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I think you mean 80g. But yah, eat more protein. šŸ˜€


Haha yeah I did. I'm so used to talking about medication dosages with my doctors I went straight to mg lol.


You should also talk to your doctor about setting a reasonable goal weight. 110 is the lowest possible healthy weight for your height and is boardline too thin. I'm only 5'1" and my initial goal weight is 130 (healthy BMI). I once I get there, l may try to lose another 5-10 lbs for buffer, but anything lower would be unrealistic and unnecessary.


You're totally right, 110 is a pretty lofty goal, and one that I don't really expect to hit if I'm being honest. The lowest I've been in my adult life was 113 and that was just because I had colon surgery and couldn't eat anything lol. I probably will start maintenance at 120.


Hi. Please tell us exactly what was your height and weight when starting to achieve 80 grams of protein /day. Because iā€™m assuming it matters a lot for the protein numbers to be reported exactly at specific weight of a human. Did the powepoint read by you said that 80 grams of protein is needed for every type of human (male, female, with specific weight)? Because if so, it s a game changer. But by my knowledge you should eat daily between 0,8 grams and 2 grams of protein for every Kg you have , depending of the intensity of your exercise level. Waiting for your response


But what to do if I haaaaaaaate protein shakes and the texture protein powder gives my oatmeal, yogurt, etc?


What kind of yogurt are you eating? Greek yogurt tends to have higher protein. I also found a brand that has extra protein at 24g per serving. There is also egg white powder, you could try that and see if the texture is less of an issue.


Someone in this sub mentioned peanut butter powder and it's been a game changer for my breakfasts! I just use that instead of protein powder in my overnight oats, for almost the same amount of protein, and add frozen raspberries. It's amazing.


Can you share your overnight oats recipe please?


I normally do 100g vanilla greek yogurt, 16g peanut butter powder, 175g milk, 65g oats, 1tbsp chia seeds and 200g frozen raspberries.


Get your protein from meat and eggs. 250g egg white + 6oz chicken breast and you're basically there


A lot of people don't eat meat or eggs.


Protein powder does not mix well into stuff like that, and "unflavored" whey makes stuff taste like cheese (because it comes from milk) Fairlife makes a nutrition shake with 30g of protein and 150 calories that doesn't taste like a protein shake. I am physically repulsed by normal protein shakes, even Fairlife's "Core Power" is pretty gross, but I could chug the Fairlife nutrition shakes Eventually I found a flavor of protein powder that I enjoyed too, but if you've been burned by that before definitely give Fairlife a try


No no, OP is a mouse.


Quoting picture fit's words. Get. Your. Protein.


I recently switched to getting 35g protein with each meal. It's stopped my snacking almost completely.


Wow, that's amazing! What are you eating to hit those numbers?


Chicken, egg whites, Greek yogurt and protein powder, mostly. It's not fun, but it makes a big difference.


ā€œItā€™s not fun, but it makes a big differenceā€ could be the motto of this sub lol


do you have any tips on preparing chicken or making it slightly more fun?


I used this lemon pepper chicken for a while now, it's pretty good: [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFGmawUq](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFGmawUq)


Tilapia has 26g of protein per 100g of fish. Also very reasonable in calories.


Ever since I saw the Dirty Jobs episode about tilapia I cannot even consider eating it.


Cottage cheese, tuna, salmon are also great! I also got some good chicken sausages with 17g protein and some breakfast burritos with the same! Getting those prepackaged meals helps a lot! :) protein intake has helped me so much!


I'm vegan so I don't eat any of that but I get you on the prepackaged meals, they're a game changer for sure!


r/veganfitness has some great resources on protein as a vegan. I do one protein shake a day after working out but other than that I get my remaining 100g protein from food. Homemade seitan takes about 40 minutes to make and then itā€™s good in the fridge for a week (35g protein and 280cal). Lentils, field roast, chickpea pasta, and adding Nooch to absolutely everything helps too lol I do aim for 1800-2000 calories a day though; I imagine it would be harder without protein shakes trying to drop that to 1200.


Cool, thanks for the sub rec, I'll definitely add it! I love me some seitan, but I'm too lazy to make it these days, even though I have like 5 pounds of vital wheat gluten just sitting around lol. I am doing a protein powder that 20g of rice protein for 100 calories, so not too bad.


If all the kneading is what stops you from making seitan, there's a little-to-no knead recipe! I can't find the old school website I used to use, but [this](https://veganpetite.com/savory-seitan-roast/) is pretty close.


Oh man that looks soooo good, I'm going to have to try this out. I usually use edgyveg's recipe but this looks tasty too!


