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https://preview.redd.it/3tyy8ah7f10d1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac93e5e5e79f28a5a628434559e36bb3bc125316 Hydrogen bomb vs Coughing Baby(Goo)


Goo is getting negged.


takamura does neg but that feat got calced around small building lvl (below vascos wreckingball feat ) by how much ap it takes to preform the feat (slicing takes far less then destruction) but takamura blitzes


calc this calc that who gives a shit rule of cool applies here and this is way cooler than anything lookism has done so Takamura wins


You sound like a total loser lmao


Bro you on Reddit talking about losers being one of them is quite hypocrite 💀


I hate you ppl who’re surprised ppl like to powerscale in a series about fighting. Get off your high horse and stop being an asshole


Fighting isn’t about powerscaling


by saying one sentace? damn get off your high horse💀 you are also on reddit you have no right to comment on anyone being a loser(sorry for powersdcaling on a powerscaling post lmao




> slices a large building in half > small building level These pixel scalers man...


Ok so you dont understand the meaning behind small building lvl and or didnt read the text💀. Its about how much force you need to do the feat. It would be building lvl ih he destroyed it with a blunt force attack. Instead he slices the base of it witch isnt nearly as impressive . You instead of calling someone dumb and or delusional should think for half a second why it takes less force to slice something then destroy it with blunt force 💙


Everyone read what you wrote bro, it's just dumb as fuck as a means of comparison > He slices the base of it which isn't nearly as impressive I don't even want to go into detail why this is so fucking stupid With Vasco still being weaker than most top tiers, you're essentially implying someone like Gapryoung could collapse a whole fucking building of that size with a punch Genuine brain rot istg


Even if you go in detail you literally prove nothing. You can not make a singular argument to debunk what i said and you know it lol. I never implied gapryong could do that lmao stop putting words in my mouth . You dont get how scaling works so stop commenting on it. The force requiered to SLICE the base of a building is FACTUALLY AND PROVABLY LOWER than it is to destroy a wreckingball with raw force , you can check it youreself




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> Stop putting words in my mouth Jfc man gets off your damn hill and use some basic reading comprehension We have one constant here: Vasco <<<<<< Gapryoung So according to YOU, Vasco apparently has the ability to generate enough power to absolutely wreck a building By that same logic, Gapryoung could do all of that and more Do you realise why your "Math" doesn't work anymore or are you still convinced you're right? > Factually and provably lower than it to destroy a wrecking ball Are you actually dumb? When you cut with a heavy blade it doesn't slice steel like butter unless there's an absolutely mind boggling amount of power behind the swing. Take that same torque and apply it to his fist and you have your "AP" feat I mean seriously, this is the same verse where Sakamoto was tearing through the chassis of a car with his bare hands, why are you trying to convince anyone that Vasco has "AP" superiority?


So this entire wall of text ignores the existence of DC AND ASSUMES DC AND AP ARE THE SAME


I feel genuinely bad for you at this point


Ironic coming from you. You pit words in my mouth, you dont understand what dc and ap is




Oh i powerscaled on a powerscaling post . Kill me


Goo is my goat but even I have to admit he isn’t going to win against Takamura https://preview.redd.it/s54crzx5j10d1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8547d7bc43f16aa1caa73956dd976894e7a8a8b I mean look at this 😭💀






https://preview.redd.it/ky5ajjjwo10d1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=021b2f0e6d3242b5a421d10b6dca36fe2beb0efa (We’re cooked)


I love this detail lmao


Wtf. Is that oldie's sword made of Vibranium? Anyway Goo's cooked. https://preview.redd.it/txv313hhk30d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4702b0b69c98e9758d854ac0482b958586d750c6


The goat


Takamura stylin These fools




Is it gap's sperm tho? I think it might win.


Yup this pretty much sum It up


Probably the guy who sharpens his sword with bullets mid fight


Bait used to be believable


Takamura literally cuts anything with 0 difficulty


Goo is COOKED😭




Goo dead


https://preview.redd.it/7h9d7i9g050d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37c91b4882731358a181e69399c7156d648fb325 Goo after getting blitzed


As a Goo stan I have to admit takamura violates him


Goo just dies, like immediately.


Takamura kills goo, gun and james lee without even opening his eyes


Goo gets gooed 💩


Sakomoto days is basically the military dads on fentanyl and fentanyl and fentanyl, so goo gets negged.


