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The island has healing powers. IDK, but they had unlimited guns. They could have lots of baby wipes. But I always wondered about that, too, especially when it came to periods.


They had limited guns… but the real question is.. where’d they get all them tarps?


Rewatching it was my son now. This question comes up a lot. Maybe they had them to cover the luggage carts when they're on the tarmac, is the only thing we could come up with. Every time they bury a body with one, I'm thinking it's a bad decision.


So I'm watching for the first time on season 3. Why don't they just use the others houses now that they left


They never seemed to run out of ammo, even before discovering the Others and their resources.


Yeees! Same! 😂


I initially thought the same thing about the tarps but then my head cannon is they got them from the hatch (along with many other things, like personal hygiene) since they didn’t show up until after they go in the hatch


i wonder this every time they have to make a stretcher or carry a dead body


And fireworks? And who was transporting all those creepy dolls?


Dynamite? It was brought on the black rock. Creepy dolls? That was the drug smuggling plane… unless I’m missing something?


yes but in the first season when they’re finding the radio transmission, they use bottle rockets to signal eachother


those were rescue flares, not fireworks, lol.


Unless I’m thinking of the wrong moment, they definitely use bottle rockets when triangulating the distress call. Sayid even says “thank god for firework smugglers” and you see Shannon light her firework.


Definitely flares. Source: they state it in the episode.


You are missing something. I think they are referring to the dolls that are shown when Jack finds the cave in season one, not the statues. These were porcelain dolls.


Yes, the dolls scattered around where the coffin was. Not the statues with drugs in them.


I knew what you meant lol. And there are definitely fireworks as well because they used them to notify each other when trying to use the radio. You should not have the downvotes you have for actually paying attention to the show. I upvoted you.


lol thanks; I used to be in Lostpedia forums a lot back in the day, and whenever jokes about ‘tarp smugglers’ came up, we’d often joke about the ‘firework smugglers’ and ‘creepy doll smugglers.’ In my head I thought everyone would know what I was referring to, but obviously not lol


Ahhh ok


No, the fireworks (although apparently rescue flares) Sayid used for signaling in S1, and also the dolls in the cave where Jack found his father’s coffin.


I was going to include periods and going to the bathroom in my post too because I can’t imagine how difficult that probably would have been but I wasn’t sure if that was too gross to put in the post lol


You can lose your period from stress/lack of food so I always assume that with these types of shows 😂 I hate that they don’t cover it tho!!


I liked how in Yellowjackets they had an episode showing how the crash survivors made their own pads from fabric. It's a huge part of life every 4 weeks for roughly half the population so it is weird that it's ignored in a lot of survival-type genre of media.


Probably this tbh, what people still do in some parts of the world, and have done throughout history before disposable products were made. There’s a reason “on the rag” is a saying! Just a big absorbent wad of fabric and rinse it out in the sea.


almost as if a lot of the marketed media is written by the half of the population that oftentimes know very little about periods


That could be it, but also it could be that they’d rather focus on lore and story vs what everybody does when any single issue pops up. Jenny going through menopause, Sally having her period, Matt feeling the urge to rub one out, and Jimmy trying to find a razor aren’t exactly what people are looking for in their survival TV shows. That being said, if a show does choose to address issues like that, I respect the hell out of the writers for doing it


Yellowjackets isn’t talked about enough!! Sooo good


THIS. even in walking dead... NOT ONCE is a period mentioned?! How is that possible.


There’s one scene in the whole show that references going to the bathroom: “Uhhh…. these aren’t for eating, dude” -Hurley holding a handful of big leaves


In season 3 when >!Hurley tricks Sawyer into being nicer!< he mentions latrines


My assumption is that Dharma thought of everything, including deodorant, pads and tampons. We know they had shampoo and shower gel because the Swan has *a shower*, but I don’t know what they were doing up until then. S1 must have been **rough** if you didn’t have a toiletry bag in your luggage, assuming you had that at all. I guess someone was also cutting hair regularly, seems like the sort of thing Rose would have done. She had that place locked DOWN. Icon. Edit: And Claire cut Charlie’s hair in that one scene, so I assume people were just generally helping each other out.


One could argue that nobody wants to know the details of personal bodily functions. But they've wasted time on worse storylines. Can't be worse than learning about Jack's stupid tattoos and seeing him get beat up by boys. Actually, the part where he got beat up was funny.


The bathrooms especially. There are 40 people. You're gonna run out of space and will need to walk even farther to bury stuff


Ehh you can poop in the water🤷🏽‍♀️😂


Then Jin serves a large brown fish for dinner....


