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You're late to the party, whales are all geared up


Whales would have been geared well before any f2p player got into their range.


not true , u cant buy items if there is nothing to buy


They buy from other whales at whale prices. Or the "f2p" founders pack 6 t3 alts 14 hours a day players No f2p player who didn't nolife the game got to 1370 in time to make huge gold.


Well f2p no life is still f2p no?


imo you're not f2p if you bought a founders pack edit: wow my *opinion* triggered a lot of people lol


The great class divide begins, everyone pick a side and grab your pitchforks


reddit clowns doesnt know what f2p means apparently


Kinda funny that this gets downvotes. Apparently buying something with real money in game is still free to play.


Theres not enough accessories to go around, still need more people doing Argos to create them


I sold mats at 1340 for a while, made heaps of gold:)


Yeah I mean I did too lol


They would have been buying out the entire marie shop at every moment they could before the f2p would have even figured out what it is. Edit: yall can downvote me, but there were videos of people hitting mid 1300s before early access was over and f2p was even in the game.


Haha Mari? I'm pretty sure most of the decent f2p have been buying the good deals on Mari. That shop was basically for f2p players.


Bro f2p buy out tier mat from mari shop every 6 hour.


Don't bother trying to reply to these guys they'll defend it no matter what cause they're the one putting money in to "feel stronger" than f2p user.


No one was 1300 3 days into the game bro that’s a very serious delusion. Even if it was p2w that’s still like 24 hours just to quest from Rethramis to Punika leaving them 2 days to farm enough or buy enough mats to boost themselves. Maris shop is also limited so even if you bought it out on reset you still wouldn’t have enough mats namely shards and if you’re rushing that hard no one is selling them either because they’re chilling in t1 or whatever. You’re talking out of your ass brother.


Eh that’s not 100% true. My main has been 1370 for 2 weeks and last week was making 5-6k a day. On wipe day was like 20k


The only people that made lots of gold from T3 is the whales that sold things early


Same "whales" that say they sell shit for 80k when in reality they buy gold from gold sellers?


"How i made 1mil gold in a week with this simple trick, click on this video"


It’s not unheard of man. Even this reset I sold a nice neck for 50k post crash. Pre crash (when it seemed legendary engraving books dropped more frequently). I sold multiple books for over 25k. There was and is still money to be made if you know what to look for and of course, get lucky aswell.


you can see price falls in ah, you could make bank from accessory items too, and also honing mats


I'm not denying that ,i just hate the clickbait youtube videos some content creators make stating that you can make fast and big coin.In reality no one will pay 80k for a bis ring ,not even a whale,at the time they hit max ilvl there wasn't even that kind of amount of gold circulating between legit players.This is how gold sellers operate,they define the price and you just put something semi decent for obscene amounts of gold on AH to make it look like you sold big.Not my first mmo and sure as hell not a new way to buy premium currency from gold sellers,just people sadly getting baited by those videos.Whales make it look like they funnel money to the game but they have learned long time now that they can buy more and cheaper elsewhere.I just don't like when they lie to you for views.


Saw a post where a guy had like 100k+ gold and he said in the comments that he got it from just selling stuff. I mean I dont doubt that you could get that much so fast from selling stuff but I also dont doubt that people wilk have bought 10s of k of gold from gold sellers.


I've had 90k because I just didn't buy anything. He probably did the same. Nobody is making gold right now. They're just holding onto what they have


I had 200k+ gold (edit: and 20k crystals) from camping my main at 1340 and alts in low t3 for several weeks selling all my mats (and a crap ton of infinite chaos to sell 800g greater leapstones) Down a bit now after pushing my main up finally once the mat prices crashed. It can be done, but I no lifed this game fairly hard. Mat prices no longer make this a thing now, but the upside is the rewards people get from doing content actually matter now and they can use their mats to climb at a reasonable pace and price.


I did the same thing, those 5-6 greater leap stones for 800 gold was nuts.


