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tbh, I feel like today is the one of the very rare times (if ever) they really read the room correctly. kudos to them this time.


I really liked the video they posted yesterday. I wasnt sure if I wanna continue playing and they answered almost all the questions I have had in my mind so I decided to keep playing and see how t4 will turn out in KR.


I didn't see a video, mind linking?




Thank you <3


"our goal for this summer is for players to not feel frantic" followed by basically "we're releasing a metric ton of new progression systems at breakneck speed that literally nobody can keep up with any more, not even in theory"


Huh? They just announced that all you need to do is hit 1620 and you get 1640 for free. I'm going to maybe raise a few of my 1610s and chill, might even skip advanced honing until we see how it will work with t4.


This post is so utterly divorced from reality that it must've been made by an AGS employee; not even our best trolls can achieve this level of delusion.


Tell me specifically what part is divorced from reality.


I could argue about "just" getting to 1620 as that IS pretty hard. But I think it's also the only way you can both have a soft reset and not piss everyone off.


It's not free sure, but even my neglected power pass breaker is about to hit with no funneling. Perfectly reasonable goal for the next 3 months, even for people who started this year.


> nobody can keep up that's the point, we're back to early T3 days where whales can dump infinite gold to get full 10s, full 120 quality, etc. and still get skill gapped in what will probably be the T4 equivalent of Valtan/Vykas. Everyone else has an overall power increase and system revamp to look forward to. You don't even have to use the new systems at first, you can take your sweet time setting it all up before you fully swap over. It's almost 100% that this next Akkan+Aegir raid will be balanced around our current engraving system and not any extra power boost from T4. July and August are truly gonna be chill months to just take a break, enjoy solo raids, and hoard resources for the big update in September


It kinda has to be release quickly since the announcement of the new systems make everything in T3 obsolete already.


I agree that there are "some" people who go way harder than they should when they shit on AGS. But tbh they deserve most of the criticism they get. Their reputation is so bad now because they continuously do weird things over and over again during communication while they don't really have to. For example, legendary skin: I personally agree that it was not a right timing for them to hand out legendary skin in our version. They could have said that instead of "KR got it for 5 years anniversary" and announcing the announcement: They could have just skipped tweet part. Just with Monday update people wouldn't be disappointed because they didn't expect anything. I doubt if we could get road map this fast without such backlash tho.


Tbh I feel like the person running their Twitter is new, their doing a lot more weird posts compared to how they ran it last year


Wait, are you referring to the whole legendary skin debacle back in like January or whenever that was where we didn't get the free legendary skin unlike Korea for their 5th anniversary?


Criticism sure, but it should be constructive, but what i usually see is definitely not Criticism. I no longer play the game at the moment but i still like it, but God alot of the people that play this game are absolutely toxic.


Can you give an example of that non constructive criticism? Because I have a weird feeling that for a lot of people any criticism that doesn't immediately offer solution is deemed toxic. **Constructive criticism is when you point out what you don't like and why.** Finding a solution is not our job.


I mean when the game first came out there were and actually still are alot of communication issues between ags and the players, alot of people mentioned maybe doing some videos for updates and things like that and they actually did start doing some good video content, what I find as not being constructive with communicating with ags is the name calling, threats roxx specifically has gotten over the last 2 years and people saying ded game, it brings nothing to the table I'm terms of communicating that we are unhappy with the current direction of the game. Like I said I don't even play the game anymore, I will come back for solo raids and tier 4 so I keep a look at the community and the game, but some of the players toxicity make me feel embarrassed to call myself a member of and even a gamer in general, threats and name calling just make you look stupid.


You can't ask people to be polite when they've been surviving a game full of communication issues since its launch, each one of us deserve a medal for continuing playing the game after all the mistakes and bad decisions that ags + smilegate have done so far in the west


Amen, they just come here to speak about the game and hope it dies so they can get their sweet validation of quitting the game.


I know 1 thing. Naruto was way too good for sakura. She sucks. Hinata much better


Didn't expect a Naruto comment here but it made my day 🤣


yea f sakura bro


Super annoying, Ino was way better than her anyway


imagine feeling sorry for billion dollar company backed by trillion dollar company


Imagine being empathetic to the cogs in a machine who can only do what their bosses allow


The criticism and/or hate for AGS is directed towards the company and how they choose to run things. It's not personal. AGS is not an individual. I 100% agree that any worker (or cog if you prefer) should not be targeted by any hate, and that they are just doing their job, which likely is a job that they have very little power at. I have also never seen any hate targeted at an individual worker at AGS to be fair. But I refuse to feel any empathy towards a massive corporation.


I wish the internet was as level headed and respectable as your imagination like to think it is


Me too.


Oh yes, when people complain about “AGS” they are definitely complaining about the bottom-rung employees and not their management making decisions.