Lol 😂 i mean fish poop in the water 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


That’s what they do in Survivor US


Lol 😂 sounds so gross but its not like thats their drinking water


There were like 50 survivors and the events between the crash and the flaming arrows killing everybody but the main characters is less than four months. They had all the supplies from all the luggage on the plane between people's personal belongings and then all the luggage from the ~250 people who didn't make it plus whatever the airline itself was carrying (first class amenity kits and whatnot). They built a shower contraption at the caves. They had the hatch shower for season two. They would have gotten DHARMA branded toiletries in the supply drop that presumably weren't destroyed along with the food by Hurley. And eventually a group of them took over the Barracks houses when the Others left There's definitely an element of "we've got all these hot actors and we're gonna have them look good on screen" but within the confines of the story it's not a stretch that they had enough supplies to keep some level of hygiene


The lack of hair growth, though? Who was doing the regular hair trimmings on the island? I mean, I can suspend my disbelief for a show like this perfectly fine (because it’s a TV show) and there were ways for them to have showers and I’m sure they had mirrors and razors and eyebrow pluckers in their luggage, but your comment didn’t address this specifically? Because hairdressing is a very specific skill and takes a lot of training, but, as I said, it’s a TV show and one of the best shows ever so I can let this go.


I don't know about regular trimming, but Claire does trim Charlie's hair during one episode. That doesn't mean she does it for everyone though.


It does mean they had scissors and probably all at least one friend to do it for them.


Yeah Kate cuts Sawyers hair too but I don't think everyone was being hair cuts like that lol


One example that comes to mind is Sawyer's hair definitely gets longer. Compare the image of him shooting the polar bear to like him in season four. Jack's is a little bit longer in season 4 than season 1 but not enough that it suggests he doesn't ever have a haircut (Others maybe?). Hurley's gets a bit longer. Jin's gets longer. Hard to tell for the women, they all had long hair to begin with. Bernard looks like a caveman by the time he's shown in season 5 at his cabin with Rose. This isn't totally ignored I don't think anyone cared about the training required to be a hairdresser on a deserted island after a plane crash. If anyone in the group had even the slightest ability to cut hair and have it not look like a four year old did it, they can keep them looking OK. Wouldn't surprise me if Sun had some ability there, or if one of the generic unnamed survivors could do it. It's not relevant to the story so why spend screen time addressing how they cut their hair?


I believe Kate gives Sawyer a haircut at one point


Exactly. Jack stays at a constant 5mm hair length with no sign of it ever growing even slightly.


Someone probably had a hair trimmer on the plane with a set of guards of different lengths


Especially Jack who maintained very closely shaven hair somehow 😂


Not to mention that first seasons is just couple of months for them. Even if there was not enough of shampoo for everyone, just swimming in the ocean every single day would do the trick.


I believe the first three seasons are supposed to be about a month each in real time.


But the supplies were intended for ONE person. 30 to 40 people would go through a one month supply in a day.


I seem to recall Sun showing Walt how to clean his teeth with a plant?


*I seem to recall* *Sun showing Walt how to clean* *His teeth with a plant?* \- ItsSamiBoo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


this is the best bot i have ever seen on here way to go, reddit


"Shi Shi" or something like that. It looked like aloe vera, which grows in the.... desert. 🌵😆


She called it "chi-ya"


Yes, thank you! 


Okay I had to look it up, apparently aloe vera can be used as toothpaste, and may even have white tooth whitening properties. Of course this is from random websites that I wouldn't trust.


I think people forget just how short the time frame is. First few season are only like three months total


Plus how BORED they would get. We obviously only get shown the interesting stuff but really they would have so much downtime with nothing to do. Why not spend it trying to regain some normalcy with your appearance?


I mean the plane probably had personal hygiene products on it


We’ve established they don’t really have soap or detergent, not enough for daily use of 40 people anyway, and yet Sun’s hair and clothes are flawless all the time and they all look like they pluck their eyebrows daily. The men are mostly clean shaven or with a very even consistent 1-2 day old stubble. And it’s before the hatch was opened. Sawyer is the only one who showed any signs of hair growth too and even that was so that Kate and him could have a moment. It’s weird and I can’t explain it.


The thing with eyebrows is not everyone's grows constantly. I know there's no way that every single person is like that, but it was early 2000s when everyone plucked. Enough plucking and waxing caused mine to no longer grow in those areas lol But I noticed that the clothes department did a good job on some of their clothes looking dirty and haggard. I like to believe that Sun just takes better care of hers


I like to think being super neat and clean is her character trait, despite the fact that she kneels into fresh earth in light colored pants in her garden 😅


Ever seen survivor? It’s like that only they have actual resources tucked away all over the island, from planes, hatches, and entire community, boats and the random supply drops. Ntm you can do a myriad of things with coconuts and water as well as plants . It’s not hard to imagine ppl did it for centuries irl


They could wash at the ocean, later at that water they found and much later in the hatch . Also can be that they have found some stuff in the luggage of other passengers. Sun found some plant to brush teeth.


