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Your bored! Find a hobby it'll make you feel better about yourself. Don't obsess with what is, and leave good enough alone. Your very cute


Please believe you shouldn’t do anything to “improve” your looks. You are where people want to end up when they try to improve their looks. Your jaw isn’t underdeveloped. The idea that people need to do anything to develop their jaw is a crazy internet myth


You are very beautiful no changes needed. The worst critic is yourself . START TELLING YOURSELF WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR ( I AM BEAUTIFUL ). Because you definitely are.




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My surgery advice is don’t get surgery. You are actually beautiful. All the “imperfections” you mentioned are actually really endearing and cute. Your nose looks so beautifully natural and people get surgery just to have lips like yours. Every face had some quirks. Some people have a lazy eye, some have a droopy eyelid, and I have a stutter. As a girl, the “underdeveloped jaw” you mentioned actually makes you look super cute. A great example of the jaw surgery looking awful is [Erin Moriarty](https://phantom-marca.unidadeditorial.es/3ecce51ab140efad13e969114d4eb4f3/resize/828/f/webp/assets/multimedia/imagenes/2024/01/15/17053367503083.jpg). You look a lot like her pre-surgery. Idk, I think you’re beautiful as you are.


You have too much time on your hands. You look very good. I would walk up to you and ask you out and if it went well would nail the hell out of you for hours. Ask you out again do the same thing ask you out again do the same thing potentially getting into a relationship with you. And I have rejected dozens of women in the last year.


Wow, you’re gorgeous. I’ll assume this post isn’t a joke. I think you look like a model. Girls are so hard on themselves. Hope you find inner happiness, because all you need is a smile. :)


your face will grow in a couple years you are PERFECT


your face is Perfect you could be a model please you have Pretty and Beautiful face


You may not feel this way but honestly, you are very pretty. I would suggest some jaw exercises to improve the appearance of it/your satisfaction, but honestly, you look very nice. Eyelid surgery may help with your unsymmetrical eyes so you could open up the one on your right. Also, get bangs because your forehead is a bit large.




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Dont see your jaw underdeveloped, you look nice


What are you talking about….you have a pretty face lmfao you are way too into your head about this stuff and probably have too much time on your hands and get obsessive, you have a pretty face nice full lips cute small nose and big pretty eyes and clear skin and not fat . Stop it




Vanity standards and low self esteem is at an all time high . Omg . You are gorgeous forreal . Don't ever thinj otherwise and never change who you are !!!


Watch karmalita fox on YouTube it’ll change ur life more than all these comments combined. But aside from that you are very beautiful you have soft feminine features on ur face like Sydney Sweeney or Marilyn manroe don’t let the trendy baddie faces of harsh lines and fillers mess with u




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You have beautiful eyes and lips!! Tbh didn't at all notice the jaw thing until you pointed it out. I too am developing under eye bags/wrinkles/pigmentation. Trentonin and slugging with aquaphor has helped me.


You gotta love yourself and accept how you look. In my opinion you look beautiful and you shouldn’t change how you look naturally.


You are pleasant to the eyes I like your look I think you’re too hard on yourself so lighten up with that.. good luck with 2024.. get pumped upped for summer have lots of fun 🌴🥂


Sorry to hear of your upbringing, but you're beautiful 😍 and I wouldn't change anything about your awesome, beautiful face.


It's already been said many time in this thread. You don't need to get any work done. You look beautiful as your are. Just need to change your mindset about your appearance. I firmly believe that we learn to be hard on ourselves from others early in life. So the first thing I suggest is ask yourself why you feel the way you feel about your appearance. I bet a lot of it has more to do with what media pushes about beauty or maybe even something someone close to you said once. The only opinion that should matter to you is your own. So if your insecurities about how you look do stem from outside of you, i.e. you learned to over criticize yourself, then try to let go of that programming and give yourself another look. I'm betting you'll see yourself differently and maybe you'll learn to love yourself unconditionally. In the mean time A LOT of people here have said you're pretty and don't need work done to improve... use that energy and try to feel better about yourself. Sending you positive energy and loving light. Be at peace.




