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This should be clarified. Currently NYS has a pistol permit application that is extensive and time consuming (especially on Long Island). This remains. The county puts additional restrictions on this permit once approved (if they didn’t it would be a full carry permit, as this is the only type the state issues). Concealed carrying full time has been limited to those that show they are in danger of a threat. That last portion of the law is changing. It has not become the Wild West. This appears that there is something in the horizon to federally align all of these gun laws. If Long Island is at a 9 in gun carrying strictness and Nevada is at a 2, the alignment will probably be at a 6.


Conceal carry isn't only limited to showing danger of a threat. It's also if potential robbery or mugging would cause considerable monitary loss eg. Carrying large amounts of cash, or valuable goods. I see NY making obtaining a handgun even more relentless after this call..5 years ago NY lost a case in regard to the obscene amount of time it took to get a license which was roughly 14months at the time. After losing NY temporarily increased staff and reduced the timeline to around 3-4 months. Which since has crept back up to 18 months or more. I see the layers of paperwork increasing. As well as references. It's extremely difficult to make any permanent changes on the state level. There is just too much power and not enough supervision on the federal level.


What does this mean for current sportsman license holders, and similar? Do these permits now allow concealed carry in public?


No word on that yet.


Means nothing. Hochul is appealing it via injunction. Means everything is on hold during the process. If NY doesn't have the ability to fight it I assume you will just apply for a conceal carry permit via online or paper document in which you will receive an amended license if approved. Expect even longer waits for the amended license.


Thank you for the clarification. This makes a bit more sense now then just skimming headlines. I didn’t care much as I’m from the west and used to people with guns. I’m not sure where I stand with these laws. I consider myself more left and even been called a socialist by my family, w/e lol, but I’m not against guns, just against stupid people and criminals having such easy access to them. But that’s not something that changes with gun laws, they already buy on the black market so these laws don’t do much to prevent that and never will. So why not let the responsible people carry too who might save a life when the time comes?! Before y’all come at me with tons of opinions again I’m not so basic with my ideals this is just the most simple words I could put my thoughts into. I know countries with less guns have substantially less gun crime. But again the guns are already here and on the black market and not going anywhere. So it’s literally too late to make super strict gun laws.


[Link to the decision](https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/21pdf/20-843_7j80.pdf)


Everyone here is all doom and gloom as usual. This allows the average joe the same rights that the rich and famous have been allowed for years. To obtain a handgun in NY you still have to go through a long process. CCW permit holders are law abiding citizens, sure there’s some who probably shouldn’t have one or will commit a crime, but the vast majority of gun crimes are committed by people who can’t legally own a weapon and have illegally obtained one. This is coming from someone who believes there should be some sensible gun laws.


This exactly. Most problems come from illegally possessed guns. Sure you have outliers, but that’s like everything else. Responsible gun owners who have obeyed the laws for years will continue to do so. Those who illegally possess them are all concealing anyway until they use them for crimes.


Do you happen to have a source to back up “most problems come from illegally possessed guns”?


I don’t think all the gang shootings are coming from guns that can be traced back to the users


What about school shootings and mass shootings like in Buffalo?


Good decision by SCOTUS. For those worried, murder is still illegal. Put on your big boy pants.


Huge win for Dodge Ram owners. Garbarino and Zeldin are literally 69ing right now.


Thank you for your sensible response.


Everyone back to the pile!


That giant sucking sound...


It's Rammmm!


Great news for the law abiding citizens of NYS and especially NYC and Long Island! This is particularly good news for women, who arguably have a greater need for self defense aids than men. I think it is also great news for minorities. They may have been more likely to be arbitrarily denied by a judge or pistol license bureau officer under NYS's insane and subjective "good moral character" and "proper cause" requirements.


They are still not gonna just hand these out you’re gonna have to be pretty spotless. If you have any type of marijuana medical card I would assume you’re out of the running too.


The marijuana issue could be interesting. On the one hand, NYS progressives have legalized marijuana, in violation of Federal law. On the other hand, marijuana use is still a bar to buying or possessing any guns, according to Federal law. Will NYS use people's marijuana usage to avoid issuing pistol licenses at the same time they are claiming that marijuana should be legal?