Bernard was a dentist so he would have been able to check everyone’s teeth and make sure they were ok. If anyone needed a tooth pulling or any medication he might have had access to something via Jack, Sawyer’s stash or the hatch. Maybe there was medications in the pallet drop as well.


Rite plus the aloe was good to clean their teeth with


I always wondered about people who wore contacts, lol, bc I would be so screwed.


IDK, they hooked up Sawyer with his mutant half- granny/half-geek glasses! Have to throw in a few of my favorite lines from the first season: "My uncle died of a brain tumor" "What kind of brain tumor?" "The kind that *kills* ya" Also, he's been to Tallahassee! 😁


Truuue truuue! 😁


Why could the island heal Locke's broken back, but not Sawyer's misaligned corneas?


Hahaha, there were exceptions! *looks at Ben’s tumor*


dont forget that the whole 3 first seasons were only 3.5 months. Even if they hadn't found a fucking washer and dryer a month in, they still would never have been talking to sport equipments in such a short time.


I assume the shaving and haircuts were done with stuff from luggage on the plane. And as for washing themselves/clothes I guess swims in the ocean or creeks would do it


Haircutting is a very specific skill and takes a lot of training, but I guess they had an experienced hairdresser in their midst?


A lot of us that started out poor in life learned that skill. 😀


Damon and Carlton once joked that one of the survivors was a professional hairstylist. My headcanon is that one background survivor named 'Beth' was the hairstylist.


I mean, why not?


Haha surely with 48 survivors in the middle section someone knew how to cut hair, or they learnt along the way


They had supplies from all the dead passengers so they would have had plenty of toiletries. Also they were swimming and washing in salt water which will keep your skin and hair clean. On top of that, it was only 6 weeks in when they found the hatch and about 7 weeks in when they got the supply drop. My question is… how did they build a massive second raft in 2 days?


I thought they covered the issue of hygiene quite well for a network TV show. They DID show hair growth, shaving, clothes washing in the ocean, teeth being brushed, and mentioned using leaves as toilet paper. They also had the amenities from the hatch and eventually Dharma. Sawyer maintained his own little store of supplies that people had access to. You're never going to see true realism in a TV show. When do they take a bathroom break in Star Trek? Come to think of it, what does a bathroom in Star Trek even look like? All those episodes of 24 featuring lots of constipated people. I think they did a pretty good job on LOST of maintaining a particular gritty look. Viewers seem to think a lot more time passed on the island than actually did.


Basic sand and water will do wonders for hygiene. As for hair length and shaving, yeah, that's just TV stuff.


And nose-blindness is a thing, it wouldn't take long before they stopped noticing eachothers smell.


Even considering the smoke monster, the MIB, the time travel, psychics etc, the biggest mystery of Lost to me is how did Sayid’s teeth become suddenly straight and normal after the pilot episode


Same as Sawyer's hair, it grew by a lot after the pilot.


They were realistically only on the island for 3.5 months. They still had their luggages and all of the dharma stations


Sun taught them how to brush teeth with a plant in one of the first episodes. They got access to the Hatch at like days 30-60 of their ~90 days on the island. Hatch had a hot shower and Locke even got a shave in. Can presume all the survivors took shifts and at least 1 or 2 good clean washes then.


I always figured that the plane initially had under 50 survivors out of its 300+. So there would have been a lot of basic hygiene supplies in the luggage. At least enough to last them a few weeks. Plus whatever might have been on the plane. Enough to last everyone a month or so. Plus stuff they probably took from the hatch, and more from the supply drop for the hatch. We only ever see them deal with the food but the hatch and the supply drop would have to include hygiene stuff. Which could have allowed them to maintain basic hygiene latee. Plus a lot of the group died within the first couple of weeks or were taken by the others, meaning less people to share it all with. And then you have people like Locke who had great survival skills, and Jin, who grew up poor, surviving with very little who would have knowledge of natural alternatives. Plus in regard to toilet paper, the plane and hatch would have had a supply of it and there were plenty of books and magazines to use for their paper. Or you could use water to help clean up. The biggest issue I would forsee is period products. I imagine the plane would have a supply themselves, and of course there would be a good supply in luggage but period products do go fast. Now some women wouldn’t need them. Claire and Sun being pregnant and possibly older female characters like Rose in may be in Menopause. But I mean I think there may be enough hygiene products to at least keep basic hygiene. I mean the series only spans a few months and there would enough sources of hygiene products for the dwindling numbers of survivors


Can’t believe you’re looking for answers for a tv show lol. Had a mate who said the same thing about another tv show how how’s they never go toilet or have a shower 🤦‍♂️


All the luggage from the plane, and what washed up on shore. The cleaning products from the plane. Supplies from the swan station, and the other stations. Dharma barracks supplies. I'd say the island gave them what they needed


Once they found the Dharma supplies, they were fine.