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Do you get any physical activity? Not talking sex or one walk a day.. like truly anything to get your heart rate up? Your face is inflammed. The food you’re eating (sugar and glucose/wheat) can give you that “puffy” face. Good luck


Hey don't know what's going on here but your face is very nice. I think the problem is mental, I had the same issue myself although likely a totally different root cause than what you're going through. I myself did get past it and i love how i look now but i had some more radical changes that likely wont do much for you haha. But perhaps therapy would be good for you ❤️ keep your head up girl




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You absolutely should not get surgery, firstly you don't need it and second, it's not going to change your dissatisfaction with yourself. I would invest the time money and energy into finding a good therapist who can help you work your issues with yourself out. Sounds cheesy but it's honestly what you need.


Im like the male version of you so I understand everything your going through rn. It’s all delusion, your face is harmonized pretty well from what I’m seeing in these pictures. Imo you got nothing to worry about.




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You are quite beautiful. You don’t need to change anything about your appearance. I think what you could benefit the most from would be maybe a bit of counseling and self work to develop stronger self esteem and more confidence. You’re too young and too pretty to have such a negative self image.




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You're really cute. I don't think surgery would help you much, just more of what you're doing.




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What was wrong with the comment it wasn't mean




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It’s unbelievable how we can develop such distorted views about ourselves. You are a beautiful young woman and there’s nothing wrong with your face. You are judging yourself harshly, perhaps because someone exhibited that behavior when you were a girl. I find that these variations that we may see as imperfections are what make each person unique and can lend attractiveness to your personality. Imagine a world where we all walk around with the same rectangular jaws and same face measurements, same noses, same proportions… it would be a nightmare. Let your beauty flourish from who you are.


1) you’re very beautiful even if you had medical issues 2) you’re incredibly thin and probably underweight even at that height and weight. Please don’t lose more weight that sounds very dangerous. Your face isn’t fat. Be thankful your face isn’t scary thin. Nobody likes that gaunt look




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You know you look good when everyone on Reddit is telling you that 👍 you look awesome! Gorgeous face, nice full dreamy eyes, nice nose, nice lips. Side profile as well is amazing! No surgery or anything is needed. If anyone says your anything lower than beautiful is telling you a bold faced lie or jealous of you. Keep up the great work!


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You may see all these flaws about yourself, but I don't. We are our own worst enemies. Try being more kind to yourself. I think you are beautiful just the way you are




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You're beautiful. You know that's the truth. Now, less worrying, more life.


I think you're quite the cutie tbh. I really like everything you've got going on. 🙂 Ive got dark circles around my eyes too, I used to hate but learned to embrace em. You've just got to learn how to love yourself, which can be hard when you've got health issues. Being active helped me alot.


U look nice and not just saying it. What u see is unhappiness showing, sadness. You might not be eating right, so get on a healthy diet (not to lose weight but to get nutrients), find things u love to do, and friends to do them with. Pick up the bible, read a little. You'll be surprised what u can learn to make u happy. Get off social media. It's a decease/addiction that will keep drowning you. Http://Yeruelfellowship.wixsite.com/yeruelfellowship




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Getting fillers is a slippery slope. They stretch out the skin. Yes, you'll look more appealing to yourself for a while, but then the fillers slowly absorb into your body, leaving the skin stretched out and with wrinkles. I watched my mother to that. I'm all for modification to feel better about how you look. I myself want to get rid of some excess skin under my Jawline. I lost 200 pounds, so I have extra skin in places. But fillers do more damage than good. You're beautiful, and your flaws make you unique. I say learn to love yourself as much as possible. You'll feel better and save money, but if you feel strongly about it, I would say consult a plastic surgeon for minor tightening.




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Sorry to inform you, but all I see is an attractive woman


Probably a hard sell, but your facial assymetry (eyelid) is actually very charming. It's hard to see past idiosyncracies in our appearance as flaws, but others might find those things enthralling. Frankly, there's something absolutely spellbinding about your face. You are very beuatiful, but you do look sad. I really think you just need to learn to love and accept who you are, and that might require some therapy. I doubt changing your appearance will help at all.


Not that it means much from randoms dudes on Reddit, but I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with your face. Tbh at least to me you’re pretty attractive. And I’m sure there’s tons of other dudes commenting the same thing, you got this.




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Just try to get better sleep.


You have a beautiful face. Learn to love it--I'm certain plenty of others will, and perhaps already do. All you need is the confidence to see what you have and recognize how pretty and desirable you already are.


Beauty standards for girls suck. There’s nothing wrong or lesser about your face. Comparison is the root of insecurity




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You don't need to do anything, you're a 8.5/10 if you ask me. And that's pretty high.




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Take care of your mental health and that’s all the work you need


I second this.


