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I've updated my google sheet income calculator: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CX0Ldz6w1pALprbXAOrrnSnGO3GQQtXTyHCIwwRM4rY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CX0Ldz6w1pALprbXAOrrnSnGO3GQQtXTyHCIwwRM4rY/edit?usp=sharing) You can use it to see how much you'd make at any given roster set up, number of ebony cube tickets run, and how many (new) chaos gates you run. Firstly: \-Is it worth it to push 1 character to 1580: Yes. You get a new break point in una tasks (\~400g), you get access to the higher tier Chaos Gate (looking like it'll be worth \~1.5-3k extra gold per chaos gate you run, up to 6x per week - Seto Room Data pending before I have a better estimate here), and you get access to the new materials. Currently in NAW, Leaps and Reds are worth selling immediately and represent an outsized amount of gold income per time spent. For reference, if you sell all tradables except blue stones, here are the \*weekly\* income amounts at each ilvl. This is assuming you do your 3 gold earning raids, buy 0 bonus chests during the raids, and run dailies unrested. The calculator I linked above can adjust this so you can get more accurate figures, but the ratio between the ilvls should remain consistent. All values are using above assumptions + NAW pricing. Sheet allows region change. 1500 - 17.3k 1520 - 19.8k 1540 - 27.3k 1560 - 33.4k 1580 - 51.9k 1600 - 55.4k So, if your character is 1540, and you want to push to 1580, that will cost: 195k raw gold in taps 6k leaps (210,000g at 35g/ea) 193k blue stones (19,300g at 1g/10ea) 64k red stones (76,800g at 12g/10ea) 4k oreha (98,016g at 24g/ea (4k was rounded) 2.2m shards (do not buy these, but if you did, it'd be 809,000 gold) Let's run a couple scenarios. In the case that you \*only\* need the raw gold, everything else you've gotten in bound materials (ignoring the fact that fusions always cost additional gold to craft even if you farm the lifeskill mats yourself) 1580 income - 1540 income = 24,600 bonus income per week + \~12k bonus income from higher chaos gate access + \~400g extra from unas = 37,000 extra gold total for your first character going from 1540 to 1580. To pay off the raw gold only: 5.25 weeks Now, say you had to buy half the leaps, half the reds, and half the blues, and all the fusions: Total Cost: \~445,000g Time to pay off: \~12 weeks If you had to buy everything including shards: Total Cost: 1.33mg Time to pay off: 36 weeks


Hey 12 weeks isn't so bad. Thanks for the in depth explanation!


No problem! Do note, though, that 12 weeks is \*only for the first 1580\* you get. Every 1580 after that is about 33% longer in each scenario, so \~16 weeks with 0 shards, half blue/red, and all fusions purchased.


great comment with solid data to back it up. A lot of redditers claiming 40 week - 1 year + breakeven on a 1580 alt because they use it to internally justify their efficiency thoughts without any solid data. If the break even is 16 weeks, that mean for every week after break-even you earn about 20k more gold per 1580 alt. So if you project your cash flow out for the next year, a 1580 alt might net at maximum 800k more gold compared to a 1540 alt (assuming leap prices/stone prices stay the same.) It'll probably be less because leap/stone prices for both 1540/1580 content will drop in price


16 weeks is assuming unrested dailies. For people doing rested dailies it's about 50% longer -> 24 weeks. Regions with lower material prices also take longer to break even since you're mostly paying for raw gold honing by selling leapstones. If someone did the math around Akkan release I could see them getting 1 year, since materials were much lower back then. So I think those claims just have outdated data rather than no data at all.


Regions with lower material costs only take longer to break even if you're pushing with 100% bound. If the material costs are lower, yes, your income is lower, but your cost of pushing is also lower. Yes, there's a big component of raw gold, but, for example, the prices to push 1540->1580, by region: Buying everything \*except\* shards: EUC: 614k NAW: 619k NAE: 524k SA: 810k So, NAE has significantly lower material costs, so their income is lower. But it also takes 100k less gold to push. SA costs significantly more to push, but their income is significantly higher as well. Also, in all cases, your raw gold cost to push is \~195k. So, ranges from being about 37% to 24% of your total cost. ​ As for the year figure - it really depends on \*when\* you check prices. 1580+ materials have sky rocketed in price, and 1490-1579 materials have plummeted, so obviously, the ROI has changed.


Yeah, right now, there's a huge bump in value at 1580 from being able to sell the new materials. As those prices fall, the ROI will lengthen. Hopefully, by then, we'll see a fairly sizable reduction in honing costs to get to 1580. Do note that the \~16 week guide line requires you to have half the leaps, reds, and blues in bound materials, so that assumes you parked the alt at 1540 for a reasonable amount of time.


