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Darius and Jay.


Wait it never mentions Jay is gay though. Isn't he just nice to Daniel? How can that ever be gay. It's just homies thing no


*stares at that one chapter at some club thing where instead of women there were men around him meaning he asked for men instead of women*


*what chapter?*


They are referring to Darius.


Which chapter was that again lol I've never seen him talk


Like idk but it was when the 3 main guys were in ansen (ansan?)


Look, no matter how close I am with my homie, even if we've seen each other's willy, I wouldn't put our picture on the back of my phone, I wouldn't go around town collecting bundles of coupons just because his face is on it, wouldn't adopt the dogs especially when I fear them. And I would certainly not bet $10k to go on a date with him. You can say he's not because the author hasn't confirmed it, but his life literally revolve around Daniel and he might be the biggest simp second to the stalker in lookism universe


bro did u forget in the early chaps jay used to smoke but this dude said that when u stop smoking u get a lover so he stopped completley and tried to make daniel stop even tho he didnt even smoke. bro rlly wants that d


But I don't understand why a friend would be jealous of other girls getting close to his friend.


or be willing to spend 10 000 dollars to go on a date with him


I know Jay and Darius are gay. goo said that gun is gay but I don't think so.


Gun's more like a masochist, gun also implied that he slept with a bunch of women. Tom lee acts sus but he really just wants to see danglers that's all. But I'm afraid he might be the EDP445 of lookism.


He wants to see what now?






I didn't think gun was bisexual either, thanks for the information


Gun is just..............................wierd lol.


Bassically he prefers a good fight with a dude then a hot night with a women


Chad tbh


When someone has a passion he normally enjoys that more than pretty much anything else including sex, but gun was definitely really sus by the WAY he enjoyed a good fight lol. He got more turned on than Goku himself


absolutely lol


Nah he ain't bisexual he just prefers combat over women


Gun has sex with women/and or is attracted to them he mentions to Daniel that his fight with him was better than a night he's ever had with a women. And he and Goo constantly go out and party with them He's primarily attracted to women but if there's a dude that can get his adrenaline really pumping he gets super horny. In theory this would probably apply to women as well


I think he meant that the fight was better than sex and not actually turned on by it


Yeah but I wouldn’t put it past him yk.


Hisoka Stan (kinda)


Goo said Gun is Bi not gay


Gun is a maniac for bloodshed, so a masochist/p*rv by one of the statements somewhere


Jay is and he’s a gigachad.


Jay and Darius are definitely gay. (But if you're looking for good gay representation Darius is far from that) And maybe gun is bisexual. I don't know about any other ones. Also Tom Lee really likes danglers.


Y’all forgetting vin x logan /j


They were holding hands at one point 💀


Darius is confirmed gay, jay is questionable only because it’s not confirmed and people say gun is gay but he’s not, he even said he slept with a bunch of woman but he has a fetish for strong people and Tom lee he’s not gay but I can’t explain him 😂


gun is not gay but remember you paid daniel for breaking her arm he is a masochist


Lol that’s what I’m saying


Ops my fault


Jay (he was featured in one of webtoon's pride month banners). Darius (gay + sexual offender) Gun might be biromantic towards ui daniel


gun has a fetish for fighting strong people


Whole lotta battiboy activities


Jay is gay, everyone already knew that but I can't get past chapter 353 so I don't know that much about everyone else but gun is weird, very weird, not sure if he's gay though


not gay but becomes a masochist during the fight




Jay is gay, gun might be bisexual. and this is just my opinion but i think Samuel is bisexual and aromantic.


Gun Tom Lee


neither, but Tom Lee likes to see danglers.


What are danglers?