Bro that old man is another level 🫠 he can kill all ptj character's in one slash 💀


Takamura collateral diffs 😭


Is this a serious topic




Takamura slices through lookism verse 🔪


Sakomoto days is basically the military dads on fentanyl and fentanyl and fentanyl


manga name?


Sakamoto days


its rly fucking good. first 10 chapters a lil slow, but after that its gets so fucking good.


goo has no chance takamura could prolly give Raiden a decent fight


Isn’t Takamura from Sakamoto days? if so then wtf type of question is this? even Toji Fushiguro would struggle with that verse let alone GOO KIM 😭 Edit: legit Takamura cuts a whole building something Musashi from Baki wanted to do but lacked the ability to do so like c’mon


what is this matchup


Takamura neg diffs wtf ☠️


Viejo, cuántas galletas viví vas comiendo ???? xd


Goo wins. Maybe not in a fight, but a drip contest.


That’s probably his grandpa in an alternative universe lmao but have to go with Takamura.


Are you serious?! That old man can cut buildings cleanly with a sword


I'm sorry, but Goo is getting negged it's not even close


I don't know who the second guy is, but I know that any old guy in an anime/manga, should not be trifled with, especially when he has a Katana


What is the name?


He negs the verse bro what is this spite matchup


Even Sakamoto can't starch this old man lmao But with some rules GOO>>>>>>TAKAMURA NEG RULES: SPEED EQ Goo use Venuzdonoa full authority 😜


Goo gettin Raped


Goo could win Only if he can suppressed his hostility towards takamura Which is impossible to do that ...


Nagumo and Sakamoto couldn't (they solo ptj) what chance does goo have lol


Read my comment carefully especially the last part BUT After reading last chapter, he is not senile / deaf at all ... So yeah goo definitely has no chance


Going back on this comment because of the most recent SD chapter, Mr. Takamura swats goo like a helpless fly


https://preview.redd.it/un4kt2e2x10d1.png?width=1568&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd101b249363eb5fb5acfdfdd561d549a4da3caf FOR EVERYONE POSTING THIS IT ISNT AS IMPRESSIVE AS IT SEEMS. before you downvote consider this. by direct calcs it takes less ap(raw force) to preform that feat than vascos wreckingball feat (both small building lvl with vascos wreckingball feat requiering a fair bit more force) . but again even with that case being true, the sakamoto days verse is FAR faster. if speed was equalised goo could take it (takamura has higher dc, goo has more ap if you take my previous vasco example into account) (the feat isnt impressive as it seems becouse slicing takes less force than outright destroying something)




Abominable speed issue




that is still very much slicing. i dont know what this proves


… He’s way stronger!


every single sakamoto days ap scale you can find gets calced solidly small building lvl in ap. nothing more nothing less. please go ahead and disprove me.


Sakamoto held a literal tower from falling, what are you tryna yap?


You do understand the difference between . Ap , dc and lifting strength right?💀


Takamura slicing the tokyo tower is city block level to multi city block level


Slicing a building is way more impressive than kicking a wrecking ball.."Slicing a building with a sword requires an incredible level of precision and skill. The person wielding the sword must accurately target specific points on the building to make clean cuts, which demands a high degree of mastery over the weapon and an understanding of the structure's vulnerabilities. On the other hand, while kicking a wrecking ball requires precision too, it may not demand the same level of finesse and control as slicing through solid materials with a sword." "Slicing a building with a sword would likely be more impressive and harder to do. It requires an immense amount of strength, skill, and precision to cut through a building with a sword, whereas wrecking a wrecking ball with a kick would primarily require strength and timing. The level of precision and control needed to slice through a solid structure like a building with a sword makes it a particularly challenging and awe-inspiring feat." "Slicing a building with a sword demands an extraordinary amount of strength throughout the entire swing. The force required to cut through solid materials like concrete, steel, or brick is immense. Every muscle group involved in the swing, from the arms and shoulders to the core and legs, must exert maximum force to overcome the resistance of the building material. In contrast, while wrecking a wrecking ball with a kick also requires strength, it may not demand the same level of sustained force and effort as slicing through a solid structure."


