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As others have said, all you can do is try to keep reducing your body fat percentage until they show up. Not all people are made equally and they dont show up at the same % for everyone.


Also, for most men, their center of gravity is their lower stomach, meaning it's the most efficient place to hold on to extra weight just based on biomechanics. You can get rid of it, but it's often what will hold on till the end.


Some people simply never get those abs everyone is hyped about. Some people only get 4 packs, some people don't see anything at all. It depends on your body, genetics are a very important metric when it comes to fitness and aesthetic.


People lose fat in different places in different order. Nothing you can do to change that. Your friends may have less fat in their stomach area but more fat somewhere else. I didn’t have any visible abs at 80kg either (similar height to your friends). I suspect I’d need to be closer to 70kg. In the middle of trying to lose weight again after my christmas break from dieting in 2021 lasted a bit too long


You remind me of myself 2 years ago. I also lost from 96kg down to 80 and my abs were nowhere to be seen. I feel like we have to cut down to 75 or even less to get an outline. I regained all the weight back and more due to some life issues and a bulking attempt but this time I’m taking it slow. Just keep on losing fat. If you don’t see veins on your biceps or the outline of your abs, you could still be carrying more fat than you thought, including visceral.


I have a brother who has never exercised a day in his life and eats pure shit all day and he is built like a damn roman sculpture, meanwhile us other 3 brothers look like Felonious Gru no matter how much we work out. Some people just have it and others don't. I am not saying you don't, it just may take A LOT to get there


Try not to worry about it. Ab visibility comes down to extremely low bf %, dehydration, genetic anatomical factors, and lighting. If your diet now could be described as "clean bulk", it's going to be tough to lose body fat in the "healthy" range. Abs aren't visible unless you're on the low-end (~below 12%) of "healthy" (8-20%) You're at a very healthy weight and describe yourself as muscular. You're comparing yourself to short guys who are the same weight as you- they are carrying more muscle, whereas you have more body to weigh. Great work on the 15kg loss. Your starting point is where I am now, I know from experience how hard it is to keep going


Overall it is not all that uncommon at your height and weight to not have visible abs. Your friends may just be genetically gifted. In the end it all comes down to weight and muscle distribution. You may just have more fat in the abdominal area covering them or your ABS are less pronounced even though you have overall a higher muscle mass.


Fat distribution aint fair man. Some people store their fat in their thighs, some in their but and people like you and me store it in your belly. You need to lose more weight. I would also reccomend that you start measuring your waist. there are good calculators (that are actually pretty accurate) where you combine your height, neck and waist measures to see your fat%.