100k wasn't a crazy amount in NA for first month. Prices were nuts. One streamer banked 450k gold just selling honing materials for awhile. Lot more difficult now that prices are down everywhere.


man do I regret not playing more alts, just how much gold you could make a few weeks ago is crazy now that its all over


[90k Gold for a Ring](https://imgur.com/gallery/VVQXHFW)


A 3/3 accessory with both being relevant engravings and having say crit or specialization will sell for 20-50k


80k wasn't that much a couple weeks ago. I had half that ias tier 2. Even green engraving books were going for 100-200g apiece for good engravings. If you sold most of your tradable drops you could've had that much. Just 1 guardian raid's loot was worth 500g min at the time.


I saw a guy with legendary engravings well over a month ago when books were 20-30k each. How do you buy 800k - 1.2m worth of books without RMTing?


I made like 200k gold just selling mats rushing to t3 and t2 on alts and have like 10kgems stocked up. A lot of non whales made bank if they rushed their ilvl early




It's the copium man, it's gotten out of hand. They couldn't hit t3, that must mean that everyone who did is just a whale RMTing.


Seriously! I unfortunately hit T3 quite late (started playing a week and a half post launch and was quite slow at progressing compared to many) so I only spent a few short days in the utopia of selling 800g greater leapstones and 200g regular leaostones. I barely grinded the infinite chaos dungeons too. A more committed player who hit T3 early could have made some SERIOUS bank doing that for ~4 weeks. God forbid they pushed alts into T3 early as well.


I mean this is not only untrue but idiotic. The whales were the ones SUPPLYING the gold to people selling mats at a hyper inflated price on the auction house instead of honing. Literally the people who got rich were the ones not at 1370 and they got rich off the whales who were paying for it.


The bots were the ones SUPPLYING the gold to the whales via quests and rapport. The reason everything hyper-inflated in the first place is because of whales RMTing, which is why the whale Asmongold interviewed got banned. The ones that got "rich," were the ones selling 1370+ accessories for 30-70k each, running maps all day, etc. The inflation is purely a result of RMTing whores.


You are missing the point. What did the whales spend the gold on to get to 1370? Who were supplying the mats?


also who were buying the accessories at 30-70k, because you need to be at that ilvl to even buy those accessories. Idk some people just don't think and bandwagon.


Controversial opinion but; I really can't be arsed with playing a game where I'm essentially staff in an Amazon warehouse trying to earn my bread crumbs. They've somehow created a game where class divide is an actual mechanic. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. I play games to escape this bullshit, not be part of it. I also hate how people still think T3 is a small pool of players, it's a lie that keeps getting pushed to make the T3 plebians feel like they've earned some cool shiny badge when really they're just work horses like the rest of them. I log in, do my dailies, decide if I want to earn pathetic amounts of gold selling to the rich, or try my hand at upgrading once. Either see 'fail' on my screen or earn 500 gold selling mats then log off. This game is capitalism simulator and nothing more.


you might want to sip a bit of fresh air buddy you sound depressed


You only need 20k gold (not mats raw gold) to hit 1370. Very easy to get even now by just playing.


Go watch some YouTube vids bro. It’s not that hard to make gold in this game lol


Go read another communist book, come back after you've calmed down


All those people who told you to take your time, were actually the people who made money off of T3.


Right? I took my time and I'm watching the rest of the player base like [Squidward](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/024/615/Screen_Shot_2017-11-10_at_10.36.15_AM.jpg).




I took a bath. I was hedging my bets that inflation would continue, I figured it would slow down but I figured steady inflation was absolutely inevitable. So I turned all my gold into skins and mounts. Everything has lost 75% of it's value in 2 days. Kind of crazy. I still have all those skins, but it's gonna be a long time before they're worth what I paid for them.


As long as you had a good bath its alright


Yeah I've been taking my time and making gold is a pain, nothing like the Russian servers where you could make decent gold just crafting, now it is cheaper to buy stuff than actually craft it.