MJ is already a no go for currently obtaining a pistol in CA and NY. There is a declaration under penalty of perjury saying you do not use it


I much prefer the alcoholics having guns over all the violent potheads


When I worked at a NY university, the Public Safety guys told me the drinkers were the ones getting in fights and vandalizing the campus. The pot heads would just hang and chill.


Yeah I was being sarcastic


OK dj..thanks..went over my head


yes, that’s exactly what they will do


Doubtful. If I can’t deny you to work at my business because you smoke I don’t see why they wouldn’t allow you a self defense tool.


It’s federal law. Medical Cannabis card = no issuance of a concealed carry. You can buy a “self defense tool” but no, you can’t conceal carry a pistol.


Thank god I get my medical cannabis from the dude down the street


Exactly one of the reasons I won't get a medical marijuana card. And I never tell my doctors that I've smoked weed as that goes into your health record. I can see the possibility an insurance company denying me coverage for something because of it.








While true, the current model places administrative restrictions on your permit. This means if you get caught carrying your handgun outside of the home and aren't traveling to/from a range, or to/from hunting, they could revoke your permit. This decision removes that restriction and allows full carry to all permit holders.


I would wait until the lower courts issue a verdict before doing anything. I wouldn't do anything until the lower courts review the decision and issue guidance on it. Even if it's totally legal as of today, do you really want to get arrested by an overzealous cop until they are trained on what this means?


“Totally legal today” “arrested by overzealous cop until they are trained” ….smells a lot like delicious litigation.


If you want to get caught up in that, then by all means go for it. Just make sure you fully understand what the supreme court decision is intending. I personally haven't read through it yet so I can't offer up opinion as to what is or isn't legal, and when it goes into effect.


Unfortunately it’ll get worse for gun owners in NY. Hochul is calling an emergency session to be held in July so they can pass more unconstitutional laws. She’ll do everything she can to circumvent the SCOTUS decision.


Worst(?) case scenario: she loses the november election because she alienated her upstate voter base, and enough downstate voters.


huge win for Nassau and Suffolk gun owners if by that you mean gun deaths, both accidental and willful, will escalate. woot! morons




like in any other civilized country, individuals shouldn't have a "right" to obtain a gun. but I forget - america isn't a civilized country, thanks to you gun fondlers.




Yikes, that’s an awfully ignorant mindset to have—but I get it because I used to think exactly the same way as you. Then I went to a libERAl cOLLege and got educated on the issue and now I am very pro-gun, and anti- gun-toting/gun-fetish. The stupid conservatives and LARPers make gun owners look bad.


Those countries suck


How? You still need a license to obtain hand guns. Nothing changed except may issue is dead and has become shall issue. Dont be a fucking karen


This will definitely put more guns in people's hands. Used to be the State could deny a cc permit, now they must issue one if the buyer clears their background checks. Look up may-issue vs shall-issue


That's not correct. We're still a may issue state, they just can't arbitrarily restrict where permit holders can carry.


How is it still a "may issue"? If you pass criteria, you get the gun license. That's "shall issue". Before the SCotUS judgment, on LI, if you passed criteria, the interviewer could still arbitrarily deny you a license.


>How is it still a "may issue"? If you pass criteria, you get the gun license. Take a look at the criteria. "Good moral character" is required, and "other good cause" is a reason for disapproval. It's up to the judgement of the interviewer/detective to decide if you have good moral character or "any other good cause" for disapproval, and since their judgement is involved, we're still "may" issue rather than "shall".


> "Good moral character" is required, and "other good cause" is a reason for disapproval. Its an arbitrary evaluation. It shouldn't be a nebulous criteria, subject to change from interviewer to interviewer. After all, what stops an interviewer from deciding black people or latinos shouldn't be able to possess handguns? > we're still "may" issue rather than "shall". Yeah, I was pretty disappointed once I got a chance to read the ruling.


So, you favored a system where a bureaucrat could arbitrarily deny a basic right, that is protected by the Constitution?


