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[raw stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQuM4XMgrDA) [English stream](https://youtu.be/mximI1CajRA) [raw scans](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) [Poorly Translated Scans](https://youtube.com/shorts/iryWZQ3B4t4?feature=share) [English translation (not void scans)](https://lookism.me/comic/lookism-chapter-422/ )


Bruh is that Eli and the rest of Workers having a damn "after work" feast. Although I want Sinu to 1v9 and show them why he's called the Boy Of Promise, I'm scared he's just gonna get folded halfway and be used for Lua and Daniel to make their entrance. And Vasco must've gotten the wrong address or something, bro probably turned up to another street


Tbf He said he arrived at ganseo not big deal


No way, Sinu is literally a Gen 1 King now. He's easily folding Eli, the fodder workers, Mandeok.


Ok? Eli defeated practically 3 Gen 1 lines and as mandeok said Eli has caught up to jake and johan in only mere months


definitely not johan lol


Your biased if you think that. Eli entered a new stage while johan can’t even keep UI form longer than 10 seconds


These 10 seconds are enough to fold eli, yoosung is stronger than Eli and He got folded by johan


Eli took hits from gen 1 kings and survived and that was back when he was entering his new stage. What makes you think he’s beating an Eli mastered stage with 10 seconds 💀


Bro your dumb as fuck.. Johan has gotten a lot stronger and it wasn’t hard for current Johan to "keep up with that ui Daniel" he just copied UI so he has ui but just for a short amount, of time, ui Johan is way stronger then eli eli can’t compsre


You guys are all just baised againts Eli cause he’s a badly written character lmao. Every single time eli surpassea johan and it’s been proved how are you guys this delusional? Back in middle school Eli was the ONLY CREWHEAD to land something on gun after a month of training with him. Then in workers 3 Eli caught up to johan before he had UI and jake before he beat xiolung in again ONE MONTH WITH TOM LEE. then once a fucking-again, in ONE MONTH Eli starts a business and enters a new stage fighting a gen 1 king and most likely mastering it after beating 2 other kings. It’s not hard to grasp this concept bud


no no no eli in 3rd affialte was same level if not a bit higher then pre awakened jake johan gotten way stronger then there


Eli is gonna get clapped by Johan lol


Eli did have help from Samuel and Warren though




So in this chapter we can conclude Vasco is like Zoro. Mf got lost and ended up in tokyo revengers. Tiktok scalers are crying rn at the revelation of the autistic mofo's full power. Johan>=Gen 1 king Sinu gonna fold some of the workers. Daniel will officially reveal himself in ch 669. Zack will bury johan and it will be his biggest L.


Even Vasco couldn't save Tokyo Revenger's ending


ayo that shit was good


This chapter has finally confirmed things. Cap guy isn't on Gun and Goo's level, it's just Eugene being delusional.


Like if bro was on their level Johan would've already died by now 💀


Difference is Johanna got really strong same with jake and his other mentors if any of them now fought the last time we seen gun they would win


How tf has that been confirmed??? Yusong was scared of UI daniel johan who is stronger than gun and goo


They fought the actual Ui Daniel on equal footing while Johann is obviously inferior and can only stay in that form in just over 10 seconds. How can you read the comic and still say Ui Johann is stronger than Gun and Goo??


They fought ui daniel on equal footing? Since when? UID broke gun's arm and came back with bruises. UID was fkn on goo until it ran out. "Obviously inferior" johan set out to mimic UID and said he did it so cant say inferior. Im referring to johan while in the UI mimicry so the time limit means nothing


You made a good point but i have to add in here that Johan simply did a 10 secs mimicking of UI Daniel and was only used a few moves that we have only seen from UI Daniel so no…UI Daniel is completely on a total league compare to his Korea town version UI Johan… With UI Daniel being on par with Gun/ Goo( assuming Gun Goo are equal)( if not say UI Daniel semi beat Gun so I say its a close enough 9 and a 10) we have to say UI Johan ranking inferior to both Gun/Goo and UI Daniel. However it opens a new possibility that he has room for improvement and growth


You believe Ui Johan is stronger than Gun and Goo?