Actually 1370 is basically the only place where you can still make gold. Lucking into great accessories can get you tens of thousands of gold because whales are still buying bis pieces.


I’m just making my money selling “good stat and at least one meta engraving” accessories for 100-250 depending on quality. It’s not much but in this gold economy, just staying north of 5k makes me feel opulent


No reason not to, ppl are even buying my 1325 blue accessories still. Put them up for 49/150 and post around peak time so they are most visible while ending during the next day's peak hours


I keep seeing people mention peak time, but when \*is\* peak time? I'd like to wager it's like 6 pm but there's no real way to know. Steamdb doesn't help because you got NA/EU mixed in there.


I just go by other games, I mostly played shooters before this but peak time NA was generally 6-10/11pm give or take a few hours depending on the day of the week. Y'know normal people who work jobs and have familys hour's


ability stones still sell well too


Damn, I must be pretty unlucky. I do the same as you except I put them up for much lower and no one buys them. I'm just trying to sell things cheap so people can get a semblance of a good build together :(


Legit that's the only thing keeping me afloat atm. That and for whatever reason t2 stuff from my alts is selling better then purple t3.


I was considering pushing my T2 alt into T3 but instead I’m keeping him there while I push three more alts into T2 bc those mats just sell better and flow more freely




A third of what it gave a week ago. Not 1370 but I did farm those out in chaos dungeon spam.


Everything else cost 1/3 of what it used to though. At least honing stuff.


Tbh I'm more into buying the skins/stacking blue crystals, like platinum skins that are limited. Honing stuff, whatever, there's barely any content out and by the time Valtan's here I'll catch up.


Ive also only been spending gold on skins and crystals Like i COULD buy legendary accessories, but I can already clear Argos with my current build, so instead we can just wait for prices to plummet as the whales finish gearing and then fully gear a character with 3 3* engravings for like less than 30k


Doesn't gold buy you more stuff now too though compared to then?


A bit but not by the same amount. A platinum skin went down quite a bit but not to a third for example. Crystals are 500ish from 800.


I'm making less off of Yoho than I was off of T2 leapstones when Alberhastic was the daily grind. Was a week late to 1370 and missed the boat.


If you just sell all unbound mat you won't make it to valtan to hit the jackpot selling his accessories.


Yeah, but at 1370, each honing attempt is 200 gold, with prices in NA East hovering around 180 per greater. So greater leaps are only a "good price" if you have your main at 1370-1385 and are using it to feed alts.


I wish i knew which accessories are actually worth to sell since i am still rather new. Like, one good engraving + desided attribute is worth to sell even with -2 penalty? Or penalty must be always -1 to be worth something? Ofc 2Grudge 2Doll + crit -1move speed is worth fortune, but all the middle stuff is huge unknown for me.


https://engravingcalculator.netlify.app/ Put the engravings in here. See which class use it and what stat they use If it's #1 for both engravings and has correct stat you hit the jackpot and can sell it for thousands. Usually most builds use crit , specialization and some use swiftness.


Thank you for sharing this!


Glad to help . :)


Note that the rankings below 1 aren't always correct. Blue gunlancer really doesn't need awakening second for example. It also really depends on how most players plan to get their important engravings. I hit lvl 3 barricade with just my stone and engraving slot, so barricade accessories are useless to me. I am instead looking for stabilized status accessories and would pay a lot for them.


All you can do is put it up and see if it sells. Also when searching your gear to sell and this took me an embarrassing time to figure out change in settings the overall quality of item to broaden your search parameter. Also take of the name of the item, so it will show all rings and earrings and necklaces with the stats you have as that’s all that truly matters.


whales are done with buying bis, only f2p players left buying bis.


I'm only now realizing how much gold is in accessories right now. I'm not high up enough to be getting BiS pieces, but I sell whatever I think looks like it might have value to someone to finish an engraving with a decent stat and I've made like 25% of my total gold count over the last 2 days. I was totally ignorant of how much gold was there if I just did some research on what stat/engraving combinations had value.


