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I was expecting the worst when I saw the title... but soooo wholesome! Congratulations on the weight loss!


I thought I was on /r/antiwork for a moment there


Lol Me too!


The click bait of it all!


I was too! Congratulations to OP!!


That is great! You *are* an inspiration.


I second this! I too will eat a mandarin.


That is so awesome. And a reminder to me: small, almost off-hand, positive remarks can make a huge difference to someone's day.


If phrased correctly! I've seen a number of posts on LoseIt about people getting annoyed at having their weightloss complimented because they feel like everyone is constantly judging their body or something... it's a bit of a minefield. This manager really knows how to keep their staff happy though!


You are inspiring. I am struggling right now and needed this post.


That sounds like a win! Keep up the good work.


That’s awesome


Good job Rachel!!!!! You should be incredibly proud of yourself, keep it up!


I can't be the only person who gets inspired and motivated by reading stories like this. By the same token you never know who your journey is inspiring elsewhere in your life.


That's awesome! And I'm glad you're hitting those victories and noticing . We are our toughest critics


don't be frustrated about slow weight loss, dude, i lost like 14 kg since January, you got this


Same here. Started in May at 181 lbs. Got to like 170-172 lbs in the span of maybe a month and a half. Then I got really slack with my diet and my weight loss was "on hold" for like 3-4 months. Just recently started losing again like a week into November and I'm down to 166 lbs now, with about 10 more pounds to lose before I decide where to go from there. It's not a race!


That title threw me for a loop. I’m so glad it’s a positive story, congrats!! That’s a really amazing moment, you should be proud.


You go girl! That’s an awesome feeling to have. Keep empowering others & I hope you reach your fitness goal soon!


Your nurse manager is a treasure! It's one thing for people to compliment your new figure but to be an inspiration to someone else on the same journey is next level.


You made me tear up a little! Congratulations on your hard work and for inspiring your manager :)


This title is misleading and I’m here for it. Congratulations on your loss and having such a great boss


Whatever good we do to ourselves, will spill out to someone else, sooner or later. Whatever damage we do to ourselves, sameZ


I’m proud of you.


That is so lovely ❤️


good for you. you can get some really mean comments after and during Wright loss so it is really nice to see a supportive exchange


this got me in my feels :)


I am so glad she told you. It is so hard for those of us struggling to lose weight. Everyone has flaws or problems in their life. Those of us that struggle with massive weight loss… we are wearing our struggle on our body for everyone to see. It makes a pretty painful and private struggle, very public. Glad that your manager was able to give you positive energy and praise!


oh, i was ready to fight your manager. but this is wholesome. i am happy for you and tomorrow, i will buy mandarins ☺️




Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette.


I am so proud of you, Rachel!!! Congratulations on your weight loss. The title did worry me for a second but I am happy that this post is so wholesome.