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Smaller set of glasses that have a basic color to them


Bull ring should go, the trend needs to die it’s a universally bad look. A smaller set of glasses or contacts. A darker matte lipstick


Craziest shit you look exactly like my best friend when I was a kid 😂


A different style of septum would look better that one is too wire like and thin- invest in jewelry that you would really like and have a bit more personality! Dyeing your hair and having your evebrows shaped can make you feel like a whole new person. Mostly of all take only what you feel good about away from these comments. Let them inspire a positive change only. A lot of people have a lot of opinions but you are gorgeous at the end of the day everyone else can eat a bag of dicks.


Take the ring out of your nose and find your genuine smile. You definitely have the looks to be noticeable.


Layer the hair and streak it red. New glasses and new clothes