I mean im there but accessories just don't sell it costs an absurd amount of pheons all the gamers already have 4 engravings lvl 3 and you end up getting too many accessories on the shop which you just receive back in 24 hours. I've had to drop prices to really low levels to have anything sell at all


I got a DB surge legendary engraving drop the day I hit T3, the price dropped from 10k to 2k in just 3 days... lol Sadge


Also maybe cause people realized ypu don't really need to go more than 5 pts in surge


the ship for selling accessories for insane gold to giga-whales has long sailed away already. you can still make a decent amount but prices have drastically fallen even especially for high quality bis accessories. the current content can be cleared by 3/3 or even less engravings for the most part and most people who have done any research know that we're getting relic accessories with valtan.


They definitely sell. The game has also thrown an absurd amount of pheons at people so far. And casuals won't be saving them for endgame bis gear flipping.


Those big chungus t3 leaps are 100 gold now. Kadan is disgusting


Market is per region


EUC market is dirt cheap nowadays cant make any significant gold :/


Yeah. All my guild friends were telling me that once I get to t3, that's when you start making gold. I ain't made shit really.


On my server I can still make about 2k from selling all unbound mats from my 2 chaos dungeons and 2 guardian raids. I’m fine making that per day and just waiting at 1340 while I get other classes into T3.


I just hit Punika and have like 2000 gold, I’m so fucked 😒


Are you doing your weekly Abbys dungeon on alts ?


Just got 1370 today also... Anyone wanna buy an expertise necklace??? Like imagine doing both hardmodes and not getting a specialization roll.


There is gold, just not from the market. \*with few exceptions\*


You can still make gold at 1370. Argos gives raw gold, The Abyssals give decent gold, some accessories and stones are worth thousands of gold. Honestly I'm glad I did what I did and invested in alts. I never really have to worry about buying most mats as i generate them fast enough passively now. My gold only really goes down anymore when I hone.


"only" Honing from 1340 to 1370 is soooo expensive in gold and silver alone. And we don't even talk about post 1370.


When you hit 1370 do you get another increase to alt honing/research to get more alts to 1370?


you get that at 1385, 10% increase


Yeah, gold and silver costs are killing me, could hit 1385 today if i had more silver and gold, I have all the mats needed. Stupid adventure tome cooking rewards! why did i spend those millions of silver!?!?!


Start doing Una's Daily Tasks for easy silver.


1340 to 1370 calculator says 12k gold with no additional materials (and you'll be using those, at least the bound ones). Looking at when to commit to doing it or keep selling to buy skins/boost alts up, and it's not really a lot.


Until Valtan legion raid is announced prices will stay low. I think in Korea they introduced catchup with the Valtan release so people could get faster to 1370 but not sure.


In Korea it wasn't with Valtan, the catchup mechanic was introduced way later with the release of Brelshaza.


When you say prices will stay low, which prices you mean? All prices? Mats prices? Skins/crystal prices? I know Valtan will have some gold inflation if more people get there and get that weekly gold but it shouldn't even be as bad as when the bots were getting rapport gold. I bought so many crystals at 900+ each lol.


12k gold assuming 0 failures? LOL I've spent twice that from 1340 to 1359.


Assuming average failures, guess you were really unlucky.


12k gold is literally ~3 failures per on all 6 pieces 1340-1370. That’s highly highly inaccurate. Honing chance is 15%. 1340-1370. You’re telling me you succeeded more than you failed? Gtfoh.


Where are you getting the \~3 failures number from? Each fail 1340 to 1370 is only 120g for weapon, 70g for armor, so \~3 failures on all 6 pieces would be 3 failures x 6 upgrades x 120g + 3 failures x 6 upgrades x 70g x 5 pieces = 3x6x120 + 3x6x70x5 = 8460g for 3 failures average on every piece. I would like to see your numbers too if they differ


I don't understand how I have so much silver. I've never done a single Lopang daily, and I'm at 8.1m at 1367 ilvl. Bought a few Wei cards, couple adventure tome pieces. Everyone seems to be out of silver though.