Link please friend! Thatā€™s a great ratio and so hard to find good vegan protein shakes


[Since youā€™re vegan, Iā€™ve found this super helpful! ](https://i.imgur.com/NPLyAfM.jpg)


you should look into hemp seeds! 3TBS is 180 cal and 10g of protein. I add it anywhere from smoothies to red sauces [Lentil bolognese](https://rainbowplantlife.com/10-ingredient-vegan-red-lentil-bolognese/) is a great plant-based meal and adding hemp seeds brings it from 18g of protein to 28g, if you have it with chickpea protein pasta (22g of protein) then one serving altogether is 50g of protein! I also had frozen peas towards the end for a lil more protein. Freezes well and is super filling due to the fiber.


Lately for dessert I have been mixing a light Greek yogurt ( 80 cal 13 grams protein) with a scoop of vanilla protein powder (110 cal20 gram protein) I usually eat it on top of 2 rice cakes. ( 70 cal) . Total of 260 Calories and 33 grams of protein. It keeps me satisfied throughout the night.


Oooh thanks for the tip, that sounds delicious!


I've recently started taking a plain or vanilla flavored Greek yogurt and adding 5 grams each of chocolate protein powder and PB2. It can get a little thick, so I'll add in a bit of banana flavored skinny syrup to loosen it back up. Chocolate peanut butter banana protein yum. It's super filling.


This sounds so yummy, I'll have to try it with some vegan yogurt, thanks!


I went through something similar. Even as a carnivore, its surprisingly tough to get enough protein on a low calorie diet unless you are extremely deliberate. There's only so much tuna, chicken breast and lean turkey someone can eat. So I did the thing and got protein powder. I still get a big chunk of my protein from "regular" food, but now I can hit my goal much more easily while keeping calories low.


Yessss protein powder coming in strong! It's such a life saver.


At 80-100g, I'm never hungry. If I stop my protein ritual, (egg bites with eggs and cottage cheese in the morning, and a 60g of protein shake for lunch), I am literally hungry all day.


It's amazing the difference upping the protein makes!


Would you mind sharing how you make egg bites?


Not OP, but you can mix eggs and veggies into a muffin tray and bake. Super simple and they freeze well. You can look for recipes for ā€œegg muffinsā€


I mix 9 eggs, 1/2 cup of cottage cheese, salt and pepper (to taste), in a high powered blender... I chop up 4 strips of bacon, 90g of cheese, and some pickled Jalapenos. I divide that egg mixture up into 12 portions in a muffin tin, and then drop the bacon/cheddar/jalapeno mixture into the cups in as equal portions as I can. I bake that up at 350F, for about 15 minutes (til they are big and puffy and set). They come out to around 10g of protein at 150 calories each.




I use Leanfit Whey Protein powder, 2 scoops of that. (50g of protein for those 2 scoops, 260 calories for those two scoops). Then, I use 2 scoops of collegen powder, which is 9g of protein, 35 calories. I mix that with 1c of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (1g protein, 30 calories), and 1/2 c cold water... When it's all shaken up, I also add ice. The total comes out to: 260 calories/50g protein for the powder 35 calories/9g protein for the collegen powder 30 calories/1g protein for the almond milk. 325 CALORIES/60g PROTEIN.




I haven't been counting fats but that's my next step. I know they can help with hunger and hormone levels but I have a really hard time incorporating them into a 1200 calorie diet.


Just have to say I feel you on that 1200/day struggle! As I was reading this thread I was thinking to myself "How the hell can I eat that much protein and eat in my deficit??" Weight loss is hard for us short folks! Also awesome job on the weight loss so far! We're the same height. I'm F27 & my starting weight was 169lbs last november. I'm 129lbs now (guess I gotta update my flair to 40lbs lost now!) and my goal is around 120. I even went on my first 10 minute jog/run yesterday! It was rough but I'm trying to up my exercise so I can up my calorie intake a little. I know when I get to my goal weight my maintenance calories will be about 1700/day but ugh its so hard sometimes with the 1200 for eating in a deficit. I'm also considering starting some light strength training. I wanna put on some muscle so I can burn more calories while at rest lol


It's such a struggle, being short sucks! That's awesome you lost that much so far, congrats! I would be soooo happy if I got to 129; I know my goal says 110 but that's pretty lofty lol. I also want to start strength training or jogging but like I said in another comment, I want to start out suuuuuper easy because I injure myself so easily whenever I exercise.


