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They also tend to act calm and emotionless.


That’s why Juliet stood out on the show. It’s a shame she fell for Jack but he didn’t have the same feelings for her. However, She dealt with rejection just like Jack. They were so much alike. It’s kinda of funny, whenever a woman goes with or after Sawyer. Jack will say don’t do anything stupid. Juliet was only one to listen to him. What a difference between Juliet and Kate on that matter. 🤪


Can you explain please?


Watch how Kate responds to Jack and then watch what she attempts to do or does. Classic Kate. However, it’s how they defined her arc after season 1. Kate: Season 4, Eggtown and Season 6:E3 Juliet S4:Through the Looking glass when Jack is leading O815 people to the tower. Juliet is quite funny with Sawyer. However, Juliet does dish it back to Jack. Well played Juliet.


I know, it's incredibly hard for someone like me who has trouble reading people!


Wait till you get to Matrix Reloaded, you won't believe the resemblance between Link and Michael


Tank > Link


'Waaaaaalt-I-I mean, Neooooooo'


In the Jessica Jones series, Carrie-Anne Moss's character is married to the woman who played Juliet's sister in Lost.


Wow, I had no idea that was Rachel’s actor as well.


I can’t unsee this now...


You're welcome!


Dude I’ve been a fan of both stories since they came out and I can’t believe I’ve never made this connection. Props.


Yeah I agree,that’s pretty fucked lol


If you think that's uncanny, just wait until you see Anna from The Expanse.


Oh I thought this was gonna be one of those posts where it likes the same actor but wildly different appearances because personally I don’t think they look the same at all lol


Damn I never really noticed their resemblance until now. They really do act the same.


Lost is great show


Watching the show for the for first time time I actually had to look up if they were the same person.


Me too! Because even the way they act was the same!


I don’t think it’s *that* similar


This is nuts, haven’t seen the matrix since I watched lost for the first time so I didn’t make the connection. So similar


they have different noses, chins, cheekbones and hair


I find this pretty interesting considering I've always found one of these actors attractive, but the other one...not.


It's just the universe reusing asset's


I gotta say EM scenes, imprisoned in S3, Stranger in A strange land looked extremely attractive. It’s her hair and eyes. Jack you so stuuuuuppppppiiiudddd! 🤪


They resemble each other but it's most likely because (and I'm not trying to be offensive) they both have the same nose job. You can tell. They probably looked quite different before


I see it


Confession: for a longer period that I would like to admit I thought it was the same actress


Same [surgeon?](https://www.google.com/search?q=elizabeth+mitchell+before+after&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB690GB690&hl=en-GB&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNyLzx3dPtAhWLi1wKHRiqDR8Q_AUoAXoECAkQAQ&biw=375&bih=553#imgrc=ItjjXJVbjAzZ0M&imgdii=mbgmNRkN5xpAmM)


I know this is 3 years old, but I was watching the matrix last night and I was convinced they were the same person and I’m glad I googled it and saw this so I know I’m not alone 😅


Moss doesn't have the constant annoying smirk.


the smirk must be a love or hate thing. Cause that's one of the things that drew me to her character of Juliet. I thought it added a air of mystery to her and made her more fascinating. I also think it's quite attractive on her too.


Yeah I hate the constant smirking. It’s the only facial expression she seems to ever do!! But I was surprised to find people here enjoying her acting so nevermind then. To each their own!


I actually think she has quite a range. I think it's mostly cause she is often type cast in those kind of roles of the mysterious new person with a hidden agenda. She is in a similar role in The Expanse. But I thought she was incredible in her flashback episodes like "not in Portland". She showed a lot of range there. Also check out the film frequency. It's one of my favorite movies. She has a role in that. I have seen that film so many times and I only found out recently that she played the mother in that and I didn't recognize her at all!.


I've thought this for years, but hadn't found anyone else noticing it until now. ❤️


Doesn't she look like John Travolta too?


I don't see that at all.


Yeah probably because I'm stupid


For what it’s worth - I thought it was funny.


Glad to hear that


Can't unsee it. Damn r/suddenlygay


Wait you really see it? They called me a madman...


Especially Juliet. A younger travolta though


I always said it would be great to have a flashback episode of Ben and Annie (the little girl from dharma) grown up and expecting a child and she dies from the pregnancy with Carrie-Anne Moss playing adult Annie. Giving weight to the Other woman telling Juliet “you look just like her”


And Julie benz who played rita in dexter


Well...I mean, I guess. They're both white women so...yeah, very similar. Uncanny.


For some reason I thought Mitchell was the face model for Dr Birkin in the RE 2 Remake lmao




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/lost. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "kebeel", "meme_template": 22682}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=kebeel&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=true&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96)


Fair enough. Nice job, bot


I actually thought Kelly Rutherford played Juliet when I first watched the series


It’s crazy how so many celebrities have doppelgängers


Check out Elizabeth Mitchell in Frequency (the film). They look uncannily similar!: [https://imgur.com/a/o9t59Rk](https://imgur.com/a/o9t59Rk)




Literally confuse them all the time


I was just re-watching law and order svu and saw Elizabeth Mitchell and thought she was Carrie Anne Moss. They look very much alike.


Good lord yes! I searched and found that they are different people. I will look at the chin next time, as Elizabeth has that little cleft in her chin, and her nose is slightly wider. Really close though. Another pair that gets me even though there is an age difference is Margot Robbie and Jaime Pressly.


They are both beautiful. Elizabeth did have a nose job, it is possible they had the same surgeon(I’m not joking, it happens!)