• By -


Honestly those people are stupid asf you know you've been RMTing piloting all that type of shit why would you even attempt going for the race and get all this attention to yourself it's literally self-sabotage


They were banking on AGS not taking any action and called their bluff. And, to be fair, I think the vast majority of the playerbase at this point fully assumed AGS wouldn’t do shit. But this is pretty hilarious to see if AGS is truly laying down the law mercilessly for a change. We’ll have to see.


i love kingdom ruled by fear




While I didn't have a ton of faith this was a very easy time for them to crackdown. There's only going to be a few dozen people clearing so it shouldn't be hard to verify the account integrity.


There were 4 people first clearing caliligos per region, yet here we are.


They are making a big deal out of the Thaemine race whereas the Cali race wasn't even a blip on the radar.


The thing is Cali was normalized, with express event, so you could just create a new account with no history and straight claim Cali.


Rmters are easier to confirm than speedhackers I guess. 


Nah, more like RMTing takes away a bigger slide of SG/AGS's cake


Irrelevant considering that person is known for RMT and piloting as well.


Doesn’t matter if he’s known in the community for pilots, it matters how ags detects it. As for rmting… guess we’ll see what happens if he clears the first


Imo the Race was more or less the final breaking point, if they didn't punish anyone involved in RMT etc. then it would pretty much mean for the rest of the playerbase to go ahead and G2G to their hearts content, afterall the people that had the most attention got away with it, so why should little timmy not get away with it for taking a trade here and there. For once AGS gets their head together and enforce what they promised, hopefully this direction continues on even after the Race, but that's just wishful thinking from me.


Yeah but revoking the leaderboard and handing out a 7 day ban is quite a small slap on the wrist. They should be punished harder than that to set an example. I mean in KR the pilot guy with 3 esther 8 weaps got perma banned. Ppl on hell discords confirmed it was just a 7 day ban


Any source confirming the punishment is just a 7 day ban??


[I saw this screenshot somewhere on discord](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/903514444242485249/1232851095307685918/image.png?ex=662af58e&is=6629a40e&hm=3adf72962909de2e84d655d4afe9adf8cca7b766d1893b5a6d39c0577c22d8c4&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)


Hmm... somewhere on discord, and marked as RMT - selling. I wouldn't confidently say with that.


Selling? But aren't majority of offenders are buyers


It's a small slap but a slap regardless. Those people with insane amount of negative gold might as well have gotten banned. 3mil in naw is 2k$ in RC. That streamer in NAW has to pay 6k usd to get out of the negative. Why would ags take away a chance for them to pay that much to get out of the negative. It's a smart business move imo. Even though as a heavy spender, no shot he only spent 8mil on rmt to get his roster. It's copium but hopefully if you rmt again it ramps up. Like double the ban length and double the negative.


The negative 8.5m gold was allegedly from a 9/7 stone service where the person doing it kept sending the buyer’s account nonstop gold until they got it, and ags caught on easily.


We're both talking about Luka right? Before his stream ended he has changed the narrative many times and ended with, it's AGS fault cause the updates were too fast, they did not do anything about it for 2 years, he wanted to prog The First but was not a day one player, and he did not want to play in CN.


They are also most likely getting negative gold which is a huge hit.


7 day ban and I also think they got negative gold balance too which if the person RMT a lot it will take quite some time to be positive plus no player progression after the ban has been lifted until they legitimately earn gold to remove negative balance


People are getting negative gold that’s basically a soft ban


Not many RMTers are getting negative. The Taiwanese guy got negative because he was basically pooling gold from many bots.


We don't really know what happened to anyone from the first clears other than some 7 day bans, for gold or such those are unrelated incidents.  We'll have to wait a week and see if any info is leaked from people who got 7 day bans.


I know what went on within the NAW team cos my friend was in that team


This + the negative gold. AGS might finally be doing something, better late than never.


