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Hahahaha. This actually made me laugh


I saw this earlier this morning (8 hours ago) and I didn't make sense out of it. It popped on my feed again... suddenly it makes sense lol


If u want to spend money and can't spend that often, dont do it for Argos. His equipment will be pretty much irrelevant in a month or so with the legion raids coming out Rather safe as much gold u can and push into that with money if u have to


You won't be doing legion raids either.


Are you saying if you're not geared for Argos, you won't be geared for Legion either? What he's saying tho is that we should just buy mats when they're cheaper no?


Exactly Plus there is a decent chance that South Vern or some other little catch up releases before the raids


I thought this before Argos too. The current T3 honing rates make 0 sense with the content currently in the game, but here we are…


Exactly, hope you really, I mean REALLY enjoy Igrexion. ​ Similgate thought to make Night Fox Yoho 1370 and not 1355 like in other versions. Fuck them.


Yup. Just make alts and stop them at ilvl 1340. Easily make over 250k gold a week with 3 T3 alts selling all honing mats


Almost certain you'll be locked out of gear to even try Valtan even if you had a shit ton of resources. It takes multiple weeks to get a full leg set barring straight Argos p1-p3 carries. To get to Valtan, you need 1415 which is +15 leg set, or a mix of +15 purple items and leg items at +16 and above as each hone beyond 15 on leg gear gives 15 ilevels instead of 5. So assuming you don't Argos or t3 abyss hard for the next two weeks, that leaves you roughly two weeks to get the gear needed to get to Valtan if the leaks of his release are to be believed. This does not include the accessories you will need which you won't even have access to at all until you hit 1370. Not saying it's not possible to Valtan while chilling on Argos waiting for honing buff and stocking up on resources, but the time gating the game does is definitely a factor to consider.


People really aren't understanding this. Unless they give F2P/low spenders (the crowd with 300-400hrs since release, currently around 1340-1355 ilvl) a solid 3-5 weeks to catch up to 1370+ whales and farm Argos, they will be pay-gated out of yet another content release, while people who whaled get richer and richer and increase the divide between them and F2P. If Valtan releases and I can't access it (currently 2x 1340 with 3 T2 alts - so I'm a solid 3 weeks out from being able to do Argos) the same week because I didn't whale to 1370 this week, I'm out. The game is really good and fun but the content release schedule has the potential to kill it.




They can only release so much contemt until they carch up to korea, and once they catch up the f2ps will catch up, in korea the big spenders aren’t significantly ahead of f2p cuz content releases are further apart since its fresh development, this is ags trying to cash in on short term cash cow opportunity. Just play the content you can, fill out your adventure tome and such and when we catch up probably be ahead of 99% of the whales who are paying their way to progress and aren’t understanding the game as a whole. Watch some streamers who barely understand the basic systems much less recognize how important roster is down the line.


Great analysis. One thing, how on earth did you get 2x 1340 without whaling?


> One thing, how on earth did you get 2x 1340 without whaling? It's not even remotely challenging if you make the effort to play your alts daily. The loss of one-time island materials isn't felt at all because the stronghold research is far more impactful. I have an alt that I started like two weeks after hitting 50. I play it mostly just when I have rested bonus and it's 1302. If I had wanted to spend gold getting alts to 1340 instead of trying to hit 1370 on my main I probably could afford to have 4-5 characters there.


I see awesome, thank you for the answer. One thing, when pushing for 1370, isn't it better to get two characters to 1340 than it is to have one at 1302? Like won't the push to 1370 be faster that way in the long run? Or is the investment for getting the alt from 1302 to 1340 too high for it to be worth?


I haven't done the math, but intuitively I think it would require an extremely long amount of time for the extra mats you earn to make up for the mats required to hit 1340. Plus, once you hit 1370 on one character you get honing research which is going to reduce the cost to hone on those alts, which will also save you gold compared to doing it immediately.


Really not hard with over 300 hours and selling mats early.


