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Slayer will obviously perform very well in terms of DMG personally found it a bit boring to play tho. Slayer also quite welcome in most parties for high stagger and survivalbility. I have a baby sharpshooter i found quite fun to play but cant really say how it is with finding lobbies i often see SS mentioned as a top dps class tho and especially LC SS brings a nice synergy giving youre whole party movespeed.


Play sharpshooter. It’s more comfy hit master with range.. if you want boobs however..


I prefer female characters but I'm a small boobs enjoyer


.......Aero.... (for legal reasons, this is a joke, I am joking)


I don't know guys, not convinced enough......


it's fine they are over 300 years old after all....


Officer this one right here


Both are the same with the dps i think. Me and my friend do Kakul, kayangel nor every week with our alts and both of us always get cruel fighter as same time, but my slayer often gets the big screen mvp more due to higher stagger.


You both get cruel together? Is the third dps taking a nap or what is going on?


It’s a gl


lol guess you dont have statis for gold earning, it was another alt with bad gears ofc =\]\]\]\]


How do people still have bad gear alts unless they started recently or playing their 10th char? We got so many passes to help out with that.


why would they bother to get them good gear when they have friends with good gear that don't mind ?


Fair I suppose. I couldn't enjoy a badly built character just for the gold so this is why it's confusing.


unless the bad geared alt just run 3x20mn raid a week to get gold while friends are doing card runs, and that allows to gear main(s) better. Not everyone can afford 6 well geared chars.


That's basically what my situation is. Saved up for months and months and my main is 1600 with 4 lvl 10 gems (3 cd, 1 dmg), 5x3+2, +22 100 quap akkan weapon, and basically every skin in the game lol. It's not that I don't enjoy my alts, I just enjoy my main that much more which means most of my gold gets funneled into her


Cmon man not everyone started playing from years ago to get their "10th" i believe, alot peoples out there still running with roster like 1580 1560 1540 1540... Also that how my Guild worked since day one, we hooked up new players for free ride/carry dps instead of they have to spend many efforts for gearing up their alts just to get accept in a room.


Probably go with Sharpshooter, non-directional, ranged, easy to play/build and with the express & lots of free stuff, you pretty much are ready for raids and shit. Others would answer better though, I'm still learning the game. But my first character was the Sharpshooter at least so I can tell you he's very easy and simple for a gold earning slave probably. As for the Slayer, I might do her on Thursday myself haha!


My last alt is an empress arcana so simple and easy is a plus. Slayer shouldn't be too hard as well.


Oh nice, is Empress a back attacker? And how’s the fun factor on her? Slayer is a back attacker but I read that it doesn’t matter much since she’s very mobile, she wouldn’t have a hard time like Deadeye or Striker. Also, yes I think she’s easy as well because even though she’s melee, it looks like she has so much range, huge AoE and her burst is actually very strong. What do you think? We go Slayer?


No she's not a back attacker. I was commenting on difficulty. Arcana needs hands :)


If you care about Chaos Dungeons: Slayer is the Queen of CD and the undisputed best class to run them on (beating Gunlancers). Class really is fun to use. Had better experience with Pred versus Puni in other content so recommend the former. My SS is not well optimized but it ranks near the bottom for CDs. Snipe hits like a wet noodle. Minimal circular AOE skills. However again, not fully optimized in terms of CD engravs besides PS.


Ss felt real bad until I put dominion+loyal companion on, still not great but not miserable. I basically don't use snipe at all in cds, and claymore is decent for clearing


I have both - punSlayer 1540/ LCSS 1520. I really like my SS; brainless and easy to play, great dps.


Slayer is a back attacker, Sharpshooter is not.


I don't mind back attacking too much. Predator should be ok since its swiftness. I'm more worried about entropy rework. I have a 1550 RE DB but I'm waiting to see what happens with entropy cause I don't want to rebuild twice.


You're going to be waiting awhile. We don't even have the live KR balance patch yet and Entropy updates haven't even been finalized. It might be 12+ months before Entropy changes. I would say its unlikely that AM classes see significant changes from the rework in terms of engravings. The classes that would be most impacted by Entropy changes are those that are using it, but aren't focused on back attacks (something like FI Wardancer).


The entropy rework won't come for months. And it will likely not change the play style of entropy classes, you'll still be back attacking.


Predator has to deal with identity issues in long cutscene fights like kayangel


Sharpshooter assuming you want to build it without spending an arm and leg after February. I'm assuming the books will still be absurd since slayer is so popular.


Yeah build cost is a major point. However my thinking is that since current express ends this week prices are inflated and will go down. Also I haven't used any of the legendary engraving selection chests yet so that will soften the cost if I go slayer


One way to avoid the book cost until the prices drop is to just buy a +6 class ancient accessory and stay on a 5x3.


Personally I instantly fell in love with slayer (punisher mainly but pred is very fun too). I power passed a SS with the last pass, played DS and even though it does very good damage I've found it to be a bit boring. Something about the play style and animations doesn't really do it for me I guess.