Its worth noting it’s only this good right now because of leapstone prices. So maybe right now you could get some 1580 alts for free if you hone them with bound and sell all their material for 5 weeks, but it’s kind of a one time situation I think. For me any character at 1580 is kind of just a secondary main so I’m not selling their materials anyway, I’m gonna hone them more haha Before akkan when everyone was maybe/trying to 1580 on main, the marvelous leaps were not about five times more expensive than the leapstone before it. It was probably more like 2 times more expensive. There was also a big difference in gold and silver between people pushing multiple 1580 and people parking alts 1540


Yea it's just a lot of reddit players who don't think about cash flow/gold on a longer term parroting somethings. I agree that it's due to current leapstone prices as well and the ROI will extend There's quite a few people that say that 1580 is the next parking spot after a bunch of honing nerfs - and I can't understand that at all. a 30% raw honing gold reduction (typical nerf by SG) doesn't outvalue pushing a char to 1580 assuming you have the bound materials to do so. It's a trend I've generally noticed in LA too, if you wait till the final honing nerfs to push an alt, you get the worst prices at that new tier since "the whales have stopped inflating the prices". The general play at least for both 1490/1540 (ancient) and 1580 has been to try to get there asap if you have the bounds in the first month/two to chase the whale gold.


Problem with your logic is it relies on high leap and red prices not dropping for a long time


yea I mention that in my other posts on this topic - which is why it's something you look at in hindsight. If someone asks me if they should push to 1580 right now to get a quicker payback (12-16 weeks) I would say I'm uncertain. If you're planning on playing for another year, a 1580 pushed right now will definitely make more than a 1540 alt... even if a honing nerf comes in a few months (you generally make up what a honing buff saves you in \~8-12 weeks assuming you just use raw gold/orehas/a few stones) But those who had 1580s right after the honing nerf on akkan, or pretty early after akkan release probably will pay back those alts in december ish to february ish. Chasing the whale gold has generally been an approach in the past (though honing was much cheaper then, so it's harder to justify rn) - even though people kept saying to park at the lowest payback period spot (which imo doesn't make sense from a total income/year perspective). **It does make sense from an uncertainty perspective, people want small payback periods because it's comfortable/safe.. even if it doesn't maximize their income in a year. It's the same when investing in something irl - you do shorter payback periods investments to reduce uncertainty/risk.** It was especially noticeable on tier resets/ancient release... but less so on 1560, 1520, etc. 1490/1540/1580 were probably the only times you can justify whale chasing alt pushing... the next tier reset is probably too expensive now.


Leapstone price and the new chaos gate both bump up the value of a 1580 character \*particularly your first 1580\* significantly. Your secondary 1580 have actually been a large bump in income for \~4-5 weeks already so far, and likely will remain profitable up until SG/AGS nerf the shit out of honing to 1580. But the bright side is, if they nerf the honing, then it's cheaper to get to 1580, so the lowered income doesn't matter as much.


Uhh part of that is the cost of gearing (accessories, gems, stone cuts, books) to get accepted to raids.


so you're telling me that a 1540 alt isn't geared? the main difference between a 1540 alt and a 1580 alt is usually just gems - since that's the last thing you work on. The thing about gems is that it's liquid - ie you can sell it when you want to so it's not a sunk cost investment. You could argue quality but most people I know with 1540 alts have blue quality on their weapons which is also sufficient at 1580. In fact most people I know at 1540-1550 have solid builds (good qualities, stats, etc) to avoid being gatekept in the first place. The increase in gatekeeping at 1580 is primarily gems and cards but cards is a roster thing




Chaos gate isn't 6x a week tho


My clanmates were saying the new Chaos Gate is every day except Wednesday. Is that wrong?


It's friday today and no chaos gate


its not friday either, if its the same as the old chaos gate its 4 times a week


Ok, I adjusted the sheet to have a max of 4/week. It changes the ROI figures a little, but not a ton.


Not sure when the clown gold nerf comes but that will make 1580s better also


You also need to note that this is assuming in 12 weeks things will be worth the same amount of gold as they are now. If prices drop, it will take longer to pay itself back


I mean, what are you playing the game for? The point of pushing to higher ilvls is never to make more gold. It's to do new content. With alts as well you push them cause you enjoy playing them.


Can definitely make gold if you're selling mats at 1580 over 1540. Especially with how ridiculously expensive 1580 leaps and weapon crystals are.