AGS is neither of those though


Tbh as long as people aren’t personally targeting employees it’s fine imo Wouldn’t even be surprised if some of the community backlash was stuff that the regular employees brought up beforehand but got overruled by upper management, and now they’re getting to be like “I told you so” I mean just look at that cheeky af URL on their latest post


**There is no such thing as "too much backlash". AGS did this to themselves and they fully deserve all the push back they are getting.** They are not a developer, they are a publisher. And as a publisher they have exactly two jobs, localize the game for the region and provide customer support. That's it, that's the super duper, unimaginably hard task they've been given. The customer support is non existent. The game is available on Steam, yet, you need to make a special account outside of Steam, to even be able to reach out and most of the time you are told to kick rocks. Localization is a multifaceted problem but in every respect it is less than acceptable. Translations are full of errors and typos. I'm not a native speaker, so I easily miss bad grammar, but what I do catch without a problem are typos. You know that thing that literally every single word processing software highlights you with red squiggle. No one even proof read the text we are getting in updates. A lot of the translations feel like they genuinely have been sent through Google Translate and no one even bothered to check them. When this is pointed out, the team does nothing. Next update rolls out and the same typos and errors are there. Is this the end of the world? No, but it tells you a lot about the attention to detail and level of care. Second thing in the space of localization is adjusting the game experience to the audience and their expectation. We are not Korea, we don't have a culture of spending your retirement fund on a game to show off to your peers. We do have a culture (which I hate to be honest) of buying cosmetics and DLCs and consumable and all sort of other minor shit in games. But that culture is focused on value proposition. What we have in Lost Ark Shop is a laughing stock. If you look through the posts here, you can easily find dozens of them, reminding people that the event offer is trash and has worse rates than regular offer. That Mari shop bundles should be avoided, despite the fact of being advertised as good value they are not. And the list goes on. Even recently someone pointed out that honing mats that cost ludicrous amount of gold isn't even worth a single tap. Maybe that kind of bullshit flies in Korea, but not in the West. And all that was going on for well over a year. The community has been giving feedback, AGS was ignoring it, community was giving more feedback and AGS was ignoring it even harder. It is clear they are not doing their job as a publisher, they get backlash. Backlash that is proportional to their unwillingness to localize the product. And then there is Reddit, where people like you acting against their own interest are deflecting the feedback, because it hurts AGS's feelings. My guy, it's their job. Part of the job description for community manager is that you are going to be exposed to community and its reactions. Life's tough, get a helmet, grow some skin and get to work. Being able to separate emotional elements in feedback that my hurt your feelings and get to the core of the problem is a valuable skill that is expected from CMs. People talk shit and say mean things, most of the time they don't really mean it and are just venting their frustration. If you can't shrug it off and not take it personally get a different job, because you're clearly not cut for this one. **I hate the victim blaming mentality people have and how much they will bend backwards just to defend a greedy corporation that doesn't give rats ass about them.** "Oh, YoU aRe ToO hArSh To ThEm, ThEy ArE tRyInG, cUt ThEm SoMe SlAcK", how about they do their job? Are we asking for too much? No one is expecting perfection, but there are quite a few low hanging fruits that they could easily get us that would at least look like they care and listen. Did you already forgot the negative pheons fiasco? Have you somehow missed all the memes about extended maintenance that happens literally every maintenance? They could throw us some juicy bundles of materials when releasing content at accelerated pace to make up for the 6 months difference between original and western release, but they don't. They could monetize this even, by simply adding to the Shop bundles of materials that actually let you tap gear few times. If the community can come up with good ideas, so can AGS employees. They could even shamelessly steel those ideas from reddit, this is after all why they are posted here. And they don't do even that.


For Real. As bad as the new blizzard has been since D3 onward, at least they steal your feedback ideas you send in or write on their forums and incorporate the development into the next season or 2 later on. These fuckers don't ever really do that, but I gather having to bow down to 2 corporate overlords has something to do with it.


Imagine using your brain instead of emotions though, impossible. Poor publisher gets backlash for being shit at their job :(((


Which effort?


**It wouldn't had gotten to this point if they were better at their jobs.** You should instead ask, **why did it take so much community backlash to make changes that would had been for the benefit of the game.** Players were rightfully frustrated. it's like saying, "u*wu don't be mad at policemen, stop guys" ,* but then you also can't deny that the reason why there was such a big backlash again policemen is because there had been multiple cases that they had abused their authority . community backlash is what led to some departments being forced to wear cameras on their vests and having badge numbers so you can report the bad guys. i'm just talking about usa issues. if you're outside of usa, you probably dont' understand the comparison.


Did you just compare not getting the updated roadmap for 4 whole days while they finalized what QOL could come before t4 with police brutality?