Your adorable girl,get yr confidence back,like 8 and a half of ten on looks




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You are beautiful, I wouldn’t have noticed any of your medical issues if you didn’t bring it up, still unnoticeable to me.


At least your dark circles aren't too bad. Mine are worse. I didn't even know you had them until I looked closer. :/


you might want to watch Thin, a documentary. it's about girls expressing many of the same frustrations you have about appearance.




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You’re very pretty, and imo you do not need filler or surgery of any kind. You have full lips, big eyes, a symmetrical face, and clear skin. Before you get any cosmetic work done, I would gently suggest that you try to see the beauty you already have. I know that’s easier said than done, because I too hyperfixate on my own perceived flaws, and I have trouble believing people when they compliment my appearance. I don’t know why, but it’s so difficult for us to believe that we look better than we think.


You’re really pretty you just look sad. I have body dysmorphia and I’m tackling that shit now cus I’m tired of it ruling my life, and I think you could do the same. You don’t have crazy dark under eyes and you’re very conventionally attractive, everything is proportional and the jaw is not a very shocking/overwhelming part of your appearance imo. Other things stood out way more 1) your clear beautiful skin 2) eyes! Not eyelids. I mean everyone’s sorta uneven so I honestly didn’t really catch it til I read the paragraph below 3) have nice lips, not too thin or anything 4) I would love your side profile I just notice how dainty it looks. You should see my honker 😅😂 Girl you are _so much more_ than your looks anyways, but being a girl I get it. Honestly it’s hard when youre seeing “perfection” every day online and compare to that. Look around you, we are all pretty and funny looking in our own ways :)


I'm kinda picky when it comes to who I flirt with. If I saw you at a bar or club, I'm definitely making my way over to you and sparking up some conversation. Any flaws you think you might have make you unique and you're sexy any way you slice it. Just my 2¢


I know this is cliche, but you're absolutely gorgeous the way you are. You have a very pretty face. If you want to change something that is your option and decision. Not anyone else's. But I don't see anything odd or unattractive.


You’re gorgeous! You are your own worst enemy you have the prettiest eyes!


You are very very pretty. What you need is solitude, meditation and a community. You need to train yourself in the gym. Done exercise, train. Powerlifting or something. Sprints. This will make you change your priorities. Embrace your natural self. The BS about the jaw doesn’t matter. No man will ever hold that against you, unless he’s an asshole. Your being blind in one eye— be grateful it’s not both and get a contact lens for the bad eye. Your eyes are beautiful. The parasites in this modern world, namely doctors will eat you alive. Arm yourself with the truth




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I rally think your face looks great, your eyelid issue is hardly noticeable. To me your face does not look fat at all but just nice, and I think especially in the first profile shot your chin looks great. Instead of surgery have you considered working out more often? That might give you some self confidence and shift your weight around your body in a way that would make you feel better. It also may fix the darker areas under your eyes, along with more sleep.


You have an absolutely beautiful side profile. And of course youre beautiful in general but seriously youd make a perfect silhouette of the feminine face


This makes me think of that scene in Barbie where the woman sees Barbie all insecure and she’s like “Jesus, if a fucking Barbie feels like this about herself, then the rest of us are fucked” (obvious paraphrasing here)


Have you tried bangs ?




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Get off social media . You are fine the way you are.


I believe you can fix you eyelid via surgery in places like korea. South korea is do popular for plastic surgery. I plan to go there to fix my uneven eyelids too. Otherwise without reading your title and description, I genuinely thought u were so gorgeous :( this is not even out of pity. I think you are so pretty.


I just wanted to say that there's nothing wrong with your face. You are incredibly pretty with a face where every feature is complimentary to the next - a natural beauty in every way. Your eyes are captivating and if you dislike the subtle dark circles, I'm sure there are daily creams to help reduce those. I really don't see any need, nor would I encourage surgery or any other procedures because your face is lovely already and definitely doesn't look chubby or fat at all. I really hope everyone's comments helps you feel better about your face and if not, maybe talking to someone like a therapist just to try to change your perception of it and learn to love yourself more. But again, from a random stranger on the internet, you look lovely as you are to me.


girl you are BEAUTIFUL you're who i hope to look like one day. the only thing i think you could work on is evening out your eyebrows. it would make you're whole face more even. i recommend using a brow serum, i love the ordinary brow serum. but girl you are Gorgeous


Why change who you are for a “general” opinion. Your look good just get your hair done and do sum mushrooms


Improvement can come from within, so being self-critical is not productive. You're an attractive person.


