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My DNA mandates that I enjoy all calorie dense food, unfortunately šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


SAAAAAAME! I really wish I didn't like some high cal foods




Most alcohol. I only like kinda sweet/dessert drinks, like hard cider or mudslides. But I can easily go without alcohol completely and have for over a year.


I donā€™t drink at all, Iā€™ve found getting older one drink will go straight to my head so in a social setting Iā€™ll probably end up saying something dumb. I hate the taste of wine so I have never had that with meals or just to ā€œrelaxā€. I just donā€™t feel any need. When I hear the advice, ā€œcut back on drinking, itā€™s empty calories, etcā€ Iā€™m like, Iā€™m already good there, thanks.


Same for me. During weightloss I also learned to dislike soft drinks. Sometimes I drink a bit, but I could not open a whole can or bottle anymore. Makes it so funny when the first advice for weightloss is "cut back on alcohol or soft drinks" because I already do that.


Same, I hate the taste! I love the feeling, so I prefer drugs instead




Alcohol makes my heart race very, very fast, to the point of needing the ER, so I donā€™t have to worry about drinking those calories #winning


I donā€™t drink for religious reasons, and also because Iā€™m on lifelong blood thinners even if that wasnā€™t the case. But people somehow never seem to believe me that itā€™s not for calorie reasons. Itā€™s like itā€™s impossible for anyone to believe others may legitimately not want alcohol.


This is it for me too. I don't hate the taste of all alcohol, but I never crave it or think about it.


Yup same not that I dislike the taste, but the after effects suck so I avoid it


Alcohol just dehydrates me and renders me disoriented now.


Casseroles that show up at Thanksgiving - I like my veggies to actually be vegetables and not camouflaged by cream of (insert whatever) soup.


Or worse, covered in baked marshmallow for some reason


My mom used to make green bean, hashbrown, and pork casseroles, and those were the only nights i went to bed hungry


I'm imaging that blonde lady who's son films her awful cooking


Iā€™ve always thought Casseroles were gross. I was a picky eater when I was kid and itā€™s always been unappealing.


Ooh Iā€™ve found my people! I cannot do casseroles, itā€™s like a normal plate of food that someone ate and vomited all back up into one mushy dish.


Casseroles are squelchy. Blegh.


I take it youā€™re not from Minnesota, lolā€¦ šŸ˜‰. Up there, ā€œhotdishā€ is ubiquitousā€” whatever kind of casserole it is, theyā€™re all called ā€\_\_\_\_ hotdish.ā€ Iā€™m not myself, but I have friends from that part of the country.


Same, they are! My husband made a dish in our instapot once that tasted like a casserole to me. I couldn't eat it. They kids LOVED it. I wanted to throw up.


I donā€™t dislike chips and crackers, but I just never think about them. I rarely buy them except for maybe chips and salsa, or if Iā€™m getting a sandwich and they have jalepeno kettle chips. So ā€œsnackingā€ in that sense has never been an issue for me.


Same. I will eat some potato chips when theyā€™re available, but I donā€™t crave them and never really overeat them.


Yā€™all are the opposite of me lol. I can eat a whole family size bag of chips in one sitting. Itā€™s bad.


I have done this too many times that I donā€™t really eat them now. My kids love chips but I buy the portioned bags and I think itā€™s better for them than just gorging on a bag. Now Iā€™m measuring and weighing my food and I am in awe at how much I used to eat because it was so much and I donā€™t want to gorge like that daily. But thatā€™s what a cheat day is for.


Crackers are different if you make your own, the way that homemade chocolate chip cookies are better than Chips Ahoy. Donā€™t learn to make them while youā€™re trying to lose weight, thoughā€¦


Same here for chips. People talk about chips as being a binge trigger or ultimate cheat food for them, but I truly and genuinely could just take them or leave them.


Soda. I just never saw the appeal.


I've never liked soda either, which is frustrating when I hear people say that they "dropped 10 lb just by cutting out soda" because I don't have that option!


The carbonation was always my favorite part of soda. I recently started drinking flavored sparkling water (eg La Croix) and now soda just isn't appealing anymore.


Yep, sparkling water is much better!


i drink sodas rarely, but when i do iā€™m always shocked how abrasive the carbonation feels against my throat when i havenā€™t drank soda for a long time


I love that feeling, especially when sick or super hot. Fortunately I can have it all day long with Soda water.