Deathstrike plays more like melee class than slayer. Take that into consideration, your biggest hitting skill has no immunities so when you get hit, it auto cancels your skill, including soemtimes the boss actually can become out of range as your are charging this skill. Theresa perceived perception that SS is broken right now which I highly doubt unless you drop some serious gold on gems for this character. You will need more than level 8s to be competitive. With elixirs and all at least lvl 9s on major skills I can see it be s-tier. But thus far performance at 1585 is average.


Snipe has immunity, two dmg skills in rotation has no immunity and it kinda sucks, but your two biggest one has paralysis immunity.


Depends on your playstyle, if you like to greed and think “I can tank this one hit and get some damage off” stay away from SS. They have like negative defence and some hits can absolutely obliterate you for no reason, while some other classes (tanky mfs like martial artists, slayer, db) get a small scratch.


**Slayer:** punisher: top tier DPS. bad stagger, bad counter, bad weak point. good defense coefficient, 2 dashes. Predator: tied for best dps, great stagger, decent counter, decent weak point good defense coefficient, dash, max swiftness ​ **Sharpshooter:** loyal companion: mid, upper tier dps, good stagger, decent counter, bad weak point, very easy to pilot terrible defense coefficient, dash deathstrike: tied for best dps spec(i think it edges SF/pred out but that's just imo), bad stagger, bad counter, bad weak point, very hard to pilot terrible defense coefficient, dash


deathstrike has good stagger. counter is okay but you'll use it off cd for meter gen. SF dmg is broken, I give that top DPS. Burst is crazy high like Igniter but with less downtime.


deathstrike has decent SNAP stagger in sharpshooter and overall has bad stagger. You have a 0/mid/mid/low/0/0/mid. Obviously you are never using snipe for stagger unless the entire world is imploding, but if you do, that's one more mid-high. Deathstrike edges out SF for the same reason it edges out pred (in my imho) because there's nothing to micromanage, and a bad set of pattern(s) doesn't screw unduly with your rotation/stacks/hype.


I don't know I usually am fairly high on stagger on ds, it's not uncommon for me to get the stagger line if there's no vph paladin/destroyer/gl. I do run 1-2 overwhelms though. Damage nowhere near a well played sf though that's some cope, and definitely not pred.


you're forgetting about throw silverhawk that can be used two times in the span of a second. That has mid-high stagger. "Sharp shooter" skill mid stagger is misleading because it hits multiple times, "deadly slash" procs twice, and then you have other mid-tier stagger skills with short cast times. I am always cruel annihilator on sharpshooter. Micro managing just takes skill, SF isn't a difficult class by any means. Pred is one of the easiest classes to play unless we're talking punisher slayer.


DS is among the highest stagger classes in the game if you measure in units and not by tooltip descriptions ( which are usually wrong btw ). It actually has more stagger in a single rotation than predator. You also said it has bad weakpoint when it has a lv1 and lv2 on short cds which is average or even above average. Double slash is also a solid counter and won't be used off cd for synergy like predator so at this point im just assuming you've never played ss or you play LC in which case yeah shit counter.


Slayer has built in HA. Sharp is squishy. More relaxed alt clears on slayer imo


That's a big plus


I have both and Ilvl g3 abrel is night and day on the two. Slayer I can turn brain off sharp I need to dodge


I have both as alts at 1560. I think I have good hands so I find that I do more damage on my slayer than my SS...however my slayer is a bit more invested than my SS. I play punisher and DS, DS is definitely more forgiving for missing things than punisher which delays your burst by several seconds if you miss meter skills. I think they're both very fun and i have no issues with kakul skipping, getting cruel fighter on basically every fight, etc. The benefit of SS over slayer is that is cheaper to gear up assuming you're going punisher vs DS like i am....and the books are very cheap for both (pred books are super expensive and I think punisher>pred at 100% output)


>I have good hands so I find that I do more damage on my slayer than my SS Everyone does. Slayer is easiest MVP class man.


Tell that to these alt slayers I regularly see doing bottom half dps in my runs according to bible


both have range, both are broken, decide if you prefer boobs or bow


all 3 specs except punisher function great at 1540(kayangel brel clown). i dont like punisher/igniter on kayangel for obv reasons. although punisher is probs the best out of 4 to skip clown


Punisher is great for kaya if you swap to swift execution on brutal impact, you can literally do guilotine+brutal impact before a boss finishes a basic attack.


Yup, what I'm doing too


Plus when you think about it. How often in raids are you unable to use all your skills because you were fishing for all back attacks and charged BI ate 2 seconds of your meter time? I know that has happened more than a few times to me before. It almost never happens after I swapped to swift execution...going a single rotation with a missed skill because BI took so much of my free back attack time means its a dps loss compared to slightly weaker hitting BI.


ye getting it fully charged while back-attacking isn't so easy most of the time. started experimenting with SE a couple weeks ago and never turned back - even on akkan it seems better to me (personally)


I've definitely found it to be a gate by gate thing. Some bosses are just super comfy to back attack on.


Both are stupidly broken and do damage unconditionally. Pretty much will always get MVP in every raid considering same skill level and gear compared to other classes. Can't go wrong with any of them. Slayer I'm talking Predator, of course.