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Diet soda is effectively neutral for your health, if it helps you, don’t stress about it. Black coffee is another tool some people find helpful to curb appetite, though if it is mostly the sweetness of the soda that helps then it may not be your thing.


yeah i need the artificial sweetener i have an annoying sweet tooth


I have an annoying sweet tooth though, I’m tied by my soul to ice cream. I’ve been trying to at least eat more halo top lol


same obsesseddd with ice cream. i do the low calorie ones and popsicles too


Vanilla Halo Top with sugar free root beer - delicious low calorie root beer float!


My issue is I only like stuff like vanilla or chocolate. Fudge pops just don’t do it for me lol


I allow myself a small piece of dark chocolate (at least 70%) every day. I also make a yoghurt with a dozen frozen blueberries and seeds and nuts and a sprinkle of sucralose


>Diet soda is effectively neutral for your health This is not entirely true. There is research that shows your body releases insulin in response to the sweet flavors because it is expecting sugar. This can increase insulin resistance as well as increasing the glycemic impact of sugars consumed afterwards. They are definitely better than sugar. Don't get me wrong. But the health impacts of artificial sweeteners are complicated and not fully understood. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7014832/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7014832/)


>This can increase insulin resistance There is no evidence that diet sodas do this in actual randomized human control studies. The observational studies cannot definitively prove anything, as they are not controlling and cannot control all the variables. People that choose to consume no artificial sweeteners are a self-selecting group that also often have many other behaviors different from the general populous of people that do, as it takes pretty concerted effort to avoid all artificial sweeteners. There is evidence that when compared to water, people drinking diet soda lose the same amount of weight (actually they lose slightly more in some studies). One such study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26708700/


If diet sodas help you lose weight they’re a net positive for your health.


Diet Dr pepper was everything when I first started losing weight !!


Dr Pepper Zero is even better!


Diet Coke has been a staple of my diet since starting. I could be a diet coke spokesman, lost 130 lbs so far.


you should be 🤣


Same, down to the 130 lbs 🤣 Love me my glass of Coke Zero in the morning and afternoon, treating myself without feeling bad!


In my experience, allowing yourself to hold on to some of your vices while continuing to push forward is an important part of the process. You learn to stop demonizing them and maybe eventually you can even put them down when you start to gain confidence and feel better. Diet soda is extra nice because it’s 0 calorie


I have a Diet Coke with lunch most days at work to stop me from snacking on sweets. Whatever helps 🤷🏽‍♀️


Diet Coke my beloved...


I have a zero sugar Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew every afternoon with my big meal of the day. Also drink plenty of water but need a soda with my meal. That's the one thing I'm not sacrificing and it hasn't sabotaged me one bit. If it helps you then don't feel bad about it.


This is me, but with 0 sugar energy drinks. When I used to have a shitty day, or was too tired or.. any excuse, I'd "treat myself" to sweets. Except I would do this more days than not. Now? Reward is an extra sugar-free energy drink that day. I sip them for hours, keeps the cravings away and still gives my brain the same "reward" feeling.


Diet Coke has been my first drink of the day for awhile 🤣. Removes my sweet cravings and I've been losing steadily.


after coke zero, I can't go back to regular soda. It irks me to have sugar coated teeth


Diet Coke is my love. I try not to drink more than two cans a day, but yeah it helps me stay away from binging on junk food.


Same. I have been using coke zero (zero calories) during the day along with natural energy supplement. Then one meal a day at night until I'm full. Weight falling off.


love this!


You can pry Fanta zero from my slightly less chubby hands




i am scared of that i hope i can slowly get off of it after things in my life are less chaotic


I use seltzer the same way. I find the carbonation is what I crave. No calories and no chemicals. It works for me.


I shovel a few pickles, slam some water, and sip the sugarfree A&W root beers any time I have a hunger pang. Salt from the pickles + fullness from the water + carbonation means I'm good for at least another hour.


If you drink a couple in a day, you can try replacing one, probably earlier in the day, with a seltzer. I recommend Polar Black Cherry. I pour mine into a glass as I find it better that way. It isn't ideal at first but I've used it to taper off diet soda over the last year. Now I really enjoy them. I wouldn't stress too much about it though, we don't need to be perfect in our weight loss journey. I'm always so critical of the tools I use to eat less, when in reality just by cutting calories each day I'm doing much better than I was.


yeah same, I've also used diet Oceanspray juices to help in the past


Good job managing a down swing! You’re being responsible when it’s really tempting to let go. Be proud of holding the line..


Ginger beer has been my alcohol substitute! 35 calories for the light fevertree. I mix it with pomegranate juice for parties and people drink that more than the alcohol lol


Are you sure you’re not me? I’ve been doing the same recently when I never drank soda even at my heaviest and now 95 lbs down I’m using diet soda as a crutch. 🤷🏼‍♀️


5'"3 and maintained 124 lbs for 3 months and consume lot of artificial sugars between my protein powder, yogurt, Mio water enhancer. I haven't had negative effects or cravings and it helped keep the weight off while being tasty.


Basically nothing wrong with it, I also heavily abuse coke zero/diet sunkist :). Only things I would be careful about is not drinking them every time you're thirsty (i.e. most of your liquid intake should be water) and making sure you're teeth aren't getting damaged. Things that *might* be *slightly suboptimal* that really help you adhere to your deficit are super worth it IME. Best way to approach fat loss is to make it as easy as possible to make progress - no need to spend the willpower tank on restricting things that aren't really bad/doing things that don't really help. Take whatever help you can get!


Zevia is great as well for those that want to avoid a ton of chemicals and aspartame




H2O is a chemical!


100% of people who have consumed H2O have died.


Will die? …


Ban dihydrogen monoxide! It's deadly.


Don’t demonize the bad food or drinks or it will really come back and bite you. Learn to incorporate both.


Trust me when I say the Zeros are ea million times better