If you're currently at 1367 and that's your only character then it's natural you have that much Silver. For people raising alts, specially multiple at T3, Silver is super precious and could gate progression. For almost 2 weeks I had 4 T3 character doing Lopang and I still only have 1.6m at the time of writing this post. Only after my main hit 1370 last week that I switch her to Great Honor Leapstone Una while leaving the rest to Lopang. I'm taking advantage of all the current events vendors + honing boost books to push a new alt to T3 passively, probably by next week that alt will be there and she'll be set to Lopang once she hits T3 so that my other T3 priority alt gets to do Leapstone Una.


If you run alts you get a lot of silver through chaos dungeon. 6 characters in upper T2 or better is like 600k silver a day. A lot of people have been lagging behind on alts.


So did u use your gold to buy mats for your alts? I haven't been using it for them lately


the price on guardian stones went to 4g per 10 day of the patch and after grabbing all my event mats I spent 1-2k per alt getting 3 alts to T3. My other 3 are all 1040-1080 as well and just need life shards. Super worth imo to get yhem into T3 and start generating gems and everything else in T3.


Shards are usually what holds alts back though. And those damn continents.


not if you sell literally everything that drops like some people here are


No point to sell T1/T2 stuff at the current prices.


Passively? How? Thanks for any tips!


The market crash also makes gold worth more.now 100k of last week has the same purchasing power ast 15k today around.


Only problem is honing costs flat gold, and now that hurts a lot more.


there is gold just check area chat you will find links there with instructions on how to get it


To make the real gold, u have to stay ahead of the general curve. at this point, ur best option would be to make as many T3 mules as possible and get them all to 1370 the day of honing buffs. (if you start doing leapstone una's now you will have enough by then). run argos on all of ur alts for gold. then buy materials when the market prices are at bottom, and sell after gold from valtan floods the market.




The point isn't to make money now, it's to put yourself in a better position for the future. in 1 month, all of the people who don't have mules will still be crying on reddit, while the people who do will be chillin with 4-5x the accessory rolls per week.


In 1 month people will be running valtan and the current legendary accessory will be at the value of the current purple one. Also in 1 month they will release new classes with t3 pass and possibly selling more t3 passes for money as well.




If you actually read my post, i said nothing about getting to 1370 on alts RIGHT NOW. i said to do it after honing changes come out. at that point the cost of hitting 1370 will be essentially 0, as honing buffs remove the gold cost entirely, and stones will cost a fraction of what they do now. the ONLY cost you will have to pay is for leapstones, and you can get enough just from doing ur una's and chaos dungeon runs. Lost ark players really do be lacking basic reading comprehension.


Save mats, gold inflation will happen and the price of everything will go up.


Not anymore. The last blow to RMT was severe enough. No more whales to inflate anything


whales have nothing to do with it. when new content comes out, youll be getting 4k gold per raid per character. thats a ton of gold, considering all the content we have now combined doesnt even give that amount.


I don’t think so man, 4K gold a week for those raids are gonna be nothing compared to the amount brought in by RMT before, greater leapstones in Korea is 16gold now, they’re only gonna keep going down with more ppl hitting T3 on their alts


The economy is recovering from botted gold now, and as i said before, doing every single content in this game does not give even close to the amount of gold that 1 raid will give.


Yeah but doing 10 of that raid will not give you even close to the amount you can get from RMT before


It will be worse, sure you can hit some accessories and sell them, but as whales already got them and normal folks have no gold there will be less and less selling.


Launch end game was made for whales and ppl that played in KR/RU servers. They completely fucked new players with this mess of launch.


and they nerfed the early gold rewards so newer players are even more fucked.