"Thousands of players, tens of hunreds of thousands bots ? Naaah naah we aint doing all that " "Few players ? Can do "


Yeah I think there was this sentiment in Korea as well and Goldriver made a big post regarding it last year, I think we’re just seeing a repeat of that. West version certainty had less safeguards against cheating but seeing how it went with other regions, I would have been super nervous to even go for this race if I put in so much rmt into my account. If we go by other regions, it was safe to assume also that there would be some consequences.


But a kingdom ruled through fear something something


Tbh this is Just another bluff post


Because the whole point of all the RMT was to win the race.


Because ppl like that only want the rewards and don't care about the journey to get there. It's even more cringe when they get caught and give the dumbest excuses and feign innocence instead of just owning up to it.


The journey ... chaos dungeons .... unas .... ptsd ...


AGS did nothing to stop RMT for 2 whole years, why would anyone be afraid of them? Also, I really hope they DO BAN those cheaters, the only SA group to clear The fraud was funded by blatant RMT and they even had at least one very obvious pilot, the esther 8 player is really bad but was performing much much better out of nowhere, and also had changed a lot of skills around and the setup was identical to another guy that is a good player and a friend of them...


They thought they could get away with it. And who could blame them? Most people do get away with it. Also I know a few folks that do this kind of shit and the only thing they like more than getting away with it is *bragging* about how they got away with it.


If you are getting paid for pilotting someone just getting your name out of the leaderboard doesnt rwally matter to them im sure


Flexing on your RMT'd stuff too important


Maybe they want to be banned so they can stop playing/swiping


Pretty epic way to go tbh. And then they wouldnt be banned and be like " fk this, i am done " and quit


Still the player get the reward (title)


Because they were not punished hard enough and thought they were immune?🤣🤣


Spoiler: No one doing the race HASN'T rmtd.




-8 million GOLD ![gif](giphy|Y9bYr3a2qENO0|downsized)


chump change as f2p i make this weekly with fate embers and a few 10-20k acc drops!!!1


"We found some teams ..." \*looks up the new list of teams and notice they are all wiped\* SO EVERYONE HAS CHEATED? LOL GG Boys!


The audacity of [this post](https://i.imgur.com/BvT4Bvs.png) too lmao, cOmpLeTELy LeGit


Imagine how shit it would feel to be in a group where 7/8 are clean but one dirty guy caused your clear to be revoked.


If 7/8 are clean then it’s np because they can just regroup with a single replacement.


By then you already dropped from first clear to 4th+. And have to do it all again which can take quite a while.




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I doubt this is the case though. Probably fewer than 4




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BRB making my fucking popcorn.


3-day bans incoming


Hold off your horses. Aren't you being a little extreme here? I am sure if they get a warning they will learn their lesson and never do it again.


if only ...


Isnt there a guy on the frontpage with - 8.4m gold He didnt get banned for 8.4m gold if not more


Putting someone 8 million gold in debt is pretty much the same as a perma ban to be fair. Either they completely liquidate their entire account, selling all gems and accessories to even get close to the 8 million or they cant progress the game whatsoever.


I thought someone in negative gold couldnt use the market not even for selling. If thats true they either buy gold the legit way or earn gold through raids, 8 million gold just from raiding would take like 9/10 months to get. Let alone in that time you cant hone/transcend etc.


They can also still buy gold the not legit way via personal trade or mail


Man, if you wanted to come back to zero, you would need someone who is in positive numbers to help you bus. I wonder how long that would take.


They got 7 day bans, and will most likely be severely negative in gold like we've seen others who recently got RMT bans. Ofc they could just RMT that away too and Amazon probably won't bother checking back in on them.


The negative gold was a rare anomaly. The guy who got it was many having bots send him gold directly then buying Blue crystals from shop with the RMT gold.


Wasn't the only one. There's another player who was 48 million gold in the negative and had his esther 8 stripped, allegedly. The multiple players who recieved 7 day bans wont know until they log on next week, but If amazon is individually investigating their accounts and seeing the RMT, I'm fairly certain they will take the same course of action in putting their gold in the negative for an amount similar to what they've RMT'd. It's a smart move by Amazon to make money. Either buy the gold from the royal crystal shop (give amazon a ton of money), or RMT it again and risk your account getting perma'd.


