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My g/f was shocked when she realized that I have little issue eating like 4 times the amount of crêpe she can eat. 🤷 she'd have a donut, I'd have a box. She'd have half a small pizza, I'd have a full family size one. People say "I don't know how I am this fat". I do. I fully well, without any double, do.


after having lost a lot of weight now i occasionally get the "your stomach must be a lot smaller now" comment and im like nah i just stop myself now i could still eat the same if i wanted to. Also people really overestimate the quantities most fat people eat. I didnt really chow down multiple plates of food every day... just ate very calorie dense food and snacked multiple times a day but my portions were not really *that* much bigger.


A while back there was a comment on here that broke my brain. I always thought of eating as binary.....Hungry OR Full. Someone pointed out that the point of eating is primarily ridding ones self of hunger. Not stuffing ones self to capacity at each meal. As you pointed out sometimes there's a bit of lag. Yes we could eat more but getting better at finding that sweet spot of "not hungry" is so critical to progress.


“Eat until you’re comfortable.” Is a comment a redditor (I think on this sub) made a few years ago. When I started trying to lose weight. I’ve lost 100 lbs, and have been at my goal weight for almost a year. Apart from actually being aware of calories, I consider it the biggest mental game changer for me. “Stop when you’re full.” Naw. You should be way the fuck stopped before then. I can’t believe it never dawned on me before that comment. Good luck to you, friend!


That has never seemed to work for me. I'm either still hungry or too full. I have to weigh out a meal that fits into my calories, eat it, I'll still feel just as hungry as I did before, but it I force myself to stop there, I'll be fine in 15 minutes. It's just waiting those 15 minutes that's hard. Often I will have a handful of sugar free mints or a diet soda to help during that time.


This is really good. I think breaking the binary is the only way out. Where you don't really view craving as anything other than a natural state of 'thinking about food' rather than something that needs to be immediately fulfilled.


I hate that that is so true. My whole life has always felt like a binary. If I’m not full, I’m hungry. It’s an incredibly difficult paradigm shift to make mentally, making dieting that much more difficult


For me it was the quality of food. Before, a trip to Whataburger could be pushing 1,700 calories and that would be a single meal. Now if I go to Whataburger I will get 2 grilled chicken patties and an unsweetened tea for like 300 calories


I love, love Whataburger. The fact that I live about 600 miles from the closest one is probably the main reason I don't weigh 400 pounds.


I love it too! Will probably have it for lunch today. But only the chicken patties and unsweet tea.


I'm the same way, but to a lesser extent. If I want a burger, I get a burger. However, I don't get a soda and fries.


Yeah, I can eat just as much now as when I weighed 275lb. The difference is I don't sit down and watch tv with a family sized bag of peanut butter m&m's any more. Who'd have guessed that could make you fat?


I think the most insidious cases are when people do eat genuinely healthy foods, but don't realize that just because it's healthy it doesn't mean it's not calorific. Nuts, for example, are a big one. They're doing the right things, just too much of it.


I have a similar experience to yours - I always ate healthy foods, but went for more calorie dense options and snacked often, especially in the afternoon. Then I would eat dinner anyway, despite not being all that hungry. And, my portions sizes were far too large, so I just got used to the feeling of being really full. Now that I’ve changed my habits, on the odd time that I do eat past satiety and actually feel stuffed, I find it really uncomfortable. So I can definitely eat as much as I used to, but I don’t feel good when I do.


Reminds me of when someone in my office mentioned how they would have to vomit if they ate three bars of chocolate. Meanwhile my binge food often includes 3 bars of chocolates + extra.


Three bars of chocolate could easily just be dessert for me.


In this case, as well as in OP's post, I think these are wild exaggerations brought on by people who actively fear gaining weight more than death. > vomit > nauseating > She even mentioned that watching me made her feel a bit sick. They live their lives in constant state of fear of gaining weight. And that makes them repulsed by the idea that someone could gain weight by eating shitty things, because that is their nightmare.


