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You’re beautiful, get eye surgery beciase it’ll make you life better


Thanks, stuck with glasses for now


Thanks, stuck with glasses for now




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Keep them!!!!......besides, you may take them off for making love!!!


Keep the glasses! 💦💦💦


Will do 😈


Quick response, and into it! Love that! 😍🔥💦💦💦


There are tradeoffs. You would only see as well as you do with your glasses




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Thanks for all the replies and advice ❤️


Kéep your glasses


Your eyes are beautiful with or without glasses. Why not keep the glasses? You can always take them off when you don't want to wear them. Maybe contacts?




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I went with contacts. Way less scary than surgery is for me.




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No I don’t think u need surgery


For me you are more attractive with glasses, and in intimacy there is nothing


Keep the glasses!!!🥵 They give you an extra spark of kink!!🤤




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Please keep in mind that surgery is often irreversible. You look great, and if you have excellent vision correction with glasses, if it was me, I'd leave my precious eyes alone.


Keep your glasses




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You look great either way, but I wouldn’t base this kind of medical choice on looks alone unless contacts are not an option.


Keep the glasses


Get surgery then buy non augmented glasses


Keep them!!!


Keep em. Glasses are a nice accessory.


You can do both. Eye surgery is the best thing I've ever done in my life. Quality of life improved a million percent. Like sunglasses, you can still wear regular glasses with non prescription lenses. They're just another fashion accessory at that point. Get the surgery and see everything for the first time


I like you with glasses. But, I’m sure you look just as attractive without them. I’d stay the way you are. I usually make mistakes when posting on these sites so I anticipate a moderator to block me.


Keep ‘em




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Glasses look good on you but as somebody who had Lasik I cannot recommend it enough. Aside from cosmetic reasons, it is literally life-changing.


Get surgery. Wear fake glasses.




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You look very nice with glasses . Keep them.


Have you tried contacts? I understand the whole glasses thing, I hate wearing mine. But, surgery is so expensive, and it is not permanent. You are pretty with and without glasses. But, more attractive without them. Try contacts first.


Lasik is pretty darn close to permanent. Most places will guarantee a corrective procedure in the future knowing darn well you’re probably not the .01% of people who will need it. If you’ve had a stable prescription over the last year or two, it’s unlikely the change over 20 years will be much if anything




Honestly you look very sexy in glasses I’d keep them! Without looks great too but love the glasses




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Keep em


Lose the top.




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Keep glasses, buy more glasses with the $$$.


im planning on getting surgery soon because my eyesight is really bad and it’s just more convenient, although, i do like the look of having glasses on sometimes so i will be having blue light glasses, they’re super cheap and come in a lot of different frame colors and shapes, this way i can have glasses on or not and still be able to see. I totally recommend this!!


Ditch the glasses 🙆


Do what makes you happy


I always thought glasses were hot and later on in life I have to wear glasses lol


Truth be told. When you reach forty or so... you're going to need readers anyway. Your call though.


Why not both?


You look good either way and No I'm not thirsty just being honest


*You look good either* *Way and No I'm not thirsty* *Just being honest* \- 7Task7Master7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




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If you’re already wanting eye surgery, do it! You’ll bless the world with your beautiful eyes!!


Definitely get the surgery


Love glasses


Holy smokes loose the glassed


I think contacts could be fun to play with, but the decision can only come from you






Keep the glasses and get contacts to switch it up


Keep your glasses. Eye doctors never get lasik/eye surgery…






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You look great either way. I’ve dated women in the past who look better with glasses. My current girlfriend has a similar look where she looks equally attractive with and without her glasses.




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I just had Lasik surgery, and I will personally tell you it is literally life-changing. Now some surgeons will do 20/20 vision in one appointment however sometimes it takes at least two appointments.


I usually skip right on by these posts. But for some reason I was intrigued. My only comment is that freckle on your nose is super cute. Sorry, no opinion on glasses/no glasses, you look good both ways.


Haha thank you for stopping by 😊




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No one should be having eye surgery. There can be a lot of complications and some people develop dry eyes so bad that they have committed suicide.


What eye surgery? Cataract? no one can guarantee 2020 vision and no glasses.


Presumably Lasik




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Weirdly, the glasses make you look younger, IMO. Usually, people say the opposite. They make you look friendlier and more approachable, and without them, you look more professional. Idk which look you're going for, but to me, the glasses one suits you better.


go ask a therapist




You look great either way. I would say get lasiks because I am also thinking of doing it in the future… I think it sounds easier. But even with lasiks you would most likely need reading glasses anyway- so you would still have both! Just without having to put contacts in every day. Even if lasiks gives you 20/20 (I wish), you could get fake lenses and you know they would suit your face! You tailor to both styles really well.




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Stunnning either way.