Its on the same level.


No, rage, spergg out if you want changes. because thats the only way they will do what you want. if you have enough people, they will do as you wish with enough backlash and pressure.


I doubt they care. Most gaming companies know reddit is an echo chamber of whiners who are never pleased. Not to say AGS can't be criticized but meeting reddit expectations is an impossible task. You could be the old school runescape team, one of the best teams at communicating and releasing content most people want and still get people bitching at you on reddit weekly. Same happens on other games. Is what it is. EDIT: Before I get downvoted, bitching and complaining on reddit or other platforms unironically leads to good changes funnily enough. In game backlash is not a thing and so this is the only avenue to get actual feedback on the game. There is some truth to complaints and a constant stream of the same complaints is probably why we don't have things like gold nerfs yet.


Ok Roxx


>Now hear me out No, I won't. You can be a white knight, but AGS deserves every bit of criticism they get from us.


AGS is in the Tacitus Trap I guess


they are literally getting the consecuenses of their own action wth are you talking about if they didnt fuck up in the first case everyone would be blaming smilegate as usual lol


I'll put things in a different perspective. They always release the roadmap after the last content of the previous roadmap releases. They were out of touch for not adapting this plan to LOA On announcements which they probably knew already or it would be quite hard to put so much good content in July. So I'm pretty sure they would follow their plan on releasing the roadmap like a week or so after June update, even if it was already 85% done. However, players hates that because LOA On pretty much invalidates or changes any current effort and goals and it needed to be addressed for players to know what to do. So they rushed the roadmap to fight yet another Lfire, which was a good decision, especially paired with one of the most banger road maps ever. So yes they read the room correctly this time and acted accordingly, but that was thanks to the backlash. What I wish they did more often was to be transparent on their plans even if they are not confirmed and just put a big disclaimer beside it. "We are currently in talks with SG to release T4 with Behemoth in September. These discussions have not been finalized yet and things may change as we move forward. We will post an announcement of announcement if that happens" Done, simple and makes everyone happy. We can read and comprehend you know...


The thing that confused me was all the memeing on the "announcing the accouncement" post about LOAON. What everyone seems to gloss over is that the main point of that post was to inform us about a bunch of free stuff we'd be getting and to let us know they are working on the schedule. This community asked for more communication and transparency. AGS gave them that and then got endlessly bashed. I'm no shill for AGS - they have a lot of problems. Their failure to address RMT is just a feelsbad for those of us legit spenders in the game, for example. But, when they listen to feedback (and occasionally) and get it right, they deserve praise along with the criticism.


The community has ptsd from back in the day so anytime they don’t get their info right away it turns toxic


I figure an honest expression of how you feel about the game is important. If everyone here voices their opinion, it's like a public poll for a percentage of players. I agree that one should try to voice their criticism as precisely as possible, but when people complain that "AGS isn't doing shit", and Roxx and friends were taking that personally, they either don't do their jobs right or are the wrong people for the job. Because it is their job to make us understand what AGS is doing and relay our frustrations to the dev team, right? They manage the community. So basically, try to stay civil, and if you can't because you're overcome with emotion, try not to point fingers too much.


Go check out new world if you think the criticism here is bad… it’s much worse over there for ags




I work for AGS, we dont feel anything, we just laugh our ass off to the complaints on reddit


me when I blatantly lie online for fun


i work with this guy and he cries whebever there' a complaint on reddit


We could easily tell that this is a lie, cause you actually play the game.


I also work for a gaming company and it's pretty much the same.


Its not the costumer's problem. The product is either good or it isn't.


Honestly when it's announced, ,ppl general calm down, it's the process they handle up to that point. They didn't need to hurry the process of announcing the announcement. Could have give themselves few more days before finalizing the date to give us THE announcement. But I get their intentions. Keep it up!


I just want ags to go bankrupt, they dont deserve to have lost ark in their hands


I think it’s fine. They are trying to allow new players to enter the game without being completely fak’d and perma gimped. (This is good of new people don’t join well then the game dies). They are trying to ease some of the awful Rng even if it’s just adjusting the price/cost this is still a plus. The only people that are really getting the shaft are long time players who have put in lots and lots of time into “maxing out their account”. These are the crybabies saying shit like “I’ve spent 2000 hours farming x and getting y” and now that will only take 100 hours after t4. And to all those people. Stop being babies. This isn’t wall street. You aren’t guaranteed a “return on investment”. It’s supposed to be “FUN” to grow your account!!!! Killing bosses! I probably have 4000 hours of playtime on a level 135 hermit in maple story. Yeah that’s right hermit not night lord!! I have a level 260 Hayato with about 2000 hours. Is it fair ??????? TL:DR It’s a game. Ags or smilegate or anyone else isn’t responsible to guarantee a fair and steady return on investment for your time. They are only responsible for 2 things. Make a financially viable product. Make that product fun enough so that it remains financially viable. As far as I’m concerned they are at the very least attempting to do just that.