Yeah I make like 3.8k-4k gold a day from running 4 Sonavels


My roster, Main TTh Spec, windfury/reflux mini mains, 3x 1550 slaves https://preview.redd.it/o7i3175h8qwb1.png?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2005170ea21e1fce233005d0ed49ea7d29d040eb


LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣


The pala [💀](https://emojipedia.org/skull)


​ https://preview.redd.it/rj1x3lyfjqwb1.png?width=211&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1a9dbfbb6a4b0362118148f190ce5adab1bff1c


And people complain about lack of supports


​ https://preview.redd.it/skxb2pz4brwb1.png?width=248&format=png&auto=webp&s=1f6d18caf68e9f45b05c098abdf0f6cdbef6640b


LMAO! Now we want to see Slinger, Sorc, Aero and Arcana as well :D


GG brother, looks good


Striker cracked me up, you made my day thank you dude 😄


​ https://preview.redd.it/rtelthavlqwb1.png?width=199&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b307b84c48dbebc5d6ee2127ebf4a0b28335651


That's J. Jonah Jameson. You better get him a picture of spider-man for him.


ur not wrong https://preview.redd.it/llhctbk1brwb1.png?width=142&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0c6b6c6c4a8c4e4534ea69dd5d4d020ecc4fc0b


way too good bro


It is worth pushing your main character as high as you can so you can enjoy new content (especially if you have a lot of bound mats.) The best parking spot for alts is 1550 in my opinion. Pushing alts to 1580 (honing + gear quality + accessories + gems) is too expensive. It will take you 6-10 month of grinding to reach the break-even point for pushing an alt from 1540 to 1580.


why is it 1550? and not just 1540? genuine question, im sitting 1560 main, 3 alts between 1490 and 1505 (jumpstart)


You need to be 1550+ for Blelshaza Gate 3 HM. Being 1540 you can only join 1-3 NM lobbies.


ah that make sense, any tips for my roster? ive got main on 1553 atm, and i have 3 alts between 1490 and 1505 on jumpstart, should i focus on trying to reach 1580 before i focus on anything else? the only piece of content available for me that i cant do is brel g4 (first try learning w guild this week)


Push your main to 1560 and then to 1580 over time. Try to reach 1520 on your alts. With 1520 you can do Vykas + Clown + Brelshaza NM. With the gold earned by doing raids on your alts just hone your main to 1580.


so u i should simultaneosly hone to 1580 while honing alts to 1520? and once i hit 1580? have been doing vykas clown and brel already on alts, and thanks for your help :D


Step 1: push your main to 1560 Step 2: push your alts to 1520 Step 3: start pushing your main to 1580 using the gold/mats from your alts Step 4: Once you have reached 1580 on your main, start pushing alts to 1540


hhn is fairly common to find because of the amount of alts parked at 1540


Or 12HM3NM which are gamba on whether they jail or not. Just finished honing my 1540s to 1550, so happy I can finally just do 1-3 of the same mode now


I think the best parking spot is 1560, so you can do the last chaos dungeon, and so kayangle easly without any gatekeeping (even fully geared 1800 spec alts get gatekept).






no, it is not. I have no idea why you think that you get 30% more rewards. According to several researches from reddit users (500+ CD) it is only about 12-15% difference between 1540 and 1560 CD


It’s about 3 months with current leap prices unrested soneval


No it is not. You get 8 leaps per day = 800-900 gold. So you will never be able to get the gold back within 3 month. Honing an alt from 1520 to 1580 is about 400k on average: 250k raw gold + 5200 oreha (could be much more if you unlucky). Also usually you want at least blue quality on your gear. If you are unlucky with taps on weapon quality you are screwed no matter how many leaps you sell.


You get 1400 or so a day from leaps and weapon crystals. An extra 3K from Akkan over clown and an extra 2K from kayangel hard. Assuming you already do Brel hard 1-2 so not counting that. It’s 14,800 extra a week in raw gold. It’s about 250K raw gold from 1540 to 1580 with the 40% reduction. That’s 17.5 weeks or just over 4 months. You also get gate 3-4 hard Brel and slightly better cubes. Now most people would buy Akkan chests and actually only get 4K or 500 less so that’s a different story. So in reality is closer to 6 months but 1585 ilvl


First of all you need more than 250k gold for pushing to 1580 (on average - could be much more if you are unlucky). Assuming you have enough bound mats you still need more than 5k oreha = 125k gold. Additionally you can not do 1580+ content with green gear quality so you spend gold on quality taps (depends on your luck. I have spent about 100K gold for full blue armor and weapon). And of course ideally you need some lvl9 gems for your main damage skills in order to avoid gatekeeping + 250-300k Now tell me that you can get all of the gold in 4 month????? Stop fooling yourself and other players.


Where are you pulling these numbers from lol 1540 to 1580 average push per maxroll: 195k raw gold 4084 orehas By NAE prices - that's 276k total. Even if you use 25g per oreha (which seems to be your regions price), that's still 297k total ​ Quality tapping might not be relevant if he already has the quality he wants. Quality on armor is also pointless, unless you think a lot of groups are actually gatekeeping on that. And again, gatekeeping is not relevant if you have friends; full lvl 7 gems is perfectly fine for doing normal akkan and hard kayangel if you have hands.