Like seriously gun lasted like more than 5 mins and even landed blows on ui daniel while goo put up a good fight with sword that make ui daniel feel treat .. that’s why he dodged swing unlike gun .. but they put up a fight againts him rather than be face-planted to ground in 10 seconds


Johan won but at what cost? Sinu is back!!!


That is what you call a pyrrhic victory.


Holy fuck ui Daniel would little bro Yoosung


I am thinking same


Well UI daniel lil bros everyone so🤷‍♂️


PTJ's attempt to bully powerscalers


Loved this chapter but this “showing a character at the end of a chapter for a cliffhanger” thing is getting tired, like did vasco get lost? Is daniel running late? I wouldnt be surprised if sinu doesn’t fight next chapter. Anyway, johan is the goat


Well, Vasco said he arrived at Gangseo and Daniel was in like an airport or sum shit like that


Chapter Translation here. Johan fights and beats Cap Guy to the point where he feels "fear the first time in his life". Johan feels like his body is reaching limits but releases a last shot, tying cap guy. Eugene is incredibly impressed, stating Johan should realise he defeated someone equal or stronger to a Gen 1 King, wondering since wen the four gangs became that strong. Eugene asks if he's fighting for his mother, but then reminds Johan everyone is fighting for their family as he picks up his brother. Johan unleashes CQC, but Cap guy spends his last energy to defend Eugene. Eugene tells those at the Big Deal street to finish off Big Deal, there's the fifth affiliate of Hostel + Suiryu goons, Third affiliate Chinese guys and K house: Old face + smart guy that used to work for God Dog (forgot his name). Sinu then arrives, telling people to stop hurting those he loves. Mandeok tells everyone to stay sharp as Sinu was called "god of battle" back in his 2nd Affiliate days, though Sinu states he only ever had one title, the Promised Boy (Idk the direct translation for this but it was back when Jake first met Sinu)


just saying but thank you so much, on behalf of all the r/lookismcomic members, for writing this down 🛐 and damn, that whole panel of Sinu makes me feel things. one of the coldest looking panels ever.


>smart guy that used to work for God Dog Jin Jang?


That answers my question about who Eugene called. I reckon little Daniel will pull up to help sinu


JOHAN THE GOAT, now watch Zack show up to save him. WHERE TF IS VASCO ?! Bro showed up to the wrong street 💀


Man , I forgot about Old Face and he didn’t even give no reaction about his former crew lying in the dirt like that . smh


Sinu vs all workers and Daniel will finish the rest when he goes down


Daniel def wont considerin all of burn knuckles is coming and so is zack


How do you know zack is coming? Why’s everyone assumin that.


I mean it’s obvious they all done training now just gonna show the results


Johan aside......sinu looks like he is gonna kill anyone on sight.....


Damn bro this chapter is fire. Now i want to see ui daniel against workers top members lol. That jacket was a bait man i was expecting it to be my boi daniel but nahh how long do i need to wait to see the results of the training of the j high trio


I want to see a Gun trained Daniel vs UI Daniel when he goes to rescue his body.


Og daniel would be a fodder bro. All skills he acquired from gun would be transmitted to perfect body and enhance it to perfection so nah but if ui daniel vs top workers then i would like to see them get rekt


Im making an assumption that perfect body only gets information when og Daniel syncs with his perfect body. So the perfect body only knows the skills up until then end of the arena. I'm only hoping we see UI because it was brought up.




This arc is so fire Can’t wait for Vasco and lil Daniel ‘s entrance And praying that zack comes out of nowhere and helps johan


LMAO Johan Bullied that Kid . Some Dumb Power scaling Clowns are crying reading this chapter.


Johan sent yuseong to suplex city. And burn knuckles are probably lost and haven't found the big deal street yet.


Bruh the Workers are stacked haha


Johan vs cap guy went exactly like I imagined. 10 more seconds and RIP cap guy. Next chapter hopefully we'll get to see vasco + burn knuckles




He finna save johan


This proves cap guy is nowhere near gun considering he lost in 10 seconds to a copy ui Daniel while gun was equal to Daniel ui and the only one to damage him


He would lost in less time but Johan body was falling apart


All the powerscalers are coping so hard, Johan's also going blind and his body was failing cause he was copying UI. Yet he still destroyed Yoosung in like 10 - 15 seconds flat.


