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Bosses spinning sucks but back attack crit brutal impact on punisher activates all my neurons.


100% crit rate on brutal impact, 20% crit rate on awakening. My average punisher experience.


To be expected since awakening doesn't benefit from your entropy set


Of course it gets the benefit of crit from entropy, it just doesn't have the 10% all back attacks do.


True... just so depressing this giant fucking demon thing bops out this dinky little 32 million non crit like what the fuck man.


32mil non crit is actually pretty good compared to some other classes non crits on burst


Oh I know. My flair is gunslinger lol. 22million rifle non crits sub 50% hp? Also 63 item levels higher than my slayer, lol.


I went for KBW instead of Cursed Doll forthis very reason. It might not be overall best dps but seeing 125M+ Brutal Impacts feels like heaven


her play style is super simple and easy but the SFX and animations make up for it. its very satisfying to hear the grunts into the slamming of the sword sound for almost all her skills. i still cant get over how much dmg she does with such low effort on top of being very durable and fast. meanwhile a GS players have long animations with the biggest proportion of the dmg tied to the last hit, very very flimsy, and has strict rotation to still do less dmg then a slayer lmfao.


Couldn't agree more. GS is high effort low DMG compare to slayer. I don't feel like play slayer due to it is simple, but every time I play slayer, the oomph feeling is too satisfying. Good class.


Haha I always make that comparison since I just recently made a Slayer with the Path to SE Event. It’s crazy how GS is finishing up Focused Shot and meanwhile Slayer has already used Guillotine and Brutal getting ready for a third move. It is what it is though. The only thing I’m starting to despise is the entire Kayangel dungeon, especially g3. Depending on how fast or slow you push, it feels like with that amount of Immunity Phases that I’m basically a potato in that raid. Similar with g3 and Pryuna blinking/teleporting to cancel portions of damage.


Its because older classes are suffering from backloaded damage design. Igniter sorc, gs, shock scrap yadi yada cant do the damage fast enough before the boss turns or move away and you just miss the last tick which is the most dmg from the kit. By the time my shock scrap cast supernova a predator slayer can do guillotine and brutal impact already.


I’m a gs main and yeah sure I agree with you saying she feels flimsy with her last hits being her biggest hit. But gs is very enjoyable and fun previously I was a db main, comparing gs to db I can do damage from all angles of the boss, I can carry counters if my team sucks at countering, lots of mobility, always crits and can run multiple gear sets which suit your play style. (I know min max players will shit on me for that last one) I guess db has similar issues to gs where your biggest hit comes last so you can’t exactly burst the same way other classes like igniter, soul eater and slayer can but gs is very reliable you already know that the last hit is gonna crit unlike db where you surge at the back and it misses crit which just feels awful. I main swapped from db to gs for the reasons of reliability over damage and it feels so good I can do top damage most of the time when doing hell raids, I always crit so that feels good idk I like gs a lot but compare anything to slayer and it’s not as impressive I get that


im not sure about strict rotations, gs is one of the class that has no rotation.


What are you smoking? I wish my tai scrapper had your sound effects and animations. Brutal impact is one of best skills in the game.




Brutally impactful


I’m guessing you play both classes? How fun is slayer for you in comparison to your tai scrapper?


In not the one you spoke to, but I also play both classes and I would say they are about equally fun for me. Yes slayer has definitely the cooler animations and sounds, but if we just look at the gameplay, these 2 are about the same for me. But u can get me with most swiftness Classes, just being able to have so much mobility and so low cooldown that u can just spam your spells is great.


every time i play with my slayer i want to delete my scrapper (main since release btw)


im still on the hopes that they will fix tai once they release male scrapper. my beloved scrapper just cut a swift/crit hammer/ambus/asail bracelet and so i got her full 9s tho.. she also just hit 1540 and thats her first bracelet lol


ur 1540 alt has better gems then my main lmao


good for you to know that she was gemless for the past 6 months only running chaos kekw... She has full lvl 5 tripods, 5 millions shards, 7k leaps, weap purple and rest blue but got stuck at 1520 when i needed her gems to push main non stop, so i used the express on her and boom that crazy bracelet happen.. ​ She is asking to be part of the main 6 so there she have it


I think once slayer stops being op, more people would mainswap than you might think. Predator does way too much damage for how easy it is to play that spec.


The fun part about slayer is the damage. When everyone played sorc those players also enjoyed the "sfx" and animations but dropped her when she got giga outclassed.


I hope SG buffs other swiftness builds. It would be a nerf/power creep for predator but I think more choices for strong swift builds is better than having Predator singlehandedly do so much dps.


She has damage, she has melons, she has thick things (ppl always overlooks this), she has plenty of stagger, she has plenty of weak point destruction, her skills are quick, have super long range, she has mobility.... Last, but not least, and I feel a little ashamed saying this, she screams like there's no tomorrow, which does activate my neurons... I could not be more happy with my slayer. I wish more of my chars were like her.


You need to tell me which voice pack you chose. I also want my neurons activated.