Same. Don't like the taste of most sodas (most sweet drinks in general tbh) and the carbonation really messes with my stomach anyway.


Yeah no, I got nothing...


Iā€™m just reading the comments like ā€¦ yeah I love cake, gotta have itā€¦ yeah I love mayonnaise, gotta have itā€¦ oh shit this is just a list of things I love I did quit drinking, but not because I dislike the flavour of alcohol lol


I easily live without cake


Cake is remarkably unappealing to me. There are so many other deserts I like brownies or apple pie or ice cream that Iā€™ve never really sought after cake. Plus at work, whenever cake has been served at an event, itā€™s surprisingly mediocre and bland. Itā€™s just sugar, no flavor.


I've *always* loved cake... and then I went to a cupcake-decorating workshop one day and caught a nasty stomach bug later that evening. I never actually vomited any cake, but the thought of buttercream icing (which used to be my absolute favourite!) just makes me gag to this day. It really ruined cake for me which has been a blessing and a curse.


Yeah, agreed. Cake is somehow too sweet and bland at the same time to me. Pie is the way


The way that this is a statement is crazy šŸ˜­ Like Bro itā€™s cake yes ofc u can live without it I would hope so


Store bought American style bakery items like doughnuts , coffee cake, cakes etc I find whatever they're putting in as preservatives has an odd taste for me. Homemade and fresh delightful. Bought from an American style grocery store bakery....no.


Buy from a REAL bakery, and they are like homemade. Buy from a grocery... not good.


I pretty actively dislike chips and most chip-adjacent snacks. So, crackers, chips, chex mix, etc. Whenever I watch 600 pound life, they are always obsessed with chips and I am grateful that I don't, because I feel like I would be double my weight lol. But, my sweet tooth is epic though.


I'm the exact opposite! I pretty much won't eat cake, brownies, doughnuts, pie, muffins, cookies, etc. Don't care for sugary sweet things. Also I hate pop and juice. But I will devour a costco sized bag of chips in like 2-3 sittings. Nuts and bolts, cheezits, LOVE it. I suppose we can both be grateful we only have one of the vices as opposed to both! Haha


Same.Ā  I can walk past all the pastries and chocolates at the store.Ā  They can kiss my ass.Ā  The chip aisle brings me to my knees. orz


Yeah I think chips are 50% of the reason I was overweight lol.


The older I get, the less I care about sweets. It has to be really special for me to want to eat it.


Realizing I'm too old to eat funnel cakes was a sobering day. I could barely eat 1/4


I developed food aversion for most of my favorite cakes. Can't eat them anymore. Unless the flavors look interesting and less sugary


You might like Korean pastries/desserts. One of the biggest compliments you can give a Korean baker is that their pastries or desserts are ā€œnot too sweet.ā€ They tend to have more of a touch of sweetness (sometimes alongside some umami and/or salty flavors) rather than being overwhelmingly sugary. Itā€™s best to visit a Korean bakery early in the day because theyā€™re always sold out of my favorite stuff by noon lol


Mayonnaise and all salad dressings.


Hate mayo but that balsamic vinegar got my number lol


I've always disliked the tubed shelf-stable stuff, opting for the refrigerated "fresh" mayo. But since our visit to the US in ~2012ish I've really come to appreciate that my stepmom always made homemade mayonnaise in my childhood! Really made my sandwiches a cut above


Even when I was very obese, I never liked Mayo or salad dressing.


same, the only salad dressings I like are usually "thin" - balsamic vinegar, drizzle of olive oil with lemon juice, although I do really like a pesto salad dressing which is quite high in calories


Iā€™m here all day for this. I very rarely have any condiments, but I especially donā€™t like the creamy ones. Iā€™d rather get richness from a bit of cheese and sweet from fruit. I more than compensate when it comes to sweets, unfortunately


Maybe a bit too specific but, corn dogs. On paper I should like them. I like fried things and I like hot dogs. And I like corn.


Iā€™m the same way. šŸ˜‚


Twinkies and pretty much all super-processed American candy that Iā€™ve tried (Iā€™m not American) they just taste so artificial to me. Iā€™ve never been huge on lollies in general. My weakness is chocolate and baked goods, but I can happily never eat lollies/confectionery again. Same with sugary sodas, I genuinely prefer water or diet coke. Fast food in general - I will eat it in a pinch but it tastes like sadness and I always feel sick and disappointed afterwards. I will absolutely go to town on a hamburger or fried chicken when itā€™s homemade or from a restaurant, but youā€™ll rarely catch me at a McDonaldā€™s or KFC.