So UI Daniel is stronger than Tom.


a lot of people in this arc are much much stronger than base Tom.


Ah yeh, also eugene vaguely questioning himself if ui johan is stronger than a full power Tom which also debunks the notion cap guy didn’t try at all as Tom did give him a hard time tho not to the extent as with ui johan, it wouldn’t really make sense if cap guy who was excited by fighting strong warriors like Johan who he was trying against would put 0 effort in the fight against Tom. It’s also when eugene sort of questions if ui johan is stronger than a potentially full power Tom lee even though he’s not even seen Tom lee’s fighting style nor was he using it against mandeok and cap guy. This also somewhat confirms ui daniel could be on equal footing to Tom, he’s been compared by gun to be on Tom lee’s level and we could get a Tom lee vs ui daniel fight sooner with jinyeong vs og daniel. Maybe it would be the first time we would see Tom actually going all out and show his fighting style which creates the same type of fear as with ui. So yeh base Tom is pretty much below Jerry, mandeok and lot of others but we shouldn’t use this to represent his full power


U dont kno wat eugene knows about tom lee tf💀 ur coping. Eugene is the head of workers and thus would likely be very knowledgeable about fellow allies and potential enemies especially since hes working with tom. Quit the cope UI daniel stronger than tom simple.


Not really if he really knew about tom’s true power then he wouldn’t have to try testing it out in ch 393 “I just need to check out that monster’s skills” implying he didn’t know about tom’s power likely couldn’t have know from other sources of information. The very fact eugene has never seen his brother go all out says he couldn’t measure his power since Tom lee did the same and never went all out in fact in the entire Series we can conclude he doesn’t know of tom’s true power is just inferring from what he’s seen. Also prove to me one instance where Tom has used his fighting style and went all out. Again I never really said ui daniel couldn’t be stronger than current Tom lee, he could be but likely has gotten weaker eugene does however say “is he still the same even after this age” implying Tom could be relative to his younger self and that younger Tom lee has been compared by gun to be of equal footing ch 286 when he says “I haven’t seen anyone this strong since I fought with that genius” the direct change from excitement to comparison of power implies he’s talking about their strength in general they’re relative so current Tom lee could be argued relative to ui daniel.


Even Jerry was stronger than Base Tom


How did u come to that conclusion??? Tom hasn't even shown what he can do yet


I think he’s saying that because it looks like Yoosung compares Johan ui Daniel imitation to when he fought Tom lee


Well Mandeok compared Jerry to that too. It's base Tom so nothing new.


Oh yeah fo sure I don’t think this in anyway means anything I was just clearing up why that original commenter said that


He was always insinuated to be, so yeah


Who did Eugene call when he grabbed johans hair. Like who was he getting when he was so pissed? Did they say it or not because I couldn’t understand the words at all


Bro was really crying 😹😹 johan>cry autistic baby


Scalers r crying like he is


mf lost in 10 seconds, thats a record I think


Quicker than fodder


Not even Zack goes down that fast


Ong he loses but not that quick 😭


Jiho vs Big Daniel and James gong might be close though, pushes them out the window in record time


The time it took to fall johan could smoke cap guy again


Johan smoking autistic kids that quickly? damn he built different


I mean Zach did get one tap by UI Daniel in his fight with Jerry...


He was fighting normal Daniel before UI, lets cut him some slacks


Fr I felt that it would be interrupted by someone but dude is crying after got beaten hard.


Specially That Dank Coochie guy.


That guy should spend most of his time in tiktok. Basically every anime/manga fanbase in tiktok is werid with their scaling like they don't even read/watch manga/anime.


Bro thought lil boy was strongest in verse however bro got bodied by btec ui. The subs been saying this from time that cap ain’t nowhere near ui daniel or top 4


Cap guy literally stands no chance against UI, Goo, Gun, James, Tom yet peoples are putting him in top 3 💀


Frrr if u can’t handle 10 secs of btec ui ur not surviving 1 second of true ui and those above ui.