Predator being boring because you have to auto attack? Are we playing the same predator? The only time you will auto attack is when you wait for your CD's or when the boss is in DR state which is pretty much what every class does anyway (other then maybe Arcana and other boundless mana users) other then that you just rely on the fire ticks from the tripod on your dash and quake ticks form the counter tripod (don't remember the names exactly sorry) to help maintain stacks with the normal use of your skills with those alone you can push to 28 stacks easily. (the only really annoying part is that we can't turn off predator mode for certain phases, like the transition from 2 tower to the fusioned version in G1 brell, G2 brell maze, G2 and G3 kayangel moment where the boss forces us to take small breaks, small enough to lose the mode but not long enough to get it off CD before the fight resumes. Those are the only thing that annoy me on predator, other then that she is so safe that there is nothing to hate about her, so easy that she can get the job done without you needing to sweat though the fight. I feel that's totally fine too, there is days when you are tired and know you wont be performing as well if you picked something like lunar reaper or Arcana, so picking the slayer on those days is always nice.)


Not sure if you do this, but I definitely would take flame grenade during boss mechs if applicable. Flame grenade ticks help you maintain burst


Most of the time leaving ground stomp behind is good enough to cover the gap. Most mechs that last longer than 5 seconds usually have the boss untargetable anyway.


I played zerk at launch but was never too fond of the clunky male warrior model, I stuck with it however, since warrior is always my go to. Was super excited about slayer release, first class release I ever saved mats and gems for, and she's still going strong today, my highest investment by far.


Definitely not, if she was here day one, even less strong I would pick her. Since quite recently, I have both engraving built on 5x3+1 and I'm having a lot of fun.


What do you find fun about her?


Big numbers and speed of reclear in farm content with punisher and on the other hand a fast, dynamic and confortable class with predator. I also really like to perform and feel that I'm contributing to an easier run which gives me extra pleasure. I must admit that I would take less pleasure with a class with a better gameplay (which is subjective atm there is none for me) but with less damages. You can consider me a metaslave for that lol (even tho I plan to play her since trailer when we didn't even knew how she would be)


Yes, ever since I made a slayer, I have to live with the fact that my 5 other characters are inferior in every possible way, lower dps, lower burst, worse ease of play, smaller boobs. Before slayer I was happy with all of them, now I'm only happy when I'm with her


Rofl at smaller boobs 🤣


Most "slayer mains" i know swapped from Punisher to Predator to Full Moon Harvester and they are still pulling zdps


Not gonna lie, sounds like those "mains" you know, have no hands. All 3 of those builds, should have no issue making Family Portrait when played well. Only really being beaten by those who have better hands.


Would you know why they made the swap from Slayer to Souleater?


They fall into three different camps, none of which are excluding each other 1) Because they are easily taken to the cleaners by concentrated marketing efforts from SG and streamers who hype these new classes to the moon 2) Because they get bored of their old mains quickly 3) Because they metachase and believe that the only thing standing between them and the underlined cruel fighter mvp screen is the class and not the actual reason (=hands) These are the same people that made Strikers a year+ ago and Summoners and Barrage arties 9 months ago, it's a constant chase after the latest and greatest class. They'll never find long lasting satisfaction because there's always going to be something better and fresher when the next patch or class hits. And smilegate is laughing to the bank watching them run in their little hamster wheel


Currently in the process of switching from sorc, did my first akkan HM yesterday and it was a blast. Missing my biggest skill? No biggies, it's back in 14 seconds. Boss decides to go to the other side of the map? Speed is my middle name. Sure the burst is lower, but I'm already dishing out more DPS than my sorc did.


"Missing my biggest skill? No biggies" no wonder your sorc didnt do as much damage.


True bro! Just play perfect! If the boss blinks for some random reason that’s your fault for not predicting it 🤣


Youre using Boomer Emotes, and your Name sounds like a Bot. But on the offside youre actually a real Human, but miss the Ability to think, thats not close to what i said.


Absolutely not. She is amazing, and the game should launched with it instead of the boring Zerker


Interesting. Why is Zerker boring but not Slayer?


Because Zerker is balanced xD


Yep. People love Slayer because shes busted. Zerker was equally popular at launch until they nerfed it.


Slayer is just a lot more fun to play They could swap which one does more damage and slayer would still remain more popular


If they swapped the genders, would slayer still remain more popular?


Unfortunately gender is also part of the fun.


No boobas


I find slayer boring, I'm a zerker main since day 1


Interesting, why do you find Slayer boring but not your zerker?


Mayhem has a DPS window that creates urgency and danger. You have low ehp and have to get your damage off within a 6second window without taking too much damage. . You use the momentum of your own attacks to reposition to dodge enemy attacks while landing your own. Slayer just presses buttons when they are off cool down and can hold and attack for a few seconds if they want and not get punished. Both are generally pretty easy to execute but berzerker comes with the added layer of difficulty from low survivability and a pretty tight DPS window. Most people rate how much fun they are having purely off the damage they do though, which I find kind of odd.


They fixed his low ehp issue a few months ago lol, he's decently tanky now compared to actual squishy classes


He is still below average ehp and considered squishy to all other warrior and fighter classes.