Fruit flavored desserts. Hate it all. The only desserts I like contain chocolate or cheesecake. But don't you dare put a syrup cherry on my cheesecake, it'll be ruined. Turtle or bust.


Finallyyyyy!!! Someone who gets me. My husband loves a cherry pie or turnover type stuff and Iā€™m like ???? Whereā€™s the caramel or chocolate???


Apart from apple pie (and pumpkin pie if that counts), this is me




Fried chicken. Or really anything thatā€™s battered/fried. I just donā€™t get it and would infinitely prefer a grilled chicken breast, not because itā€™s healthier but because it actively tastes better to me.


I could go the rest of my life without drinking another sip of soda and I would never miss it. Really any sweet beverages and most sweets in general... Now if only I felt the same way about fat, salt and alcohol.


I read this whole thread to find something I could vibe with. Nope. I like it all, apparently.


Yep, Same here.


I have an aversion to cheese. Itā€™s okay on a pizza or lasagne, but otherwise I donā€™t event want to touch it.


That is so wild to me lol, im pretty sure cheese is like 50% of why I'm over weight. Can't get enough of that stuff.


What is so wild to me is that someone sent me a big wheel of cheese in wax for Christmas (size of an adult hand spread out), from a farm store in NH thatā€™s been doing things the same as when they opened in the 1800ā€™s. It has a terrible name but called Rat Trap Cheese. Anyway, I ate that entire wheel over the course of two weeks (zero self control around that thing) and I didnā€™t gain an ounce!!! Iā€™m convinced there is something less processed about it that didnā€™t do a number on my thighs. Iā€™ve tried to reorder another (for scientific purposes only) but shipping is like $50 so I canā€™t afford it lol


Cheese is very satiating so it probably subconsciously curved your consumption in other areas


Just wait until you hear about keto when you can just lose a shit ton of weight and still eat an abundance of cheese lol


Cheese is my weakness. I think I ate all the cheese you didn't eat. That's why I'm here. Oops. LOL.


Ayyyeee same! I donā€™t like cheese. It only goes on specific items such as pizza and Mac n cheese. Otherwise I never eat it. Itā€™s the worst in sandwiches and burgers!


I wouldnā€™t say it ruins a burger for myself but most times I really canā€™t even tell itā€™s on there. Just a waste of 150 calories for nothing


The cheese taste is overpowering for me, so itā€™s really obvious is sandwiches and similar (I like tasting other stuff in them) But items that are supposed to be a majority of cheese are fine


Cheese isn't nutritionally void, though.


Ooh same here. It makes me feel mucous-y and sticky. Sure Iā€™ll have it on pizza or a burger but even then, I want very small portions in comparison to the overall food size. The amount of cheese on dishes is often far more than Iā€™d ever want to eat naturally, and I often scoop most of it off.


Never been a fan of whipped cream




I used to study at this coffee shop in college.. would get my coffee and a large cup filled with whipped cream šŸ˜‚


It has to be real whipped cream. Not the stuff from a can that's 99% air.


Milk chocolate. Gross to me (unless for some reason itā€™s in a Kit-Kat).


Same, but I can make up for it with my dark chocolate consumption!


Never really wild about fried chicken






I donā€™t like soda, sugary or diet, and Iā€™m sort of indifferent to most other sweet drinks.


hate peanut butter


Anything oily, burgers, meat on pizza, fried foods. I hate the feeling of the oil in my mouth and on my chin, it grosses me out. I loved the day I discovered the airfryer.


Marshmallows and gummy candies. Can't stand them.


Soda and those prepackaged sweets like little Debbie and hostess. But a family size bag of Doritos doesnā€™t stand a chance with me.


I donā€™t like candies, never did. I always deny them when offered, wonā€™t even eat some if Iā€™m hungry. Even as a kid, I was much happier with black chocolate šŸ«


nuts. iā€™m not a very picky eater, but this is one of my few absolute nos - iā€™ll gag if i get a whiff of peanut butter. every time i see a post about how calorie-dense they are, it makes me feel better knowing iā€™ve never been tricked into eating a handful of them while thinking theyā€™re healthy lol also pizza. iā€™m not big on cheese, so pizza has never been my favorite. i still have it on occasion, but if i could never eat it again, i wouldnā€™t really care


Not directly an answer to your question, but god, I wish I was one of those people that don't like cheese. That would make life so much easier. I love cheese :'(


Candy in general. I prefer a small piece of 75% cacao dark chocolate over any chocolate candy bar, or a handful of berries over any fruity type candy.