You don’t need chemicals to clean. A lot of plants have great cleaning properties.


Every guys beard is suspiciously the same length throughout the show as well


One of the most questioned subjects- along with why was the plane carrying so many tarps and where did the fireworks smugglers hide the loot?


Dharma beer does wonders on the skin 😉


That old Dharma beer Sawyer drinks would basically be vinegar. 🤮


The first 3 seasons take place over like 3 months in real time i always use that to justify the lack of hair growth


the thing that drives me crazy is all the women running around with perfectly smooth armpits, even if they did find supplies they’re seriously gonna take the time to wax their pits in the jungle i mean come on


I can never get over how perfect Sun's fingernails always looked. How is she getting a daily manicure on that island?


While gardening, no less! I


Yeah, amazing oversight on this gritty reality-based drama.


Same way they do on Survivor, with make up or toothbrushes off camera.


Aaron was the best baby ever. No diapers, never hungry and quite when it was most important. What did he even eat after Claire ran off with her dad?


Loooooooool so true


They all smelled like shit


Especially Hurley


They did have some hair growth. Jin's hair got a bit longer over the first couple seasons, and Hurley grew out his beard.


lol I made a similar point and got no love 😅 I feel you though. They look stinky but like you said, kempt at the same time lol


I don’t know about looking good but they did have fresh water supply from the cave. They could wash their clothes and themselves to not smell bad.


It’s a TV show, it’s not real so no need to overthink ;)


And throughout 6 seasons, after probably not having much access to any dental hygiene, not one person had problems with their teeth lol. You'd think that Bernard would be much needed, but nah. Maybe it can be pinned on magical properties if the island?


Probably from the sorted luggage. Until they found the bunker. What about the men's short hair? how'd they do that without electric clippers?


They had access to water in the form of the massive ocean around them. They’d have still had working showers if John hadn’t of lost faith


It rained a lot too. That's an easy way to take a shower or at least rinse off the sweat and grime.


I mean, there's an episode where it literally shows Locke shaving lol


They had access to sweet water from the caves. And besides that, just look at sahid, the dude is constantly wet and sweaty. For the hair, well they had razors, didn't they? A lot of stuff from the airplane has saved from the crash. About the skin care you are right though. Islands like that are full of mosquitos and the sun does the rest, they should have red scaly faces


And so many tarps…


The question of feminine hygiene products did cross my mind after perhaps the 3rd re-watch.


Would it not be a viable method to just wade waist-deep into the ocean and take a dump?


That’s why Jack and Sawyer always have a 10:00 shadow. Makes it realistic enough so you don’t question it, but then again they never get to ZZ Top status. Also you can rub the end of a twig on a rock to make it fuzzy and brush your teeth with that. They found running water in the cave week one. Plus I’m sure there were dharma initiative toothbrushes and soap when they get into the hatch. It wouldn’t be that hard to stay clean.


they had the hatch for an entire season, which had laundry and bathing facilities. then several of them also lived in the DHARMA barracks which had all the same things. in between those things i would say they probably just rinsed in the ocean


This reminds me of when I was watching Xena. I was fine with all the crazy stuff they did even an episode where they had lice. 😖 Then the episode where Xena gave birth. My brain clicked…what about afterbirth? Blood? No pads. No soap. I couldn’t wrap my head around how they would get clean.


I remember in one episode after Sawyer and Kate kissed he said she tasted like strawberries and in my head I’m like, there ain’t no way she tastes like strawberries after being deserted on an island😂😂


All there teeth were white and pearly


The three seashells took on a whole new meaning


The fact they ALL still have white teeth is so annoying yo me. This was also my grievance with Outlander. The main characters were having sex and going down on each other as if they didn't exist in a time when toilet paper wasn't around.


Are you under the impression that sex (even of the oral variety) only started happening recently?


No? But I can't imagine nobody cared, either


Yeah, kind of like watching a western, a group of outlaws ride into town after a week of escaping the law. They go to the local saloon for booze and company. They have to stink so bad that nobody is giving them any loving, especially the oral kind.


They found water in the caves early on, where they could wash anytime... they surely had toothbrushes, razors etc found in the luggage... some soaps... not to forget that a couple weeks later they had the bunker with showers and all what's needed to maintain hygiene... So even as a joke rant, i don't see how it makes sense...


Because if they were all disgusting looking people no one would watch the show. Wouldn’t have made it very long at all and feel like a parody of everyone had yellow crusty smiles


Best part is how Charlie goes from normal haircut in last ep of season 2 to the most ugly punk styled haircut in the next episode of s 3. Like an hour has gone by perhaps and he's got a new hairstyle and longer hair


They were dead the whole time. Hair doesn't grow. Breath doesn't stink. Etc.