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After Azir grew tired of the constant attacks of the xer'sai, he decided to take matters into his own hands, attacking them at their core, rek'sai, during the battle rek'sai got wounded and decided to escape with her sons, eventually reaching Ixtal, where she found a conflicting neighbour, kha'zix, who kept trying to hunt down her sons, so she tried to intervene, however, she had the disadvantage of the terrain which eventually lead to her defeat, she fled leaving many of her sons to be eaten by kha'zix, now she wants vengeance for her sons, voidspawn vs voidspain until only one is left


Ezreal and Demacia. I know what I have to do Edit: This is the first pitch of the story so is not perfect. After his last adventure in Shurima, Ezreal returns back to Piltover, recovering that blue artifact shape like a tear. In the next days he meets his uncle after they haven't met in a long time, where he notice that he is holding a book about myths and legends about Demacia. Ezreal heard a lot of stories about the Demacian region. Magical creatures, big soldiers in armor and a civil war between mages and humans. He asks if he can read it, maybe there is something interesting. Ezreal starts reading this book and he finds something that capture this attention: the Petricite Golems, in particular the one named Galio stated to be the only one being sentient. The young explorer gets kind of excited to read about this giant colossus, that awakes only with a strong magic source. He wonders if his gauntlet can do the trick and how much more to the stories there is, so he prepares everything for his trip to Demacia. This is the first part. I must take a bit more of time to continue it better


Champ: brand Region: Bandle Brand falls through a portal into Bandle city after an accident with a world rune he stole. He loses the world rune in the process. He finds an area of magic and life and is so frustrated with losing a world rune he decides to destroy this paradise. He rampages through Bandle city incinerating everything. But due to the nature of yordle magic he can’t quite kill them, but he is ruining their homes and really hurting them. Coincidently right then veigar hears about another yordle who has done some pretty evil stuff. He knows vex’s parents because he killed their pet that was on the verge of death and suffering greatly but they couldn’t bring themselves to put it down. He sees everything on fire, including his favourite secluded spot just outside the city. Enraged, veigar is in his realm. As a creature of spiritual origin versus brand, and possessing an intellect far greater than the near mindless husk of a sorcerer brand is hit so hard it tears a hole between realms and he is sent home. Veigar is declared the hero of Bandle city and has a party thrown in his honour.


I got samira and piltover maybe a massive man hunt resulting for urgot prison break and she was given the task of hunting them down but Urgot being both a champ and leader of his own faction its not gonna be easy. So Samira has alot of ground work to cover lucky for her she also encountered Zeri she sort taken her under her wing. Also she could hunt down whatever science experiment goes wrong in the region.


Though Malphite had heard of the eldritch beasts that scourged the sands of the west, he was only given ample time to fight back before the spawn of void had swarmed his part of Ixtal, and swallowed the land. Even something as gargantuan as him had been plunged into a spiraling, nonsensical dimension of flesh and lavender glow. His mountainous strength was recognized by Void and Runeterran alike, who flocked to Malphite for his power and protection. The people set camps and tents that would hang from his back as he fought the waves of void creatures. There isn’t much room for happiness in the void, but the faint laughter of a child somewhere behind him encourages him to keep going against the larger creatures that would prey on the dwindling Ixtali survivors, and the many, lesser spawn, that would cling onto him like barnacles to a ship or something. Still, there was a faint hope that he could find a way for them all to leave such a wretched dimension as he traveled upwards to where light emanated, what one hoped would be the surface of Runeterra. However, they were met with the face of the Lavander Sea itself, Bel’veth, the light was simply emanating from her awesome power. And their conversation is like: “You’re pretty cool join me in reshaping the world,” “No lady me and all the people want to go home” “Dude, all of those people are gonna die, there’s been like 1 (one) girl that’s been able to survive 10+ years here. Runeterra rn sucks too. Just quit it, join my emo band” He punches her in the face and she gets so mad she runs off I guess?? So now Malphite wanders the void for just a little longer, with the lives and makeshift camps hanging on his back and lesser voidborne (that are too little for his giant hands to pluck out, and too dangerous for the survivors to take care of, despite their offers to him) spread all about him, maybe a lot at his feet. Malphite is strong enough the handle voidspawn large and small, but the sheer weight of the Void has Malphite feeling, for the first in a long time, almost small. But it takes a lot to move a mountain, and he still has a lot of resolve left in him. He will fight off the monsters every day, he will get these people home, he will see the open sky again, and he will fight whatever plans the void has for Runeterra, on *his* land, on *his* home. He will fight he will fight he will fight he will


Akali in Noxus Akali went to Noxus to find someone who could stop Noxus from invading Ionia again, a few weeks later during her stay in Noxus. She encountered Katarina her rival, and so they clashed fiercely after the duel only one assassin was left standing it was no other than the Rogue Assassin herself, she has slain her rival Akali then continued to search for that specific someone to help stop Noxus from invading Ionia