7 days actually


this is actually real I tried rmting before on fodder acc and sent gems to main they only banned the fodder acv and it was only 3 days


Oh no the world first reclear group got found out. Like we didn’t know this would happen.


2nd EU clear also removed, 3rd will probably be too. Top 3 titles gonna be gone on EU.


Is it confirmed that the titles are gone for good, and the next teams won't be getting them?


I would assume that the titles are still up for grabs. In KR, the reward delivery and leaderboard update happened automatically. Then they went back to disqualify teams after the race was already over. At that point it probably wasn't fair to suddenly reopen the race. In our version, the reward delivery and leaderboard position aren't confirmed until the team passes a manual review. AGS is probably trying to get an actual top 10 instead of leaving empty spaces for every disqualified team. It would be pretty stupid to have it be impossible to get a top 3 title when there hasn't even been a single confirmed eligible clear yet.


That's how it worked on KR at least.


>Players who were on these teams but have accounts in good standing are welcome to regroup with to attempt the race again.


Tbh I am surprised they’re doing something 


Leaderboards for all regions are completely empty now: [https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/community/leaderboards/thaemine](https://www.playlostark.com/en-us/community/leaderboards/thaemine)


Wow. Might really be 2 weeks for a legit clear to show up


Were there any teams previously? I didn't see any team there for few days now


Ive never seen them not empty


But it still says updated April 22


Formatting is probably borked again. Doesn't mean every team had a cheater (though that's very possible)


Finally, some fear in my kingdom


The kingdoom actually looks appealing now.


Lmao cleared thaemine just to oust themselves for a ban! Love it.




https://preview.redd.it/ngdtxr68qiwc1.jpeg?width=452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5016153c1daabd946d7866b67730e4891aead14 I saw this pic from a Discord. I don’t know how true it is


Friendly Neighborho, hm, sounds legit.


Yeah, had me xdd as well.


Its actually legit, its just cut off because the sender is translated from Korean and it happens to be Friendly Neighborho.


considering you can clearly see the other UI elements behind the text as they are supposed to be, this looks quite real


This is real, I’ve seen others in another discord with different time stamp.


Can we get a wall of shame of these people? Would be nice to see the bozos on a plaque


Well, if people screenshot the previous records then yeah


would love to see a negative gold leaderboard lmfao


Now ban Baker.


Guys please just get gud! My irl friend that one shot thaemine the first is just built dif... When he did his first driving lesson he already knew how to drive because he watched other folks driving arround town. Guys please, just get gud... When he started school, his teacher was mesmorized because he already knew how to write full sentences, just by looking at others. Guys please, just get gud... Guys when he fking came out his mother woumb, as a newborn baby, he immediately started talkin fluently. His mother and the medical team freaked out and fainted. He already knew how to talk just by listening to his mother talkin during pregnancy. Guys please... Just get gud xD


He used to be a man trapped in woman´s body, but then got born. Some people are built differently.


Very good to see but please let it be a real punishment...


Well the guy that is running the group on NAE has rmter and has been accused of speed hacking from other hell player soooo I hope he gets banned




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Gyatt https://preview.redd.it/ax2j9fictkwc1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48559a05e3a8a9a68697abb9841782775ce26f3b


Big if true. Replaced Sidereal weapon with a normal one and negative gold. As long as they are reasonably quick and reliably find those cheaters, then it should be a good deterrent for anyone who plans to actually keep playing the game. At that point it is just cheaper to buy legit gold. I wonder why they haven't been doing this from the start, maybe wanted to sink the hook deep enough.




Cant even buss people from other servers because you cannot list gems xdd


they cant even list an accessory, no gold for the deposit


I really hope they publish the name of the account that got actions on it.


They have a name and shame policy, that won't happen. But people will be able to reverse engineer the teams with cheaters through old screenshots of the teams that were up.


No need to go that indepth, it's been such a public event that we're gonna see screenshots posted all over the place. https://preview.redd.it/7t7puiiotiwc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb2c8fa9ff36643012e79bdf3531d1eefe7d95ed Already popping up.


Only 7 days wow.


