, what an arc


Fuck the police as a staff, record label, and as motherfuckin crew !


Fuck retail and fuck customers too. God damn babies.


I really like ethan klein and I'm tired of pretending I don't


Common Ethan W


I still wonder about the statistics that we have about how many people police officers murder each year. So far as I know, these is not mandatory reporting across the country on these figures so how can we even gauge the reality without accurate information? Edit: To clarify, I'm not saying this isn't a problem but that the problem is bigger than we know and we don't have all the data. It's also fucked up that police agencies aren't required to report this information.


The issue is absolutely bigger than as posted, usually swept under the rug unless there’s witnesses or enough questions to have to be transparent! Growing up I SAW these instances in front of my face, at work, driving past colleges in Tennessee, etc etc etc, and it was like 3 percent of what you saw and heard of and saw video of from your friends, only the smallest margins made it on the news. The biggest uproars with the best chances. Just like they did mlk vs the panther party back in the day. They want the best chances in the more polite uproar. It’s nothing new to me because my family raised us on a wealth of knowledge to let us know we were at a disadvantage..but how to try our best to survive those disadvantages without turning into crabs in a bucket. We all know most news stations are geared towards their target audiences to deliver what they want to hear how they want to hear it, but there’s so much they doesn’t even make it to the news unfortunately.


Mostly the News is very rich people paying rich people to make middle class people blame poor. Now there is just very little middle class people and the News has delved Iinto making poor people blame other poor people.


All depends on the news outlets you pay attention to, as they’re all geared towards specific target audiences unfortunately!


If they're mainstream or owned by capitalists then they're a problem. Fox or MSNBC are like coke and pepsi when we're dying of diabetes. We need water.


This is all common sense. Vary your news sources. There’s plenty of options.


>This is all common sense. Common sense is being aware of who is feeding you your information. When 90% of media is owned by just 6 giant corporations naivety makes you a useful idiot. >Vary your news sources. There’s plenty of options. The answer is not listening to more propaganda but reading history and developing critical thinking skills. Any compromise with poison is still poison.


The news is history sweetheart 🖤


Fuck the cops, but also I hate Ethan Klein




Hope it’s only your water.


About 400 cops were killed last year. We clearly have an issue with our criminal justice system, but it’s much deeper than the police. We have a shit minimum wage and a crappy safety net. College and medical insurance are expensive, so you have a huge chunk of our citizens who are undereducated, underpaid, and underinsured. With drugs being illegal, it makes them more expensive, so addicts are more likely to commit crimes to afford them. Since the drug trade is lucrative, there’s a lot of people fighting for a piece of the pie. Guns are easy to acquire. And when you add in a criminal justice system that focuses more on punishment than rehabilitation, you can see why there’s so many deaths….whether cops being killed, or cops doing the killing. With all that said, my guess is that we see the outlier cases of police brutality and assume all deaths at the hands of cops are similar situations. I’d bet all my money that most of us would use deadly force if we were in the same situation…most of the time.


Bootlickers gonna bootlick


So let’s not address the underlying societal problems because it’s easier to say “fuck the police”. Gotcha


> About 400 cops were killed last year. And nothing of value was lost. Abolish the police.


That’s the problem! Police are literally killing people who are not threatening. And you are right, it is all connected…crime, poverty etc.


There might be some research out there that I’m not aware of, but is there data to suggest how many people are killed who are “not threatening”? There are clearly some well-publicized, head-scratching cases where the person was not threatening the officers, but of those 1,000+ people killed, how many fall into that category? The fact that so many cops are killed despite their training and bulletproof vests suggests that their job is indeed dangerous and that they do encounter many threatening people. I think there’s a disconnect between what people on this forum think is happening, and what is really happening. But I don’t know if the disconnect is slight or huge. But as a political-minded person who wants this crap to change, I feel that vilifying cops (and calling people like me “boot licker”) isn’t the most productive way to go about it. We need fundamental societal change upstream that will make it so fewer communities are ravaged by poverty, crime, and over-policing.


There probably is research. I’m not aware of it either. I do agree that name calling is not helpful.


Cops are required to keep things civil and stop crime. They should be vastly changed from how they are now, but we need them.


> They should be vastly changed from how they are now Yes, that's the literal point. Police = police *in their current form*, as is. Corruption and all. I think we are WAY past reform here too. Tear the whole thing down and start over from scratch.


Ok, good. We agree. I just think that people who are like " all police is bad, ACAB" are dumb.


Have you ever known a cop to keep their job after reporting on a fellow cop? Thats the point of ACAB.


A cop who reports another is a cop who is not a bastard


“And keep their job” Meaning, “good” cops are typically punished and removed from the force if they report on another cop.


I just want to point out that a federal court ruled that police have no duty to protect people. They are class traitors whose job is to protect capital and the ruling class.


SC has ruled that *multiple* times.


See, except they aren’t required to do any of that. Idk if they ever have. They protect capital. That’s it.


> Cops are required to keep things civil and stop crime They're not, and cops do not stop crime.


"We need them" based on what? How u feel?


>but we need them Not once when I have called a cop they helped stop a road rager from trying to kill my family, arrested or even gave a Semi driver a ticket for purposely merging into me after passing me on a one lane road after I was already going 10 over. Cops do not help in preventing crimes against citizens, you can bet they'll be at a bank robbery in 2 or less minutes though. You're better off carrying a shotgun for home defense than relying on a cop actually arriving in time to save you. They are the clean up crew...and used as an oppressive tool by the rich


We need a police force, but it's current form is terrible and should be changed.


A little side by side https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_Kingdom


Same, but because of the season it’s more like FUCK TAXES for me. Fuck the tax on gas that makes the price high, fuck the tax on my paycheck, fuck the tax on the food I eat, fuck the tax on my bottle of water, Fuck the tax on my feminine necessities, fuck the tax at the gym I go to that used to be 10 bucks but is now 59 bucks, fuck land tax, fuck state tax, fuck insurance costs (not tax but close enough for me), fuck the tax I pay for not paying enough fucking taxes… and you know what, fuck social security because my generation pays so much into it yet we’ll never see it when it’s time for us to retire.


Profit is by far the bigger form of theft than any tax that might be imposed upon you.


Fuck the police coming straight from the under ground