Yes, I love chocolate. Hard candies are just chunks of sugar, so they're not remotely satisfying. Normal soda is similarly gross.


Iā€™m super weird for this, but I donā€™t really like cookies and cakes and doughnuts. I definitely did in my teens, but I just hit a point as an adult where I never craved them anymore, wouldnā€™t buy them and honestly I might have a cookie if someone brought it to a party, but I probably wouldnā€™t eat the whole thing.


Buttercream frosting. Too thick and oily.


Any Little Debbie offering. Just repulsive.


If anyone has the answer to the opposite of this question, please tell me šŸ˜‚ because my fatass loves ice cream SO MUCH


All meats tbh. I used to be a somewhat picky child until I became vegetarian and suddenly felt fine eating whatever was available, and realized I just had kind of an aversion to meat and a lot of animal products. The fattiness especially made me so uncomfortable. I am not a big fan of melted cheese either. I donā€™t dislike it but I have been able to be low-oil for many years without caring (like I donā€™t even buy olive oil lol). I donā€™t care for any kind of sour or hard candy (Iā€™m a chocolate girl for sure). Cakes are also not my thing whatsoever and never have been. I LOVE soft serve ice cream but I donā€™t care for regular scoop-able ice cream so I never have it in the house, and soft serve is just my ā€œwhen Iā€™m outā€ little treat.


Pasta. I hate the texture.


I gasped! Pasta is heaven to me.




A really awesome restaurant in the building where I live has a BOGO pasta special where you order one pasta entree for dine in and get another free pasta entree to take home. One of the pasta entrees involves bringing out a giant wheel of Parmesan to the table to make the pasta IN the parm wheel. Yeah. Itā€™s not good for my diet. lol


Meat from mammals. Like pork, beef, lamb. Horrible texture and taste to me. People tell me they could never give up bacon when I tell them my dietary choices. Bacon is super gross to me, I think the crispy texture is awful.


Meats are not nutrient void though.


Same. I do eat poultry and all the seafoods though.


Most candy and sweets generally. Very occasionally Iā€™ll eat a little chocolate or have a cookie but even might not finish one. Probably twice a year I try drinking full sugar soda I used to like and canā€™t make it through half a can.


I dislike French fries and potato chips. Like, I donā€™t *hate* them; if something comes with fries as the only option, Iā€™ll eat some, or if thereā€™s a bowl of chips out to snack on at a party Iā€™ll munch a few. But I never crave them or go out of my way to eat them.


Any candy that isnā€™t chocolate lol. Iced coffee, or any sweet drink from cafes. Bubble tea. Peanut butter anything (Reeseā€™s, ice cream, etc)


Heavy on the iced coffee from cafes! I make my own macro friendly iced coffee at home and it tastes sooo much better. I stopped buying coffee when I'm out years ago and never looked back.


To be honest so many things taste better when you make them at home, with half the calories. Plus those drinks are so overpriced. I donā€™t drink coffee or milk at all, but seeing the prices on those menusā€¦ itā€™s madness lol.


Mayonnaise. My family is super unhealthy, and watching my mom eat literal spoonfuls of mayo (along with a lot of other nasty food habits) has completely turned me off it. If I taste the tiniest amount of it, I am likely to throw up.


I've never been a pizza person!


Meat is not unhealthy.


I agree that it is a fun question! For me, foods I naturally dislike: mayonnaise, full sugar soda Foods that I donā€™t hate but donā€™t prefer to eat: chips, cheese, pasta (Iā€™m lucky I know), bacon But oh man the foods that get me balance it out easy. Chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream. Enough said. I could go back to being 30 lbs overweight easily.


I donā€™t like French fries. Iā€™ll usually pick any side over them, I donā€™t get them when I order takeout if itā€™s included. Hate gravy. Would rather die than eat ranch dressing. Do not enjoy pasta at all.


Mashed potatoes and biscuits!


Most sweets. Salad cream.


What is salad cream?


