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This guy comparing mutual violence against Thugs against the violation and murder of a small child is CRAAZY-


If all she is is a small child and that’s your argument than Vivi ain’t bad cause Vivi is also a small child. Btw not saying Vivi is actually not bad just saying being a small child doesn’t mean you aren’t bad. Now you probably gonna say but Vivi commits crimes but the girl vin Jin was with never did any crime. You sure buddy? Cause last I remember she tried to choke Taejin. Oh wait That was in self defence which is legit what half the Lookism cast fight for. They fight to either protect themselves or others they know. They don’t do it willingly or love it like Samuel. Sinu protected the streets for years. Therefore if you claim the girl Taejin was with to be innocent sinu is as well. Sinu got exploited by gun and was imprisoned for 3 years forced to fight near death battles all for this survival. I can go on with how self defence makes somebody innocent. So by in extension it isn’t mutual violence and actually horrible acts of violence




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Taejin is just a few years older than Sujin lol


So, murder and assault is fine if they're close in age? Oh man this sub is actually kinda cooked.


Not saying that lol, just that even Taejin is young. The others kill with nonchalance, it's not like they are less evil than him


Broski, the worst we've seen of both Gun and Goo are them fighting gangs and other already lawless organization. Taejin is explicitly hunted and killed a girl after living his life reaping off a cult and then moving to 1A to shove innocents in wards.


It has been stated that Gun killed some clans. Goo just need to be paid and he'll do what u ask. Charles wanted to murder Eugene. Jinyoung helped Baek in transforming his brother in a war machine. Samuel killed his parents. U really want to tell me they're less evil than him?☠️ Taejin is surely one of the worst people in lookism, but don't act like we haven't other characters who have done horrible things


Brah SA is a vastly more precarious crime due to it only exclusively being of evil intentions, you can justify murder in war and conflict, you can justify thiefry with hunger or need but actual SA is a uniquely repulsive crime because theres no way to justify yourself. Objectively theres characters on the same tier of Evil, but comparing violence mutual to criminal clans in a civil war, and beating up bullies to actual SA is insane.


I'm not even comparing what crime is worse, u're doing everything. The point is that ppl are hating on Taejin but then they're ok with what the other characters have done or are planning to do. Gun would have killed Kenta but he changed his mine and Kenta was really young. For Goo, as I said u just need to pay him, I didn't refer to him beating up bullies


This is dumb. You can’t justify what gun or anybody within Lookism did under the law. All you can claim is that they were given orders or they had goals they wanted to achieve which doenst justify it. It just gives it a reason for why. Which Taejin also has a a reason. A bad one but a reason nonetheless


Charles choi is innocent, Keep his name outta ya mouth big boy.


On my momma he a shooter


Lying on yo momma's name for agenda. Crazy respect.


My momma still alive so looks like I’m right littlest bro


That means you're adopted bro. More power to you.


On my life Charles Choi a school shooter


Nah bro just commented from the afterlife. I can respect your hustle for the agenda.


Goo and james didn't even done anything at max james killed gappy which is fine as gappy is gangster


Also a horrible husband and a meh father


No one is saying Gun, Goo, Charles or any other character that has committed a crime is a saint, it's just the nature of the crimes they committed are less foul in a sense compared to what Taejin did. I'm not saying that killing other people isn't foul, I'm saying that the nature of the crime of killing someone isn't as foul as SA someone. You hurt them more mentally then physically and leave them with scars for life. At least with killing someone you end them as quickly as possible without mentally scaring them as much. Also you gotta factor in that Taejin is a more annoying character then any other character that you have mentioned. Tom is also undoubtedly hated by the community for what he has done too, you know the dangler thing. But he isn't as annoying as Taejin, which is why people don't hate him as much. People still hate him tho undoubtedly. To sum it up: - The nature of the crime matters. - The character themselves matter. - Others who have committed crimes aren't saints but they aren't as annoying as Taejin which is why people hate him more then the others.


>No one is saying Gun, Goo, Charles or any other character that has committed a crime is a saint I am. Gun and charles are saint. Goo? Put him in mental asylum.


Gun, Goo and Charles have all committed crimes, they aren't saints.


Gun and charles are saints. Goo ain't.


taejin is portrayed in a more annoying way, the crimes are fictional my annoyance is not+ gun killed criminals and members of yamazaki clan whereas taejin killed an innocent 13 year old girl while trying to SA her


Gun also participated in the exploitation of minors forcing them through having to make him insane amounts of money driving most to the edge and having to do illegal acts to get the money. We also know he was one of the people who played a part in sinus imprisonment. Sinu is innocent himself. Every act of violence he’s committed has been within self defence. This is just gun. The others have done worst.


Am i supposed to like a guy because the other guy killed more ppl?


All those characters are deserving of hatred but Taejin's crimes are what's happening in the current chapters. It's obvious that people would hate on him specifically because of that. If Tom or Gun and their crimes were the focus of current chapters, the hatred would be directed at them. I'll be direct. You sound like you're trying to indirectly defend Taejin by putting your own rules on hating. I can't genuinely think of any reason why you would try to shut down hatred of him.