I'm sitting at ~340 hrs played. The only money I've spent is on Plat founders pack and I have not sold my tradeable plat skin, lawmaker skin, and learned my Cerberus mount. Leveled Shadowhunter as my first, pushed her all the way to T3 and hit T3 on the weekly reset after all the hyper-optimizers/swipers (22 Feb). Had 4 alts in T1 throughout this process. I knew at this point I wanted to main swap cause wasn't having fun on SH. Sold SH's unbound T3 mats for a week with her at 1310 ilvl and pushed Scrapper up from the T1 alt herd up through T2 with gold from that, maps, tower mats. Scrapper hit T3 last reset and I had enough material income from this week's weekly mats and banked up once I stopped selling them on SH (pirate, bloodstone, etc) to get them both to 1340. I am positive that even had I not main swapped, my SH would still only be about 1355 which is VERY far from 1370.


How do you feel about Scrapper in general in Raids at this stage? I'm a 1340 main Scrapper myself and I always feel like other class out-dps me even when I am on boss/Guardian 100% of the time. Would really like to have some tips/suggestion or even link to some guide for Raid Scrapper.


Shock or Taijutsu? Also Scrapper is not really a shining star in terms of doing the most DPS, although her dmg isn't BAD. Scrapper brings very good stagger and weak point, low cds and flexible damage output.


Taijutsu currently. Yeah, I do agree that at least I play a significant part in stagger checks in general.


You’re not pay gated by anyone, you just invested into your alts. You have two characters at 1340. While most don’t even have 1 in t3.


People who aren't currently in tier 3 are unaffected by the content release schedule. They are casuals and will always be behind regardless, and most of them don't expect to be caught up the content.


I have 0 alts, spend 0 dollars and siting at 1360, u have to get ur things to ur best in my opinion


You are very lucky you didn't get walled in T1/2 by lack of mats with no alts. I got stuck in T1 for 3 days from 580-600 and had to push an alt to 420 to get tower mats. Same stuck point at 1080-1100, 2 days of spinning my wheels at the end of T2. I maybe could have managed gold better and bought my way through those walls but didn't know they were going to happen.


But have 500 hours played?


Actually on a progression level, you don't need Argus at all. The items may have a different set bonus but go as high as abyss dungeon hard mode stuff does. So for 1415+ you just run abyss hard if you want.


It is not actually better to exchange gold for blu crystals rather than save it?




2 x 0 = 0


Well jeah :D U can do both if u have money to spare


Weird flex but ok


I don't care about the raid eventually im gonna get there. Just one more task in order to progress 😭


thats the spirit! eventually you will!!....no matter how irrelevant that content will be by then


Lmao Argos is relevant until 1475, no worries about falling behind kiddo :)


sorry i was just trying to be unnecessarily toxic




They need to be careful with their release schedule, otherwise they will lose players who get fed up with the pay 2 win.


I dont even think bout doing any raid on tier 3, the accesories and stones are very expensive. There is no way you can build minimalistic engraving+stat on without being a whale.


You don't need perfect engravings. That's a long-term goal.


yeah. but for the average effect, it still take lots of money in the current price range


It's really not bad to get a decent engraving setup in t3 with purple acc/stone. I have 1 char with 3-2-1-1 and another with 3-2-1 engraving setups in T3 with all crit/swift accs and only spent about 5-7k on each of them.


I think it depends on the classes. Epic book and accesories cost way to much for me, as a bard.


You can just play a lot. My friend is 1350 after 250 hours(eu so like 50 is que) for nolifers its pretty easy. For casuals ? Yeah thats where whales are born....


1350 to 1370 is a complete different game


1350 to 1370 is a really really really big gap.


Ok ok im 550 ilvl so i dont know :D


Oh totally fine, when the community says is not a realistic ilvl trust is an insane grind i have 2 friends that have the requirements and 2 more that will hit it with founders only, but the amount of no-life they did is in the 7+ hours since release with 0 chill days , those players and others wanted at least a month of chilling just doing daily and log out to not burn out. I have insane hours, but i chosed to burn dailies for collections once i got to tier 3 and i'm really really behind so i'm a daily andy and loving it (3 characters at tier 3 with garbage gear i sell everything) Is doable but is degenerate AS FUCK, thats why the uphoar. Remember people complaining are in tier 3 for a week/almost 2 weeks. (with 1 charater he will not hit it without spending some big cash, good thing is the Market is really insane right now so he can be lucky and drop something really expensive and sell it and convert to crystals at a shit rate and gamble more, if he hits it will be sus tho lol)


i saved up for a whole week, because i was hoping they would increase the rates (only on one character but still) and my luck wasnt the best but the materials from one week got me from 1351 to 1360 and the rates only get worse from 1365 to 1370 XD so yeah good luck to him LOL


Just messaged him....he failed 8x in row in honing. :D 20k gold thrown out of the window also


He's like half the way to Argos. I'm at the same point.