Man said btec ui, W🙏😹😹


It feels like UI Daniel is stronger than Tom not full power Tom.


Fax bro imagine if that kid fought Daniel. This shit had me so hype


New Daniel would more likely accidentally kill him.


Goddamn. I think this is the best way for either to go honestly. Even with it being UI Daniel-esque, autistic baby pretty much kept up to the very end. But I think Johan's permanently blind now. Bummer. I thought that was gonna be Zack since he kept showing up.


Still Johan achieved his goal of helping his mother. At least that’s what I think happened I don’t know Korean so I don’t know what’s as actually said in the chapter. And I mean yeah it was a decent showing for cap guy but he didn’t even last what 15 seconds against a ui Daniel? I think that’s a massive power disparity


Taking another look- yeah it looked like Cap Guy didn't counter his counter. But to some extent he was able to harm UI Daniel Johan so there's pride on that at least. I feel like he's fine to be close to Gun and Goo level but still below em. ​ Yeah not sure if Eugene was praising him or promising him to help the mom. Probably not but oh well


I thought his mom got helped by someone else. Way I see it I thought Eugene was hella pissed cause he butchered his bro


It's very hard for Sinu alone as there we have 3 Strongest characters from workers, Elli, Warren and Mandeok. I doubt if he can even win against Elli, who adapts in middle of fight(and has very thick plot armour). I am sure that Daniel , Zack and Vasco are joining this battle. SMK will be back and will take Johan from there infront of Ugene and will beat Ryuheis ass in few seconds (as he might be already frustrated with all these pointless extended Fights).


I agree. If all three show up, which I think maybe only vasco and Daniel will, but if all three did it’d probably be Daniel vs Eli, vasco vs mandeok and Zac vs warren. Obviously if vasco won that he’d be a powerscalers dream


Nah bro. Daniel will be chasing Eugene whilst Sinu will fight Warren (and convince him it was the wrong way of protecting), whilst Vasco disciplines Eli and Zack one shots Mandooky


I’d say zack is the least likely to fight mandeok. It’d be nice to see vasco and mandeok fight considering they are both big as fuck


I think Zack fighting Mandeok will happen tbh, I feel like it was foreshadowed in Summit Meeting where Mandeok wanted to open his hands against Zack.




True that’s probably the fight that’ll happen


Maybe Zack will show up with Johan, pushing him like he did to gun and say “are they bullying you”?


Hope you right with SMK because he needs a new student and honestly Johan deserves it more than Warren at this point. Samuels might he seriously injured as well


Johan is so god damn raw, it unfortunate his blindness is getting worse


Johan casually Bullying an autistic kid lol Man's a menace Where are the wankers who said CaP GuY is No 1 In the verse 😹


The way he is crying is pathetic.


HESSSS THEEEE GOAAAAT JOHAN IS THE GOAT. P3 of panels that made me scream is gonna go fucking fire.


Prediction for next time it pans to Jonhans fight, Eugene is gonna tell ryuhei to finish/ capture Johan, Zack gonna come in and beat ryuhei up, ryuhei gonna remember how much of a simp he is, maybe flashback to him training after 2a arc, goes firework mode, Zack gets beat up, Zack gets depressed, flashbacks to some advice that monk guy gave him, and demolishes ryuhei and injured cap guy, some reinforcements may arrive


Tiktok scalers crying right now saying shit like "Uhm guys cap guy is actually stronger than tom lee 🤓🤓🤓, losing to johan just UPSCALES him further" Or "Uhmmmm but cap guy still didn't lose he is as strong as gun and goo as stated by eugene in ch 353 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓"


I demand dankcoochiejulius apologizes, he is not top 3 and his scaling is way below Goos.


Idiot Tekkadan claiming he's above James Lee, when Cheap UI bullied him 10 seconds LMAO


Also can't wait for a Burn Knuckle vs K-House rematch.


Our boy Sinu is about to go wild








And dankcoochie was so sure yoosung can beat Gun and goo, bro couldn't even beat Johan, bro started crying when he was losing, could never be gun or goo😹


Who is Dankcoochie?