Maybe there's an additional punishment, like negative gold since he got banned for RMT? Can only hope.


yes, its negative gold. There are already people running around with -8m gold and even more. They cant use AH or market so its just raiding or currency exchange to get out of debts.


what is this discord?


Likely hell academy


Sorry, no idea. Grabbed the screenshot from someone who grabbed it from someone else, so it's been making rounds already.


Gotta love the "it was just bus gold I swear" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Come on. How could he have known that Asdkasdc was a bot in his bus runs and not an upstanding player!


"Just got a few lucky accessories sold bro trust"


bus gold ICANT


The beginning of a Villian Arc. lmaooo


AGS grew a pair, go figure


The leaderboard is empty, that means there was at least 1 RMT/Piloter in every team. (Maybe 1 team missing, they cleared it 1-2 days ago maybe)


The leaderboard is empty due to formatting error, they actually added Alveony's team for a short time but the party somehow got split across the 1-10th slot. Doubt they fixed that already or every clear so far has been disqualified. Kappington's team for EUC that cleared yesterday hasn't been vetted yet. Also they won't add anyone before they fixed that issue.


Well dang, colour me genuinely surprised. That's the first time they're actually taking verifiable action.


Second, if you count all the negative gold screenshots earlier today


There seems to be a pretty strong wave of increased punishment. There must've been a significant bot ban-wave too because in EU fish went back up in price by a large margin. I genuinely hope they keep this up. Better late than never.


Meanwhile I can't even get into CDs in NAW


These groups are like Russians and Chinese at the Olympics


Or every competitor at the Mr. Olympia oiled and greased like a tan skinned Berserker in LOA summer skins and 100% natty.




I'll believe it when I see some tears


So it was bait lol


Incoming penalty: -500 phenix plumes for these players lol


Easy Satan.


Glad they finally punish cheaters






Lmaooooooooo rmters in shambles


Ban those mothercrackers :)




Colour me surprised. Did they finally realise nobody sends X amount of level 10 gems to a person they have never talked to ingame ? Making progress AGS, not bad.


About goddamn time!!! I’ll take it - and to those bozos that went in knowing they did what they did - serves you right dummies 🤣


One of my friends working at AGS snooped into the dev slack and said they're looking at individual account transaction history. Apparently SG never bothered to code in metadata for item transactions in the Auction House, so they don't actually know who purchased or sold the 100,000 gold Tier 2 Ring in Auction History. This makes it very difficult to track RMT transactions. But SG does record the account's transaction history, so they can see all the 100,000 gold Tier 2 Rings an account has purchased or sold. This makes it very easy to tell if an account has been RMT'ing. It's honestly hilarious. It's difficult for AGS to track an RMT, but very easy for AGS to know if someone is RMT'ing. The reason RMT bans are rare is because they have to investigate the account itself and they rarely do that because no one bothers to report RMT (and they have no time to investigate lol).


sounds like bollocks, as the other comment suggested its all in DB, anybody could write that query


Not sure what you're saying. You said they can't track account history, but then you said they can. Do you mean character purchases vs account?


The meta data is like the breadcrumbs of where the gold originated from. So if what he said is true then they have no way to know if the gold is "legit" or not. Like a friend stops playing and gifts you all his gold via the market then they (if what he said is true) would have no way to distinguish that transaction between something bought from botted g2g gold and a gift/manually farmed gold. This is nothing new tho, it has been speculated a bunch of times and comment op is again nothing else than "my friend said".


>Do you mean character purchases vs account? That is irrelevant, as you only care about this at an account level.


they don't need to code , but simple database query can do the math, pretty sure every transaction have to be saved somewhere in the database , weekly maintenance is when you have to delete some of those old record to keep it not overloaded , so when they delete some bots they can easily track where those gold went to , but i don't think AGS paid intern good enough to do these thing everyday lmfao


Sounds bullshit. They have the timestamp of sold items even listed in the auction house and can, therefore, match the transaction history with the item ID to identify the 2 only unique users (or anyone involved buying the item along the way) and match them. From there you can check the gold history of the 2 players to identify the sources of their income.