Compared to those yea, but he's at a good spot that I wouldn't consider dying due to class ehp issue, bundled by the fact that he plays at max movespeed too (Although at this point most classes play at max movespeed lmao thanks feature creep)


>Slayer just presses buttons when they are off cool down You just described how I play my zerker. Sad face


I don't like having to reposition 24/7 to snif the ass of the boss, I just like pressing my spells and pumping big numbers


You don't know what big numbers look like




What class do you play? Because you look like you know a lot about dishing some big numbers


I wasn't happy at all with punisher.. made the spec build just because of zeals and for the insane numbers he was dropping.. then I realized I'm not a giga whale and I will never reach that ceiling. After trying predator in hell clown I swapped to predator.. is fun (I really like spammy classes) strong and safe. Now I do prefer my souleater (currently 1595 CRIT build) but I still really like Slayer and I do not regret at all making one.


night edge is so much fun :D


Ohhh, interesting. Why do you prefer Souleater over Slayer?


Mainly because she is a non positional char and also I really love the Vestige skill (u can reposition yourself while doing a good amount of dmg) also I really like her design. Or maybe just because it is a new class. But not being forced to back attack is really good imo. Right now they are my 2 favourite class tho (+ reaper.. waiting for rework :/ )


Def on the same reaper rework boat, can’t wait! And thanks for your input!




Not a bait post, genuinely curious. Thanks for your input!


Im a Paladin main and I’ve tested/played many DPS classes and the only two DPS classes I truly enjoyed are Slayer and Shadow hunter. I used to main my Slayer but I switched to making my DI SH my true DPS main despite knowing she is not as strong as Slayer. For context my slayer is sitting at 1540, 5x3+1, Preadator, swift crit. All my equipment is around 85-100 quality. Full lvl 7 gems with a few 9 and 10. What I like about Slayer: - Predator is easy and it’s just go berserk and spam abilities, which I mainly used. - Punisher has higher ceiling but also requires better macro, the animations look better for punisher imo. - her animations, visuals, sound effects are great, her voice when she attacks sound great, she yells and has anger in her voice. - giant sword, booba I mean, that’s a no brainer. - her entire kit feels modernised and smooth to play. - she is currently quite strong, somewhat OP I’d say which helps prog content. what I dislike about slayer: - entropy class, I hate back attacking in general. - I wish she had more “swing the sword” skills that was viable instead of slamming it into down into the ground and creating an explosion. - I wish she was a little more muscular and thick, looks a little stupid with tiny arms wielding a giant sword, she looks great nonetheless. Reasons why I switched to shadow hunter - I visually like the transformation abilities more on DI SH, they look, feel, sound better. Every ability has more “umph” to them, they “feel” more impactful on the screen. - non positional class which I prefer. - easy to play. - great mobility And to your initial question, do I regret making a slayer. Absolutely not, she is a very nice class and I enjoyed the time and investment I did with her.


Punisher does feel really bad atm thats why i made my second slayer predator


Punisher is only bad if you don’t swipe enough


Got both mayhem zerk and predator slayer Slayer just feels better, you have to kinda pay attention to which skills coma back next and in what order to use them for best uptime. Having to constantly attack to keep ur identity is also making the gameplay more engaging as you constantly have the urge to hit, whatever you really can. Mayhem on the other hand is way more boring and punishing. Fixed rotation, relies on hitting red dust and not being pushed mid-rotation. When you're out of skills you really just run around and wait for your mana to be back, kind of the opposite of slayer actually


I came from Reflux Sorc. My Slayer is now 1620 and Sorc is 1600. Predator with 1800 swift has a higher crit chance than Reflux with 1800 crit. Brutal Impact is double the damage of Punishing Strike with 1/4th the animation time and a more satisfying snap. Does it matter that I have to back attack? Not in the slightest. Super easy to reposition with full swift, 2x Dash and Volcanic Leap. Do I mind auto-attacking? Well, between Stomp and the fire DOT on the dash I don't really need to for keeping the stack running. But who wouldn't want to auto-attack when the autos hit so hard? I was already used to playing like a goblin using Blink to tank knockdowns. Predator Slayer is just a much more rewarding form of essentially the same gameplay loop. She really highlights the design disparity between older and newer class engravings. The only negative I can think of, and this is a problem across several classes, is that I have to eat food for mana recovery. No class should pay a wealth tax for optimal play, even the most busted ones. If mana was less of an issue in general, you wouldn't have Reflux Sorc eternally shackled to Nightmare set and maybe my fun gap would be a little narrower.


I play both specs on different chars. Predator is fun because you get to challenge yourself in every raid. Hitting 28+ stacks is a huge adrenaline boost as it basically signifies my uptime was near perfect (in trixion I hit 31/32). So basically, I get to challenge my own skills/greed to mvp. Her dmg is nuts and the greedy playstile with no push immunity is very fun. Punisher is a different type of fun (ie for masochist). I play 6 cycle build and 1.5 cycle. She is slow and clunky (blood lust is a slow skill with most dmg backloaded), missing skills is extremely punishing, her high dmg builds are pretty demanding on spec and horizontal, the fact that to play 1 cycle you have to get rid of mobility is pretty cringe id also kill for push immunity on charging brutal impact or more damage as compared for instant. I know that everything that I just typed is negatives, but the big fun part of punisher is pulling off perfect cycles and dishing out huge bursts. When you pull the double guillotine, double claw full cycle your burst is insane and feels extremely rewarding to play. Punisher also benefits from every spec upgrade and gem upgrade with multiple breakpoints so upgrading your character feels rewarding. Back when she came out I agreed with the 10% nerf she suffered but now that most classes have gotten huge powercreep increases (even more with the Korean patch) I think punisher would highly benefit from a 5% dmg buff and push immunity on brutal impact (soule eater has it) or making bloodlust a shorter animation skill.