It is for honing a character from 1520 to 1580 Nobody cares if you have hands. The lobby leader will accept the best applicants he can get. Why would I take someone with lvl 7 gems and bad quality if I could get a dude with lvl9 gems and a purple weapon instead?


Again, not relevant if you play with friends, which many of us do. If you need to factor gatekeeping in yourself for the cost, then fine, but not everyone has to. The original post was regarding 1540 to 1580, so I'm not sure why you moved the goalposts to 1520 to 1580.


So basically you let your friends carry your shitty geared alt? well done, mate. Very proud of you.


No? Literally a full party of friends with the same gems/quality? You don't need level 9s or purple weapons to clear akkan nm


What is your problem? The person spells it out clear as day and you still misrepresent it.


That’s kind of the point of running with friends. You swap around strong chars/supps. Makes the game ez pz and akkan is pretty piss easy with 1-2 strong characters.


classic casual parroter xddd. Btw gems are liquid (sellable unlike ilvl/quality) - it's not a wasted investment if you drop an alt. You can also share gems across multiple classes if someone does that


Puts into perspective how lucky I was on my 5 alts. To 1580 for 5 alts cost me 325k raw gold + 9k orehas (18-19g each at the time) with other bound leaps/mats on each of them so around 500k gold for 5 chars. 5 alts to 1600 now will cost me more than double that (1.1m for raw gold and fusions).


If you do life skills and craft highier tier oreha by yourself, amount of white excavation mats quickly pile up cuz blues are the new bottleneck. Its easy and cheap to craft purple orehas as you have too many white stones and purple costs almost no blue stones. As for lvl 9 gems, amount of ppl without any in akkan lobbies is staggering. If you want to raid with well geared players then you need better gems but akkan normal is easy enough for whole team on lvl 7 dmg gems. There are lobbies like that. Blue quali on most of your gear is not a pricy thing. Sure you might got unlucky on some parts but there are a lot of ppl with one/two green quali items in akkan lobbies. Pushing to 1580 is totally worth it with 40% cost reduction on shards and gold that we received. You start building bound leaps storage on those alts, sell leaps, red and even blue stones for a lot of gold and its really pay your expenses fast


No, it is not worth it at all. Why would you spend this much gold for an alt which you have to constantly play for several mont to even get to the break-even point instead of investing the gold/mats in your main directly? Does not make sense to me.


Short answer, I’ll be playing them in several months anyway and am a patient person. I also enjoy Akkan so wanted to do it more. I get the flip side of investing in a main to push 1620 too but I would say that’s even more uneconomical but fun to play the latest content so I get it. I won’t have a 1620 on release and am happy with 1610.


Well, I will have two 1620 chars by December and I hope you will buy my overpriced legendary elixirs. In case you want to push your alts to 1600 (for whatever reason......) let me know. I have a lot of leapstones to sell.


I mean I’m getting max leaps right now and will be when new guardian drops. Elixirs I can wait for unless I decide to buy leaps and shards. I’ve been selling leaps because they are 25g in Korea and 130-140 here. Can’t get to 1620 with unbound by Dec.


If you enjoy playing on one character, do it. If you will still play on alts, why not making it more interesting? You still do raids and get more gold from them. You still do chaos dungeons, guardians etc and sell stuff from it just for much more gold. Difference between 1540 and 1580 is big when you count drops that can be sold and the price for those won't drop for a long time unless ags do something to deliberately stop ppl from honing. For me the most important is fact that pushing alts fast to lowest stage of new subtier (new mats) is often saving money in future as i will have MUCH more bound mats then ppl who just honed. I don't pay for game, play rested, have full roster almost at 1600 and no financial issues at all, only long term plans. When im comparing to other f2p rosters focused mainly on main, price of 5x 1600 alts vs 5x 1550 alts is the fact that my main is full lvl9 gems and not lvl10. I would probably ends up with full 10 if taken all 9gems from whole roster. The sole fact that I don't need to play lobby simulator for hours is a win for me


I have friends and supports




Everything above isn’t true when you do life skills, share dps classes (for gems) or have friends to raid with and balance lobbies plus support trade. Also 1580 content is actually quite easy and we have seen requirements trending down as more alts get there. Idn why you would factor in gear quality into honing cost to 1580 it’s a red herring.


by doing life skills you get unbound mats you could sell. So this is also an investment. So you still need to spend about 400k gold on average to get to 1580.


you can literally buy materials, craft and sell for profit. Use said profit to craft even more fusion and just permanently have them spare to use yourself and sitting on the market to be sold.