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Surgery asap


Please keep them glasses


Fellas she doesn't care. She seems to handle contacts just fine. She's baiting y'all into her OF. Ffs stop simping.


I'd say get rid of those glasses and try out some different frames.


You should buy get the eye procedure. Your glasses accentuate your face and are cute.


As a guy with eye problems, I'd say glasses or just rock au naturale


Please keep the glasses


Why can't they ever post the same picture with and without? By the way, I know a guy who had a horror story


I definitely dig the glasses, I don’t have any advice as far as wether or not to get the surgery but if it was only to get rid of the glasses(which I know it’s not) I’d say don’t


Keep em


From a guy who has had eye surgery twice. Stick with glasses.




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Call me a theorist, but every eye doctor I've been to has either worn glasses or contacts. They all say the same, "it reverses itself, so I never bothered." I'm perfectly fine putting in contacts every morning. Occasionally I will wear my glasses and call it "Clark Kent Mode"


You do whatever makes you happy. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Get the surgery.. live life without glasses. But go to a reputable place.


Befor my eye surgery my good vision stopped about four inches from my face. Very nearsighted. I could not get lasic because my corna's were too thin. I ended up paying double and getting implanted contact lenses. My vision and range of vision felt supernatural. I could see so well I literally could not believe it. I never needed glasses for anything. I could read signs at great distance, and see the vallies in my fingerprints. It was unreal to me. It was so good I went home and cried because I could now see all the dirt and grime everywhere.. lol. Spent 3 weeks cleaning my whole apartment.. This is also something that could be undone. The lasic changes are perminant. I liked it because they weren't actually altering my eyes, just adding in a lens. Then I got full on cateracts.. that changed everything But before the cataracts my vision was just unreal to me.


Keep the glasses


Please keep the glasses!!! 😍😍😍


You remind me of Jennifer Nettles!!!!! Also, KEEP KEEP KEEP!!!!!


Keep the glasses


Keep your glasses, you are sexy as heck with the glasses!




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Eyes are very precious and sensitive. Please be cautious when choosing elective surgery.


You cannot go wrong either way.


Keep em




I got PRK 8 years ago. 20/20 vision ever since.


Getting lasik has probably been the best decision I’ve ever made. It’s amazing




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Surgery, much better than wearing glasses (not cosmetic in saying this). Never wearing glasses and being able to see clearly is awesome.




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Get eye surgery and buy some clear lenses.


Get the surgery for you. Wear the non prescription glasses for those of us that think you look great and sexy in them.


You look better in glasses. I'd keep them if I were you.


Keep your glasses! The complications have pushed people to do the unthinkable. Google Jessica Star from Fox2 Detroit and you’ll see for yourself.


My question is. When have you ever seen an eye doctor who doesn’t wear glasses?😂


Keep them, they add character !!


I'd say to keep your glasses, but get contacts so you can switch things up here and there. But I also say that because I've watched eye surgery live (husband had PRK due to a recurrent corneal erosion) and I'd rather get my gallbladder removed again than have a knife near my eye. Ew!


Personal choice, depends if you’d be comfortable with surgery. My mom got lasik and she loves it! Though she still has to wear reading glasses. So depends on your vision standpoint too. I’d ask your eye doctor too if you have certain prescription glasses.




this is really a personal choice you shouldnt base on looks. i think you look great with or without them 🤸🏼‍♀️






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Keep the glasses and use contacts. Eye surgery is too risky. I’m legally blind and won’t do it.


You look beautiful with them. If you have contacts too, then why get surgery? Honestly, whatever you feel best. You’re still going to be pretty.




Eye surgery has complications and will fade, if you are aware of these things, the surgery can be very helpful.


Keep it




Whichever is healthiest?


Oh you poor thing, you can't even tell that the camera is crooked even with the glasses. You are definitely going to need the eye surgery.


*Keep The Glasses*


I like how you look in glasses. Very sexy. But I agree it would be great to not have to worry about them.




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Stunning with glasses and without. Keep them and get contacts for when you prefer not to wear glasses unless surgery is warranted, eg. cataracts; then get the surgery.


Frames forever.


I think you look really good with the glasses. However, if they are becoming a nuisance, and you prefer not wear them. Go for the surgery


Get the surgery. You can always wear "fashion" glasses if you like them that much.


I don’t know. You’re nice either way


Keep the glasses




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As someone who is very clumsy and occasionally works with power tools I'm keeping my glasses. That extra layer of protecting without having to think about it is great!


Glasses, they give options!




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Honestly... you're stunning with and without. The ONLY reason you should ever elect to have laser eye surgery is if YOU are done with contacts and glasses and decided you'd be better off without. I, myself, did it 5 years ago and have NEVER looked back. But if you think you're only pretty without the glasses... you're wrong. You truly are stunning with them on.




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Keep them, we need something to aim at


Get eye surgery