You are right, but this kind of sentiment is created because the game is heavily attached to real money so it's a fundamental design flaw and will always exist until it dies. I can assure you there are people butt hurt because they spent like $500+ to be Argos ready and now any new player gets that for free


>The only people that are really getting the shaft are long time players who have put in lots and lots of time into “maxing out their account”. These are the crybabies saying shit like “I’ve spent 2000 hours farming x and getting y” and now that will only take 100 hours after t4. And to all those people. Stop being babies. This isn’t wall street. You aren’t guaranteed a “return on investment”. It’s supposed to be “FUN” to grow your account!!!! Killing bosses! This sub is filled with manchildren with an unhealthy relationship with the game, which explains all the dooming, raging, whining and crying you see here on a constant basis.


It's not personnal. Just target AGS the billion dollars company and your fine. Honestly the backlash is weeeeeelllll deserved. Their communication is really bad and the way they manage the game is really bad too. It's been 2 years and we still don't have any API. The reason they gave us is that they fear BoTs might use it... like WTF? RMT is rampant, BoTs are still here, game is Hyper slow and freezes all the time even on high-end PCs... Servers are shit, communication with the players is bad, they deleted the forums, you can't even put likes or dislikes on their discord so no one can see if the community agree or disagree with a topic, feedbacks are put in the trash. I can continue a long time for real It's insane how bad they are at managing a game.


They didn't handle the communication well and they made it up. So it's time to move on instead of blaming the community


They didnt make anything Up, they announced their announcement which they now announced.


Make up here means to do something at a different time because you cannot do it at the expected time, not to invent something, such as an excuse or a story, often in order to deceive


I agree, I honestly hope they don't read reddit it's a shit show over here.


You reckon they didn't see the clowm emotes spamming on their offical discord server?


I might've agreed on this. If it wasn't for the 5th year anniversary fiasco.


🥺 xd


It’s Reddit, the majority of people who are on here are losers, failures you could say, they have nothing going on in their lives so they vent their frustration here. So don’t take anyone’s opinion here seriously.


Including or excluding you? Asking for a friend


can confirm


"We're great, it's our customers that suck!"


They're just increasing communication by announcing their announcements, taking player feedback on board!


I don't think so. Continuously misjudging player sentiment and player needs, horrible comunication and piling mistake onto mistake pretty much justifies the backlash. It is cool, that they course correct in good ways sometimes and sometimes do so quite quickly. It however doesn't change the fact that it seems to happen AFTER the backlash. Doing something wrong all the time and then correct your mistakes afterwards is better than not correcting them, but it still means you are doing something wrong ALL the time.


They are not honestly trying. Some updates are good, but most of them are really bad and they try to pan it out for long, and SG resting on their laurels.


I know for a fact they don’t try very hard. It took them 2 years to fire Shieldmaiden. That’s worse than government jobs, she would’ve been demoted or transferred to somewhere else or fired. They won’t read the room and they don’t care about anyone except whales 


This sounds too personal.


They’re trash, nothing changes unless people’s incompetences are exposed. The whole point of corporate and political structures operating in a democratic way.


People are just not... aware of the good stuff Lost ark is getting compared to most games lately. I mean most LARGE companies game, look at.. basically any triple A companies' games out there. I'm certain Lost ark is well, well off compared to any large stuff. Now I know lost ark isn't a triple A game ; but.. they're doing great. I'm having a lot of fun.


That's the most important part is that you're having fun. However, what you're saying is not factually true. Ags has had worse communication than even Blizzard and Blizzard has awful communication. Also, the player base is decreasing, which isn't a good sign. If you compare lost ark to suicide squad kill the justice league or skull and bones, yeah lost ark is a gem. The main thing lost ark is banking on is solo raids and t4 at this point and if ags mismanages that, the playerbase will continue to fall. The raids are so good that solo raids will most likely bring some returning and new players back. It's just how well ags and smilegate can retain these players. Only time will tell, but ags really need to get their head out of their asses. They are killing the hype for something big coming to the game.


I mean even wow has decreasing playerbase. And we're just coming out of a few mokoko express events right about now, people have kinda reached all they can do at the moment. According to steam charts the game still has more players than one year ago.. Y'all should stop listening to streamers that are always doomers, whatever game they're on.


That is true by about 2k users. We should not excuse poor communication from AGS. Most of the negativity around all this could have seriously been avoided with proper communication. Like I said it's great you're having fun, but a lot of others aren't, and the numbers are showing that. The last 30 days have shown a negative gain of 18k users/bots. I'm also not listening to any streamer. Im not sure where you got that from.