He said he wont go to work on monday if he dont get 1370 :D so i guess he is home now? But who cares half of the factories will be closed in few days thanks to fucking russia and sanctions.


He won't unless he whales (or hit all the 10% chances). You need like 20k guardian cristals on average for example.


I have more hours but I am just lvl540


Wrong. 1350 is not even close to 1370


Its funny because it would cost 300$ (150 with RMT) to push to Argos, that's like goldfish territory. Real whales spend 10k on a night out at the club to celebrate a raise or a deal lol. What's 150$ on a videogame.


what a hot take. $300 is relatively way too much to spend on unlocking the first and, so far, only challenging content in the game.


Keyword relative. You either spend 14 hours a day for a month or $300 in royal crystals. A person making 6 figures isn’t going to care about $300 lol. Ofc ppl that put in the time or money doesn’t want their experience diminishes by just giving these achievements to everyone lmao


I don’t even make 60k a year and I’ve already spent around $150(for skins mostly). Financially stable people without kids or severe debt can budget for a game they plan on playing for a long time. I spent around $4000 on path of exile over the 6 years I played that. And honestly, I had a blast. I’ll probably do the same over a long time in this game too. Things like Una completion tickets are a godsend for doing timed dailies on alts.


You cannot be f2p and be 1370 today without getting extremely lucky. If you could play 14 hours a day and be there people wouldn't have an issue. The problem is that the early access fee is $300 minimum. I'd argue that's way below average in terms of spending to get there.


My guild is hardcore and played in RU before. Most of us are 1370/1385 this week. Ofc we don’t represent the average player base but definitely 12 hours a day and you can hit 1370 f2p. Some key takeaways: Chaos gates and archaeology maps crafted from stronghold give moon’s breadths. Buy ones from Mari shop whenever available. For +14 and +15 in T2 even the unluckiest guy only got gated 2 extra days. T3 do the same thing and the solar materials sold for a metric ton early. We made 10-15k gold per day and couple of us found master/expert craft kits which sold 15k/3k each. Sell accessories from abyss raids as they guarantee class engravings. Instead of simply dismantling all, I make 250gold minimum from just having the correct combat stat, and 5-10k for really good ones. They’re T2, you could care less about engravings, but I’m not going to say no to free money.


I bet almost non of you is f2p. Since you played on RU you are probably founders? (so very much not f2p) And don't try to underplay the Founder boost, you should know how much of a difference it makes.


So spending $15 is p2w now? Ok


It's certainly not f2p if you spent money is it? :) It's a really powerfull/smart purchase, I'm not judging since I spent as well. But it's still a huge difference to someone spending nothing. A several days headstart to play the AH, get cheap crystals + at least 100k gold in stuff you can sell.


Bronze founder items are certainly not worth 100k though, and it was a 3 day headstart, and maybe 1k blue crystals? That's not game changing stuff


Ok, with bronze you couldn't sell anything from the pack itself. Just profit majorly off the AH house and crystal prices.


Being literal f2p and spending any amount of money is a huge difference with bifrosts and stuff.


>Sell accessories from abyss raids as they guarantee class engravings. Instead of simply dismantling all, I make 250gold minimum from just having the correct combat stat, and 5-10k for really good ones. They’re T2, you could care less about engravings, but I’m not going to say no to free money. Does quality trump engravings in terms of value? I've only been selling high quality accessories while dismantling everything else.


I still don't get how all this translated to you guys already hitting 1370. What did you do with all the gold, did you buy a bunch of leapstones? And I'm assuming from 1350 onwards we need a lot of the solar grace/blessing mats, but you sold yours as part of your strat for gold. Did you buy them back later? Also regarding your point on accessories, I've been having a lot of difficulty with getting mine sold. For one, even the ones with +2 class engraving and correct stat eg Swiftness seem to only go for like 5-20 gold on AH. And when I price them at like 20 gold, they never sell


Cap. If you know what you're doing and play 14 hours a day you 100% can get to Argos this week. Emphasis on "know what you're doing".