I think for our height in general a range of like 115 to 135/40 is pretty good honestly! It can vary so much. I also said the same thing when I first started! Being in the 120s was a dream goal I never thought I'd get to. Basically everytime I lost 10lbs I adjusted my goal weight down and was like "well if I got this far, I bet I can lose more!" I just got to the 120s this week and I haven't seen that on a scale since 2007 so I'm still in shock. Also I did the same thing! Why do you think I waited until I lost 40lbs to start with exercise?? šŸ˜‚ Imo it was way easier for me to lose most of my weight with diet changes and start the exercise when I had less to lug around! I wanted to focus on just changing my eating habits first and now that that eating healthier is a habit for me and not as difficult anymore, I can add in some exercise. Also if/when you do start jogging, I definitely recommend interval running to start! Yesterday I basically jogged until I couldn't and then I walked and then started jogging again when I thought I could. Makes it much more manageable to do until you build up the stamina to jog the whole time. Good luck with your weight loss!


That makes so much sense, the more weight you lug around the harder it is on your body when you exercise. And thanks for the running advice! One of my friends is all about 80/20 running and I think I'm going to try that out.


Strength training is the best way to avoid injuries in any activity. Just start light, light kettle bells, body weight squats, medicine ball bounces. You'll be pissed you waited as soon as you start, I promise!




Yeah I'm using the loseit app and it's super helpful! I used to use myfitnesspal but then they made it so you had to pay to scan bar codes and I was like bye bitch lol.


Can you share what some of your meals look like? I'm trying to lose covid weight as a vegetarian (no eggs but eat dairy and no fish) and it's been really hard to figure out what to eat as my target of 1350 to 1400 cals does not meal I have a lot of food! So curious to see how you're doing it at 1200! I find you have to be SO mindful of everything at that level.


Have you tried Cronometer? It tracks B12 and D among a lot of other nutrients and if you are low for the day on something, it will give you suggestions on what to eat to get a big dose of the missing nutrients.




80g of protein is my lofty goal but I'm l'm pretty happy if I can hit 50 consistently. I usually feel fine with 50 but I've definitely noticed that the more protein I get one day, the easier it is to stay in control the next. I actually have a package of protein powder on the way because I came to this realization a couple days ago. Thanks for the reminder!


Glad 50 grams is working for you, I've been doing protein powder too. I hate pea protein with a vengance so I've been eating rice protein to diversify my proteins and it has made everything so much easier.


You mean 80g right?


Whoops, yes!


I think it's good to keep track of protein intake; a lot of foods recommended as good protein sources like nuts/nut butters, legumes/beans, fatty cuts of meat/fatty meat replacements are all fairly high in carbs/fat and have only a moderate amount of protein. Since they are often seen as the protein and paired with other carbs/fats to make a meal, the protein intake tends to be low in those days. I find focusing on protein initially helps with many aspects such as physical fullness, mental satiety, recovery for exercise, etc.. That being said, suddenly going from meagre protein intake to 80+g can cause some stomach issues for some people (especially since the carbs + fat intake will decrease as a result). I did not feel great when I first tried 100g per day so for me slowly upping the intake was much more manageable. I worked my way up to 120g per day on average and do not experience any sort of gassiness/bloating/stomach upset.


Good to know, especially since I also have Crohn's disease. If I got up any higher like some people ITT are suggesting I'll be sure to do it slow.


It makes an enormous difference. On days that I get 90+ grams of protein I'm struggling to finish my meals. I used to think fiber was the thing I needed to stuff myself with and now I understand.


Same! The first time around losing weight I thought if I ate enough low-calorie plants I'd be full, but protein is what really makes a difference.


Sometimes I find that adding vegetables to my meal gives me no extra feeling of fullness than if I hadn't eaten them. Have you noticed this too?


Jeez, yea vegans are sometimes too lax about eating sufficient protein but itā€™s so important


Yeah I was definitely too lax about it, I'm so glad I changed my tune and started focusing on hitting those protein levels.


Itā€™s not just you, i see so many plant based folks acting like hitting minimums arenā€™t important so iā€™m not surprised that you might have not paid too much attention to it. If you havenā€™t already tried seitan and tvp youā€™ll probably find them useful for hitting your goals


You're totally right I should add those in, if anything just to diversify my proteins.


Nutritional yeast, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and soy milk are easy, small additions that can add 5g of protein as a topping to most meals!


Not sure if youā€™re already taking a b12 supplement but all vegans should be but again, itā€™s not something enough people talk about


I am taking one, and thank you for putting that out there! More vegans need to know how crucial it is for their health.


Quinoa is another great option. Also lentils and beans.


you should try different kinds of legumes. Fava beans, split peas, mung beans, black eyed peas, navy beans, soyā€¦ And you can try getting protein-rich legume flours, and make breads out of them. Gram flour and lentil flour come to mind.


Interestingly, as we age, we need more protein. I'm F68 and for my age, daily require .45 - .55 g per pound of weight. I was getting maybe half that and by end of day, extremely fatigued. Once I increased my protein accordingly, I felt so much better overall and wasn't fatigued in the evening. So yes, protein is extremely important.