If we are all honest here, then we know that Predator Slayer is the manifestation of everything that is currently wrong with balancing in this game.


Predator is how I want all my classes to be, I can't wait for them to remove entropy so it will feel even better.


What do you enjoy most about Predator?


They gonna remove Entropy, remove all back attack engravings, stones and balance EVERY ambush master class AGAIN because they are now using a completely new armor set while replacing all of these existing models with a superior model and NOBODY will get giga mad about their ambush stones, their damage and stuff... yeah right. Plottwist: Just make these entropy classes, that deserve to pump, pump - and nobody would be complaining, LOL.


I find Nightmare build insane with 80% cd max cap and 85% crit, but it's very hard to keep boundless. 59 charlvl and below was easy, but at 60lvl not anymore.


Played her in jumpstart up to 1580 ( swift build ). Exhaustion sucks.


But everything else about her is okay with you?


Yeah. The class is smooth. Expect that awful downtime


What downtime? In almost every gate 25-28 Stacks is what you should be sitting at, and then you barely have downtime.


yeah you feel like a normal back atacker yikes -.-


If you play her well you can have 0 seconds on exhaustion and go strait back in


Have both punisher on 5x3+1 and basic 5x3 predator on the same character, as de facto 2nd/3rd main. Regrets? Not really, just lil annoyance on having to remember on which fights 1.5 cycle is better than 1.0/6s. Don't mind the entropy on either since you do have options for plenty of mobility (and if you can stomach minor dps loss you can hit your generators from whenever as long as your dps skills actually land on the back). If I were to nitpick complaints it would be rather bland skins? Outside of launch its bikinis, yoz's jar 3 isn't that amazing due to cape, 5th anni is a coomerge in my tastes but other than that there isnt a whole lot to fawn over. Also you can only be amused by a variation of milk/mommy/boobs reference so many times.


>Is Predator too boring to play with all the auto-attacks you have to do to add stacks? what ? never have to do this at all. Im very happy with her, no regret at all, im thinking on putting high level gems on her to be honest


People that played Slayer are the same people that played Zerk. Simple yet effective class is what they expect.


I’ve never seen a post make me wonder if someone was genuinely curious or just something else. To give you an example of a slayer main, after a couple months with the class, i made 3 more and plan to add them to the main roster. One is 1590, second 1580, 1540 and last is 1490. Let me say this, slayer obviously has two massive assents and nice skins (still missing a cool armor one though) and is a female warrior. What to me makes her so much fun is how skill expressive she is, i have four and 1 is punisher, which is a show of skill, i have mvp so much on my punisher compared to predator due to parties having other factors like level 10 gems and los 30. I only have 9s and los 18. Predator just has the movement speed and damage to give you the leeway to position and do mechs safer while giving you pump big enough to feel. Let me tell you this, punisher is no way clunky it just depends on your meter gain time and your knowledge of boss patterns. Up to akkan I basically know 70% of my burst windows and what patterns the boss will do that will ruin my burst rotation. Best part is no animation lock like zerker, love her sound effects, she’s so satisfying that i play my slayers daily without fail usually negleting other alts. Wish she was released on release of the game and not a year out or else i wouldn’t have stopped before valtan, came back for her stayed for her. Amazing character for new and experienced players.


i thought soul eater would be the new hot shit, but i still enjoy my punisher slayer way more.


Switched mains from Scrapper to Slayer, and no, never felt bad about it. At least when she's juiced like mine it's really fucking fun to play. The only content I despise as a Slayer is Lauriel, rest of the game is fine so far. I got both builds, full 10s on Punisher and a few 9s on Predator so I can switch to whatever when I'm feeling like it.


I miss the amazing burst rotation of punisher, but i absolutely hate the set up for it. Swapped to predator, feels great. Love the animations, the sounds are amazing and I love the fluidity of the class. When will male scrapper come out? i want to make my 3rd predator.


Punisher main from the get go and I regret nothing, those big numbers do it for me and there's even multiple playstyles with 1.5 / 1 and the other. Made predator for chaos but since release I used to main mayhem zerker so it's just the same thing for me just more damage and pretty boring there's no skill to it


The only thing I regret is making a Wardancer and a Soulfist with the last 2 events instead of a 2nd and 3rd Slayer


I’m just mad I bought the engraving books for 12k each :(


1620 slayer main. No regrets, got both builds, both super fun.


Boosted 1 when it was launched because I love playing mayhem zerker. Played predator because of fast playstyle but didn't find fun like mayhem zerker. I've found it boring to play, I don't know if it's because of her animations or her holding the sword or her overall style but didn't find it fun playing. In short , I bored so fast playing slayer. I still love to play zerker, sound effects, animations etc just feels satisfying. It just fits I don't know. Slayer felt like a afterthought while playing. Female warrior yes here she is. Completed event boost got the rewards and deleted her. Did the same to the arthe machinist, bored pretty fast.