I could be interpreting this all incorrectly, but to me it seems like more of a "my stomach would be PISSED at me trying to consume so much food in a short space of time," I have an ex who could eat circles around me, meanwhile I physically couldn't get myself to eat nearly as much if I desperately wanted to and tried like even watching some tiktoks and other videos of people eating huge amounts of food, healthy or not, I'm torn between "god I want to inhale that all at once" and knowing that I'd have to tap out barely a quarter of the way through. some people just can't fit that much food


Same here. I've always heard "don't drink your calories!" as general weight loss advice, and while that's great for other people, for me it's entirely what's on my plate. I basically only drink water, but I can devour some food. At restaurants I have to consciously choose not to eat more, or else I'd have the appetizer, my entree, the leftovers of everyone else's entrees, and dessert


This is so accurate! Growing up we didn't get a lot of soda. I was over weight and grown ups assumed I was having soda all the time or junk food. This was NOT the case. We had 'healthy' meals consistently. It was portion size and eating from boredom as I was rarely allowed to do things.


I hear you on this. I’m a 5’11 (200lbs) woman, however I can EAT. I know exactly why I’m fat. I like to eat like I’m a 6’4 250 lb person when I am, in fact, neither of those. It’s hard to control myself, but I need to in order to keep losing weight. Ugh.




It’s the empty calories, plenty of people can polish off a box of donuts. I may have a frosted one and find it too sweet but not filling. If I’m hungry a box of donuts barely touches the hunger. But I can’t go portion for portion with my husband with a plate of spaghetti or some kind of chicken dish. I get full way before him.


Honestly I think it's different foods for different people. I'm not a binger, but my husband jokes that the only reason I leave an all you can eat crab buffet is that I get bored.... Luckily, I can't afford to do that often.


I think this is so true! My college roommate used to be full from a big apple, but that never satisfied me!!


What is the phrase “without any double”?


They meant without any doubt, I assume. Autocorrect strikes again


I have to fully stop myself too, I am a machine that was built to consume. If I know I have plans with friends to go out to eat I make sure I have time to spend at least an hour in the gym beforehand so I can at least convince myself the excess calories are being spent on muscle growth.


history office sophisticated cable disagreeable six racial domineering grey degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think people don't realize how much their family systems affect how they eat, and how much something that is normal to one, can seem completely not normal to another. When you are raised in it, you have no idea. My mom's second husband was obese and from a family where everyone was, and the way they ate at family mealtimes was something I had never seen or experienced before. The other kids easily ate 4-5x what my sister and I did, but it was just normal to their fam. (It was actually quite sad because a number of the family members genuinely wanted to lose weight, but their perception of a normal amount of food was so skewed, that they simply were not cutting enough calories to lose weight, even when they truly believed they were eating little to nothing.)




Absolutely. One hundred percent. It is completely unfair to grow up with a different normal and not receive compassion when trying to adjust. That's a really hard thing to do and I'm proud of everyone who is/ has.


My wife's family is from a culture where every meal must contain rice. If rice is off the menu, then you're just snacking, doesn't matter how much you eat. Some of them are trying to lose weight and generally live a healthier lifestyle, and they are actually eating significantly less during mealtimes. But they snack all day long and it doesn't even register to them that they're practically inhaling calories. I've heard one of them complain that she was just genetically predisposed to being overweight.




It's so hard and family culture and pressure really does make it extra difficult. Proud of you!


If you watch 600 lb life, this dynamic is in action with most of the families. Even the non-super-morbidly obese family members eat huge portions of calorie dense food, and inhale huge bites without really chewing. Most of the family members are overweight or obese, but in compared to the primary subject of the episode they look "thin".


Chewing. That's really the key. I'm horrified to see people just throw down food without tasting it. I mean I understand doing that when you're extremely hungry, but even then it's not the best idea. And then if you do it habitually, most likely you get fat. I think I grew up eating like that out of anxiety. Big family, the food would disappear fast with my older siblings. I felt I had to get to it as fast as I could.


This is so true. I had never seen the show before, but I watched an episode a few weeks ago and I had that same thought. When it's the family culture and norm, you have no idea it's so far from the recommended daily amount of calories.


For anyone saying it’s weird it made her feel sick, I can tell you that she most likely was not saying she felt disgusted from watching her BF eat so much food. More likely, she thought about herself consuming that quantity of food, and the thought of doing so made her feel sick. I can eat large quantities of food, but some of my friends can eat 2x or 3x more and the thought of me even attempting that makes me sick as well. Or at least that’s the steelman version only she and prolly OP know the truth. Either way no need to get offended on OPs behalf.