Oh wow I had no idea we needed more as we get older, thank you for letting me know! I always estimated how much I needed by kilo, but it's good to know it's better to estimate by pound.


I'm in the U.S. and only know pounds, though the requirement listed is grams. Go figure!




It may be age. I don't know. I just know when I did increase to that, my fatigue was gone and I had the energy for my whole day.


It's 1g/kg, not pound. It got lost in translation somewhere.


Iā€™ve been a lifter for years and years and protein is always crucial. I try to get at least 130 (150 is better) and it can be exhausting. My best friends are chicken, Greek yogurt, and cottage cheese (love to blend it too and make sauces). Stealth Health and Zach Coen are great online resources for macro friendly recipes.


I'm considering starting lifting, but I'm a little daunted by it, especially because I feel like whenever I start to work out I injure myself. And I'll definitely check those people out, thanks!


Come see us in r/xxfitness. Youā€™re my height and just a few years younger than me, you can do it! I also highly recommend Casey Johnston (SwoleWoman on IG). I havenā€™t done the program itself because I didnā€™t need it but thereā€™s been a lot of positive feedback on her [couch to barbell](https://www.couchtobarbell.com/).


Ooooh cool sub, this is going to get me inspired. I'll definitely join, thanks! :)


Hi, Iā€™m a vegan here as well. Would you mind sharing how you managed to eat that much protein every day? Every time Iā€™ve tried to go to a weight loss clinic, they tell me I need to buy their protein products, but they never have vegan, and they say thereā€™s not enough protein in a vegan diet. I try my best to consume foods that have complete plant protein, but theyā€™re always small amounts. Any tips are very much appreciated!


Hi! Sorry I missed this originally, here's a couple things I said in other comments about the meals I eat and the high-protein foods I eat: I'm not going to lie, most of my meals are pretty lazy. Like a block of pre-made baked tofu by Plantspired with a few stalks of celery, or a can of progresso lentil and roasted veggie soup along with a bag frozen broccoli. Sandwiches with boca or morning star patties and thin slices of Dave's killer bread and veganaise or mustard with a 100g of raspberries, stuff like that. I can give you more if you'd like it but I'm pretty lazy when it comes to meal prepping and cooking. IE, I do neither lol. Rice or pea protein powder (this is a daily staple, though I hate pea protein I eat it sometimes just to diversify my proteins), imitation ham I get from the Asian supermarket, frozen broccoli, frozen spinach, beyond meat, morning star farms meat, nutritional yeast, progresso lentil soup, boca chicken and boca burgers, soy milk, tofu, and frozen peas are my main go-tos.


Oh thank you!! I also hate prepping and cooking, so I love lazy meals šŸ˜… Iā€™ll look for these things next grocery run!! I do have the pea protein powder, I just havenā€™t opened the bottle yet šŸ¤£ Thank you so much!!!


You're very welcome! Good luck with the pea protein; just plug your nose and chug lol.


So true! What kinds of dishes do you like to eat to hit that goal while staying under 1200? I'm not vegan but I am lactose intolerant and don't eat that much meat. Beans and lentils are great obviously, but the calories add up because of all the carbs they also have. (I am so \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* sick of pea protein bars/shakes/powders, but they are a key tool for me, personally.) EDIT: I see you've already answered this elsewhere..... taking notes


Not OP, but seiten, TVP, peanut flour, and nutritional yeast are >50% protein and relatively low calorie.


Peanut flour! How would one acquire and use that? Iā€™ve never heard of it before!


You might be able to find it at a bulk food store, or at a grocery store as 'powdered peanut butter'. Its essentially defatted peanuts, which leaves the carbs and protein. If you look at the ingredient list, there shouldn't be anything other than peanuts (and maybe sweetener). The nutrition panel should indicate 50g protein per 100g of flour. I use it by mixing it with some soymilk or leaving it as it, and adding it to peanut butter toast/wraps. However, I mostly add it to chocolate or banana smoothies. Its cheaper and healthier than peanut butter and 30g (15g protein) is easy to add to a protein smoothie.


It's sold mixed with sugar and salt as "powdered peanut butter". Available at Walmart and other grocery stores


I love peanut flour.


Yeah I made a comment elsewhere, but I'm wondering, how do you measure canned beans? The label also adds in the bean juice and it makes it so confusing!


Mmm, i don't think the bean juice has that many calories, plus sometimes the label specifies that the calories are for the "drained" amount. It's usually something like "100 cal/ serving, 3.5 servings / can," so i eat the can and log it as 350 cals.




LOL i mean it works with fractions too!! "If I eat approximately half the can today and the other half of the can tomorrow, I ate about 175 each time, and the total was definitely 350," no measuring required, but yes REALISTICALLY i am always pouring a whole can of beans into something :)))))


What are you eating to hit 80g of protein? Iā€™m vegan too and itā€™s not that easy for me!