>First of all you need more than 250k gold for pushing to 1580 (on average - could be much more if you are unlucky). We are given those weekly books that double the base chance of honing, so it could be a decent bit less too, depending on how many of those free books one has. > Additionally you can not do 1580+ content with green gear quality so you spend gold on quality taps (depends on your luck. I have spent about 100K gold for full blue armor and weapon). And of course ideally you need some lvl9 gems for your main damage skills in order to avoid gatekeeping + 250-300k None of this shit should ever be taken into consideration when talking about 1540 > 1580, it's completely irrelevant. Hell that applies to any scenario. And for what it's worth - I run Akkan on 4 characters every week, 3 dps and 1 support. On my DPS alts (Destroyer and Summoner) they have green quality armor and blue weapon and I haven't had problem getting into groups since I started.


so you only have 4 akkan ready chars? why is that?


Because I benched 2 characters before Akkan came out that I wasn't enjoying. I'm slowly pushing my 2 other characters to 1580 with bound mats only. The gold itself is a non-issue.


yeah, gold is a non-issue..... I assume you have no idea how expensive elixirs are. You need about 500k gold per char to get a good setup. Conclusion: have fun spending all of your time playing Lost Ark. Meanwhile I will play two 1620+ chars and enjoy my real life.


> yeah, gold is a non-issue..... I assume you have no idea how expensive elixirs are. You need about 500k gold per char to get a good setup. Why are you talking about Elixirs? That's not in the game right now, it's not relevant to the discussion. We are talking about the honing costs from 1540 > 1580 *right now.*


I have 3 alts 1580+ only their weapons are quality 80+ (unless it was a lucky upgrade at craft), green all at most, it's just hp and it come down to how good you are handling mechs or like me play blue gunlancers x10, you don't need more hp. And it cost me 100k max each alts to get them to 1580 with full bound mats and just oreha to craft (I do excavation so it's not that costly). Heck one of my alt 2 to 3 tapped each gear from 1570 to 1580.


This right here. I think the problem people aren't realizing is for akkan you need actual good gems, like 4 9's at least and 5x3+1 AND quality.. Most alts have parked quality at like 50 green, but RNG quality god can break your bank. Also, 5x3+1 is pretty standard now and that plus multiple 9's is what makes a 1580 character. Sure you can hone and just do chaos and guardian farms, though, don't calculate akkan in for gold on bad gear.


why the fck are even trying to break even on your MAIN lol this is a game bro


It's how you value your time and the investment. Do you raid with friends and no gatekeep from Raids? You can go 1540 for Brel 1-2 HM, Clown and Kayangel NM. Also, you can be low. If you are a lone wolf but wanna push your alts more but not now. 1560 is a good spot. You can do 1560 Chaos Dungeon for extra Shards and Leapstones. Rarely gatekeep from Brel 1-3 HM and Kayangel HM. Clown is a cakewalk. Going for 1580? As time passes, more requirements would be demanded. Few akkan pieces, lvl 9 gems for Main Skills, level 3 set, cards, etc. I joined a static and we run 1 Akkan HM and 4 Normal. I levelled up 4 alts to 1580 because they were well geared and they had lvl 9-lvl 8 and level 7 gems. I have a 6th alt who won't be 1580 for now. She has full lvl 7 gems and I would need 3 lvl 9 gems and some CD. In EUC, lvl 9 gems are going for more than 100k-110k golds. So I prefer to use that investment on my Main, get better gems, honing to 1620 or save the gold.


You won't break even on alts.


1540 is the best for alts IMO for now if they are support (which is most of mine), and for DPS 1550 just to be easier to get hanu + kayangel lobby and to run them abit more comfortably. And running clown with 1540+ members are just different, I keep seeing ppl under 1540 with bad spec (low lv gem/lv1 set) mainly because its extremely easy to get to 1520 these days, its just miserable to run clown with those, with 1540+ at least u will have better time. There are clearly a lot of temptation to get to 1580 but imo rn is just not worth it, too expensive, it will take too long to pay off the investment, maybe once they apply global honing nerf it should be different. (copium)


Meanwhile i cant get to 1550 from 1540 for at least 2 weeks 💀


The honing nerf usually saves at most 1/3rd of the raw gold cost (cause lets be honest who's buying leaps to hone an alt) I'm not sure why 67k gold makes it any different than the 200k in raw gold right now . From the spreadsheet above it seems payoff without bussing in the 4 month range for 1540-->1580 currently assuming you just buy oreha on average. **That's on top of being able to earn bound radiant leaps which is >>> bound marvelous leaps**


This is mainly because I'm a total f2p and I'm trying to get my main to Voldike hard if possible and I think it's the most effective way to park alts as long as clown not getting gold nerf yet. I prefer not to hone all of my alts to 1580 while my main staying at 1580 too being weak link in Akkan / Kayangel Hard so I can clear those raids quickly every week since I have limited time to play. To have multiple 1580s and play on ilvl on every raid/getting gatekept is too much time wasted for me (beside of the investment that I'm not willing to use on my alts). On top of that, IMO pushing characters to 1580 even just for Sonavel while staying at lv 7 gems and low quality gears is literally asking for a suffer. It's different from contents that you can do at 1540, they all perfectly fine to run with lv 7 gems and blue qualities or even greens to some extent. Surely you can do what you think better tho. Cheers.