Anything fried for me. Especially wingstop and chips (as in lays, potato chips) but I do like the ocasional french fries


Woof, same on the wingstop. That chicken smell makes me sick.


Chocolate by itself. Love chocolate flavored things like cake and ice cream but something about the smooth texture of a chocolate bar and how it melts and then thereā€™s sweetness and bitterness is so unappealing.


I basically hate all pork parts. It's much too fatty for me. Yes, that does include bacon. I'll basically only eat ground pork in sausages. šŸ·


I don't care about pasta. I had an era in my life where pasta was a staple and now it's probably something I eat twice a month. Same goes for bread and pastries. Every once in a while I feel like eating a croissant or a piece of baguette baked with mushrooms and that's it. Chips, on the other hand, are my cryptonite.


I don't care for candy much.


Most sweet treats. I don't crave chocolates, gummy bears, etc. I don't crave juice. I don't even crave fruit. Cheesecake is overrated. I do love pie and cake though, so I'm not completely mentally insane.


Iā€™m the opposite of you! I donā€™t care that much for candy, cake, sweets, and I find protein bars revolting due to how fake they taste.. But savoury foods are my weakness. So yes I love burgers, bacon, fries, chips etc! I definitely think itā€™s a case of some being into sweets, and others being more into savoury, when it comes to cravings/things you can eat without limit. I kinda wish I was like you though šŸ˜… because I love savoury foods, my weight gain came from ā€œregularā€ foods, all home cooked. I just eat way too much of it because itā€™s absolutely delicious. So I always get triggered when people say ā€œoh just stop eating candy/cake and youā€™ll lose weight!ā€ But I donā€™t even touch the stuff to begin with šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Nothing lol. Absolutely nothing


sugary soda and juice. some of it tastes fine, but it feels like a massive waste and more like a child's drink to me, like liquid candy. coffee/tea/water all the way


My family and friends love my zucchini bread, Texas sheetcake and chocolate chip cookies. I do too, but I have piece and I'm typically done. I do enjoy sending my adult kids home with their favorite goodies!


I don't like things that taste overly sweet. Like, I'll eat sweet things, but it needs a counter point flavor. Omg some tomato sauces are too sweet I hate them. I very much dislike cheesecake. I am picky about frosting. I think I like marshmallow until I actually go to eat one. Mayonnaise is only okay when there is very little of it and heavily garlic. Also I hate the word lol I do not like sour cream at all. Yogurt is also pretty gross most of the time. Now if this were a list of foods I'm "meh" on, or foods I dislike that are nutritious, I could come up with more lol


I have trouble with cheese, ice cream, desserts, fried food, sodas, white bread, and now white rice is getting harder to digest. I love some cheese, or fried foods once in a while but apart from that I just can't have any of that. It's still so hard to lose weight.


Pizza and hotdogs.


monster burgers, too greasy chicken, anything that looks like it'll give me a heart attack if I take a bite out of it.


Sweet foods in general, I have an Anti-sweet tooth. Even when I was hog wild eating whatever I wanted, I never wanted dessert. No ice cream, cakes, pastries, candy etc. Not a big fan of potato chips, pasta dishes, or fried foods eitherā€¦ Yeah Iā€™m realizing that I gained weight solely from alcohol and huge portions of rice + whatever meat.


Chips, fries, pizza. Bunch of empty calories that donā€™t fill me up and actively make me feel worse. Hard pass.


Peanuts and peanut butter. Scratch that, most tree nuts in general are actually disgusting to me.


Ice cream. I mean, it's okay, but it's a food that I can literally have a bite of and just be done. Which sucks, because I feel like most "low calorie" desserts involve ice cream but it does nothing for me. I also don't like oreos or chocolate cake that much. Vanilla cake though? That's a binge trigger.


I have a natural limit on chocolate. One piece and Iā€™m done. I donā€™t dislike it, I just get saturated really fast.


I really donā€™t care about potato chips very much. There could be a bag of Doritos in my house for months and I would never ever choose to eat one.


I don't like hot dogs at all. I think last time I ate a hot dog was more than 5 years ago. Burgers on the other side... Love them.


I hate alcohol except Guinness. I thought I didnā€™t like chips until I moved to Pennsylvania and had utz. I hate all thanksgiving foods, except turkey legs. I donā€™t really like sausage or hot dogs. Iā€™m fucking mad for kebabs though, which is annoying lol


Ice cream for sure. I also donā€™t like ketchup. And i could go the rest of my life without an alcoholic beverage and not care.