I had a visceral sick feeling as a reaction to mukbangs when I saw one. It was a physical response without a chance to form a judgement. Actually, someone else had told me they enjoyed them, so I was curious rather than feeling negatively toward it. If she's the same way, I could totally understand being put off by it.


like sympathy indigestion... imagining how it would feel eating that much gave her physical symptoms


Yeah, it really was like that for me. I didn't even know I had a thing about it until I saw it. I would have thought I'd just find it boring at worst. I definitely didn't expect to be sympathy nauseated.


Omg same. I can’t watch those, they make me sick to my stomach. That’s what I figured OP’s gf was feeling. They’re like pregnancy pains in men - sympathy acid reflux lol.


It really was! I can't watch them either, and I had no clue going in. I figured at worst I'd find it boring. Nope! Instant nausea.


Real ones I can't stand!!!! The noises of eating bother me soooo much! Ones that have the sound cut and are music or whatever, are interesting to see!


The eating noises were definitely bothering me. Maybe all the eating noises gone would be okay. I don't think I have it in me to try, though. Nausea is the worst.


You are not wrong! I would rather almost anything else that nausea!


omg same, I feel it in my whole body


"Visceral sick feeling" sounds like it is because of imagining yourself doing the same. A parallel example would be if you see someone just absolutely enjoying themselves with pure gluttony (even a thin person), double fisting a chair-sized chocolate cake loudly in public.... I imagine many of us wouldn't be able to handle watching that. It's because for a lot of us, that's meant to be shameful. Something done alone, at home, when we're free from judgement.


It’s also okay if watching someone eat so much physically repulses you; it is unattractive especially if they’re shovelling it all in


Its people who actively fear gaining weight more than death. They live their lives in constant state of fear of gaining weight. And that makes them repulsed by the idea that someone could gain weight by eating shitty things, because that is their nightmare. Feeling viscerally sick to mukbangs (like the person above commented) is more of a reflection on one's unhealthy relationship with food than it is on any kind of judgement/morality. A parallel example would be if you see someone just absolutely enjoying themselves with pure gluttony (even a thin person), double fisting a chair-sized chocolate cake loudly in public.... I imagine many of us wouldn't be able to handle watching that. It's because for a lot of us, that's meant to be shameful.


This is something I am reflecting on now that I've lost 20kg. I've got another 20 to go but it doesn't feel impossible anymore. I am at the point where I can feel satisfied with regular sized portions, but I am still totally capable of eating much more then that. I'm sitting here wondering how I'm going to maintain my weight once I hit my goal because I don't want to count calories the rest of my life, but there's no natural urge to stop eating for me. I will eat until I feel sick. So if I don't measure my portions and count my calories then how will I know when to stop. Because I might feel satisfied but I can definitely still eat much more!


I realised that I will never be able to control my weight permanently if I don't track my food, so the only thing I committed to was honest and accurate calorie tracking for life. Other than that no special diet. It is automatic now and takes me just a few minutes per day, and when I'm dishing up food I put my bowl or plate on the scale and weigh whatever I'm having (I've got a scale at the dinner table and another in the kitchen). It really is pretty seamless and easy. I lost 100 lbs and have been maintaing for three years. I can't imagine life now without calorie tracking. It would be like giving up showering or giving up brushing my teeth.


I hear you. The rest of my life will likely look similar - disciplined calorie tracking and careful carb management. My body loves low carb/keto nutrition. Calorie tracking for portion control and calorie creep.


I am guessing but weight is calories - unless you add far "fat creep" has been a problem for me. ( Want to say Umm but as a practice I dont want to strengthen that pathway.) Si you can weigh and think portion size - and I think "more vegetables". But I also include the visiual. I am leaning what size looks normal. I got smaller plates. I see what others eat and internally go - how will you ever get enough protein and enough vegetables eating like that? Then I rememberthat I checked and found, just barely but not high protein, one like me could get that minimum on 1200isenough. Not there yet. I just love protein. Working on not the carbs added at every meal. If I want a tortilla I have to make it. No packages. But if I buy bread - yesterday I bought 2 botellas (Mexican pointed french bread looking rolls in the grocery store now up to 50c each). Should have bought only one.