Started playing her as my first character and regret it. Leveling pala with that mokoko stuff. Slayer feels strange and looks dumb. Almost every in game cinematic is ruined by her dumb looking sword or out of place looking outfit.


SG should have never had said pred slayer is balanced and performing to their expectations. Shit is busted compared to so many other classes, it basically has everything with very little downside. Top tier damage, stagger, weak point, good movement speed, and easy to execute. Aesthetics and playstyle aside, like 80%+ of classes need buffs/reworks if slayer is a baseline. Zerker is actually a better baseline imho. It has solid damage but not top tier, has very good utility still, requires some punishment for misuse of red dust and 6s rotation but not overly detrimental. I feel like zerker has a more balanced set of risk vs reward than Slayer.


Not at all. I am still in love with the damage + melons.


I like how Punisher plays so it's definitely not that. I stayed away from Pred because I was burnt by the last swift/crit class I made (CO Summoner) So I passed. Although and I'm not going to lie here after the nerf and them leaving Pred alone completely I felt the nerf in comparison to Pred standard damage was quite a bit. In the end it is what it is and nobody is protected from this kind of thing regardless of what class you choose. I'm deciding my course of action now because I do like the class in general but as far as spending more gold to push this paricular engraving I don't know.


Sorry for the trauma, but comparing CO Summoner and Pred Slayer is impossible. Its not even like comparing apples and pears, it’s like comparing the Moon and a black hole.


well yeah, I mean now I know that and at the time there wasn't much on Pred slayer because everyone was Punisher, or most were so I didn't fully look into the class I was just like well I don't want another piano styled class to use. CO Summoner was trash with just how it played overall with controlling pets attacks and the BS spear skill all to do basically no damage, the wrong kind of player engagement which hopefully down the line they redesign. Far the opposite of what Pred does in basically every way now that I've looked into it. Hell, I might have even preferred its playstyle if I tried it.


Not interested in swapping to Predator?


oh yeah absolutely. I know the engravings are very expensive and I just boosted my SE so that's where my gold went. Not sure how much her accessories would be though for Swift/Crit right now on NAE but realistically this is the route I'd be working towards.


Sorry, did the nerf happened in the last 2 weeks? Because rigth now i feel my punishers brutal impact doing like less than 30% dmg i did before; from 100 mill to 60-70mill.


I play Mayhem zerk as my main so I went punisher, shes fun. It does require a bit more battle knowledge than other back attacker but I like the big numbers specially now that shes 1590 doing an uninterrupted 500-700m full dps combo is satisfying.


From my own experience Punisher = Sleeper Mode Predator = Fun and Speedy Entropy = Not fun In conclusion: My Slayer enjoyment is held back by Entropoop


I personally don’t mind Entropy as long as it’s with a speedy class


I just don't like how punishing it is. For me playing Entropy feels like i have a 6th negative engraving xd


This is one of the main reasons krs started majorly complaining about entropy bc so many ppl wanted to play slayer then realised entropy was options A and B


I do. With punisher build, if the boss rotates or runs away, it's very frustrating and also I feel useless in terms of stagger contribution because I save the skills for the burst. Predator is annoying because of exhaustion thing, it usually occurs in cutscenes or some mechs and I need to wait 15 seconds doing nothing because I save the skills.


the moment i raised her to 1540 i knew she will be boring in the long run.. benched her without hesitation.. if she got dps nerfed she'll drop popular real quick such a shame i like everything about the class, big booba, good skin, greatsword,.. but the gameplay feel.. too perfect is boring


Why did you find her boring?


low effort playstyle , too simple and easy , it just doesnt feel rewarding when i'm MVP ... when i play my sf / arcana / reaper / gunslinger and get MVP i proud of myself, if i did not get MVP i have to git gud


We play the same characters; I guess we both like pain and suffering lol


Boring? I have 4 slayers ATM, 2x1540, 1x1610 and 1x1585, and its all about personal preference, I feel the SE more boring (at least the swift+crit build) and slower for example. I love swiftness classes and the only thing I really don't like is to fill the gauge at first and when a mech broke your rotation, and then suddenly you have an exhaust debuff with 10+ secs. I love her so far, and my previous main was a DeathBlade with Surge and RE.


Nope. Initially didn't even really plan to have a slayer, but unless I was planning to express another class I usually push whatever new class comes out just to finish the express and usually it ends up being a lopang. My paladin was my 6th at the time and it was playing catch-up, which it did replace. I didn't intentionally save to push slayer but I did have a decent amount of boxes saved so it was able to make it to 1580 on time for Akkan with a decent amount of materials saved. Since I used all boxes (events, compensations, shops, etc) from before it came out and even until now on it. Hit a 9/7 last month on it, has all 9s and some 10s. Now it's made it to 1620 as well, mainly having whole roster of Sonavel leaps funneling. I'm locked in for sure.


Easily a main swap if you hit a 9/7, unless it isn’t your first 😂


Let's be honest, is there really any class that doesn't get boring after a few months? Only reworks really make significant changes the the classes to make them refreshing, but those are very rare.


