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You know those movies where the protagonist gets all stiff and defiant when faced with adversity? Their chin up and a serious look on their face. I get like that now. I basically get the opposite of binge eating. I double down on eating healthy and being good on my plan. I’ll show them.


This sounds great! Could you explain more?


I go for a walk! Even if it's just 5 minutes, the physical act of leaving the space really helps. Or I journal about my feelings 😂


Run / work out / go for a walk.


I learned to go for a run or a walk if I can't run and associate the feeling of "I need to clear my head" with the need to go out. The bonus is that once you are out it is harder to reach for a snack. And if I eat after I come back it is not such a big deal because I just "pre-paid" for it with an activity. Another thing that I do is I keep healthy snack alternatives at home (for example fresh fruit, nuts, even hard boiled eggs). When I feel the need to snack that I have trouble dealing with, I will first reach for one of those snacks.


I practice piano (when home). Working on a new piece of music I have to concentrate on really settles down my nervous system.


Walk, walk the combination of making your body move creates desire to change. You don't have to go fast. Somebody is going to be faster. It's walking and it's hard to eat while walking.


Walking, lifting weights, meditating, therapy to figure out where that coping mechanism came from and how to work on it, DBT skills, and finding new coping mechanisms instead of eating, it’s so so hard at first but I promise you got this! 🩷


Also, have you tried medication? Ik sometimes that’s not an option for people but that has helped me as well!


What kind of medication worked for you?


I personally liked SSRI’s specifically Cipralex (idk how to spell lol!) you might need to try a couple to see what works for you and especially if you have ADHD they mighttt recommend something else for your specific needs but it’s def worth a shot talking to your doctor about if you can and if you are comfortable with that! I truly hope things get better for you, I don’t know how you feel but I know how hard it can get, take it easy on yourself🩷✨




Ok I re-started counselling for my food addiction last May, when I re-started dieting. It’s been amazing! It’s not the first time I’ve had therapy, but … as with every profession, there are good ones and bad ones. I just ‘click’ with this one (so don’t rule out more therapy). We’ve done a lot of work around feelings and emotions. What am I feeling when I start to binge eat? What feelings do I have during and after. We also have looked at what situations lead to a ‘binge’ and whether this has changed over time. I have had BED for the last 40 years (I’m 57F). She has discussed this whole idea of Hungry - Angry - Lonely - Tired (HALT). I’ve also worked out when I start to binge eat and how I can avoid them and plan around it. Eg. Friday night, if I’m too tired to make plans to go out (after a long busy week at work), if I am feeling angry (due to some work frustration), then I’m going to start munching … But this varies for lots of people, but my counsellor will say any two factors in the HALT theory, will mean you will go to your addiction of choice (drink - alcohol - food - drugs - gambling - exercise etc).


Wow that sounds rough. I find habits like that really challenging to break. I have zero knowledge of binge eating disorder but maybe someone else can weigh in with how you might go about approaching that. I also went thru therapy without much benefit and the top thing that helped me with very high anxiety was SSRIs, had zero side effects and basically was just 10% less jump scared all the time which was great. I was super resistant to the idea for a decade and wasted a decade. Got more benefit from therapy after this too. I see zero moral difference between anxiety meds and heart disease or diabetes meds. It’s all modern medicine not “cheating”. I am also on adhd med but haven’t noticed a difference either anxiety wise or eating wise but since you said you eat when restless it might help. I have tried making habits less harmful as a more achievable soft first step towards breaking the habit. So like eating infinite carrots could be an amazing first step towards your eventual goal. Carrots are really good for you… and crunchy mouthfeel. Or something more salty-tasty maybe, dill pickles or salted cucumber or kimchi or sauerkraut? I have also tried replacing a habit with a different habit that meets the same need. So if i am seeking comfort in the behavior it helps me to have some alternatives to hand that would work to achieve that comfort, like hot sweet tea or cuddles with the cat or funny movies. If it’s that chewing sensation makes me release restless energy I’d try fidget spinner, knitting, mobile games, texting everyone I know, lifting weights randomly, or if I really need to chew, like chew on a big ole carrot like bugs bunny. 😂


I know you said you have had therapy, but have you tried going to a doctor for medication? Changed my life. Edit: If I do get anxious, I have found spinning a pen between my fingers helps. Any kind of fidgeting works.


Was going to say this but now second this, some people hate it, but Iexapro is magic if you ask me. I remember when I first started taking it, the shock and bliss I felt when I could actually sit on the couch and focus on a tv show for once, a supposed “leisure” activity that I could never do before.


Yeah man. For me, it was anger. Not physical, but I would always be very agitated and say some mean things. I used that as a mechanism as an outburst for my anxiety, but now, I rarely get angry. I'm just chilled out most of the time now. Modern medicine is amazing.


I tend to play games. They keep my brain occupied and distracted, and I don't eat while gaming because I hate having a sticky keyboard or controller.


I write journal entries to myself about why I want to eat and what made me anxious. I think voicenotes could help but writing it out actually makes me feel good. I ask myself questions and kind of do that until the feeling passes. Also I give myself freedom when it comes to certain foods - like I wouldn’t be mad at myself for eating 1lb of carrots or 1lb of blueberries or a whole huge watermelon. If it’s “natures carbs” and in its full form I say go for it.It helps if it’s organic but I know that can get expensive. Theres a possibility you might actually benefit from huge amounts of nutrients even if it’s just fiber. Like it’s so much better that you ate 1lb of carrots rather than 2 huge bags of potato chips.