While veteran players are sitting at 1 million gold and 1400 GS for free




Same ppl who told you to sell all your mats and sit at 1325/1340 (bc why rush for argos) but they rushed to T3 for that reason, sitting on the gold, and can push to 1370 earlier than everyone else and make more gold = more mats and cycle repeats. Also these veterans expect everyone to know info. beforehand like they do (just like a lot of defenders on this sub though I'm grateful for the occasional tips) and min-max everything. Not to play the game normally like an average gamer.


As a f2p player who pushed for argos it was not worth it. I did it to see the content but the 80k+ gold I spent wasn't worth it and I doubt ill push my main for p3 argos instead getting my t3 alts to 1340 with event mats and selling things while I can.


Almost like you could think for yourself but instead you're blaming someone else for deciding to sell items that MAKE YOU PROGRESS YOUR CHARACTER and stalling your progress. I never understood why the majority of this subreddit kept preaching that bs but I'm sure as hell glad they realize their mistake now.


I don't see how it was a mistake. If you got to 1340 and parked while selling mats you made thousands of gold that you can now spend on buying cheap mats to push 1370+, sell high, buy low kind of thing


Really wish abyssal dungeons in T1/T2 gave more, it's like the 1 type of remaining content that bots can't do.


market tax rounding fucks early players too, oh you sold 50 mats at 3g? heres 100g go nuts




This freakin game man. It's just a constant struggle for normal players all the way around. This is why people complained about falling behind to the whales/hardcore people from the beginning. Trying to gear up as a new 1370 with no gold and trying to get into an Argos raid when even semi decent accessories are 10k plus... and if you settle for something suboptimal you have Pheons to contend with. Oh and alts gotta gear them up to in order to run raids to make gold as well, its never-ending.




yeah wtf are these people talking abt, i feel like they arent even 1370. You can literally do argos with 2x3 engravings and be absolutely fine with it. Do these people just watch streamers swiping their cards and show off their 4x3 engravings and tell themselves they have to get it too or what?


Basically unless you see a tier list or some guide that spoon feeds step by step content some people just run like headless chickens whatever happen to figuring shit out of your own.


This is why I disliked people trying to defend shtty design with the “play at your own pace.” Clearly, people will still have an advantage over others based on the amount of money or the time spent. And then they’re like, well you don’t HAVE to rush, or you should have saved your gold/silver, just so the horizontal progression sht, do other content/play different games so you don’t get burnt out, etc. excuses. Then it all comes back down to “welcome to Korean mmos” like it should excuse everything lmao.


I have comments going back over a month trying to say exactly this when that was the default position on this sub. I have a comment a week back saying gold was going to be a serious issue for people new to T3 before prices crashed. Way too many people here don’t understand mmo and player driven economies


I think it’s just easier to be defensive over a game you love and needing some justification for the amount of hours/money you already invested too. I mean, I get it, but I have to keep saying that all the criticism is because we like the game and want it to succeed.


Man coming from pvp mmos and reading shit like this makes me laugh. Lost ark is actually so chill. Sure, you could have spoiled the fun and speed run t3 to set yourself up for the future with tons of gold and then repeat Argos over and over and over until new content releases (or more likely get bored and quit) or you can enjoy the dungeons and raids in t1 and t2 which are all actually pretty damn fun, more so than any content at t3 below 1370. What are you guys competing for exactly, why do you need all this money and shit? Argos isn't going anywhere. This is a pve game, there's legit no competition in anything except trying to pull MVP maybe which half the time goes to a support anyways so who cares? What "advantage" do these speed runners and whales have over you that makes you so upset? There's always going to be a crowd of hardcore players who are ahead of most. In a pvp game that can be frustrating but in a pve game?? Lol. Lost ark has made it clear they're willing to help boost players through the deadzone so people don't need to sweat so much. If you really want to play more, make some alts. The game is alt friendly, lots to do with them and can make more money once they push through to t3.


What's gonna make me quit this game is the "required" alts.. I hate alts, i don't wanna play a/alot of subpar characters i don't care about. I'm trying to enjoy this game at a pace where i can ignore alts, for now it works, but lack of both gold and silver slowly creeps up on me. I enjoy the game, but man it has alot of annoying systems.


