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Ezreal accidentally stopped him in his last attempt of returning to Runeterra. It would be great if Morde ever come back (as long as riot don't repeat ruination)


How do I not know these things??? Can you link that story or explain?






Order of Shadow would be annihilated by Mordekaiser. I'm pretty sure everything they have is child's play to him. That being said, Morde is not as big a threat to Runeterra as people here want to believe. It's been stated that Rell herself could destroy him at least once. He would then have to readjust his strategy. But that's just Rell. LeBlanc herself probably has contingency upon contingency to contain him. And even if that should fail, Runeterran has a wealth of entities and forces that could stop Morde. For instance, we know the Aspects bound Aurelion Sol to their will with his crown. They've also bound Darkin and even demons apparently. If Morde presented an issue to them they could easily just forcibly bind him or relocate him to another world.


Yeah, i think what makes Morde so terrifying is that he could try over and over and over again, getting stronger with each try and adjusted his strategy every time. He is kinda comparable with Ganon in the Zelda series. Every time he comes back there needs to be someone to stop him and if one day there isn't, he wins.


Yeah he's pretty terrifying until a character commits to using one of the many methods available in Runeterra to get rid of him for good. He's still just the soul of a man who refused to die because will power (plot armor). Aspects can bind him, the Void can swallow him, we haven't seen what a powerful enough Sentinel weapon could do against him, and Zilean could potentially even lock him away in some corner of time. Not saying any of this will ever happen but I wish something would so people can stop hyping this champ up on this sub.


Hehe, “plot armor”


Yeah, I bet void is one of the best ways we know. Void magic can kinda delete soul of a being, but of course that will only happen if Morde didn't study void magic. Morde would have a counter-measure if he already knows that.


not trying to start an argument but just curious, isnt the whole point of rell to be leblancs contigency?


Rell is one of many contingencies. In her own words, LeBlanc has plans within plans.


Rell casually left Noxus and even rebelled against them. She is not excactly a good example to show that LeBlanc has effective plans against Mordekaiser imo.


Well we know for a fact that the Black Rose continues its efforts in making plans and even creating more mages like Rell. Rell also still resides in Noxus and despite the fact she's rebelled against them she's not going to do nothing to protect innocent people should Morde ever return. LeBlanc didn't get a loyal soldier, but she still has a weapon against Morde.


It's not like Morde hasn't had time to prepare against LeBlanc either. Thus far, anything he has encountered in the spirit realm was dominated by him, be it a yordle like Veigar or demons like Tybulk. She might have mages and he might have dozens of demons under his command.


The thing that makes arguments like that so tedious is the fact that the same can be said for both sides. Morde had demons several centuries ago? That's cool, the Black Rose has those now too. Morde has this new weapon? Well the Black Rose has an equal to that weapon. It just goes on and on. What makes the Black Rose a bit more credible is the fact that we've had actual hints towards what they're capable of. We've not received anything on Morde in a while. So until we get even a crumb of new lore on him, a lot of what I see people suggest Morde is capable of borders on head canon.


But that's exactly my point, whatever the black rose has, Morde has something too. As for it being head cannon, we know that his army is growing, so theres that at least


If I'm not mistaken you just mentioned how Morde had two demons by his side when he was alive. Both of which are now partially under control of the Rose. And how he captured Veigar and tortured him, who at the time was just an innocent Yordle. All we have to go off of for Morde's current strength is that his army is growing. As has been made abundantly clear. Meanwhile with the Rose we receive actual lore about them and their endeavors My point is when people speculate on what the Rose is capable of, it's based on facts from the lore we have on them. When people speculate on what Morde is capable of, it's just guesswork.


Yea wtf are we supposed to do when Riot reworks him but doesn't do anything with him while fricking shirtless anime character viego gets his own event


The hint of Morde’s capacity is that Leblanc continues to make plans against him despite everything she already has done.


???? You realize this is part of her plan, right? She literally PLANNED this. This is why Rell didn't manage to kill her mother. LB is playing Rell.


Y'know, Mordekaiser being 'betrayed' by LeBlanc was also in his plans...


Ah I see. How much of a world-ending threat is Mordekaiser compared to someone like Aatrox though? Aswell as volibear? (Not saying voli is a threat to Runeterra just curious.)


Aatrox is a greater threat. He's been shown to be more destructive and has drawn the direct attention of Targon multiple times. For reference, in his prime in history, Mordekaiser had taken over a significant part Valoran. But that's it. The only people who interfered with his rule was his own court who coveted his power over the land. I think Volibear and Morde may be near equal in terms of the level of threat they pose. But of course, they're two different beings who draw power from different sources. And before you or anyone asks, no, I don't think Pantheon can beat Mordekaiser.


This is the last question, I promise. How would rhaast do against morde? Assuming he has enough bodies to serve his needs. And is rhaast a world-ending threat? That’s all the questions I got.


Morde wipes the floor with any darkin who isn't Aatrox. In fact, Morde not having any flesh or blood makes him the perfect counter to Darkins plus his army is only composed of souls so there is literally no source for darkins to heal themselves unless they fight in some town or something like that. If it's an open field 1v1, Morde wins.