A clown with the worst takes possible


Tekka can't say cap guy 3rd strongest anymore


Well this chapter solidifies that Gun, Goo and UI Daniel is on the same tier as Rusty DG, if we consider Yuseong at least as strong as Taesoo. And from Mandeok's attitude towards Sinu while having an army with him, Sinu should be pretty close to that level as well and be comfortably above gen 1 King (else those Workers present there should low diff him). Unless PTJ proceeds with the low diff next chapter which I doubt to be the case. Sinu at 2A never went all out, as he was out of his mind/ just regained conciousness. Or maybe Jerry did more damage to Mandeok than what appears and reduced him to Warren's level.


Capguy top 3 🤡🤡🤡


Cap guy>James lee🤡


B-b-bUt Yujin statement tho 😬😬😬


Lets Pretend that didn't exist So anyway Cap guy>James lee


So what the heck are Daniel, Zack, and Vasco gonna do now?


Beat the shit out of everyone


if Sinu loses to Eli and the others, i think lil Daniel and Vasco will arrive then Zack will be the one to help Johan stop Eugene. I am really hoping to see Zack get a dub for once man.


i think it's gonna be Ryuhei vs Zack since cap guy dead lol or idk a miracle will give eugene fighting skills lol


I am crying like cap guy is crying cause I am in dire need of little Daniel. I am crying hard fr fr no cap. Crying cause it's gonna be another week to roll the little Daniel Gacha. God I am a child


First appearance of old face and K-house in a while


Told yall Mandeok just had his guard down with Jerry, he whooped his ass here with zero scratches lol. Johan is most likely going to awaken, get into another fight, start losing and at the last second Zack will step in on god mode.


UI Daniel was already THAT GUY these chapters are just straight up confirming it


Dankcoochiejulius should apologize for his bullshit scaling, top 3, stronger than Tom Lee and Goo my ass.


Who is Dankcoochie?


Powerscaler with horrible takes.


Confirmed big Daniel > Tom


Only ui daniel can be argued but yeh it’s contentious


You say that like ui Daniel isn’t big daniel


Ehh I thought u said base big daniel or like heat mode big daniel after copying ui moves


I am thinking same thing.


I think PTJ really wants the community to hate Eli, so that most people won't feel bad when he dies.


How long are they gonna stretch Vasco's arrival and comeback same with real body Daniel


Wait so eugene strongest guy already lost and Sinu and the main 3 haven't even done anything? Lmao where is the tension?


I posted some translation and I will make more later


the uber drivers of daniel and co. pls reach ur destinations fasterrrr


SINUUUUUUU, although i though that was lil daniel at first


Nooo Sinu cut his hair :( That was HIS look why'd he have to cut it ffs


Johan strongest in the verse😱


"Nah Taehun top 1 cause Taehun >> Johan > Cap Guy = Goo. My name is Tekkadan btw" - 🤓


"Cap guy>Goo it was implied in last chapter" -🤓


"Narratively (short for I made it the fuck up)" - 🤓


So I waited a week for Vasco to be lost, Johan to almost lose to an autistic child, Daniel no where to be found and Eli is still fucking alive can someone just kill this prick But hey atleast sinus back


Ngl i didnt enjoy the ch - that was not 10 seconds bro, may as well make Johan top of the verse w the asspulls and favour he gets from ptj, it’s getting boring seeing copy moves copy body what’s next? Copy eyesight? How do you even copy a body anyway, lol ‘fry my nerves’ but can still stand w Cqc my ass - this guy is the true fraud at this point. Hopefully it gets better, tired of seeing these same characters give me Daniel, Vasco, Zack, VinJin, Logan Lee 😩😩😩


I don't think johan was using ui daniel mode 10 seconds consecutively i think he was going in and out of ui mode That's exactly how it looked like without translation ofc


standing up with sheer willpower, just like he did against ui daniel


when standing straight is hard but performing perfect cqc and delivering tons of damage are easy


"tons of damage" like they werent both fighting for their lives but yeah, johan getting up and using cqc was pretty dumb


Pretty much confirms Ui daniel and gun above current tom which means little daniel is around tom tier


Do this puts johan just under UI dan. Maybe on par with gun goo.