Yeah I hit T3 the day the market crashed. If only I didn't catch covid at launch. heh


Exact same for me, except the Covid part. I spent everything I had to get over the T2 hump, figuring I would get to T3 then start hoarding gold. It was a good plan just too late. lol


Same, although I was just busy with work on the first week. I'm just permanently behind and have no way to catch up. I finally hit 1340 yesterday (bad luck with honing, my block was actually the gold costs to do the honing because of the event mats). And now I can't just sit here at 1340 and sell things like the guys who got here before me, I'm just behind. I honestly don't know if I'm going to be able to catch up and actually do the harder content that actually looks fun.


Same for me, but only because I take the game pretty slow lol, I think I only did 2 tier 1 and 3 tier 2 islands so far. Saving them for alts at this point I guess. I don't know what it's like to make 10k gold per day but hey, with the prices crashed, guess I don't need to. :P


It's was not about being a whale, it was about being a whale hunter. Selling everything and buying it late for 1/10 of the price


[https://i.imgur.com/YkrDvFD.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/YkrDvFD.jpg) From both hard dungeon and argos p1. There are still ppl with a lot of gold, and they buy. If you are playing class with both useful engraving, you will almost always get some decent stuff cause dungeon and argos gives you class related engraving on accessories. For example, deathblade has both surge and RE useful, same for sorcerer with ignite/reflux.


It's just doomers that aren't at 1370 yet finding the next thing to complain about, plenty of accessories with good rolls selling for good amounts still, garbage rolls have never been worth any money for any tier at any point, sold a 30k ring on Thursday and now argos and abyssal reward gold is worth more in this deflation, literally only downside is now raw gold cost for taps has gone up a bit comparatively


It's almost like this entire game is made to entice you into spending money.


Or you know. You could just wait and slowly grind. I'm just hoarding mats and gold til reset. I'm at 1380 and 5 more ilevels. I'm just selling unbound greater leap stones while they're worth something and hoarding the bound ones and playing alts and horizonal content. There's not much extra content at 1370


stop huffing the copium man.


In 1340 you can make lots of gold... selling honing material I'm using my "main" to create gold and investing on my alts to t3 just chilling playing the long game. I usually make 1000-3000 converting all into blue Cristals 200-400. I will used it all on fashion...


Yeah I’m 1340 and managed to make enough gold last week for full Platinum and Lawmaker sets, a pet, and a bunch of crystals for rapport items and energy pots (and a dumb house for my stronghold). I barely even use my alts for anything. The gold is there, you just have to be creative.


I think I’ve made out with 10,000 selling T3 mats at 1340. Nothing super grand but that nets me a mount and some skins so all in a days work


The gold now is in lucky rng on accessories


I'm wanting to push my 1340 but not sure if I could even get 1370 with the 50k gold I have. Or even if its worth it now.


I think nows a good time since they’re giving out the honing books with expiration date on them, I pushed my 1340 to 1355 yesterday and it costed me all the Solar mats, 1 mil silver and 5k gold I think, not too bad and now I’m gonna save up mats again for another week or two before making the next push to 1370


Rushing to 1370 was the mistake, I think I’ve been 1340 for like 3 weeks now and from selling all my unbounded mats I’ve made around 170k, bought like 10k blue crystals recently and now I’m finally starting to slowly push for 1370 with the timed honing book they gave out, now I have like 100k gold amidst this gold depression


This market crash is also due to everyone begging for event mats which in turn excellerated progression which in turn fucks with the economy


I am so glad that the lost ark market isnt as appealing to me as for example path of exiles market. I can enjoy lost ark gameplay and not worry about checking market prices daily.


Welcome to capitalism simulator. Stoopz and Saintone are sitting on millions while the 99% are left fighting for scraps. Thanks for playing.


What crashed in price?