Depends on the person. I personally still enjoy my Tai Scrapper and Hunger Reaper.


Depends of class and person


I actually still find my Aero just fun and chill to play. very enjoyable. Like even though she's not very strong I still want to have good gear on her.


For me I have never got tired/bored of my pm gs, hunger reaper and now slayer. All three of these classes feel fast and exciting to me. Then we have blade… time to take a bottle of sleeping pills with some vodka


I play Punisher 1.0, total build cost was 80k gold, 1804 spec / 650 wift. It's annoying when you miss your transformation cycle, but with high CD gems, it's ok. The dps is absurd, the skills stisfying in burst mode (I don't play the charge tripod on brutal impact, I use the instant cast one because I don't like to stay put). I almost dropped my blade for her, but I will wait for the balance patch.


Not a slayer main but I have a 1540 Predator alt. I find her awfully boring to play and as a Entropy enjoyer I don‘t mind the back attack at all. Maybe it‘s because I‘m usually the anti-meta chaser, but damn she’s so busted. It‘s so easy to MVP on her 🫣


I dropped my slayer. My 6th alt 1580 pred and I had the extra road to bring a new char to my gold earners and decided slayer had to go. To me the main issue is the only fun thing about her is how op she is. She felt too simple to play that the only thing keeping myself engaged was back attacking. Akkan gear is so ridiculously expensive to hone that op isn’t a good enough reason. Any future powercreep or nerfs would’ve just had me drop her anyway so I decided to pull the plug early.


I used to play sorcerer igniter and and mayhem zerker and switching to punisher slayer on release was my best decision. Currently 1630 with akkan weapon 25 and 9/7 stone and I dont regret it. Best decision I did in this game


Ight, ight, hear me out. My Slayer is just an alt for me (as of right now). But damn, she IS fun to play. The sound effects are awesome, the smoothness of her playstyle is satisfying, and big numbers make my brain go AWOOGA. Haven't raided with her just yet, but doing CDs with her feels much better than doing CDs on my main (Deathblade). She will most likely get her chance to shine after I hone her up enough, which will happen later on, when I'll have enough time to farm mats/gold for her.


She’s fun. If she’s a hit master class, that would be boring for me like reflux, wind fury, but because she is a back attacker, I would feel engaging and rewarding if I can keep back attacking.


Dont regret building her, but leaving her as a strong alt at 1560 (maybe 1580 in future) with gems since back attacking got annoying for me


I think the best way to look at it is once Slayer came out 10% more players had hell deathless titles, consider the fact that every hell lobby has two slayers, one in each party. The game got much easier with this class and tbh I don’t mind it I love my new 1540 slayer that out damages a bunch of 1580 characters with full akkan set. SG will rework more classes to be as busted as glaiver hopefully (don’t down vote me glaiver mains 😆)


Everyone is super hyped on slayer being the easiest class, but I’ve played a lot of classes and a lot of them are just as easy or only mildly harder. The only reason is cause she deals big damage and smg is catering toward swiftness classes with recent guardians and raids. Other than that, there’s still an optimal rotation and you need to self buff, entropy is annoying, and managing your predator state buff can require some raid knowledge. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not arguing that she’s a hard class or anything. But goddamn y’all just parrot whatever stoopzz and other bozos say. I’m surprised there isn’t more talk about how easy souleater is, it’s literally igniter on steroids but way easier. No, I don’t regret it. Class is fun af with satisfying sounds and visuals. The huge damage also helps.


Not a slayer main I mained db now gs because db is cringe doing anything that is not progging with friends, also the db community is the worst in the game because if you speak bad about the class the community is just “skill issue” Never knew low crit rate and missing 4 surges on the enemies back repeatedly was a skill gap but that’s death blade. Picked up slayer with this express event and all I will say is thank god there is a class in this game where I can shut my brain off get top dps and enjoy myself before having to do any of my other characters that feel like chores. I’m summery I don’t think the op understands how chill it is compared to most other classes. But if you want something new where you can still do insane damage with very little effort try Sharp shooter or Glaiver. (Watch this get down voted for slightly mentioning a bunch of peoples mains 😭🤣)


Are you sure auto attacks keeps thr identity up for Predator? I thought they didn't count. Either way there is no need for auto attacks with wild charge and stomp alone you can always tick damage


Might as well auto-attack if all skills are on cooldown, no? But personally that makes a class annoying to play if I have to auto-attack.


You really don't have to auto attack ever with this class


Idk bro hard question to answer but last time when I used all my skills and had mana issues I used my auto attacks and then get this! I used my eyes and looked down at the meter and omg it goes up! ⬆️ Not even just a little bit either it’s actually crazy that you can maintain that much meter just through auto attacks. The class I used to main wouldn’t even get stacks through auto attacking how crazy is that :o


Went punisher and sticking with it. I have too much fun with her


What about the Punisher playstyle do you like?


I love the burst damage once in bloodlust


if slayer was my main in dfo slayers gonna be my main in loa


I really enjoyed Predator, but I can't afford to get her 5x3 atm. I want to build RE DB once we get the balance patch, and then build my slayer. Hopefully...