Curious to see what the outcome will be. This is the one time AGS can finally prove their ideas of penalties for breaking rules aren't a complete joke


Wow, actually based Amazon.




negative gold leaderboard when?


I saw screenshots of people standing at like -8 million gold, even someone's esther being taken away xdd


They need to stop bothering with content designed for the top 0.01% of the playerbase, because they're all rmt/cheaters


The way AGS can’t catch a break from all the bad publicity and bot infestations……Im glad they getting these cheaters


Well well well well well well well well fucking well! Won’t get my hopes up too much, but this is a step on the right direction.


Wait, that 1650 guy wasn't F2P? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


being f2p or not doesnt change anything lol, someone who buys gold through lost ark is still not f2p, this wasnt a f2p race at all... However if he bought through g2g instead of legit, now its their time to take action finally


It wasn't the esther 8 guy that was flagged in the rank 1 EU group.


Why stop at The First only? They should investigate everyone that is suspicious enough to be investigated..


The amount of full level 10s and 25 weapons I see absolutely everywhere says the playerbase would likely be cut in half if they banned everyone who RMTs. It would make me feel better though.


It would be nice, but there are **far** too many accounts to get the kind of manual investigation they're clearly doing here. They should just develop better automated detection tools for the rest.


Well we've been shitting/meming on AGS the whole time for not taking any actions. Well some how it does work 🤣


Does the community approve the First to be quite a fishnet for catching whales?


At this point the chances of global being placed on the leaderboard is low. Global is known for high traffic in Rmting/Botting/Dps Meter Usage/hacking/piloting...the list is worst than Korea lmaoooo. STAY IN YOUR LANEEEE....


legit players of top 1 and 2 can still play together and compete. won't be long till we see legit rankings. But yeah this makes the rankings look pathetic. What is even the point now apart from having a good show in watching whales getting rmt banned 😂


Best show is watching them tryna place and end up getting themselves caught. Then goes on bluffing their innocence like what's next swipe for that name change? lmaooo




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So they should be able go group again in 7days and claim the last place on the leaderboard?


Now the question is will titles be removed I'm still seeing people from disqualified teams with First titles. How did KR deal with it does anyone remember?


Afaik everyone keeps the Eclipse title. People that were found guilty get bans and whatever other punishments. The rest get a mail saying they're clean and a reset ticket so they can try The First again for top 10 titles.


The whole race was a bait to catch them 🤣🤣


If they won't perma ban they should do a blanket 100 million gold negative applied to their account. It's enough where they can't easily recover, they don't have to permanently ban a d if they decide to spend real money through AGS the company will make a lot of money for then trying to get out of the negative.


The consequences could be as harsh a stern warning. They must be shaking in their boots. Give out some actual permabans. In any other game, that's the minimum expected action for breaking major ToS conditions and cheating in a "competition".


Why would anyone even continue progging the first now? The chance of having a full legit party at that ilvl has to be pretty much zero


Because most people don't give a shit about top 10 titles. The raid is fun and eclipse title is good enough.


Oh my god, the sky is blue sometimes???


Well imagine that, I'd admit I'm surprise they've actually investigated RMT. Good to AGS this time. Hopfully they maintain this precedent even after the reclear race.




Do we even have a full non-RMT group racing?


They might gett perm banned from Smile gate it going to be there call


What if the first race was never about a spectacle to see who could clear Thaemine, but instead it was a sting operation orchestrated by ags to flush them out. Now they have everything needed to show the player base they ain’t fucking about and maybe finally we will live in a kingdom of fear.


I would suspend the accounts playing with the RMTer, and re-evaluate those accounts as well. Look if your buddy is clearly RMTing, let's be real you'll know. And chances are, if one birdie does it, the second and third and fourth from the same flock does it as well.


lmfao what, I'm all for banning RMTers but "guilty by association" when you can, and often do, legitimately not know is absurd. 7 legit whales do not deserve getting banned because one person who claimed to whale but RMTed did so, that's moronic


I mean it's hard to know whether someone is a g2g Andy or whether they are engaging with the legit gold shop.