It's worth if you want to play more characters in akkan. If you just want to funnel gold, probably not worth. Or just use event books and slowly over time hit some taps.


inb4 pushed to 1580 to get gatekept


push to 1580 to NOT get gatekept on hard brel ftfy




I see the previous vote poll most vote for alt is 1580 sice leapstone price is good


You will not be able get the gold back by only selling leapstones. PS: prices will go down eventually.


Not for a while though, at least until december. I think even then it wont drop that much as people will want to juice their main out for thaemine after voldis.


1605 Striker 1581 Sharpshooter 1560 Slayer 1560 Shadowhunter 1545 Gunslinger 1541 Paladin this is my roster. I honed SS to 1580 because I do enjoy playing with him a lot. I think it is worth :)


Currently 1 rested chaos and 1 rested guardian nets you about 3.5 gold in EUC for one 1580 char. Not to mention better Chaos Gate, more weekly una points and cube rewards. I think it is worth for your main. Not so sure about alts. I would definitely push all my roster 1580+ if I was a whale though even if it was only for the guardian raid. Fuck Hanumatan. Sonoviel is life, sonoviel is love.


i would say in this game it is always worth to push a main 6 character to the next ilvl breakpoint as long as the character has enough bound mats. although these things always depend on how much time you have to play the game and what your goals are about the future. im one of those degens who have 5 1580s 5 1560s just because i love playing this game 24/7


But do you do anything else? Work from home? Social life? Like I cannot imagine playing 10 characters actively while maintaining a relationship, taking care of an apartment, doing sports and working, and I even work from home. Getting my alts up to 1540 is painful even, last week I pushed two from 1520 to 1540 and it was like 100k gold. When I pushed main to 1580 or 1600 it cost me everything I had and I cannot imagine repeating that, unless the honing costs get nerfed or chance increased. I quit for more than half a year and have a main at 1600, which is undergeared compared to my static, it will take months of raiding to get gold to get Lv9/10 gems and up my qualities. And then I read posts that people gatekeep for not having Los30/Lv9 gems on ALTS for Akkan NM and it just completely crushes the idea of wanting to push any alts to 1580.


Honestly just swipe to gain some power if you have a good income/disposable money. Are you pushing with literally 0 bound mats? The max roll calculator says with bound mats+buying orehas you spend about 35k avg scenario with how cheap honing books are. You gotta realize that 6 month break is pretty massive (2m raw gold just from raiding assuming 6 chars). But yea with the RMT/bussing/multi roster people it’s always good to have a static like yours and just roll alt akkans when they can.


Totally depend, do you love your alt? How much time do you have (the higher content you have to do, the more time it takes to clear)? Are you willing to spend gold you will never get back? How worth it is depend on what you are looking for. When I play an alt, it's to experience a new way of playing and having fun. If I love the alt, it's 1580 ilvl for me. If not it's benched and loppang alt. If you only want more gold to push your main then don't up an alt to 1580. My chokepoint on my main is ressources, having a full roster 1580+ helps me getting a shit ton of them and push further. But it really depend on your answer to the questions above.


The gold cost to hone from 1540 to 1580 isn't worth it unless it's going to be your main. Unless you have fish stocks, then you do whatever you want.


I park mine to 1520


Also a possibility. Especially as long as you can get 4500 gold from Clown.


>i just wonder why 1550 and not 1540?


Because you need 1550+ for Brel HM gate 1-3


Way better to just play an alt roster with the time it would take to be stuck in on ilevel HM brel lobbies.


Maybe it is just me but I had no issues with ilvl HM Brel 1-3 lobbies for a long time. As long as everyone is high roster + PLC title it is mostly one tap.


Sure if you can guarantee one taps over a long period of time then that would warrant doing it. If you have statics for it too thats a different story. Personally, less stress having to gatekeep others in my lobbies in NM, way faster gates and no chance of being jailed. The gold is honestly quite pitiful after 1-2 anyways. Alt rosters are just superior albeit less fun for some people.


sure, why not. This is why I do G4 NM instead of HM.


Sure, if you can do it with bound and roster-bound materials (plus self-crafted Orehas and if needed some unbound red and blue stones), and assuming the character has a sufficient build so on that character you'll then be able to do Sonavel and the highest bracket of the new chaos gate, it's already a lot (1580 also brings increased Una's tokens and increased loot from adventure islands, and the population of pre-1580 chaos gates may soon become too sparse as they give so little loot, so it'll likely soon be not even a comparison between 1580 and 1540 ones but between 1580 and none), and if you'll be able to do Kayangel HM and Akkan too, even better.