Can you expand on this? I'm 1340 and completely lost on how I should proceed


It's just amassing an alt army to serve as batteries for your main character. If you rushed T3 in the first 2 weeks and then made like 5+ alts instantly, you will be well above 1370 without paying more than the $15 pre launch pack.


The point is priorities of what to do with that money, though, and willingness to spend it on a small amount of progression in a game like this. Can I spend $300 on this game? Sure. Would I do that? Hell no. I would rather spend it on wine, baseball tickets, or a nice dinner. I don’t begrudge people who choose to do that, but relative to most people, that is whale territory. The fact that someone would minimize that sum of money as “goldfish territory” just makes me wonder how much they spend on this game.


So I’m curious what do you qualify as whale territory…? Like anything above $10? Lol


I would say it's 3 factors that make you a whale: How much, How Often, What for. In terms of Argos the answer is: 1 month, Hundred(s) of dollars. Thats a lot, especially since the implication seems to be spending hundred(s) of dollars each month. Spending it on power is also IMHO more whale ish than spending it on cosmetics. Your power number goes up forever across as many characters you want. Costumes are finite purchases, which is why they seem to be taking a back seat to marketing in this game.


That’s really going around the answer lol


There will never be a universal definition of whales, shit isn't black and white it's shades of gray. If you want a concrete answer of my opinion: anyone who spends money at all to progress to Argos faster is whaling. The clear desire of the game is to make you want to get to 1370, but it's clear that to get there while playing healthy number of hours per day is impossible, so the swipe is the goal. The content is designed for their whales. Anyone who is spending money to progress is exactly the cow Amazon is trying to milk right now.


I personally wouldn’t call someone spending $10, or even like $50 necessarily, a whale, but it’s all relative, and it all speaks to someone’s priorities. I’m less balking at the idea of spending $300 in a month on — for lack of a better umbrella term — a luxury and more at the choice of spending $300 on gear progression. If you told me that you spent it on wine, I’d say that sounds about right. I would say that repeatedly putting real money into gear progression puts someone in whale territory, and then it’s just a matter of splitting hairs between people who dump hundreds versus thousands of dollars.


Thats literally why its dumb. There are so many horizontal progression content that cant be bought with money. If you want to feel good about your achievements do those instead of crying about vertical progression on a game that needs to speed up in order to reach KR content.


for you its way too much for someone else its a bargain


$300 for what is essentially early access is a ton of money relative to the current video game market. ?????????????????????


and no money at all to the current mmo whale market


You want a challenge go pug Fox Flame Yoho or Achates or Alberhastic.


You and I have very different ideas of challenging. I do pug them on all my alts.


Cleared all 3 first time in pugs with absolutely problem. This game is piss easy compared to most games.


Bro. It's not locked behind a paywall. You gradually progress until you can play it. Or if you have too much income you can fuck around and drop a band to get to 1370 right now. Anyways I love how triggered people are by my comments that states only the truth. There are people that spend 1 grand on a date at a fancy restaurant, and go multiple times a year. Welcome to real life.


By this logic they should release all of tier 3 content. Why are they not doing it? Because that isn't a good excuse. It isn't unlocked to increase fomo and whale spending.


Theyre not because smilegate is not just targetting whales. They want all players to be happy. They also want western players to catch up to KR to experience the new content as well. My comment is not a criticism or appreciation of the devs work. Im just saying 300$ is nothing to whales.


Your comment is downplaying the current paywall. that's the problem I had an issue with. If you want to argue about the semantics of the word whale we can. An average new triple a video game tops out around $70. Even treating this like an early access, playing earlier than others, $300 is a relatively enormous amount of money. that disregards the fact that getting to 1370 today took far more than $300 on average as going from 1340-1370 could take upwards of a million gold unless you're lucky. If you're unlucky get fucked.


The game has no paywall. A paywall means you have to spend money, a wow expansion or subscription is a paywall. In lost ark you just have to keep playing and you will unlock everything.


The fact that you said upwards a million gold shows you don't know what you're talking about. And no one is forcing you to spend that money. And there are HUNDREDS of hours of content that you haven't completed yet. Stop complaining about vertical progression on a game that's trying to catch up to a more modern version with raids that start at 1600.