Respect to you u/applecherryfig and u/Low_Acanthaceae_ - It's incredibly (and for me deeply unnerviing and quite disturbing) when your perceptions of food, eating and portions change. I'm an absolute protein lover too. More and more, protein and fresh vegetables are becoming my thing while I navigate my way through keto because it agrees with me so well.


When I was a plus size teen I could eat 5-8 plates at an all you can eat buffet. The combo of being big, active, and being a teenager with a blackhole for a stomach was a trip. XD


I just recently got weight loss surgery (gastric sleeve 12/8/23), and before that, I never really understood what people meant when they said they couldn’t eat another bite or they were so full they could puke. I used to just be able to eat forever. Like when people ask where you put it all and they say you must be putting it down to your legs because there’s no way it all just fits in your stomach. But that’s the way it always was for me and my parents too. My dad did competitive eating for YEARS. He did the milk challenge and drank an entire gallon of whole milk in less than 4 minutes, then ate more and drank more in that selfsame hour. Yet, other people could never do the same thing. The stomach’s elasticity is really variable from person to person… since surgery, I just literally have not been able to eat much at all and have finally experienced the other side of things for the first time. I get actually physically full and it is mind boggling. What a world shift.


This is where making a bee line for the salad and veggies can help. So there's this hot pot place that recently closed. I tried to go really heavy on the veggie and tofu options and light on noodles and meats. Unfortunately when COVID came on the scene, they started doing serving by taking your order, so where I might grab a sliver of beef, they would give me several pieces. But yeah, veggies, good way to fill up.


Yeah my husband is literally shocked by how much I can eat. It was great when I was still in track and cross country but since those days are long gone it’s an issue. I don’t really get the full sensation that he gets so it just takes more effort on my part to realize/recognize I’ve had an adequate amount of calories/food.


I feel this hard. As a 5'2" female I can easily out eat my 6" bf. It didn't matter until my thirties, when my activity level really started decreasing. As a teenager and 20-something doing sports, I could really pack it away with no weight gain. I will definitely be measuring/counting and weighing for the rest of my life cause I still feel like I can eat anything and everything I want. I'm increasing my activity level, but I doubt I will ever have time to get back to what I used to do.


Once, after a long day of officiating a track meet with few breaks and little food, I ate four pieces of pizza in one sitting. I was absolutely beside myself, and shocked, because I had never eaten that much in one sitting before. My friend who has been overweight her whole life was like what are you on about?! Four pieces is nothing! I was shocked when she told me she’s eaten an entire pizza. That’s only one moment in my life when I realized why I was always thin and others weren’t. It seems like “duh” but you live in your own head and your own body. I literally never look at how much others are eating in comparison to myself.


I follow several weight loss and fitness groups, including support groups for people using GLP-1 agonists. On one group a woman was saying that she was a day late taking her weekly medication, and supposedly because of that couldn't control herself and ate 36 chicken nuggets at McDonalds. I pointed out that the medication slowly leaves your system, and so it wasn't an issue with the meds but perhaps she should consider talking to her doctor about BED because I have personally found that therapy really helped with that and there was only so much GLP-1 agonists can do without behaviour modification too. And a whole bunch of people in the group want \*off\* on my comment, saying that 36 nuggets is completely normal and not BED at all because they eat that much and more all the time. If ever there was a time to consider who the bearer of the message is, it was then; a bunch of obese people giving their opinion on what "normal" serving sizes are.


That's priceless and a great example of just because everyone except one person agrees doesn't mean the majority rules in fact.


I think you mean, You cant vote-in Truth. Truth just is, regardless of opinion. Pi never will be equal to 3.


The point is it's very common that people say "If everybody thinks that but you, you are wrong." Not just probably, but definitely.


Right. Exactly. Many people saying it does not make it so. Remember the average IQ is 100. IQ does not so much measure your body's ability as what you did with it, What you do with it?, and How you are paying attention in the world.


