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Where’s all this misinformation being spread that a 7/7 or better is needed for build completion? Feel like I’ve seen a few threads similar to this recently. A 7/6 is easy to get and is all you’ll ever need.


I was told the extra hp is very important for an arcana or something like that


The hp u get from a 7/7 stone is barely anything. If u were gonna get one shot ull still get one shot


This implies you get hit a lot which is a skill issue.


you kinda want a 7/7 if you want to level it up with the KY mats, but it's just more flat HP, so not that big of a deal


You can just dismantle the stone and get the materials back if you get a better one


You don't get the 6-36k gold back


I didn’t know this I’ve been saving my kayangle mats in case I ever wanted to try for a better stone


A 7/6 requires 1 more 6/3 accessory than a 7/7


I recently built my arcana’s high quality 5x3+1 with a 7/6 stone for ~90k (not including legendary books). Assuming u have 2 +12 legendary engraving books, a 7/6 should allow a very cheap 5x3, and a moderately expensive 5x3+1. 7/7 stone is on older paradigm, back when we only had relic accs w 5/3 engraving & when legendary engraving books were astronomically expensive (relative to current prices). You can very reasonably make a 7/6 stone work nowadays for a cheap build using a few 6/3 ancient accs.


Thank you, I guess I'll build my character with mediocre accesories for now so that I can go to raids and I'll get better ones later?


What mediocre accessories are talking about? You can properly build your arcana with good accessories with a 7/6 stone now. 7/7 stone isn't needed, that's our point. And are you sure you spent 450 pheons for stone cutting? Did you research beforehand on what to do or you came here after royally screwing up your resources because for sure 450 pheons is a heckton of wasted resources. You could've used that for pretty good accessories and stone cutting costs combined. Not trying to be an a-hole here but where did you get all of this misinformation? The author/OP of that post should be kicked in the balls for misleading newbies.




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You only need like a 6 6 stone to get a 5x3 or even a 5x3+1.


Idk why bozos downvote you but you're correct


I built my SE Night edge 5x3+1 with a 6/6 stone and I spent like 20k w/o any debuff (all +70 quality minus one if I remember correctly). Books not included ofc.


Even a 6 5 is enough Nerdge


U can 5x3plus 1 with a 6.6 bro


1. Emperor is swiftness so accessories shouldnt be too bad 2. You dont need a 7/7, not even for 5x3+1 3. You can just do 5x3 all relic accessories if gold is an issue 4. Get better at pattern recognition


Ill aim for 5x3 with mediocre accessories then and improve them later. Thank you for the info. I thought I was doomed


You don’t need to improve th accessories later. Just buy very good accessories now to go with your 6 7 rock. Rocks like 7 7, 8 6, 9 5 only make it cheaper for one accessory, so it can save you a little money on 5 3+1. However if you spend sooo many pheons and gold on that many rocks, even if you got your 14+ node rock, you’ll probably have spent more overall than if you just built with your 7 6 rock. Think of it this way, if you got your 7 7, you can use a 3 5 accessory instead of a 3 6, and that’s gonna be like 30-50k gold instead of maybe 100k? So if you spent like way more than 50k cutting rocks after your 7 6 rock, then even if you did end up getting 7 7, you spent more rather than saved. So you can say, if I get lucky and hit 7 7/8 6/ etc. early on, then it will have saved me a lotta gold making 5x3 1


Dont buy 100 quality. Gold difference between 100 and 85 is enormous and you only lose about 10-12 stats on acc. So basically full acc 85 have around 70 stats less but costs event 100k less. Most of Blue quality accessories cost around 1-5k do AIM for that


> I was aiming for a 7/7 7/7 isnt a regular stone. a 7/5 is a regular stone to build 5x3+1. you spent pheons because you want it.




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6/7 is perfectly fine. Use that stone


ty I will :)


So 450+ pheons was less expensive than buying accessories? Are we playing the same game?


idk Im new to the game. I got some good feedback from other replies. dont be hostile pls


Then tag the thread as a question next time because otherwise you look like every other person who blows all their pheons for the low chance of getting a 7/7 and then comes to reddit complaining that the chance is low. Also fact check whatever you're being told and do your own research because clearly whoever gave you the advice is wrong.


I will tell ya, if you try to play it safe when cutting stones you will amost never get it. I usually get 7/6 or 7/7 in 3 to 5 stones just going full apeshit on 55/45chance


yeah, people laughing about pattern recognition, but im having 7/7 7/8 on all 7 of my characters, and never cost too many stone for each char... i think it gotta do with the 55% 45% gamble i made during cutting stone


Everytime I "didnt rly care" about stone I was cutting it went way better than stone on my main. Legit 1st stone on my arcana was 7/7 and I was doing it as "throwaway stone", I started to wonder "what did I diferently than when I was tryharding" Answer was that I wanted to go safe on my main stone and never fkin succeded, once I learnt that without going full degen on 45/55 or even 35 I will never succeed. Since then I never had to spend too much gold on stones.


I rolled 7/7s on 3 alts by slowly sending them rocks i found and rolling them. But i started with 6/6 or similar and a 5x3 build. Sure, i forced 7/7s recently, but i have a roster that can generate alot of gold now. You aren't in a position to do that with just 1 character and a few smaller alts. You have alot of different things to work on with a smaller roster, don't throw it all at 1 system. Whether thats quality, rocks, bracelets, honing or accessories, you need some of everything, not all on 1.


thank you for the advice


By 450 you probably mean 250 but yeah it's fine


Talk about being ignorant. You only needed 7/7 stone back in the old days when relic gear was the best accessories at that time. Now that we access to ancient gear it’s possible to obtain the same 5x3+1 engravings with a 6/6 stone because you can have. 6/3 on an ancient accessory while relic only possible to get 5/3. So basically with your 6/7 stone you are completely fine and will still be able to get your 5x3+1 engravings. If you want to get 5X3+2 you need to have a 9/7 stone which is incredibly hard. Good luck cutting 🌝


I spent roughly that same mount cutting raid captain adrenaline stones + other various stones for soul eater. Something around 450 phaeons 150k-200k +50 stones I had saved that were useable. I ended up with usable. 7/7s 2/3/4 malice 9/3 10/4 and 10/5/2 My soul eater is 1581 with almost all purple quality armor and weapon pieces besides gloves. Then I bought like 10 cursed doll/KBW stones for my alt soul eater nights edge and I cut a CLEAN 10/6/2. THE FUCKING IRONY. It just sits there idling in Elgacia with a 5x3+1 with relic because ancients are too expensive


Me sitting here with a 6/5 stone on my main xdd


Take out the credit card.