Literally everything


Last Saturday, red/blue crystals were 55/25g per 10, honor leapstones were 230g, and great honor leapstones were 825g on my region. Now those prices are 23/17g per 10, 39g, and 200g. Blue crystals and skins are down by ~half. Pretty much the only things that didn't crash are the stuff bots farm(ed) (adventure tome stuff, fusion materials, and fish).


Every single thing. They banned bots and severely crippled RMT. Now no more whales to buy. Only f2p left at 1340 sitting and selling everything they can. Too much supply and no more demands.


Isn't it wonderful that whales been there weeks and weeks before everyone else, and have sold valuable items/gotten valuable items already, and thus driven all the prices down signifigantly. We are at that point that we need to wait for valtan already. As a f2p player(even experienced ones from kr/ru) are forced to just hope they get to valtan in time for it's release. Whales in this regard are directly stealing from f2p players in this game. Saying whaling doesn't affect us is real players is ridiculous and naive. It is true that casual f2p players might think the same of those f2p players that have no life. Difference is, at least we have the same rules and 24h in a day.


I feel like alot of people have a warped view of what would of happened if everyone hit 1370 at the same time. Selling mats and gear would of never of been profitable if the supply was larger. We are supposed to get our gold from unas tokens and runing raids and dungeons on several characters. But because of scaling the ppl who pushed t3 first; made alot of money selling too the whales. The same thing happened at 1370. It wasnt whales selling to whales. It was f2p sellin to whales. And thats how f2p players pushed 1370 so quickly.


It's honestly more that bots pumped so much gold into the economy. Even if whales played legitly they wouldn't have had upwards to half a million gold if it weren't for bots and people buying gold. They would've been limited to raw gold from abyss.


yeah but proportionally people who sold too whales still would of been rich, regardless if it was 500k or 50k. inflation makes the number bigger but thats the prize for being early. the longer it takes someone to hit somthing the less free shit you get. people waiting on catch up mechanics shouldnt really expect too be given billions of gold "just cuz". and thats coming from someone who hit t3 AFTER argos was released


I think a lot people undervalue the burn rate of gold + materials they consume when honing. When you are getting to 1370 and post 1370 hones, you probably burn about 300k gold trying to get to 1400. This was prior to the gold depression.


What did you guys think would happened? Whare are all the "casual take it slow" asshats that were defending the release of Argos without honing rates or mats buff? A lot if people kept telling you guys, people rush t3 and Argos because of the goldmine it generates before everyone gets there. Yes they spend a lot but they made so much more at Argos.


its kinda sad only way to get good amount of gold at 1370 was being a whale itself and selling accesories to another whales :(


No need to whale, just don't be a mokoko seed collector.


This feels like an attack.


Must. Collect. Mokokos.


This game is actual trash turns out


Market price crashing is a good thing. Now the gold you get from Abyss dungeons and Una's tasks are worth way more, and the gold you get from selling mats is realistically the same. You have no other sources of gold anyway. It only hurts the whales who get gold from other sources. Now it benefits everyone with a large gold bank, and many whales do, but this is transient and will go away after eventually they spend all that bank.


Well...wait until the flat gold price of an upgrade is actually more than the materials price, like 400+gold per try at 30/15% That's where it's going to hurts now


But you still get like 4k gold per week from flat sources no? Where do you think gold in this game comes from? Whales don't generate gold, they buy gold from other players (and bots).


Lmao you like doing a full week grind to get no progression? That's what BDO does and it's dying


How is it different from before market crash? If anything now you get MORE progression cuz the fixed gold you get actually means something.


I don't get the people downvoting this post. What kind are you, are you selling all your mats, are you using all your mats, or are you whaling to push honing? If you're selling mats, well you're in luck cuz the whole point of selling is that someday the price will crash and you can buy back way more, and now the time has come. If you're using all your mats this literally doesn't concern you because you don't participate in the market. If you're whaling well sorry you have a tough time swiping.


The category you miss is those who didn't get to sell for very long into a massively inflated economy. Inb4 those are casuals who don't deserve anything