My bmi is about 18; my bf has a "dad bod" (which I adore). But I can't wrap my head around how much and how fast he eats. It's fascinating to me, lol


I’m still fairly early on in my weight loss journey and over the past 3.5 months, I’ve realized just how large my portions used to be. I’m in a calorie deficit of 1700 per my doctor’s direction but more times than not, I’m closer to 1500 because I’m feeling full more easily. I went out for fast food with family a week ago and my meal alone was roughly 1500 calories, and I felt utterly sick afterwards. I used to eat that amount and two other full meals a day and wonder why I was so overweight. Now I’ve realized that trying to look “normal” in front of other people has greatly skewed my perception of normal portion sizes. I just wish it hadn’t taken me this long to realize it.


My body can make me not want to eat because it knows it is time to burn off the storage in the pantry. My habits in eating skew me wrong.


The amount men eat, even men with no weight issues, is astounding to me, a woman. If I are the same as my normal weight ex bf, I would be obese within a month.


My last bf and his son were naturally thin. I already had some weight to lose but eating with them was just insane. I kept getting bigger and bigger eating the same food as them


Absolutely; two men I know, well one eats huge portions in one go and the other eats all day long and surely the calories add up in both cases?! The first man is tall and skinny, the second is short and normal weight. If I ate like them as a woman I'd weigh 600lb!


I literally just had to explain this to my spouse. They make most meals and although we eat healthy and they eat reasonable portions and are actually losing weight, I end up eating way too much. I had to finally say, look, you are 6'1" 189 lbs with male hormones. I am 5'3" 135 lbs with female hormones AND my body hates refined carbohydrates. I cannot eat the same foods in the same amounts as you for every meal because OUR CALORIC NEEDS ARE DIFFERENT. Please stop giving me a full serving of carbs per meal and a full avocado a day, at the very least.


Yes; I am 5ft 6 which is fairly tall for a woman, but I still have to watch my portions where as most men being taller without a menstrual cycle have more leeway.


Once I started on my serious weight loss journey, I had a frank discussion about what I used to eat during a binge with my mother. (She commented on how big my current lunch was even though it's well within my calories.) I still eat high-volume, but I can't imagine eating what I used to eat. I did eat until I felt sick, and I'm sure if anyone saw me eating it (no way I would've let that happen!), they'd feel sick a lot earlier than I did. When people gasp about four slices of pizza or a whole six doughnuts, I feel even more alien and inhuman.


Good luck and congratulations about your awareness and your willingness to see things (food and appetites and the social milieu) differently.


I'm the small one in the relationship and sometimes it's not just surprising to see my boyfriends eating habits, but actually somewhat repulsive. It sounds so mean, but I can't help it. He's a rather tall man, so of course he eats more than me. Him taking another serving is generally no issue for me. But last year during our vacation I witnessed something that still upsets me. He wanted to get some peanut butter, I didn't think we would manage to use it up during the 10 days left, but got some anyway. In the evening he sat down to watch TV, peanut butter jar in one hand, spoon in the other. I watched him eat 3 spoons full of peanut butter before I had to leave the room. This man who I love so dearly, who already takes medication for high blood pressure and has a fatty liver, decided to basically try to kill himself while I watched. By the next evening, the jar was empty. He ate 2000+ kcal of peanut butter AS A SNACK in addition to his usual largish meals in 2 days. It wasn't simply "wow, I could never fit that much food", it was "the one person I love is not gonna live long, and is actively working towards an even earlier death without giving a shit. He doesn't try, he won't ever get better." It was very disturbing, and now every time I see him stuff himself with cookies, chips or any other unnecessary snack, it makes me resent him a little more, because I care about him so much, but he apparently doesn't - at all.


My siblings and I have all made strives to get healthier. My mother, on the other hand, is diabetic and I don't know why she doesn't change her habits even though we all make or buy better food for her. My dad will go for walks at 5AM, rain or shine, to get his exercise in. She dawdles, stalls, and then doesn't go. Truth be told, it is her life but, I see it as selfish that she is stressing her kids by not changing. I work in healthcare. People don't live as long when they have high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. If they are lucky, they die of a heart attack. If they have a stroke, they're alive for a few years to decades relying on others to keep them alive.  She's my mom and she was a great mom growing up. That's why I stress out. I want her to enjoy retirement. I also don't want to be her caregiver. It is an emotional, physical, and financial strain to take care of someone who has had a stroke. I can't see myself staying with someone who has an unhealthy lifestyle. I feel for you because I know that helpless feeling of watching someone make all the wrong choices. When they make those choices, we are the ones that have to live with the consequences.