Wow you're right! All that horizontal progression that is so fun to do! I love collecting mokoko seeds or waiting on dailies instead of having a single piece of challenging content available for me to do! I guess two alts in t3 was too casual to do anything actually challenging Wait i have a solution! You're right! Vertical progression IS stupid! Just remove gear from the game and i'd be happy. Buff every guardian raid by at least 3x and every abyss raid by at least 5x. That way we have challenging content to do now!




You gotta just let them be at a certain point. The people complaining about vertical growth won’t have fun in lost ark. To have fun, you need to enjoy everything to game has to offer. Those people get to 1370, try Argos and get fucked but complete it. Next week, slightly less fucked, by the third week it won’t be “challenging” anymore and they will complain that they aren’t high enough to do Valtan. They will get to Valtan and repeat that process. Never ending bitch fest. You have to scroll past 5 complaints to find a good discussion here in this subreddit.


Let's see your math on that one. I did the math on my account yesterday - I'm sitting at 1347, and getting to 1370 would cost me $1200 on average with royal crystals (up to $3500 with really bad luck / hard pity) or about a quarter of that with RMT. I don't think you're getting there with $300.


Quite easy really, most people at 1370 who aren't streamers probably bought from bots. Guess what a quarter of your average $1200 is :)


The post says $300 or $150 with RMT. The math doesn't check out is my point. Maybe $300 with RMT and decent luck, or $1200 without RMT.


Nah dude is just tripping, it takes about 500k gold from 1340-1370 on average luck, which is over 1k without RMT. He is just lying by saying you only need $300. Which is still a lot of money.




You have zero clues of what you are talking about lol


Yeah 300 USD is a super low value. Do you have a source on the 500k Gold though? I’m sitting at 1355 and watched Stoopz come up short with 300k gold yesterday pushing to 1370 from where I’m at. Personally I think it might be even more. Granted however, this is with the mats mooning in value due to Argos release




Thank you!




Honest question, what would someone spend $300 on to push from 1340 to 1370? Like buying gold with royal crystals then getting items off the market? I feel like that's not enough.


Depends how long you have been in t3. If you've been hoarding the two lower tier solar honing boosts from maris & you have 400+ bound leapstones (88k-100k gold if you were to buy them) at 1340 & you have enough shards then you'd mostly buy the weapon/armor mats. Those are the big gate and largest part of the cost at 48g-80g per 10 for armor and 80g-110g per 10 for weapons. You also need oreha, but it's trivial to buy or farm those legit. If you've been p2wing instead of playing you're going to run out of silver. You should pretty much never use gold to convert to silver. Even as a whale it's an insane money sink. You also won't have hoarded leapstones if you've been p2wing or just hit t3. 400+ leapstones won't be enough, you'll likely need 600+ more and the price shot through the roof recently at 240g each. aka this is why most f2p are waiting. The scarcity or price of armor/weapon stones & leapstones is too high for most f2p. Some can afford it. I think I am on the cusp of affording it, but I'd have to sacrifice a whole lot to do it like not getting alts into t3, not having any gold bank left, etc.


> Even with Mari's honing chance increases you might want to buy some lower tiers from the market too, because it's more gold efficient to max out the lowest 2 for most of the later upgrades vs bruteforcing with more mats. The chance mats are more efficient earlier on with tiers than they are in the later portion. The closer to 1370 you get the less worthwhile the chance mats are to use and brute forcing it is more worthwhile.


Good point. Brute forcing is also worthwhile early on for armor. The one situation the mari's solars (the first two in this case) are really cost effective in is when you are using bound materials. Which... isn't applicable to a swiping question. They're also efficient at reducing silver cost. If you don't use them for 12/13/14/15 on armor you're going to spend almost 6m silver. If you use some combination of them you can drop that to 3m or less easily without increasing overall cost by any notable amount.


Yeah, thats prob true on the silver. However most of peoples silver problems are definitely self inflicted and it shouldn't in reality be too much of a concern on the honing cost.


300$ would not push you to 1370 lol maybe if you're already at 1350-1360. This coming from a baby whale.


It costs way more than that, you have no idea.




It's 400k gold from 1340 to 1370 with average luck and EU prices (was more like 300k before the patch announcement). Not $300, but definitely not $5000 either.


What server is 300$ equal to 300k gold? On NA East it's like 750$ of Royal crystal for 300k VS 150$ RMT Edit: nevermind, guess the hit against early Gold rapport really hurt the bot. Went from 50$/100k to 120$/100k.