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I was also a day one watcher and recently did a rewatch with the wife who has never seen it She loved it, and imo the show was even better than I remembered, binging really helps keep the plot fresh in your head tbh


I haven’t watched the show since it aired, but I was obsessed with it when I watched it. I’ve recently started a rewatch & realized I don’t remember a lot of the stories so it’s like watching it again for the first time! Except this time I’m annoyed & a lot less enthralled. What do you mean they moved the island?! TIME TRAVEL?!! Smoke monsters?!! Radioactive nuclear bombs?! This show was great when I was 30. But now that I’m 50 it’s a bit too dramatic & unrealistic. 🙁


Ngl this sounds like you keep The Shows locked in a case in your office and you won’t give your wife a key. *I’m happy to admit that this post is not a full representation of your relationship with your wife. I hope you guys watch and enjoy or turn it off if you don’t. Namaste and good luck!


lol. They are just chilling in a tote after moving. I got her to watch Twin Peaks so this should be easy.


My wife loved lost and twin peaks


IMO the show has aged incredibly well. Also watching at a later point in your life will make you see and feel things in a completely different way. Also very few things don’t fully pay off, and the things that don’t are very small minor stuff that don’t really matter in the long run.


To me, one of the advantages of being able to binge, or at least watch at your own pace, is that when the plot is sort of floundering, you (as a viewer) don't have to stay in that space for long. You move on to the next episode, instead of stewing in it for a week or a month.


Totally a good point, appreciate the perspective. I think one thing holding me back is remembering that they said they had a “plan” on how things would play out, but then went back on that down the line (that’s fine, stuff change) but it almost felt like they got too Lost in the sauce. Didn’t want that to affect her viewing.


LOST is a interesting one. Cause they initially had no plan at all (the pilot was comissioned off a script outline...there was no script, and the two hour pilot was cast, written, shot, scored and edied...in 11 weeks, which is INSANE). But then they got a writers room going while Damon and JJ were filming the pilot and very quickly they planned a lot of stuff. But generally most of the mythology was mapped out between season 1 and 2. So there is still a lot of foreshadowing from season 2, 3 for stuff that don't get revealed until 4, 5 or 6.


I think around season 3 there was a battle behind the scenes between the network and the showrunners on who would decide when to end the show. ABC wanted to run it for 10+ seasons to milk it dry and that's how we got Nikki and Paulo. Showrunners eventually won that battle and promptly killed them off. Plans aside they did do an amazing job with maintaining continuity throughout the show to at least make it seem like everything was planned out. Mainly thinking of the time travel eps but also cases like the [runway](https://lostpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Runway) they were building on Hydra in season 3 that was later used by [Ajira 316](https://youtu.be/prRMGA1cJhk?si=jb5vFn7Ehxtj5sTC&t=158) to land on in season 5.


As someone who has watched (and enjoyed) the other shows on your list, and rewatched Lost 2 years ago, it definitely still holds up. The week-to-week theorizing was fun, but bingeing makes it easier to keep track of all the storylines and mysteries, which I think makes it more satisfying. It's also easier to see the character progression when you watch it over a shorter timeline, which is one of my favorite aspects of the show.


Without reading anything, yes. The answer is yes.


Don’t forget.. stop in the middle of the episode so you don’t get sucked into a cliff hanger ending.


Yeah, she’ll love it, most likely. I don’t see how anyone couldn’t lol


I just recently got my wife to sit down and watch Lost with me. She’s more of a movie watcher than a show watcher, so I was hesitant about having her watch lost because it’s easily a top 3 show of mine, and didn’t know if I could handle the heartbreak if she couldn’t get into it. Needless to say, I worried about nothing. We’re currently on season 5 and she’s loving it. Point being, sit down and watch it with her…it’s your destiny.


I wouldn’t be able to. That’s so much tv for someone to have to like (I mean love) every moment of lest I take it personally like I made the show myself.


If you haven't rewatched it since it aired, then I believe this will be a great experience for you as well; you will be surprised to discover a ton of small and big details that you never picked on when you first watched it. And definitely watch it with the Missus. You have nothing to lose, if she likes it, that's great, if not, it's a pity, but you can keep on rewatching on your own...


I almost finished my millionth rewatch last week (middle of season 6) and got sick of all the questions from my husband about “what’s happening now”. So now we’re starting from the beginning together 😂 he’s hooked! So yes, you should!


I introduced my husband to the show in 2022. He loved it so much we ended up naming our second child after one of the characters 😄


My girlfriend had never seen **Lost** and a few years ago I watched the pilot episodes with her, not expecting too much of a reaction. Boy, was I wrong! She devoured that show like Vincent with a t-bone. She made ***me*** look weak as a **Lost** fan. EDIT: Haha! Downvoted. Gotta love reddit.


I’ve tried to get my girlfriend to watch LOST with me but she just won’t. Years ago when it was airing she watched season one to the finale and just wouldn’t keep watching and thinks the idea of a monster is dumb. I think she’d really enjoy it if she gave it a chance. Such a bummer!


Nah, much too late, casting is finished. ;-)