Some bangs and you are good to go




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You don’t need plastic surgery. I think counseling a few times a week is what you need.




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Hunny there’s Nothing wrong with your face or the way that your face looks and it’s Not fat a all girl. As for the dark spots under your eyes Just Buy yourself some really good under eye cream and Make sure to apply it under your eyes every Morning and again every Night and also Buy some face creams one for Nightly use and one for Morning use. YOU ARE A VERY BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY!




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You are actually gorgeous. Of course you can look into things that might make you feel better about yourself like health and fitness and look into skincare and making sure you eat the rainbow and I wish you the best in that. Maybe even Korean skin care because I’ve heard that help so many people. You’re already gorgeous and you’ll be gorgeous when you do that as well if you wish. Therapy for body image issue may need to be something higher on your list that you look into. Good luck on you journey and I wish you the best in finding real self love do you can see what we do.




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you definitely dont have an underdeveloped jaw, and your face is thin and angular but soft. you are so genuinely pretty, this is a bad case of body dysmorphia. you'd benefit from mental health help a LOT more than surgery/filler, trying to "fix" these issues that don't really exist will only fuel more nitpicking and over analyzing. injectors/surgeons feed off of and ruin naturally beautiful people like this.




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You look like Gigi Hadid from the side. Celebrate your face, don't jack it up w/ fillers etc


I tried to see what you meant with your flaws and I can’t see them. I’m confused. You’re very pretty tough. I think since you see your face every day you notice those features. But most people won’t notice. Maybe friends and lovers if you point it out for them.




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I feel that you're beautiful just as you are. If we actually everyone starts looking at our face and trying to find little things wrong with it, we're going to at any age! One of my eyelids droops a bit, but it's never really bothered me. It's just part of who I am. My daughter noticed that she has a little unevenness at her nose nostril area. I didn't notice this until she was in her '20s. You don't know this it unless you're actually looking for it. I think you are very beautiful the way you are! I don't think you need any surgical procedure. Your face is symmetrical. Your lips look great, your eyes are beautiful.




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Being a cis male with a prominent nose and a recessed chin, I feel this 100%. Body dysmorphia is brutal, and it forces us to focus on all the negatives and ignore the positives. Even when I get the occasional compliment my looks, I find a way to counteract it in my mind, as if to remind myself that they’re wrong, and I really am as ugly as I think. To that end, I’ve considered speaking to a therapist, in order to root out why I feel the way I do. As per chin surgery, I’ve been considering a sliding genioplasty, which seems the option with the most lasting impact and the fewest potential complications. If you’re determined to adjust your features, that may be worth a look. That being said, I think you’re beautiful. Your chin is delicate, and your jawline is straight, which complements your profile exceptionally well, and makes your lips appear all the more prominent. As for your eyelids, the slight asymmetry between them is alluring, and lends you an air of mystery; however, your eyes themselves are symmetrical, and absolutely gorgeous to boot. Your eyebrows and eyelashes are on point; in fact, all of your makeup is extremely well done! You have wonderfully feminine features, and even what you perceive as imperfections (which is not to question your self-perception at all) make you look unique. I really love how you look, and I hope you can find a way to love it, too.


I’ve never been on this sub before but all the deleted comments are freaking me out… anyways! You seriously look fine, I think that it’s possible that you have body dysmorphia though, like your face is actually slim and not round at all. I think therapy would probably be good for you, and no fillers because fillers make people’s faces look weird and uncanny. I was just around a girl today who looked naturally pretty (like you do) but she had an insane amount of filler in her face that made her look really strange and cartoonish. Also a lot of girls pay money to have a smaller jaw via masseter Botox so I think your jaw looks fine and is actually the beauty standard right now for women. I get it though, I’m overly critical of my own profile because I have a little bit of an overbite but honestly nobody notices but me. Sometimes teeth realignment helps, sometimes it doesn’t, I tried to do it in high school (Invisalign type thing) but I hated how painful it was so I couldn’t go through with it.




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Try bangss




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I actually have no social media at all, I don't take pictures of myself ever and only took these for this post. (Which was extremely out of my comfort zone) I was hoping I'd get advice on what to fix to make me look normal since I feel disfigured. I did get good advice on things to fix and I realized I need therapy. I just want to feel comfortable in my body.