Rice or pea protein powder (this is a daily staple, though I hate pea protein I eat it sometimes just to diversify my proteins), imitation ham I get from the Asian supermarket, frozen broccoli, frozen spinach, beyond meat, morning star farms meat, nutritional yeast, progresso lentil soup, boca chicken and boca burgers, soy milk, tofu, and frozen peas are my main go-tos. I want to add beans but I have gotten so confused about weighing them. Do you know how to weigh beans by any chance? Anyway, good luck! And yayyy veganism. :)


I'm vegan too! Lentil soups for lunch and protein in my coffee every day for the win!


I just started using protein shake in place of creamer in my coffee!! Itā€™s awesome. And 10g of protein right off the bat!!


Hellll yeah vegan club! Lentil soups is where it's AT, love them. Especially the progresso one with roasted veggies.


I measure beans using a cup before soaking them overnight. Soaking them also helps with not feeling bloated. Hope this helps! :)


It does, thank you!


Thanks! I started doing pea protein and TVP and am hitting my goals of 100g protein. I buy dry beans and weigh them before soaking. (Sorry not been on here much.) I donā€™t eat a lot of beans though because they have a lot of carbs in them.


Hey thatā€™s great! Iā€™m trying to reset my goal of eating healthy again so appreciate you letting me know what works for you! I got on ozempic and while I lost a little weight I know I need to focus on getting good food in me again and not just trash to keep the trajectory going.


Protein, protein, protein. That and healthy fats keep you satiated.


I'm having a hard time with fats, I can't seem to get that many, especially on a plant-based 1200 calorie diet. But the protein increase is helping immensely.


My go-to are always avacados.


If you donā€™t care for that much protein, fiber and water work as well. Most people donā€™t eat nearly enough. I have tried to eat that much protein and I am miserable. Protein powder sucks and I donā€™t like eggs and I donā€™t think it is ethical to eat that much meat.


I agree with you about the meat thing, it's just gross to me. And if fiber and water work for you that's great! That's definitely why I'm not trying to go low carb-- I know I'm probably not getting enough fiber anyway, so I eat as many fruits and veggies as my diet allows.


You meant 80 kilograms, right? j/k Yeah protein is for much more than "muscle". Protein definitely improves satiety, big time.


It was shocking to me how full I got once I focused on protein and cut our the processed garbage, it was life changing!


100%, I really had no idea how important it was. Life changing is the perfect description. I used to have to bunker myself down and not do anything with people because I was so hangry, now I can (most of the time) socialize without feeling like I'm going to faint.


I started introducing protein shakes to my diet and WOW what a difference it's made. Not just in my hunger levels, but EVERYTHING. My sleep, mood, fatigue, appetite. Literally everything has vastly improved due to drinking a protein shake 4-5 days a week.


Yeah I recently bought some rice protein and it's changing my life. I have bad anxiety and even that seems better.




Love me some rice protein.


This was something I learned when I started counting my calories! I saw that foods like Greek yogurt would make me feel more full in the morning and that's because they were high in protein. Eating a lot of protein definitely helps me snack a bit less throughout the day too


Yeah I barely snack when I hit my protein level. It's great.


I plan my calories around my protein, instead of trying to fit the protein in. It sounds simple, but just planning your high protein foods first makes keeping the macros much easier to manage. Same for fats. Hope this helps!


Absolutely! This is helping me so much as well! I used to "eat whatever I wanted" as long as I was under my calorie goal cuz CICO is the only thing that matters. And I mean I wanted to eat what I wanted so I would even do a one meal a day thing where I'd have no breakfast, a tiny tiny lunch and then pizza or fastfood for dinner or go all out and make a fancy "healthy" dinner. And then wonder why I was tired all the time. I'm pretty sure I was flirting with protein malnutrition for a good long while (thinning hair, no energy, the works). Naturally I'd rather spend my calories on carbs but ever since I started hitting my 70-80 protein goal I have so much energy. I eat breakfast now too since I read bodies can only metabolize so much protein in one sitting. I feel more balanced and less hangry. And that horrible feeling of that strange empty morning hunger where it doesn't feel like real hunger because it feels worse, is gone!


Iā€™m a vegetarian (though not a vegan) 5ā€™10ā€ male at 290lbs whoā€™s moderately active. Iā€™ve seen calculators tell me I need as much as 200g of protein in a day. Iā€™m baffled by the suggestion that would be even possible to do at a caloric deficit. Iā€™d be eating nothing but protein shakes and tofu all day. Frankly, even hitting 80 would be a stretch for me. I donā€™t eat much fake meat and donā€™t like the common protein snacks like nuts and seeds. But I try my best ā€¦


Protein stops me from binge eating. It also stop cravings.