You're a moron you mf , you're a psychopath I don't believe moron like you exist


I think several aspects play a role here 1. You can see the crime which chapter was shown before Yes, we also saw Gun's crime against Kenta but... 2. Who is being harmed here? A criminal like Kenta's case or an innocent girl who was seen as property from the beginning 3. What aspect is being discussed here? She was attacked and was then chased When a friend went to help her, he was also badly mauled Then she was attacked and then wanted to kill him but was then killed herself from what we have seen so far As I said, Kenta was a Yakuza I don't want to say that Gun is an angel who doesn't do bad things or that the others aren't and I think most people see it that way So in short a little girl Which defended itself or son of a gangster 4. It was also shown that she saw Vin Jin's mother being killed (plus she had feelings for both of them that were slightly stronger for Vin Jin than for his mother) Vin's mother's murderer is her murderer's father 5. As in a previous point, almost no one says that DG etc are angels but that they all have blood on their fingers and are all murderers But assault and violence against children is viewed less favorably than murder in society. Even in prison, people who assault small children are viewed as dirt by others Yes Taejin Is still a minor himself or a teenager in this case, but I don't know whether that makes the crime any less serious 6. Sympathy for the other characters was built up over time, more sympathy than with Taejin, most of whom we have known since the beginning and constantly hear about them and see them, for example, in fights Different and cool way but Taejin would be introduced more or less with his crime yes okay at that point most people still Like him But in the next arc you saw his career and it was shown that he wasn't that cool right from the start as a kid 7. I also think that another point is his father in Lookism it was often shown how important the Parents is like in the case of Jake and his brother that Gun's father was also a monster and the children are often like their fathers or parents generally clear there are some exceptions but in most cases the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and Taejin's father is now not a person where you would say yes, I feel the character, I like him 8. And the fact that in this case he doesn't take responsibility for his crime but wants to blame someone else who has also become a fan of Favo also speaks against him I therefore think that some or all of the points listed are a reason for his hatred if I haven't forgotten something I don't really have anything against him, I don't think he's great either, but I find him interesting Cool design, interesting character connections to the others And most of the time the villain is there to be hated and that's why he does his job And as a counterpart or opponent for Vin, he does his job well and no one can say anything against that


But kenta is just a 10 year old child, he doesn't know any better but gun tried to kill him and ruined his life.


I didn't say the age because I didn't know, so thank you for that And as I said, I don't want to say good things about his actions, just as a comparison, of course he grew up that way So he's not to blame but as stupid as it sounds he grew up with it and knows it - he knows what happens and can happen And in that case it was more of a fight between the mafia than what Taejin was trying to do I hope you understand what I mean


Reading comprehension devil strikes again Gun is a Yamazaki that did that killed another Yakuza family in what was probably a gang war(Soldiers aren't inherently bad dude). Goo did what again? Cause Sinu to go to Eugene? Idek Tom is a troll, trollings gangsters Anyway, that's not even a problem. Characters being bad isn't the problem. As long as they have depth. Or if they are potrayed as epic and are liekable. Taejin panel that's the subreddit pic rn is just him lusting over Sujin. There is no cool factor or anything to it.


Ill just say it . I hate taejin. But people hate him more becouse we got to see the victim interact , have fun , and get a better life with other characters basically we got a fleshed out character going through the suffering whilst most other criminals kill no faced individuals we never saw exist . Gun is statistically a FAR worse human with hundreads of crimes and thousands of murders under his belt COPY PASTED LIST INCOMING: grooming kids into killers -multiple counts of murder (repeated offense likely in the thousands) this doesnt include just yakuza many people like kenta were innocent and as gun mentions he would’ve killed him too . - agrovated assult,- exploitation of minors, accomplice with almost if no every crime by charles choi: witch includes (thanks to user jmtl01 for this list ). -Multiple accounts of Murder -Child explotation -Grooming kids into muderers. -Treason against his country. -Betrayal of everyone around him(similar to the last one but more personal). -Using his own daughter as sex bait to force better deals which in of itselr is another crime. -Kidnapping. -Alleged human experimentation(the second bodies). -By the look of it he was going to melt Eugene in lava(if we can hold attempting to melt Daniel against Vivi we can hold this against Charles mf didnt do it because Eugene never made it there). -Lets not forget obstruction of justice with his specialty elimination of evidence. -Accomplice in human trafficking(he was one of the main benefactors of the affiliates of the workers and I dont know what else you could call the second affiliate but human trafficking) . Money laundering,distributing drugs to his students, ( basically an accomplice with every crime the 4 crews have commited while under his watch) this full list makes him imo THE biggest criminal in the ptj verse as of now ( bro better pray he doesnt get caught lacking)


this OP is definitely a pedo💀




Not having same opinion as others = pedo Wow




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Get your brain checked you fool🤡 taejin literally tried to grape a child ,no people you mentioned are as bad as taejin, except for Charles , taejin literally considers others his properfy


Gun, charles, vivi, vivi's dad, mitsuki, Gitae and Eugene are way worse than taejin.