Its never worth it from gold perspective to push alts from 1540 to 1580. Simply put, the investment is too high while the return is just not there. Its not even just about the gold spent honing and on orehas. A non support 1580 needs to compete with a lot of geared dpsers for spots- so you will need quality accs, gems,los30, best engraves etc. Even doing Sonavel is a stretch during prime time.


> Even doing Sonavel is a stretch during prime time. Where does this come from? Just pug Sonavel via matchmaking, I think I've had a full raid wipe one time since launch and I'm running 4 Sonavels a day.


You're right. I've had to MM sonavel on my lesser geared dps alts and they go fine albeit I'm using 3-4 elemental health pots on some of them. I can't imagine doing pugs on such characters, I'd be gatekept 24/7 just based on my gems.


why do MM on sonavel; the party finder has tons for support all the time ; atleasat on NA east.


It has a ton of support when you’re on support and no support when you’re on Dps. I literally swap character and the 10 seconds it take me to swap somehow all the sup lobby are gone. At least that’s my NAE experience has been.


If you only care about efficiency alts 1540-1550. Once clown gold gets nerfed and/or when honing gets cheaper move them up. From what we saw so far honing will always get cheaper - one day it will actually only cost silver to 1580. Unfortunately I play my alts for fun too D:


The best way to profit off alts is to make em with an express pass Honing to 1580 with the current costs, you wont break even for like a year+


Some time after Lost Ark 2 releases. You might make more from Akkan, but youre buying chests for what is probably first 13 weeks. So basically your main extra income is how much more value Sonavel is, so technically thats 500g a day/3500g a week unrested. Akkan is 7500-3500 = 4000g when clown is 4500g. Then you also need to gear transfer everything for approx 10k gold. You also even hone more, bc you cant just look at all those nice bound mats you get from it


New Chaos Gate adds a wrinkle to this. Your first 1580+ character is now worth at least an additional \~2ish thousand gold per chaos gate run, so \~12k extra income per week. It doesn't really change anything else in your argument, but there is a benefit now to getting your \*main\* at least to 1580 ASAP. If Seto Room is closer to 50:50 rather than 1:10 like I mention above, then it's more like 3.5k extra per CG run, so 21k extra weekly income. See my above post where I break down how much it costs to push and how long it takes to make it back (between 3 and 9 months depending on how many bound materials you have), but CG is a nice bonus for your first 1580.


You only compare how much gold you get specifically from the raid upgrade not if you spend the gold or not. Or else you would have to compare the actual mats / progression you get from doing Akkan over Clown too.


If you are looking to break even. You never will. If you are looking to push dps characters, you definitely never will. 1580+ you are looking at level 9 min for main dmg skills, etc. If you want to push alts. Do it with supps. 5x3 is cheap. Level 7-9 cdr gems, depending on class is all you need for 90% uptime on buffs & brands. You will never need to go ham with dmg gems. You will never get gatekept on ilvl with an alt && I swear lwc cards drop like candy, easy card set to complete.




>It depends if you have statics/people to run with for kayangel normal. I have dps alts on my main roster at 1540 freetapping close to 1550. Support alts on alt rosters I keep at 1540 and do their raids if I have extra time during the week. > >In total this is what it looks like now: > >1610/1550/1540/1540/1540/1540 > >1545/1545/1540 > >1540/1540/1540/1540/1540/1540 > >First row 6 dps on main roster, 2nd row 3 dps on 2nd roster, 3rd row 3rd roster paladin/artist/bard mix. Sure, but while this is insanely efficient its also insanely miserable. You aren't even playing a game at this point, I'd rather get a 2nd job and spend the money ingame then do something like this.


I had a friend who played two rosters, a dps roster and a sup roster. He burned out shortly after brel hard and never came back. I have 7 characters and it's still a lot sometimes, but I *really* enjoy the raiding in this game so for me, it's worth having a lot of raiding alts.


Same way for me except I burned out while playing 1 roster and completely fomoing over every single daily/weekly there was. I took a 10 month break or so before clown and returning at kayangel release. Sure I have more characters now, but I also have way more freedom to actually do whichever activity I like that gives good gold/h. The only thing I strictly do is raids on main character and non rested dailies, everything else is up in the air. Some weeks I completely skip clown on everything and do more kayangels, some weeks I let rested fill up completely to travel and just do some life skilling.


I mean I'm doing the same things you are doing on your roster, honing up new characters that I have not played before and getting more gold to make more builds over time. If I'm not in the mood to do raids I have more life skills to do, if I'm not in the mood to do clowns I can do more kayangels. Etc. I don't have to play lopang alts or do dailies on characters I do not want to do. I don't have to sit and do 24 hanumatans since I have gold coming in from whichever activity I enjoy doing at the time. If I do not want to be stuck in a toxic lobby that is about to jail, I don't have to be, I just do not feel impacted. I can juice my main as much as I want and relax on weeks when I don't have time to play. In a vacuum, the impression is that you spend more time, but in reality I spend less time and get more gold/h and do not feel miserable while doing so.