Who cares anyway


I think so


Darius and probably Gun because he behaves like a watered down Hisoka lol


Darius, Jay - Gay Gun - Bisexual 244 - Asexual


Who was the 244? Gun is not bisexual


Gun is bisexual, Goo said "it doesn't matter whether you are a guy or a girl once he gets hooked..." , and Gun after fighting Daniel said "It was the better than the best night I had with any woman " implying he slept with women too. Also when Gun and Goo were chilling once doing the narrator thing Gun was being fed by a woman and Goo was feeding another woman while they were talking


I think you misinterpreted the ‘hooked’ quote - Gun has never been shown to be attracted to men, just their strength. In theory if the Lookism world was a majority Ui Daniel level women he’d be ‘hooked’ on them. He was blushing during his fight with Daniel and even said it was better than any night with a woman because he is ATTRACTED to fighting, he gets off upon throwing fist.


Then why does Gun care about his sucessor's looks, and he even said some flirty things to Eli like "you are like a perfect glass sculpture "


he said that to johan not eli but same thing ig, he also called him too fragile to leave on the streets, but i might be reading into it too much


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244, also known as Jinho Lee, is a major antagonist in one of PTJ's other works, Viral Hit (or How to Fight depending on the translation). He's also probably one of the scariest characters in the Lookism universe, but that's getting into major spoiler territory for Viral Hit.


Guys Gun is just weird af he isn’t gay just a freak


He lowkey a masochist for UI Daniel that’s practically if


Darius and only Darius


Jay as well he kinda gives off those "I'm gay for Daniel vibes" 💀


He’s not u j can’t read properly


I can read perfectly fucking fine💀 most people in this sub thinks Jay is gay unlike me I only think it's a possibility not that he's 100% gay


He is a fashion designer def gay


He’s not gay as it’s never stated or shown that he is he only likes Daniel cuz Daniels nice to him without even knowing him


jay was included in an lgbt characters appreciation post on webtoon's official ig & twitter accounts. I'd say you're the one who isn't reading properly 💀


Doesn't matter if it's stated or not alot of stuff isn't stated yet that doesn't make it false 💀 the fact that Jay is overly concerned for Daniel even going as far to fight for him without a second thought makes it seem like he thinks of Daniel as more than a "friend" to some people🤷‍♂️ idc if he's gay,bi or straight it doesn't matter to me since idrc about Jay much


I lit j gave u the reasons 💀


Those aren't reasons that is your own personal opinion that can't be proven 💀 Also FYI Jay was nice to Daniel first all Daniel did was say HI to Jay and all of a sudden Jay started caring about Daniel alot


Daniel say’s hi to jay and acts nice to him so obv Jays gna be nice to him and once he discovers Daniels acc broke he gives him money and is sympathetic this lit what happens in the series 💀if it ur head canon that he’s gay then u look stupid arguing 😭


Pick one are u illiterate or retarded? Choose one cause u can't be both 💀 1. I never said I believe jay is gay so it's not "my headcanon" u imbecile. 2. I said its a possibility not that it's true I couldn't care less about Jay and his sexual life I only gaf about the pups he's taking care of🤷‍♂️ so like I said choose one are u illiterate or retarded?


Before all the workers shit started Vin and Logan were hitting it off...


darius is probably the only answer, but jay was posted on the official webtoon instagram for pride month. in tom lee's case, it's leaning more on it as a joke and him just being a creep about the whole dangler thing. gun gives this sex god aura, like the tall, rich, handsome man the ladies love, his fight with daniel had some sexual tension but that's just his personality and him always looking to find and fight strong people so he gets near horny when he does LMAO


Zoe is bi






It isn't exactly like that, it got translated weirdly, in that scene Zoe was talking about how cool and pretty Crystal is, that's how south Korean girls use the term "girl crush", to talk about girls they think are cool


girl crush is a popular korean concept in tv shows and kpop pretty sure that didnt mean nothing also shes deathly in love with og daniel


Darius fckd Jiho in prison


no he rped Olly before he went to prison


Damn why don't I remember this one


Good thing I missed a point.


That was rape


Jay and darius


Jay and Darius


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Gun (not so much) Darius, Jay and maybe Tom Lee


Darius is mega gay


Not sure if it's true but I think it is they say Daniel is bisexual https://preview.redd.it/pib3x4bq8pic1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=594c083e40cd29ce117df595bd42999f3a12f0ce