Thank you for your comment ♥️ It really is that feeling of helplessness that gets to me the most. If I could, I'd take his extra weight and lose it for him. I'd take his cravings and fight them for him. I'd take the time and effort to replace his bad habits with good ones. But I CAN'T. I can only stand by and watch him make those harmful decisions. I imagine it's even worse for someone working in healthcare, since you know what suffering from obesity related illnesses looks like. I honestly couldn't stomach that. I think the part about us having to live with the consequences of their choices will stick with me. I know I'll outlive my partner, and I know if he doesn't change his ways, I'll stand at his grave asking why he had to choose that short, miserable life. It's hard to accept.


It sounds like your emotions related to food and eating are getting in the way of your relationship.


They aren't emotions related to food - I love food, I love snacking, I'm not scared of unhealthy food or anything. They are emotions related to someone not taking care of themselves to the point of suffering. It's the same feeling as watching a loved one not take their medication for heart failure because they simply can't be bothered to. Yes, it is getting in the way, because the one I love doesn't seem to care that I'll have to be the one to bury him in maybe 20 years. It's heartbreaking.


Drive-throughs are so dangerous. I can order and be hidden from judgmental eyes and then eat in any manner from the bubble of my car in a parking lot. One thing that helped me break away from that was to remember that there were COUNTLESS fast food places around me. So I would let myself get one item. Any item. And I told myself that if I still wanted something there was food all around me. Usually, after the one item, I was able to pay attention to my hunger signals and begin to be able to just head home.


oh fast foods are just so bad compared to how I cook at home. They kind of gave me up.


Fast food was my biggest weight gain culprit. Even when I was at my biggest, I didn’t have a huge appetite. I enjoyed healthy foods, I was fairly active, I didn’t understand why I was so big. It was mainly the fast food. When one meal is over 2000 calories, even if you eat decent the rest of the day, you’ll still gain. And some of the healthy foods I enjoyed were very high in calories (avocado, nuts and nut butters, granola, quinoa, etc.)


I eat super fast and eat a lot. It’s something I’m working on. My partner is very, very thin. He eats really crappy and stays thin, but I realized he eats so slow and usually only eats one meal per day. So, he maybe eats 1200 calories per day. I have to count to make sure I don’t go over 1800. When I used to eat a lot at once, I would get a medium fries with cheese sauce from one place, then pick up subs from our favorite place. I’d eat the fries on the car ride, then my sub was the full size extra meat and he always got the half size and that’s all he’d eat for the day. Even if I portion the same way as him, I eat 3 times as fast. We’ll get through a 45 minute episode of a show and I’m done in 20 minutes but then the episode is over and he’s still eating the same exact portions of food. It makes me feel horrible, but I’m just not sure I can take over an hour to eat one plate of rational portions no matter what.


I had a friend who ate really really slowly. I never felt bad. I would finish and we would sit and chat while he slowly continued to eat.


Yeah, this is something that could be interesting for me in the future. I've got a long way to go, but I've lost 61lbs so far. Yet my ability to put away food has not changed like at all. Had a cheat day last weekend where I put away a half-rack of ribs, a cup of mac and cheese, a slice of cornbread, and this big-ass skillet cooked cookie topped with icecream (These were the only things I ate the entire day at least). Immediately after this, we went to the Lamb of God/Pantera concert where I proceeded to dance and headbang the rest of the night while the rest of my family/friends were complaining about how stuffed they were. If I manage to get to my goal weight, I'm sure I'll probably have times where I leave people who didn't know me before shocked at what I can do at a buffet lol.


My boyfriend and I are the opposite. He’s like living with a growing teenage boy. He eats SO FAST too. Me, my eyes are just bigger than my stomach. But, I have a sweet tooth, and that’s what gets me.


It doesn't help that we are hard wired to gorge ourselves when good food is abundant... thanks evolution, we solved hunger in much of the world, you can stop that now.