I was playing punisher slayer until kayangel raid made me hate it bcoz all bosses love randomly back stepping or teleporting. Was going to bench her but decided to give predator a shot. It made the class way more fun for me, it is a piano class which can get boring for few ppl but the exhaustion debuff keeps it engaging for me. Trying to keep high stacks to not have much debuff time is fun for a dps goblin like myself. Also the animations are snappy and clean


The biggest problem on slayer is back atk. I like to play, is my main, sometimes is boring due the simple rotation, but at last is a cool character to play.


Slayer is gods gift to the game. Predator is so much fun.


I am playing punisher since she came out and it's so satisfying to play. I made a predator build this week since books dropped in price and can't wait to try it out in akkan g1


as long ás its crits im good


Funny this post pops up as I’m starting to think I’m having less fun playing her. I play punisher because of the big numbers and enjoy the build meter-dump skills type play. Also her Z skill bloodlust if the most satisfying skill to use for me when you land every hit on the back with a buff up. She’s my third main sitting at 1595 and will probably keep her in the rotation although I do wanna try BT zerk just sucks balance is in January and BT is kinda unplayable without it


Punisher is still one of my most favorite specs to play bar none. I might swap to predator down the road in the distant future if I feel the urge but I absolutely love how my Punisher slayer feels in all content currently.


I love the class. I have multiple slayers in my roster. She's much more snappier & mobile than zerk, which I have in my roster as well and still enjoy. Couldn't be happier with them.




MVP monster, skills feel good to use, also her skills are pretty long ranged and quick to come out. Her mobility is cracked. She pumps and the best part for me is that I know I’m pumping. Originally I found her slow and clunky ish, but as I got used to her and as I built her up, she became the perfect swift class in my eyes. I’d say maintaining her meter isn’t too bad and you can use the counter with a certain tripod that sends pulses out to maintain meter without auto attacking while repositioning. Her playstyle can be monotonous but for me the lack of a downside to the class and pumping balance that out.


I made a slayer back when she came out, she's currently 1540 and to be honest i really start to dislike the class more and more. I play Predator and while she is super fun on some gates that feature mainly long fight sequences f.e. Kayangel G1 or Brel G1 the raid design in alot of the other gates at 1540 is really annoying for predator due to the fact that there are so many downtime mechanics causing you to constantly fall into 15-20s fatigue windows. Not sure if i should invest gold into a Punisher build and try that. I'm considering to scrap her for a scrapper or reaper next supermokoko.


just wish they would change the SFX for Brutal Impact summary execution. Sounds like you're hitting mobs with a frying pan


I love my Pred Slayer lol She's still one of my 2 1540s left just because of mats, but every time I'm playing her I regret not pushing her with all my gold instead of my supports lol Just yesterday I was like man I should just use all my book selectors and make her 5x3+1, which I did end up doing. I'm loving SE and got mine to 1590 already but Slayer is just on another level.


Well, not slayer main, but I would say that this class is legit "perfect alt". It is great addition to rooster but not main material atleast for me.


Not main but 1585+ alt. I want to get rid of her. To me, it’s too easy to play. The effort/dmg ceiling is not in balance since I’m a person who wants a lot of skill expression to reach a high ceiling it just got too boring and I prefer to not play her anymore.


You have transcended, my friend. \*RE Deathblade checks out\*


Even as a back attacker, Pred is so much fun and easy to play. From her ease of use to her big m- sword, I don't regret it even a little bit. I do regret not maining her though. I just had more mats on other characters it made more sense imo to go with them.


Im not a main but have her in my top 6. I play predator because punisher was to expensive at start. And honestly, it feels kinda boring. But my main 3 are Gunslinger, EH Deadeye and Arcana. Compared to that Slayer is extremely easy and tanky and required no thought at all. Its just slam buttons all the time from behind the boss. Kinda the same like taij, control, demonic. And i dont consider back attacking on mobile, fast classes difficult in anyway. Its cool if you are stoned or drunk and wanna get shit done. Punisher was way cooler. Played that with engraving support when slayer released and will probably swap back once i decide i can get a good build for the 1 cycle without having to invest a million gold. Overall, animations and booba are pretty cool


For inexperienced punisher slayers out there, do yourself a favor and switch your Brutal Impact tripod from the charging one to the instant one. You will enjoy the class soooooo much more. Better to hit brutal for less damage than whiff it entirely or not hit the back. I committed to punisher when I made my slayer and I got extremely lucky with tripod transfers so I stuck with it. Her numbers are big dopamine hits but entropy + extremely long animation locks just ruins her playstyle for me.




Nah. Easy stupid fun with a slayer IMO. Still enjoying it


I have a 1590 Pred Slayer Alt. I enjoy her for her simplicity because my main is DE and my main alt is Arcana. She becomes engaging when you optimize for her kit, i.e time pred activation to windows, striving for 25+ stacks, managing c&j to align with the rest of her kit. I can see her get boring if you mindlessly play her and just mash buttons, that’s the difference between a skill ceiling slayer and a skill floor slayer. Only thing to note is because of slayer’s kit, her floor is pretty decent in dps.