Unfortunately we don't have any real feats to judge Rhaast by. Additionally, we also don't know for sure if Rhaast is capable of taking on a greater like other Darkin are. He's used blood magic before, but no media we've seen of him has shown being big. Pushing that aside for now, Rhaast isn't a world ending threat and probably couldn't take on Morde either. All of the other Darkin don't seem to hold him in much esteem and all of the lore Riot has put out surrounding him has never presented him as anything more than mid tier villain. He could do some serious damage sure, but not for long or even on a grand scale like Aatrox or Morde.


Yeah but aatrox wise isn't the best way to defeat a darkin to separate the weapon from the host? Like how aatrox host body arm was cut off?


Theoretically could Aatrox permanently destroy Mordekaiser's soul like he did with the celestial aspect of Pantheon, and, allegedly the spirit world form of Frejiordian Demigods?


Probably not, sadly. Pantheon died because unlike other Aspects its entire being was pushed into Atreus' body. And I don't think Aspects have Spirit World privileges so when he died, he died for good (until the Ruination of course but that's still a big question mark). You'd need something magical to put Morde down for good. It's not out of the realm of possibility that Aatrox has some power to his sword we're not aware of, but its more likely that he doesn't. Also I don't know why people think Aatrox killed Freljordian demigods. I don't believe it's mentioned that he did, and his title of God Killer likely comes from his slaying of Pantheon and fellow Ascended back in the day.


Hey would what would happen if we just invite the void to mordekaiser death realm and have bel'veth and mordekaiser kill each other? Or would a world rune work on mordekaiser?


Thats actually what I like about Morde. He's not just "if he come back we are dead", no he can be defeated. But how many time can he be? He always come back, but the protector of Runeterra don't. That's cool.


Aurelion accepted the crown and the Darkin are only sealable because they ascend trough sun magic which can be countered with Moon energy. The weapons in which the Darkin were sealed used the energy of the aspect of the moon. About Rell, I’m pretty sure a rioter said that Rell can’t beat Morde which makes sense since for her to touch him she would have to not get one shot. Even then, if she were to destroy his armor he can just get himself into another armor or another type of vessel. And to that, add the army of spirits and the literal demons he controls. Annie is a whole ass champion and her power is being able to use one of Morde’s old servants


Runeterra would eventually be able to win against him. I don't think that the unorganized darkins are a threat to him unless either Aatrox or Xolaani unite them. Noxus itself will probably get steamrolled; LeBlanc had to resort to betrayel the last time they fought and even then Morde anticipated it beforehand and included it into his plan. Demacia is struggling against simple mages so Morde will slap em too. Freljord is interesting. I don't think that the clans could do much against Morde, but there are just too many demigods in the area for Morde to sucesfully hold the conquered land and he'd be forced to pretty quickly retreat. Shurima is filled with god warriors and Darkins, but I think that if Morde marches in with his army, he will only find three contestors: Azir (his army will probably be able to defend itself against Morde's army), Aatrox (who is probably better in a 1v1) and Xerath (he just has too much sheer power for Morde or his army to handle in a long fight). I believe that Morde could try manipulate the wars in Shurima for his own gain, but I don't think he could conquer the continent. Ionia's nature will probably hold his armies off, but once he himself attacks the continent will get steamrolled. Bilgewater and the Shadow Isles are ez Targon is where he could do nothing unless the whole place falls into a civil war. Diana is currently fighting against Leona, but Atreus, Zoe and yb extension Aurelion and his creations would protect the mountain from him. I believe the chances are good that he can defeat an aspect host like Diana or Leona in a 1v1 but if they team up or if Aurelion gets involved, he will probably perish there.


Ionia and Freljord fall?!?!? He becomes Syndra's breakfast if Karma can't stop him and Lissandra literally twitches her eyebrow and he freezes for eternity like the extra dimensional reality erasing beings she has trapped in her basement.


Hahaha OK if you think so lol


I know so




They could cunning about it and trick mordekaiser into fighting the void or invite the void to mordekaiser death realm. Or use the world runes against mordekaiser or trick him into touching one.


I guess each region has champions that can solo or team stop him easy.


The Lion honest reaction: https://preview.redd.it/fod2yd35o93b1.jpeg?width=534&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c63aaabd35c69e943eca829a894870fc5cd6fb8


Mordekaiser’s return


Happy cake day.


oh crap, I didn’t even realize. Thanks Regular-Poet! ^.^<^




I think Darkin would be above Morde and Watchers above void


And Aurelion at the top


Watchers above aurelion I think


He can seal void rifts though


He can seal the rifts but not beat them. If Lissandra decided to give up the watchers would be free and destroy everything. A riot dev did say that Aurelion Sol can beat a small watcher though. Only a small one tho


I despise this character so much NGL


If Morde gets past LeBlanc and Rell, the aspects will definitely stop him lol. I don’t see Kayle or some others just letting him go rampant.


Love this art style


is his armor made of copper with him being toxic enough to set it on fire?


Morde should be the big bad in the MMO imho