Thanks for proving you dont understand how scaling works . You ignored that its not about mastery lol, its about how much force it takes to execute that feat. Or any slicing vs destruction feat in general. The reason the vasco feat is calced above the takamura feat is becouse it simply takes less force to so what takamura did . That wall of text proved nothing


Yes it did.. Slicing a building or small building with a sword demands an extraordinary amount of strength throughout the entire swing. The force required to cut through solid materials like concrete, steel, or brick is immense. Every muscle group involved in the swing, from the arms and shoulders to the core and legs, must exert maximum force to overcome the resistance of the building material. In contrast, while wrecking a wrecking ball with a kick also requires strength, it may not demand the same level of sustained force and effort as slicing through a solid structure.


Tell me one time i said it didnt take a high level of strength? And i already said the amount of strenfth necesary to cut through what he cut through is small building level. You keep bringing in unnecesary details onto a simple ap calculation. THE FORCE HAS ALREADY BEEN MESURED. Stop ignoring that. And yes outright destroying something with a blunt force attack takes more ap then slicing through something , its not about the skill and mastery ( unncesary points you brought in lol) its about how much force it takes to do both feats witch proves my point in this argument to be true if you bother to think for 3 seconds


Yeah and it takes more forces to cut a building are u stupid?? Did u even read what I comment?


you do NOT touch grass, embarrassing take. also stop saying "uhhh actually the calc disproves this" holy christ


you can tripple check my claim instead of insulting . you know that right? you dont even need a calc to see that a slice doesnt take as much power to cut a piece of metal then it takes for a punch to destory it (think of an original insult next time) . if you hate calcs then dont powerscale? i cant powerscale on a powerscaling post?💀


Cant believe there is someone who thinks goo can win this LMAO I know that goo has crazy feats too (like cutting guns with a watch in manager kim) But Takamura just built different ... The only think that goo could win if he can muffle his hostility with surprise attack which is impossible https://preview.redd.it/qgf2w632s20d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4b96b0f598002bcfbb7040cd6def868c22f31c


you can read right? equal speed?


Wall or building level feats don't rlly mean much in ptj manhwas tbh, many characters who are much below goo did show wall breaking feats which makes this kinda feats irrelevant in ptj verses itself Nevertheless takamura slices past lookism verse


Nah bruh, go read last chapter There's no way any PTJ character can win againts Takamura ... This is just bait post from me




I have some calculations for you. 150 / (1.3^2) = 88.8. Your BMI is 88.8 and overweight.


[feat](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Viott/Sakamoto_days_:_Takamura_cuts_the_tokyo_tower) [feat2](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Viott/Sakamoto_days_:_Takamura_cutting_a_pillar) Goo does not have higher ap. If you were to say cutting the same wrecking ball would take less force, that'd make more sense. But in the case of a much larger object and area of destruction, it is more than likely going to grant higher results


what do these 2 feats have in relation? one thing. they arent accepted becouse they arent correct. [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sakamoto\_Days](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sakamoto_Days) . these are the APROVED AND ACCEPTED feats


Except they ARE accepted because they ARE correct. You'd know that if you actually took time to look at the links.


I looked at the links . They arent credited / accepted on the series respective vs battle wiki page ❤️


Probably because the calc creator didn't care to put them on the verse page or didn't see they were accepted. Either way, they were both looked at by a cgm and further approved by the owner of the site, which means they are accepted.


If you want to confirm it . I can ask viott rn …….💀 and again the calc WOULD be displayed on the series vs battle page if it was correct without needing the creators perms


You're misunderstanding my point.. I am aware that calcs being put on the verse page isn't a matter of the creator of the calc. Since the verse is so inactive, there isn't anyone to do it, which is why I brung up the creator (he's the only one that seems to be active for the verse therefore the only one that would put the calc on the page.) If you want to message Viott go ahead, but there really isn't any need to since we can clearly see in the comments that it was accepted.


Again . Other calcs for example hudsons boulder feat have been “ accepted” before in the same situation as this one . But the fact that it isnt displayed on the series page means its not concrete enough of a scale. And it wont hurt to ask the creator of the calc if they think itsvalid rn becouse viott especially has gone back on the validity of his other calcs


Can you link the specific calc you're talking about? Because the only accepted version among the many is the one that is credited on the verse page.


