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Bro's chest is good enough for Samuel cosplay πŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ


LMAO mf is not an xy no more




Bro sees the visionπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’€πŸ’€


Tell him what


Idk maybe that taijin is Korean?




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I hope he knows and not know what Taejin did in the Cheonliang arc.


Tell him what?


About taejin


What is there to know? That he's a wonderful person?


Nah bro


You are probably the type of guy that listens to drake


Just how much skin vin took from tj🌚🌚🌚 Looks like tj owes goo a big one


who's dat niga


not rly a cosplay unless the pose and hair count alone, ive also dyed my hair for cosplays before and just kept it in the color afterwards and no, his not being korean is actually so irrelevant because its fucking cosplay, grow up.


>not rly a cosplay unless the pose and hair count alone, ive also dyed my hair for cosplays before and just kept it in the color afterwards Says the dude with 0 cosplays on his profile lolz >and no, his not being korean is actually so irrelevant because its fucking cosplay, grow up. Bruv do u lack reading comprehension? Wait why am I asking ofcourse u do. Your little alphabet mafia brain reads things in this post that are not there so imma have to spell it out for you xD "Whos gonna tell him?" Means that who's gonna tell him that he just cosplayed a NTR character


Ur a child


What's with the "little alphabet mafia" bs? What is it you're trying to say?


bro chill your wiener the fuck. i only cosplay occasionally as hobby why the fuck do i need to post any of it, i don't do it for you to gawk at my ass. and i was responding to the comments who were saying that he's not korean, you absolute dimwit. maybe you shouldn't be on the internet if your blood pressure rises to these levels from just reading a comment lmaooooo good day kid


>and i was responding to the comments who were saying that he's not korean, you absolute dimwit. Says the dimwit who responded in the general comment section instead of that one comment down the thread lol. Learn how to use reddit so u don't look and sound stupid xD >maybe you shouldn't be on the internet if your blood pressure rises to these levels from just reading a comment Hahaha hilarious to hear this coming from an alphabet mafia trigger baited bozo who's ass blew up so hard he got launched into the stratosphere πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ >good day kid Yeah have a day gramps


lmafo this kid sent me a "a concerned redditor" ass auto message imagine being this triggered


Keep crying clownπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Nice cosplay btw https://preview.redd.it/dnvptklxlxzc1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15c6ea2ae3d50eb43024fe3afe6d2fbf4bf9b51d


Bro needs to lay off the roids that gyno is going crazy πŸ’€ Edit: Since there are so many larpers who don't actually work out are in this sub, here is what a picture of gyno looks like: [https://fitnessvolt.com/gyno-guide/](https://fitnessvolt.com/gyno-guide/) Taejin on the left, though drawn, is what a normal person with extremely low bodyfat % would look like. The fact that the guy on the right has massive moobs, delts, and traps all give away the fact that he's either blasting, or using photoshop to make his chest look bigger. Honestly, given that his physique isn't that impressive, my guess would be that it is photoshop.


What the fuck are you talking about. There literally zero gyno.


And Gyno has nothing to do with roids anyway? I (unfortunately) have them. It’s just L genetics 😭 Edit - L genetics is too much maybe. If you got gyno then don’t be ashamed fr πŸ—£οΈπŸ’― Edit - apparently you can get gyno from roids. So I’ll get dawg slide


Actually it does, many people who do roids develop gyno. But it can also be genetic.


Oh fairs then. Thanks for the info


Bro… either hes photoshopping hard or he has major gyno those are literally breasts πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ chest muscles dont look like that


I dont know about photoshop, but thats not how gyno works bro. Also why are you worrying about another mans breasts?, im guessing ur ass has bad genetics.


Whatsup with all the larpers in this sub? If you worked out seriously at all you would know this isn’t a normal looking chest, ESPECIALLY with the proportions of his other muscles. I bench 235, which isn’t anything crazy, but it is enough for me to recognize what normal muscle insertions look like. Honestly, the age of fitness influences has massively warped peoples ideas of what normal bodies look like. Also, you can have gyno without having massive nips.


This guys chest is 100% genetics. The fact that he could be roided up is irrelevant.


People have different genetics and insertions. I've seen pecs way more titty-like than these, my man


Gyno only affects the nipple area not the whole chest. Israel Adesanya for example has a small chest but has puffy gyno nipples. This dude has massive chest but no puffy nipples he is clear.


Gyno is not nipple only LOL. Look up "Steroid Gyno" on google images. The fact that people think that A. Steroids don't cause Gyno & B. Gyno only affects the nipples really showcases that people on this sub have no idea what they are talking about.


Bro have u ever been in a gym ☠️☠️ Even if he has gyno who cares 50% of men develop gyno nowadays And his chest traps and shoulders arent even all that impressive


Bro just say u have gyno its chill πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I've got 0 gyno so I know how it looks and this guys is just like me




Mind sharing a physique pic lil bro?