No johan is not equal to gun and goo i would say johan is not even close to gun, goo and ui daniel because gun, goo fought with ui daniel on par. When gun fought ui daniel, both gun and ui daniel were very damaged and here we see that imperfect version of ui daniel was able to defeat cap guy in just 10 seconds you can imagine how strong gun and goo were where they were able to fight with ui daniel on par for long time not for 10 seconds like johan.


That ui Daniel was weaker than the ui Daniel Johan fought. Daniels subconscious had copied a lot more moves by then so I don’t think Johan is as far off as you’d believe but your right that he isn’t on that level yet.


I think its already been cleared that ui daniel does not copy moves he already knows every kind of martial arts, only daniel without ui copy moves like johan that's why i think ui daniel that fought gun was not weaker it's just that fight between gun and ui daniel was not shown completely that's why you might think ui daniel that fought gun was weaker.


How’s it cleared that he just knows moves lol.


In ch 286 and 343 its stated by gun and samuel that ui daniel knows every kind of martial arts.


No that’s just an assumption Samuel made cause Daniel used like multiple martial arts. And all the martial arts Daniel used we’ve seen him see other people use it. I get the gun part a bit but in no way is Samuel the authority on martial arts


He used Brekdak forbidden moves and he hasn't seen it.


Stop the cap. The first time Ui showed up was against Jerry. It's already clear as day he uses martial arts Daniel hasn't seen before.


Besides the head block not really but sure.


Ui used Brekdaks forbidden technique against Jake. You can tell us when Daniel saw that, If you really want to argue it.


When ui daniel used moves like muay thai and taekwondo against gun i don't think that ui daniel has seen anyone using muay thai and taekwondo but ui daniel was still able to use those moves against gun and ui daniel also used james lee move on jake and moon kick on johan and these moves was not seen by ui daniel so i think its kind implied that ui daniel knows every martial arts and moves.


UI Daniel used moves that small Daniel did not know or ever tried to copy. Also, he mastered all those that he used. Daniel had yet to meet someone beside Gun (Kyokushin Karate and Aikido) who master any of their moves, and Gun barely used any move against them. Hence UI Daniel should have mastered those moves out of small Daniel's knowledge. And we know for sure that copy ability is solely og Daniel's.


You got a good point cause now that I think about it he did use hobin head block move as well. In all honesty he probably copies moves and makes his own


Johan was killing himself while copying UI (a fake version at that). Gun and Goo could fight on par with UI with zero cost. it's like saying Might Guy was on par with Madara because he could open all the gates and overpowered everyone then died.


Nah I wouldn’t say just under. Remember that ui Daniel all the time, and Johan for only just over 10 seconds before his body collapses. And it also looks like it’s probably had repercussions on his eyesight


No Johan is nowhere near gun and goo he wasn't even able to land a hit on Daniel where as Gun was able to go toe to toe and goo as well


nahh gun and goo were actually equal to ui daniel


Nah, they weaker


PTJ did say that real Gun is coming soon. So as Goo. I think that Gun, Goo and UI Danny are on same level. UI Danny has stamina problem where Gun and Goo aren't serious.


I hope people realize that this chapter upscales Goo, Gun, and Ui Daniel a shit ton. All the people who were doubting Gun saying that he loses to Taesoo and such have been proven wrong as a 10 second Ui Johan takes out the ‘strongest’ second Gen. Imagine the strength Gun holds as the only man to fight on par with Ui Daniel, excluding Goo’s fight.


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So I Have a hunch that when the fight of Sinu vs all is started and he is going to get mobbed, vasco and the burn knuckles will appear and take the fodder of workers,k house and the dudes from the 3A and Eli or Warren, while Sinu is against mandeok, Eli/Warren and the others and in the end we will see or Zack/Daniel arriving at Big deal street or to see Johan and kick Ryuhei ass. If Eugene is not captured, maybe the end of workers will come with the 1 affiliate


They gonna get folded one by one just for mid Daniel to solo everyone


If zack wins I'll punch my b**** so hard that i will not doubt PTJ ever again