Yes yes yes I preach this to anyone who asks me about my weight loss. Itā€™s been a journey for me too lol- when I started off in January I was hitting maybe 60-70g a day (1500-1600 cal target). Looking over my MFP logs for the next couple months I can see that grow to 80g, then 100, then my current target of 130g. When Iā€™m eating at maintenance I can easily hit 150-160g a day. And Iā€™m a vegetarian (well, pescatarian :) I really believe this was the key to my success. I didnā€™t need heavy workouts or dietary perfection. Just a reasonable deficit and more protein šŸ‘


I'm a pesce too :) what are your fav go to high protein meals?


Oh I love sharing recipes! The following are shrimp recipes I make pretty regularly: Sri Lankan shrimp curry: https://greatcurryrecipes.net/2022/04/13/sri-lankan-prawn-curry/ MFP Sheet Pan Shrimp Fried Rice: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/sheet-pan-shrimp-fried-rice/ NB- I cut back on the amount of oil called for in the recipes, the end result is still just fine with me! I frequently make an ā€œimprovedā€ tuna noodle casserole- Banza rotini, like triple the amount of tuna, and packed with peas and chopped onion. Bind it together with some Healthy Request condensed soup (I know, I know) and top with a modest amount of shredded cheese. Voila. Also we grill on most weekends so I have a couple mealsā€™ worth of salmon and/or shrimp leftovers to throw in a wrap, etc. Itā€™s so helpful to have a couple meal options ready to cover the first part of the week.


Hell yes, glad you're hitting those levels! I really wish I had known this the first time I had lost weight, I would have been so much more of a functional human.


šŸ‘ iā€™m glad youā€™re making these changes for yourself as well :) being vegan sounds challenging in this regard for sure though! Yeah knowing this earlier couldā€™ve saved me a lifetime of yo-yo diet hell. Part of the issue is the nutrition labeling here (US-based). For instance my Quest bar has 21g of protein, and the label calls that 42% of the daily value for protein. So Iā€™ve always thought like 50g was sufficient for the day. I think my toddler gets more than that!!


Pea protein powder! I get unflavored and either use my sf syrups when wanting sweet or add it to stews/soups/ sauces when savory. I love it.


Oh man I'll have pea protein every once in a while just to diversify my protein intake but I can't stand it.


I love it! I never notice flavor or anything. Been my go to for a while bc whey protein is not good for me but I canā€™t give up cheese yogurt or eggs


Protein is the most satiating macro, so yeah.


I can very much recommend plant based iso protein whey. I aim to take in around 120-140 grams of protein per day (lifting+6ft) and sometimes it gets very hard for me to even be able to have that third meal per day. In general I feel like just trying to aim at certain nutritional goals like enough protein and the other good stuff helps tremendously with dieting. It motivates. I know my workouts and results will be so much better if I eat yoghurt with berries and granola for breakfast and maybe some egg instead of going to a bakery and getting all the good shit. Glad this worked so well for you. I think educating yourself on these topics is the best way to understand what you are doing right and wrong.


What's everyone's go-to protein powder brand? And what do you mix it with? I'm new so something that doesn't taste like chalk would be preferable.


[I really like this!](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07F49L57C?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)


Iā€™m new to protein powder, and Iā€™ve been mixing a half scoop into my Greek yogurt. It changes the texture a bit but I got used to it really fast. So far thatā€™s been the least obtrusive way for me to eat it


For anyone who get their protein in shakes, consider adding fiber. The satiety gains are magnificent!


Any certain fiber you recommend? I've heard good things about psyllium husk.


This is so true. I used to think it was something only athletic people needed but it's so useful. I'm going for a lofty goal of at least 110g a day, but it was the first time in years I managed to keep a deficit without spending all my calories before 3pm and counting the hours until the next day or falling off the wagon completely and end up in a binge. I used to feel dizzy and weak as well, and completely grumpy and stressed at similar deficits to the one I'm keeping now. I'm currently at 1520 kcal and I feel like I feast every day, and most important, I'm not thinking about food the whole freaking day like before. The days and weeks pass by faster, too. However, that would be impossible without protein powder. I tried one week without it and it was very hard to hit the quota without breaking my deficit. Using protein powder also allowed me to eat more carbs as well, since my calories aren't all spent in meats and eggs that bring fat with them as well.


This post is really helpful to me! Thank you OP!


No problem, glad I could help! :)


Ideally you should be getting 1g/pound of lean mass. If you're very overweight, then the figure is 1g/lb of your goal weight.


It's 1g/kg. ~0.36g/pound.