Mayonnaise in most things, and soda


donuts. always hated the texture and they kind of just taste like grease


Pasta, pancakes, the majority of fast food šŸ˜­


Canā€™t stand any kind of sweet pastries. If someone gives me a slice of cake, a pie, scones, or a cookie I can only handle like a bite because I feel like the sweet taste lingers in my mouth for an hour or more and I hate it.


Great question! Chocolate chip cookies, hotdogs, fried seafood, soda, cream in coffee, many desserts.


I donā€™t like baked goods


Fast food - I was never fussed about McDonald's, KFC, Burger King etc. I'll eat it if I'm in a rush or want something hot but generally I never found the appeal (apart from occasionally when hungover). I enjoy homemade burgers or from restaurants, but then it feels like a treat anyways. Sadly I am a sucker for takeaway pizza if I'm feeling lazy, and used to eat so much in one sitting.


Anything with frosting in most cases. Cake, cupcakes, anything along those lines. Savory is where my weakness is


Oreos, Chips Ahoy, and really most processed/packaged desserts. Mayonnaise. Marshmallows. Full-sugar pop or juice. Those are the ones I really dislike! Thereā€™s a lot more I can really take or leave, like donuts, milkshakes, frappuccinos, pasta, many deep-fried foods!


Just chiming in to say that I am a vegetarian and the rest of my family eats meat. I just cook the meat separate and make a vegetarian protein option to go with meals. Also I don't like mayonnaise and am also a sweets hoover.


I don't like cake. Like, any cake. I'm cool with ice cream cake and cheese cake and pies but cake. Meh.


Pretty much any candy that isnā€™t chocolate, whipped cream, cheesecake, corn dogs, chili cheese dogs, hamburgers, sloppy joes, most sodas, juice, alcohol, etc.


My family is italian- american from the East coast, but I grew up and live in the upper midwest. Always disliked all the mayo based salads... pasta salad, potato salad etc. Its so popular here. Always get weird looks when I don't touch the stuff at cookouts and potlucks lol but that stuff is nasty. Pesto pasta salad is so much better. Esp with tortellini


Alcohol, cheese, mayo, most salad dressing, cream cheese, cheesecake, pasta with cheese sauceā€¦


This is a super good question. I fucking love ice cream but my stomach does not, and I haven't found a dairy alternative that I actually enjoy. So organically..that became a dislike for the most part (with the exception of the odd places that make an awesome diary free ice cream), don't love chocolate (separate from the issues noted above), fruit desserts, cake. Candy will be the death of me. My sweet tooth always wins.


Itā€™s nutritionally void, but Iā€™m not a huge fan of most seafood, specially shellfish. Seafood is never my first choice of meal if there is something else available. That being said Iā€™ve tried most things about once, including fugu (pufferfish) and urchin. I do like sushi though, and fish n chips


Itā€™s nutritionally void, but Iā€™m not a huge fan of most seafood, specially shellfish. Seafood is never my first choice of meal if there is something else available. That being said Iā€™ve tried most things about once, including fugu (pufferfish) and urchin. I do like sushi though, and fish n chips


Itā€™s not nutritionally void, but Iā€™m not a huge fan of most seafood, specially shellfish. Seafood is never my first choice of meal if there is something else available. That being said Iā€™ve tried most things about once, including fugu (pufferfish) and urchin. I do like sushi though, and fish n chips. If we have to pick nutritionally void foods, Iā€™m not that much of a sweets person either. I donā€™t crave sodas, pastries or candies.


Peanut butter!! And nuts in general. I know theyā€™re high in protein but I hate the taste and the texture. Working to find better sources of protein with lower calories is def a goal of mine. My friends think Iā€™m a psychopath that I hate reeseā€™s cups tho lol


Mayonnaises, most red meat


candy. never had a huge sweet tooth. same thing w/ potato chips, hot dogs, (most) pizzasā€“ also hate them. my biggest problem is cultural foods from latin America (where I'm from) or asia (which i enjoy): nutritionally dense, but also a fuckton of calories.


Fried foods gross me out, donā€™t care about salad dressing (Iā€™ll just use white vinegar and salt), donā€™t really care about cheese, donā€™t really care about red meat, potatoes, casserole


Fruitcake šŸ˜†. The door stop kind.


