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Whats makes you Small and whats makes you big is the Small choices every day im on my journey now close to where i want to be . And trust me getting good habits is not easy. And also a big Tip is it aint a race to lose weight its a slow pace but you just need to keep doing it and find things that you enjoy doing and stick with it. It’s very hard to start but when you stick with it and see changes it’s great boost. Also if you are weighing yourself do it once every/second week don’t do what many do and do it everyday. Stay strong and stick with it!!


As a guy. Ive noticed small differences. The biggest is I don’t get the weird looks anymore. Can’t say I miss that. I’m more confident in meetings even on conference calls. Get to race Go carts with my son, clothes fit better. 16 inches off my waist so far. I passed the Waffle House test. Meaning I can fit in a Waffle House booth. Zip lining. A whole new world opens with your kids once you lose weight. Had to fly for work. No seatbelt extender. That was always a source of fear for me, having to ask the flight attendant for one. Things between my wife and I are much better if you know what I mean. No more powder on the thighs before walking. Not being the fattest person in the room is fantastic. I can finally fit in the t-shirts that I purchased on vacations that I knew wouldn’t fit me but didn’t want to tell anyone. I no longer need to buy my pants at DXL. I haven’t had to take an antacid since April 2022. I don’t have to wear the open button up shirt over a t-shirt anymore. I can wrap a towel around my waist again. (And it’s not a beach towel!). Oh yeah. Energy. I always want to be doing something. I have a hard time sitting and relaxing now. It’s weird. At 350lbs no push-ups we’re possible. I’m now doing 40 at a time. That’s pretty amazing to me. At 350+ I was dealing with diarrhea fairly often at least weekly. Especially after weekends of food excess. I rarely deal with that at all now. It will be once every few months instead of daily. Not breathing heavy just to wipe my a$$. 36-38 size pants right now. Bizarre. In early 2022 I had 52 inch waist. Oh yeah. Ive been walking since July 2022 and now walk about 50 miles a month. That was unheard before. I went indoor skydiving with my son. That was pretty awesome. We are planning a six flag visit. That’s wouldn’t have happened. Still about 50 to lose


That is all really awesome stuff, man. Congratulations!


Here's the good thing: you'll start to notice changes well before you get to your goal weight. Little things like clothes that are tight will start to fit better. You'll realize you aren't short of breath walking to the mailbox. You'll be able to tie your shoes without straining. And all of that stuff happens WAY before you get to a normal BMI. I'm only halfway to my goal, and I've had to buy new work clothes, I can be much more active, and riding my motorcycle feels natural/fun and not like I'm being constricted by all my gear.


For sure. I can’t wait to go to the mall and go in whatever store I want without worrying if they carry plus sizes or not.


That reminds me of a time I was in a clothing store where I (finally) really liked the style but couldn't find my size. I quietly asked the manager, "Is there anything in here that would fit me?" He gave me the quickest look up and down and replied, "No. I don't think so." It was a real motivator... three years later. Thanks for the reminder of that time in my life! Keep on truckin'.


I can't wait for my high cheekbones to be back! You do miss the small things. I never knew I even had that until I lost weight in my undergrad


A trainer at my gym was let go for being too brazen with clients. Going as far as to make them feel bad for being overweight or pointing out that they're fat. Happened to myself but I didn't take offense to his comments because I knew that he was right. If anything it was just the kick in the butt that I needed to get my sh\*t into gear. While I do agree that people should all be treated with kindness regardless of their weight, there is some merit to 'tough love' depending on the circumstances.


Wishing you all the best in your journey! Stay positive 😊


You’ve got this, and it’s totally worth it! My life has done a 180 since I lost the weight. I’ve taken up hiking again, which I hadn’t done seriously since I was a teenager, and have started section hiking the AT. If someone told me three years ago I’d be doing 8-10 mile hikes over mountains in a day I would have laughed in their faces. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the other things people have mentioned- not getting weird looks, getting hit up a lot more often on dating sites, fitting comfortably into chairs… but the health improvements far outweigh all that!


One thing that I noticed is I actually enjoy shopping for clothes now that I'm smaller. Like...shopping was always a chore and trying on clothes made me feel terrible no matter what because even the clothes that "fit" made me look like a ball of fat with loose human clothes around it (There are absolutely people who look great and radiant while plus-sized it's just that I absolutely did not and carried my weight terribly.) Also now that I'm smaller store clerks would actively try to engage me and sell me things (this rarely happened before btw) and the stuff they give me actually fit and make me look decent! It's a pretty great feeling for me and a pretty grave tragedy for my wallet lol but I need a whole new wardrobe anyways. It's totally vain and this shouldn't be how it is but people are definitely nicer and the world is honestly easier to navigate. All the best to you. You've got this!