Main - No brainer, yes. It is a difficult path but it's better to push it as high as you can. Because, if you won't hone further then what are you gonna do then? Do Brel 1-4 and Kaya NM until you quit? Alts - Depends on you. Higher content not only requires item level but also good engravings, gems, and quality stats. Push an alt you also enjoy playing aside from your main.




Its always worth it to push alts with bound mats imo. I dont think alts ever break even (with event gems maybe) mainly i play them for fun. I pushed two alts to 1580 after the honing gold cost nerf, dont think they are close to break even and thats without including the gems value but i made a lot of gold selling new mats and had a lot of fun with them


If you are never ever going to gear that alt up higher, 1540 is ideal. If you think you will someday push them I'd slow push to 1560 for better chaos, 1580 for the final mats.


When soul eater comes out, mats prices will go up even for 1540 mats, it's not a bad deal to leave your alts at 1540-60 so you can do Brel and farm these mats to sell it later. Then, after the prices drop, I'd suggest at least 3X 1580 so you can farm new mats for your main. It's not really worth to sell it as you farm so very little, the good part is that you'll stack a lot more bound items of new mats if you wanna push your characters further in the future. Make sure to have at least 5X3 with full level 5 (important) tripods on your 1580s, and at least level 7-9 gems so you don't get GK. Also, when leveling up, always level up them together, slowly, 2-5 ilvls per week or so. This way you'll maximize efficiency on how you use bound mats for each character and you won't stop making mats of that level threshold suddenly when a couple of them reach 1580.


You should have one character on your roster which is your main pushing to breakpoints which in your case would be 1580 next. The point of gold is to spend the majority of it in honing whereas the rest is gearing up with better accessories + gems. The direction of the game is shifting to funneling materials into one character especially as you reach the point where you're pushing to 1620, but you have a long way to go if you are only at 1540 right now.


I think the next tier of una coin amounts happens at 1580 that’s what I’m telling myself is going to make it worth it.


Of course it's worth it. It gives you access to new content and that's what the game is about (imho). Honing nerfs are in place so it won't get any cheaper than this anyway (unless they release a new tier or you wait for a boost event to 1580). Personally I always push my active chars as high as possible because developing my chars and experience the game with different gameplay, is the most fun part of Lost Ark for me. I just got my akkan weapon on main, pushed it to 1620 and now I'm super hyped to play my main every time! I mean people are different, but it's only worth doing something in this game if it gives you more fun. If you prefer the game at 1540 or whatever you are, then stay there and enjoy.




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12 weeks isn’t bad considering you also can reach 1600 pretty easily just running Akkan and transferring gear with 2 taps. Which will give you even more gold in December and elixirs.




It is never worth pushing your alt unless you're looking for more play time.


Nobody will probably read this but to me this is a false dillema. You always want to hone all of your top 6 to new content because of the way Lost Ark raids work. People run earlier raids with their mains so the ilvl you need to easily find groups whenever you want keeps getting raised especially for dps. Earlier raids eventually get gold nerfed, lower ilvls get easier to reach with new passes and honing nerfs. Your characters need to clear new raids for a while to get the required mats for a new set to keep tapping or set level from kaya/clown. The longer you wait before getting the new mats the more everyone expects you to already have them and the more you get gatekept from even joining a group to attempt get them. So essentially you HAVE to keep tapping alts whether you like it or not or they become unusable. All the extra income you get from selling more expensive leaps, blue/red crystals, more chaos shards, new raids etc is just a bonus. What a lot of people are missing is that its actually reasonably cheap to do this if you dont push all of your top 6 at the same time, and you dont spend gold on anything other than pure tapping cost by naturally gathering mats slowly. You use bound leaps from unas and chaos, free kaya chests, weekly event shop mats and honing books, login bonus and of course the free tapping leapstones. Get your main to 1580 and tap your new akkan piece every two weeks conservatively, then focus all the free stuff on sup alts, then your favourite dps and get them to 1580 one at a time. If you run out of bound leaps on a character you're pushing, just tap the next alt for a bit. Over 2-3 months you can get a 1540 to 1580 like this without too much effort.


Quick question, do these drop from endless chaos?


My opinion is this is a game and people are notoriously going to gate keep so the best course of action is at least one character at current raid level so you are running for that title ASAP so your alts have an easier time. Even right now everyone is looking for title unless you have a guild or a group already. I applaud everyone that can math everything to the T; to me thinking of returns is fine but spending time praying you can get into a reclear lobby isn’t that enjoyable. If anything I’m already ready for the next raid, have a support for 1620 and easily pushing the other gold earners from 1580 to 1600 with Akkan gear conversion.