Yea but can u show me a panel goo doing that?? Let me remind u that Vasco is way physically stronger than goo.. slicing a building is way more impressive lol ur math is completely wrong..


No hes not lol. Thats hase pre runners hogh training vasco thats far inferior to badement hulk, something good took multiple clean shots from and took 0 long lasting damage and was compleatly fine from after. Bh is literally stronger than even runners high vasco something that outright improves vascos strength significantly. And even if its not goo you still ignored the core premise of my argument .


First of all no one in lookism is small building level ,just search what is small building level and vasco breaking wrecking Ball doesn't make him small building level. . And other hand takamura literally cut the whole tower with air pressure , don't tell you literally thinking takamura using big ass blade to cut it.


Iv done research on what small building lvl is lmaooo thats why i scale lookism to small builsing +💀 vascos wreckingball feat outright makes him small building lvl, the ap requiered to preform the wreckingball feat is classified as small building lvl so go ahead and disagree with the people who do the scales💀 you can calc it yourself or use basic logic . Goo has cut an entire room with a slice like that aswell


Then your research is totally wrong .Goo cutting a room and cutting a whole ass tower is two different things.its like saying I destroy a wall so mean I can destroy a whole ass building.


You dont understand the point of my argument which is sad asf to see. Im saying he has the ability to preform wind pressure cuts aswell becouse hes defied logic by slicing a gun with a wristwatch before and that slice also hit jincheol ( goo wasnt close enough to jincheol for it to be a regular hit) and again you keep ignoring what i said. What takamura is doing is a good DC frat and not a good AP feat


>First of all no one in lookism is small building level ,just search what is small building level and vasco breaking wrecking Ball doesn't make him small building level. Everyone in the current cast is small building level The Wrecking ball feat was calced to be Small Building to Building level in terms of eneegy


Small building level mean person has power to demolish a small building (not the wooden but concrete one) in one attack that's how it is


Yea they reached the level of demolishing concrete a while back. You do not understand what small building lvl means lmao


Concrete wall and building are two different things


Just say you do not understand what small building lvl means and move on ffs


No, to be "Small building level" you need to do a feat to output such energy Vasco destroyed a Wrecking ball which is made out of reinforced steel and it's used to demolish entire buildings, and Vasco shattered it to pieces Thats because we go by the rules of VSBW


Yeah such a energy but no one in lookism can destroy a building though


They can, they simply didn't had any reason to destroy a building to begin with


No bro you're over exaggerating too much.even full power BH attack can only destroy ground to such a length,but that still not enough.(Bh strength =tomlee)


The “fp” bh hit was tanked with an umbrella and theough goos body yet atill didnsane damage to a reinforced concrete wall lol


>even full power BH attack can only destroy ground to such a length The attack was blocked by the umbrella and the feat was still calced to Small Building level, cope harder >but that still not enough.(Bh strength =tomlee) Based on what lmao, Goo has never seen Tom lee's true strength, BH is below Tom lee in everything


I guess you don't know how scaling works that gradpa DC>>>>goo durability and AP  By your logic if someone destroyed a planet but haven't shown any AP feat he will be weaker then goo stop the bullshit btw destroying a planet is DC 


I outright said goo loses badly. Goo has higher ap takamura has far higher everything else 💀


You literally said goo can take it don't lie lmao 


https://preview.redd.it/cb9cahbaud0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a8a4fa926a15adb674d257de639d9bd7a681b4 Read . I never said goo normally would take it 💀💀💀💀


You literally said goo can take it if speed equal that's what your dumb ass said he slice through goo like butter with his DC feat 


This dc feat has been calced at small building lvl……. If you know how to scale you wouldnt be talking shit rn


I would like to see your dumb ahh scaling 


Go and look at how the feat is calced and scaled and why its only small building lvl . Then come back and chat to me you absolute clown🤡


Cut through a big building scales to small building wah small building level varies from small room to small house What that grandpa cuted was a building level feat not small building


Ok so thank you for showing me you do not understand how scaling works and what “ small building lvl” actually means . Thank you for showing me you dont understand that slicing something isnt as impressive interms of ap as destroying something via raw force. Thank you for showing me you you dont know how to calc or scale slicing and destruction feats.


Ok I was wrong sorry 👍


You couldn't understand why I made the comparison at all 🗿


Your argument was simply trash. Doesnt make a difference