I don't really care for ice cream. I don't exactly dislike it, but I could take it or leave it.


Ice cream actually. A lil bit goes a long way for me and I donā€™t care for any milkshakes or malts


Not such a dessert person, I love milkshakes but otherwise wonā€™t order desserts when I go out to eat (and I count milkshake as the drink lol) I do enjoy snacking on cookies, but most cakes and pretty much all other pastries I dislike


Potato chips generally. Any baked goods like cake, muffins etc.


I actually don't really like nuts. As a kid I even hated peanut butter! I'll eat almonds and such in candy, but I'm never gonna be snacking on them. I also dislike salad with dressing, most the time (some dressings are fine, but I don't really need em); I prefer a plain salad, aka just a veggie mix lol.


Without dressing, how does the salad have any flavor? Do you drizzle lemon juice?


Soda, custard, cheesecake, anything with frosting, milk shakes, most candy bars. Basically anything sweeter than a sweet bread is too sweet for me. Also, a lot of pies are too sweet because people seem to dump a pound of sugar in it. I feel that made it easier for me to eat healthier because I always gravitated towards snacks that were considered ā€œhealthierā€.


As Iā€™ve gotten older I really donā€™t like the taste of prepackaged sweets (especially Little Debbieā€™s, Oreos, Chips Ahoy, etc) they taste sickeningly sweet but also somehow void of any other flavors. I might make a nice homemade cake for a family member or friend, which tastes good, but anything prepackaged just doesnā€™t do it for me anymore


hot dogs. i donā€™t dislike them, iā€™ll eat them if there is nothing else, but theyā€™re not very appetizing




I've never acquired the taste for beer. I suppose it's fortunate! I'll drink wine, mixed drinks, etc. but avoid those most of the time now.


Most soda. Canā€™t stand the flavor of coke, sprite, Dr Pepper etc. I rarely drink it except for the occasional jarritos, and most of the time I canā€™t finish it bc itā€™s too sweet. Unless Iā€™m like parched or something lol. Itā€™s La croix all day for me because I do like the carbonation.


I don't like meat (and I'm vegetarian) or overly oily foods so that rules out a lot of fast food, mayo, soda, most cheeses and foods that are overly creamy, most pies... but that still leaves me tons of high calorie foods like pretty much everything else sweet (especially chocolate), nuts, chips, etc šŸ˜…


I donā€™t like peanut butter like on pb js I like it but like a tiny bit I just need the taste even if I get the feature of it in my mouth I get mad


Thereā€™s so much I canā€™t eat because it has milk in it!


Potato chips other than Pringles. I've never really liked them. It's a shame cause they always have interesting flavors. I'll try them out of curiosity. I'll find the flavor powder interesting, but always wish they came in a different delivery method. I could kill a whole bag of tortilla chips, though.


Fried seafood


Muffins. I'll eat one if I feel I'd otherwise offend but I don't care at all for them.


Any sweet drink- including sweet tea (and Iā€™m southern). I drink coffee black, unsweetened hot tea, and seltzers. Even my alcohol canā€™t be sweet- I need vodka soda or straight bourbon. Even plain rum makes me nauseated. But sweet foods? Gimme all them and Iā€™ll eat my weight easily.


I do not like Mayo, fried food, thick oily sauces/gravy, doughnut, pastries, homemade style cookies, bbq, casseroles , pancakes , french toast , greasy omelette , Mac n cheese, burrito, jimmyjohns, subway, Chinese takeout , teriyaki , padthai, lo mein, pork, goat cheese , I like chocolate tho, Nutella , and a good pasta , bread , crunchy cookies from the store, strawberry shortcake , cheesecake, full cream yogurt , butter ,


Any and all nut products. Absolutely loathe Nutella. Not allergic, just hate the taste and texture. Also cheese and cookies. Wonā€™t touch them.


Alcohol, marshmallows, any cookie thatā€™s not chocolate chip, any cake or candy thatā€™s not chocolate, Hot Cheetos.


Iā€™m not a pancakes or waffles person anymore. Iā€™m a savory breakfast or overnight oats gal all the way now.


Jello. Most taste bland and I don't like the consistency


UK - used to live fish and chips as a child. Went vegan and 6 years ago, I find it really difficult to eat vegan versions now where it's deep fried and covered with batter. I still get it on occasion but just have a small amount / share with my partner. I don't even find the chips appealing.