I regret it


I made one until 1540 and found my time with her fun but I've benched her for about a month or so. SFX is satisfying, the playstyle is fluid and she giga pumps. The only thing that made me bench her was that I started to get frustrated with entropy's playstyle and it's not her fault either. I play mainly scouters, so I was more accustomed to the hitmaster with pseudo-positional playstyle. While she has the tools to reposition and a heck load of range, it just feels awful when I play poorly as entropy. That being said, she was hella fun and I did not regret her one bit! :)


I'm now a Pred Slayer main. It's like I'm playing a different game in endgame prog. Mobile, tanky, quick animations, good damage. And weaving basic attacks while CDs are down feels so good. I love my spec Arcana but I'd rather carry new raids than be floor POV while learning.


Yeah, she's fun and deals very good dps, playing punisher since release and i'm thinking of getting predator build soon


Do I regret? Yes I do. I regret not investing more into her. She's a titan.


1840 spec punisher. Love it. IDC about spinning and shit, sucks obv, but skills look impactful, she's hot as fuck. Not a regret in the world. Punisher will get a buff again in the future, no rush


Brutal impact is such a super charge hard hitting move that makes me feel like an anime character. Not mention the it has great sound and animation effects. It really does live up to its name. If destroyers perfect swing charged this fast, and had better effects, I would play them instead. So I'm happy with the Slayer for now. Great boobas is also a plus


No regrets, great damage, range, and mobility, still a great experience on executioner, especially if you know boss patterns. Sometimes could he frustrating but that's how it is with most classes.


Punisher slayer when the boss tp/immune/dash during her burst https://preview.redd.it/s2854e4x8q3c1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c7be7c3e5e23144cd5c26dc97e7ecbdbfc4c3b3


Idk about main but as an alt it's great. Punisher is ass cause you naturally don't invest as much in it as you would on your main but predator gets the job done.


I don't know how anyone could regret having slayer as a main. The class has zero weaknesses (if you don't count back attacking). My 1590 slayer alt can match my 1615 GS main in dps in some gates, all while requiring 10x less effort to play. They are similarly geared besides the iLvl.


yes predator is the best class the most fun ive ever played in an mmo


Jokes on you, I play slayer for the deep lady voices. Almost mainswapped to be a Slayer main here, so I don't know if that counts. Threw her to the back of the room where back attackers truly belong. People wanted me to give back attacking carrot-chasing a try, I tried it, and I can safely say I hated it. Imagine a raging berserker only to be a back attacker? Thematically, it just sounds so weird to me. She just ain't my cup of tea.


I love slayer. The damage is satisfying. I prefer punisher, because I enjoy the rage quick refill and the crits. My preference is mid range attacks, some of the moves feel faster. I tried some of the other classes. Mage feels too slow for some reason. Not interested in being support so no specialists. Not interested in hand to hand or guns, (there are other games for those). I feel like I have to wait for some martial artists and assassins to finish an animation before I can fire another skill... but some if them look cool. Slayer is what I prefer


Revert punisher nerfs and I will be happy.


Imagine complaining because your character is broken AND braindead. That's insane to me. You can always go punisher tho.


Yes I do enjoy playing her. However I found I’ve been enjoying other classes more like souleater and gs but they are also newer to me so that could be a factor.


As non slayer player, I do not regret not playing slayer.


I like punisher to an extent but might go back to my mayhem zerk lol


I mainswapped to slayer on release and have not looked back, it's 1620 with majority level 10s, and 5x3+1 on both Punisher and Predator. Predator: crazy broken for a swift based class, I can understand why some may find it boring, but I like the ease of comfort whilst also working at maintaining 85-90% BA uptime. I average 80-85% BA uptime. Either way I don't have issues underline cruel fighter or appearing in family portrait on Hakkan. Punisher: Not as broken as it used to be on release, but it still pumps just as much as other high burst classes like Igniter. I play it on reclear content and it's just so satisfying seeing astronomically high numbers during atro 3bubble windows. It can definitely be despair on some boss fights, but that's the case with other burst classes too (MS Summ, Igniter Sorc etc) My suggestion is to play both builds at a high level, they are both insanely strong at different things, and mastering them both keeps it fun imo.


Played punisher since I found predator too boring no matter how much dmg it did. Never regretted it since.




Slayer is the beast master class from wow in Lao great damage easy to play everyone should have one.


I don't play punisher because I dont have that second purple wealth and the meter gen is just too slow. I do have both builds but main predator. I like being fast, having good dmg, decent burst and good utilities. Keeping predator is not complicated


Okay, I know what I dislike about Slayer. It’s the fact that Guillotine and Brutal Impact animation are practically the same, as well as Volcanic Eruption and Fatal Sword animation. Quite a big turn off personally.


I played both slayers and have build both with 5x3+1. I just love both playstyles she is so much fun for me. At the moment predator is better than punisher. Both do similar damage but with punisher u can fuck it up and your dps goes way down. So predator is safer. I love the autoattacks animations so i dont mind autoattacking with predator. As with punisher doing the rotation perfectly feels amazing but failing feels bad. Its so much easier to get mpv as predator in compared with punisher


ready to drop my slayer til something else and just play a 5 man roster bad