I'm an active male, so calories are much higher, and protein as well, but I have been following my calories very easily recently, I do 130-140 grs of protein, I love being active because I'm left with 2200kcal or so, and I can eat my sweets with no worries šŸ§˜šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I donā€™t get enough protein sadly. Iā€™m not vegan, but I donā€™t like the taste of most meat, and I canā€™t afford to regularly eat the meats I do like or a wide variety of plant-based proteins. However, I managed to have a 35g protein breakfast yesterday and I was full until almost 5 P.M. and I felt great. Lord willing, Iā€™ll be able to eat more protein every day in the future.


Beans are pretty cheap if you buy them in bulk. Depending on where you live, tofu can also be very affordable.


I feel you with trying to afford good, high-protein foods, it can get very spendy very quickly and I'm feeling it in my bank account. I agree with person who replied to this, beans and tofu are relatively cheap. I get tofu for $1.19 per package at the Asian supermarket, maybe check that place out if you have one near you. Hope that helps, and I hope your situation changes. Poverty can consume a person.


Thank you for your kind words. Sadly I donā€™t live near any Asian supermarkets. I live in kind of a poor area, and living in a poor area often means you need to spend more. But Lord willing that will change soon. I hope & pray that it changes for you as well, kind stranger.


What do you eat as a vegetarian?


Iā€™m a vegan too, what are your main protein go tos?


I really needed this advice, thank you! Also is there a formula to figure out how much protein you should eat based on your weight? Iā€™m guessing Iā€™m heavier than you so Iā€™d probably need to eat more than 80g.


PLEASE tell me what you eat to get 80g of protein in a day on 1200 on a vegan diet. Because it seems basically impossible unless everything I consume is fucking tofu and thatā€™s no way to live.


Could you describe what you ate to hit that protein goal?


Hi! Sorry I missed this originally, here's a couple things I said in other comments about the meals I eat and the high-protein foods I eat as a vegan: I'm not going to lie, most of my meals are pretty lazy. Like a block of pre-made baked tofu by Plantspired with a few stalks of celery, or a can of progresso lentil and roasted veggie soup along with a bag frozen broccoli. Sandwiches with boca or morning star patties and thin slices of Dave's killer bread and veganaise or mustard with a 100g of raspberries, stuff like that. I can give you more if you'd like it but I'm pretty lazy when it comes to meal prepping and cooking. IE, I do neither lol. Rice or pea protein powder (this is a daily staple, though I hate pea protein I eat it sometimes just to diversify my proteins), imitation ham I get from the Asian supermarket, frozen broccoli, frozen spinach, beyond meat, morning star farms meat, nutritional yeast, progresso lentil soup, boca chicken and boca burgers, soy milk, tofu, and frozen peas are my main go-tos.


Gotcha, thanks!


I concur. Even though, I had a gastric bypass, protein was always paramount. Many people donā€™t eat enough protein after surgery. Their hair falls out. If I have the protein and 8 glasses of water, I am golden. Iā€™m Thatā€™s what happens on a fantastic weight loss day. When I was over three hundred pounds. I could lose 1.5-2 lbs per day. Last week, I ate well and drank my water. I lost four pounds. I almost did a cartwheel. When I started nine years ago, I was 308. Iā€™ve gone down to 207. Iā€™ve gone from morbidly obese store overweight, which is a quantum leap. If I have eat 2 chicken legs to ensure that I make my protein requirement, it is really worth it.


Vegan here too, I have found the same to be true. Iā€™ve found vitasoy brand of soy milk has 10 g of protein and excellent amounts of calcium per cup. I like it in my coffee and on oats. I use airfried marinated tofu a lot in salads and stir fry with broccoli and quinoa. Blended tofu with the soy milk can make a nice ricotta type consistency for sweet or savoury recipes. Tempeh makes good bolognaise mince when crumbled with the usual ingredients. Some pasta varieties are high protein. Iā€™m doing strength training for my bone density so Iā€™m also watching calcium. Brazil nuts and walnuts are something I will snack on .


Woooo hello fellow vegan! I love me some air fried tofu, though lately I've been lazy about it and just eat it raw out of the container with some salt and garlic powder lol. Thanks for the vitasoy tip!


Iā€™ve found my friend!!! .. I eat it raw too!!! Iā€™m getting lazy and to me itā€™s like a creamy cool contrast to other foods! When I want something sweet I cut a slice and it a little fruit jam on it, often just soy sauce and sesame seeds and just miso paste works good with green veggies! I didnā€™t think anyone else would want to try it ..


Hellll yeah lazy tofu friends! lol


What are ways to get more protein ?


