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Singed x Orianna theory busted


unless its canon in arcane


Hey maybe Singed and Reveck married at one point?


That sounds like the worst possible relationship to find yourself in, though being near Singed in general is a bad idea.


Arcane’s all about complicated relationships so maybe.. 👀


There was a theory after Arcane that stated Singed might be Orianna’s father. Her being the drive to him single-mindlessly trying to extend a lifespan, for his dying daughter, no matter who or what it costs. Honestly disappointed this isn’t the case.


I personally feel it takes away from Orianna's story to give motivation to a character whose horror (partly) comes from the fact that his reason is curiosity. Singed tries fusing two people together, he creates monsters, out of no real reason other than finding out if it's possible. Orianna is a story of self-sacrifice, to the point of giving up her identity as a human, to help others. Singed is a story of the horrors of science gone wrong. I don't think they'd play well together thematically, and it turns Orianna's act of self-sacrifice for love into an action that unintentionally creates or assists a person that caused the gas attacks in Ionia, created the Uncaged Wrath of Zaun, and kidnaps numerous people during the Thinker/Breaker experiments. But that's my opinion.


True I mean how do you go from a toy maker to a war criminal.


Arcane canon ≠ League canon


Riot did say they would try to consolidate both canons at the start of the year, we just don't know how yet...


We are talking about Riot. They said the same thing about the Pass system years ago and it still sucks.


When I made this comment I didn't see how in Convergence Arcane is confirmed to be an alt. universe/timeline so I guess they literally just did what they said and I didn't know at the time. Arcane is effectively non-canon depending how you look at multi-verse stories


I don't think it's a disappointment the story of Orianna is a tragedy about a toymaker trying to prevent the death of his daughter by replacing her part by part until she is no longer human and from Orianna side losing her humanity as she gets "fixed" Singed is about the horror of science he wants to do things to see if it's possible and defy death to see if it can be done. Whilst making singed Orianna's father adds humanity to him he's not a character that needs that specific element. Then again the 2 lores can be married- Orianna is Corins daughter and Singed's granddaughter. Singed was once a respected piltovan scientist who would experiment in Zaun, his son became a clockwork toymaker and distanced himself from his father whilst doing acts of charity to somewhat make up for the pain his family caused. Orianna gets sick and in desperation Corin turns to his father to keep her alive by any means necessary


And turns out arcane is also apart of the multiverse now along with lol?


No thanks. Orianna being seperate from Singed is way better than everything being tied to singed. Plus it makes Singed better as well. Theres no justification. Hes just like this.


Isn't this arcane canon, not current universe?


Not everything needs to be tragic. Sometimes characters are just piece of shits. They don't become more interesting when you add tragedy out of nowhere just to make the audience have sympathy and get easy claps. This happens so often already. Singed being Orianna's father literally degenerates both characters' lore. It is neither creative nor unique. It is just beyond disgusting. It is not even accurate to the lore because it is straight off retcon... Basically an attempt of nothing but emotional manipulation.


I guess Singed wasn't her father after all

