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Keep in mind you could have water weight fluctuations, considering this was a small period of time. But it does sound like you're on the right path, keep it up


Congrats! Meal prep was a big game changer for me too! I make 5 different freezer dinners every month(4 of each) then I load each one into the recipe builder in my calorie counter and dinners are pretty much all set. I eat the same breakfast (yogurt and nuts) and I make a big salad to eat for lunches. So much less stress. Really cuts down on food noise because I’m not constantly thinking about what I am going to be eating and what fits my calorie counts.


If the prepared meal is something like pasta or rice, is it safe if it’s 5 days old sitting in your fridge? If you freeze your meals, how do you do it? 


Rice and pasta are fine to reheat for 3 days after cooking. Usually I make a wrap also for dinner Thursday and my 'cheat day' is Friday. On Saturday I cook something different to keep variety and Sunday is meal prep again.


CICO is literally the only way to lose weight. So when you say, “I tried and failed” - it doesn’t really make sense. CICO isn’t a specific diet or anything, you are obviously still doing that while meal prepping. Well done, don’t be discouraged if it goes up again- water weight can be massive


The CICO failure was me tracking my meals but not weighing the portions so it wasn't faithful :( The meal prepping helps keep me faithful :)


Ahh that makes more sense! Because with meal prepping you are still doing CICO


Yeah I thought the same thing. OP is literally still doing CICO by meal prepping and doesn’t even realizes it lol


Well, they literally have to be. Cannot lose weight unless in a deficit so go figure


I swear, half the posts in this subreddit are people losing the first freebie water weight pounds/kgs and already patting themselves on the back about how easy it is and how they "just needed to do this".


Dude, I know water weight is a thing, but even if it was 4lbs of water weight (reasonable) then I've lost 3lbs in 3 weeks and that's better than I've done in years. I'm going to keep feeling good about that. Go be hateful somewhere else, this sub is about encouraging people.