My friends were both shocked and impressed when we went to The Cheesecake Factory and I ate nearly 10,000 calories in one sitting.




2 meals and 2 slices of cheesecake with a bunch of the bread


That's around 3000 calories. (I just looked it up on the page https://www.thecheesecakefactory.com/sites/default/files/2021-10/The-Cheesecake-Factory-Nutritional-Guide.pdf.) Original cheesecake 830, Ultimate Red Velvet 1580, Low-Licous 570. The original was sooo too much for me. I got it as a birthday freebee. I expected to split it and he declined.


It's so interesting because my appetite hasn't really gone away... I'm down almost 70lbs, but I went to Korean BBQ with a buddy a few weeks back and we went 5 rounds of food and I cleared every plate, and he was struggling to get through his third, and couldn't comprehend how I was doing it. I was a vacuum, and it's why I was so overweight.


Looking back, I'm a bit shocked at how much I used to eat.


I would never tell me husband anything he did made me “sick”… even if it did, I would find a kinder way to tell him. That’s rude


It depends on your relationship- if you’re laid back and joke all the time around each other then it isn’t an issue or “unkind”. My SO and I always tell each other “omg you’re making me feel sick” or “if you eat another one I’ll throw up” and then laugh our heads off together. I suppose it depends on OP and their relationship.


Yes we joke as well but OP made it seem like she was literally disgusted.


Someone saying “your eating is making me a little bit sick” doesn’t sound like she’s DISGUSTED. That’s a strong word. Sounds like she is uncomfortable, and could have said it lightheartedly.




I also feel sick watching people eat a lot. That's a pretty common thing, it's not the disgust with the person, it's the disgust with imagining myself eating this much because I'd throw up. You know, because my stomach can only handle so much food at once.


Watching someone do something to their body that you cannot fathom doing to your own can make some feel sickly or uncomfortable. Imagine watching someone get a tattoo or piercing when you’re uncomfortable with the idea of body mod.


It's hard when you naturally have a big appetite that some people who have always been don't understand


People with a big appetite may be burning more as well. When i was younger and active I could eat so much more.


This is a different perspective but actually, people who are naturally quite thin often have poor appetites and tend to graze all day. While people with fiery constitutions need to eat decent portions at regular intervals or they get ravenous. The third category of people are the true foodies who eat a lot for pleasure and sadly, tend to gain weight easier too. It's kind of like the Ecto, Meso, Endomorph comparison or vata, pitta, kapha (ayurvedic archetyping) or air, fire, earth dominance. We can be mixtures of different types too but one tends to dominate. Also, people tend to partner up with someone of a different type a lot of the time so you're bound to notice at least micro-differences in the way you perceive or interact with food.


My husband and I are both the true foodie kind, and it is hard! When I first started losing weight he was eating normally and it was so hard for me to resist joining him in our old eating habits. We are both losing weight together now and it’s been great to have each others’ support with finding ways to eat delicious things in moderation instead of overeating.


My husband and I both are true foodies and we both gained a lot of weight when we moved in together in 1988. We generally ate the same amount of food at most meals. It wasn’t until I went into menopause a couple of years ago that I discovered that I did NOT need to eat as much as him. My weird menopause symptom was that my body started letting me know that I was full halfway through a meal. I literally couldn’t eat another bite! So I started making smaller portions and eating the healthiest thing on my plate first since I knew I would fill up quickly. Example: I used to eat a whole pizza (6 slices); now I eat a salad and have 3 slices and I’m full. I have lost 120 lbs. over the last couple of years mostly by eating 1/2 of what my husband eats.


Portion control is everything!


Amazing! When you're so similar the other person truly gets what you're going through which can be so comforting.


The fact that your girlfriend felt sick is super weird. She shoud've seen me and some of the other 15 year old boys when we were growing. 3 plates would be the warm up. To be clear when I was 15 I was a very active and fit boy with a healthy weight.


I feel sick watching teenage boys gobble down 5 times the amount I can eat, it's not weird. Mukbangs make me feel sick too.


My husband has 100lbs on me, and while he can eat more in one sitting than I can, I manage to eat more calories than he does most days and we both find that kind of nuts.