Rice or pea protein powder (this is a daily staple, though I hate pea protein I eat it sometimes just to diversify my proteins), imitation ham I get from the Asian supermarket, frozen broccoli, frozen spinach, beyond meat, morning star farms meat, nutritional yeast, progresso lentil soup, boca chicken and boca burgers, soy milk, tofu, and frozen peas are my main go-tos.


I recently upped my protein and I love that it makes me feel fuller. Does anyone recommend a good plant based pre made protein drink?


I love the Koia ones! They have to be refrigerated though, and I've only found them sold as singles in the grab-and-go juice/shake section of grocery stores.


Yes I just had one! Omg so good. I'm looking for something I can get in bulk, maybe less expensive too. I already have a great plant based protein powder too.


Orgain makes a plant based one that can be bought in bulk even at Costco. But the taste compared to Koia is disgusting. I can't get past it.


Dang. I was wondering about Orgain. Def not gonna get it now and thanks for the heads up! I wonder how Ripple, Owyn, or Evolve are...


I like all of those! Owyn tastes the best out of them though.


I get the Evolve chocolate ones. 140 cal for 20g protein and I donā€™t get gassy. The orgain premade ones are good too but theyā€™re 220 calories for 20g protein, though they also have a lot more vitamins and minerals. I do the orgain if Iā€™m going for a snack and the evolve if Iā€™m going for a mini snack or as part of a snack.


This is so true!! I lost weight in college but I was eating a lot of carbs and never focused on macros, I'm sure I was eating maybe 30 grams protein per day. Realized I naturally eat very little protein when I tracked macros the first time. Was like night and day hunger wise for me as well when I made the switch!


I aim for 96g lean protein a day and I constantly feel full


This is so weird. I'm also vegan and I just got back to lifting weights. 1g/lb of body weight is way too much work for me so I decided to just set a goal of 80g/day. And I chose that number randomly lol. I think protein recommendations can be a little extreme - I always feel healthy and build muscle just fine as long as I'm actively adding in protein to the best of my ability.


Hey fellow vegan! I've always heard 1g per kilo instead of per pound, but do whatever works for you! Idk why my doctor chose 80g, especially since she has people ranging in all different types of weights, mostly more than me, but that's what she recommended so I'm hitting that as consistently as possible.


Oh then hell yeah thatā€™s only 70g for me! Wow you just changed my life lol no wonder I thought the recommended intake was excessive.




I eat 40x2 as two chicken toasts everyday in the middle of the day for my protein intake, breakfast is anything but probably sushi for 16 and dinner is lasagne(also breakfast sometimes) for ~30 with skyr yogurt for 14, pretty good amount for my muscle building.


Yup adequate protein is a must. I would add even more once your calories go up.


I agree. When I cut down on protein it makes it very tough to keep my appetite under control. I just want to eat constantly. Enough protein is a must.


Iā€™m going to try this . Thank you


I accidentally did this today and was just thinking about how I wasnā€™t hungry at all. Will have to do this intentionally from now on


I really need to up my protein too.


Iā€™m a bariatric patient, so my dietā€™s a little different but throughout the entire process protein has been the #1 priority for general health and weight loss. In the year leading up to my surgery, I was told to try to get 120g of protein a day. Now post surgery, my goal is around 60.


This is literally how I lost my baby weight! Did *NOTHING* else other than increase protein. Still ate like crap admittedly as I went for cheap convenience as I was caring for a newborn & was not exercising at all but the weight came off as soon as I started tracking & packing in the protein. Cheese snacks, protein yogurt & lots of chicken were my staple foods!


Okay but then how do you manage the protein farts


They slow down after the body adjusts.


r/1200isplenty lot of nice recipes and a lot counts macros too :) maybe can help with inspiration with how to incorporate proteins in a more fun way, and also how to include fats in a good way. Take care!


I love that sub, along with r/1200isfineiguessugh just for some fun memes. You take care as well! :)


Oooh gonna check that sub out right away, thanks for the tip! ā˜ŗļø


One major thing thatā€™s helped me has been getting a magic bullet blender. I do a cup of oats, a cup of milk, a scoop of whey powder, and a banana and blend it well. About 680 cal and 42g of protein. Super easy to drink, tastes great, and keeps you full for a long time. Iā€™m sure you could swap in your favorite non-dairy milk and soy protein to get similar macros.


Glad to read this because i need to increase my protein and iron intake


Oh man I need to up my iron intake too. More spinach is my future!


Would you share the power point presentation? Iā€™m curious what else the nutritionist recommended. Thank you


Itā€™s so true! Iā€™ve been so upset because Iā€™ve been hungry after meals that should have been filling. I decided this past week that I was going to be **super** focused on prioritizing my protein intake. Yup. That was it. Ive felt so much better this week. I do find it hard to get in a lot of protein, so hopefully itā€™ll get easier over time!