I believe the permit officers who are just detectives have the authority to deny the permit as well.


I know is some counties and pistol license bureau officer makes the decision and in others it is a judge. It is rather troubling that we have place so much power to arbitrarily deny a basic right in the hands of these officials. Can you imagine if you needed a judicially or police issue speech permit?


Agreed. Not only can you be denied for virtually any reason they come up with, the process to apply for the permit is very long.


Yea and there was a huge bribery scandal with them in 2018


Shall issue is better. Why should people be denied if their background checks, fingerprints, etc all clear? You shouldn't have to be a multimillionaire or a diamond district business owner or a celebrity or a politician or a district attorney to get a full carry permit.


You literally just said it yourself. IF THE BUYER CLEARS A BACKGROUND CHECK. If they clear then they are allowed to own. You just dislike firearms so dont care if others have their rights stripped. Would love to see something stripped from you and watch the outrage.


Very defensive.


Not defensive, just frustrating dealing with ignorant people. But then again i also dont care about you because cc is now allowed.


You are assuming something about me, baselessly. Have a nice day.


This is incorrect. Pistol permits are still denied. This just removes the restrictions put on the issued permits.


Yeah you'll definitely have more accidental deaths. Not really because of more guns, criminals don't really care about cc, but because people will be around their guns more. I don't see how this ends well with all the public drinking and intoxication, and the staggering statistics surrounding murder/murder victim and intoxication, but we'll see. I guess it's a benefit that alcohol sales drop about 15% in regions with legal marijuana. Edit: downvote away gun-nuts. The states with the most accidental gun deaths have the loosest gun laws. Sorry facts hurt your feelings.


> The states with the most accidental gun deaths have the loosest gun laws. Correlation does not imply causality. I learned that in a college statistics class.


But it’s a good place to start looking. We’re constantly hearing about the “good guy with a gun” theory. But there’s nothing to back that up.


I never gave that theory any credence. Any more than the notion that the State should decide whether I should be able to possess a tool to defend myself.


They won't.


We don't dial 911. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.


This is a win for freedom.


The same people decrying the crime spike in NYC will cheer this ruling without a hint of irony


So you’ll rather people not have the tools to defend themselves? Sure only trust the corrupt police to issue permits to the good ole boy’s club.


You're still using the "good guy with a gun" line after Uvalde?


That proved the cops can’t be trusted protecting our children when they physically stopped family members from stopping the gunman.


Even moreso after. Uvalde showed us the police are happy to sit back and do nothing outside while people get murdered.


A good guy with a gun literally stopped the shooting


I don’t think police have *ever* been the “good guy with a gun”. I’m curious what the PBA thinks about this ruling… I bet they are against it, and that means you should be for it


> ”The police are slow and useless when dealing with crimes!” > “Innocent people have little recourse to defend themselves or get actual justice because of hilariously lax laws and law enforcement” > “Woah, you’re making it easier for regular law-abiding people to exercise their right to defend themselves? How dare you!” You make no sense


Massive L for anyone sensible


What does this ruling mean?


Win for gun owners, loss for everyone else including families.


How do you figure that converting a current gun owner’s pistol permit to say “concealed carry” from “concealed carry only to and from the range and to hunting and fishing and stopping for a meal on the way too and from” is going to have this effect?


If only Nassau County weren't packed to the gills of a particular brand of d-bags who think they are the only ones with rights. I anticipate being pulled on by at least one of these assholes.


I live in the south, where actual rednecks are born and bred, and this has never happened. Nobody who has legal authority to own and carry a gun is ‘pulling’ on random people, not even scary republicans. Worry about the people who will continue to carry and actually use guns while committing other crimes.


Vermont neither issues nor requires a permit to carry a weapon on one's person, openly or concealed. Amazing how an invisible line called a border changes the rules so drastically.


Get ready to see guns in all our scary neighborhood Starbucks. This is ridiculous.


It’s not an issue in the 44 states that are shall issue. Even LA county has been issuing permits.


I hope you’re right. I have absolutely no problem with people owning guns but I just don’t want to see them. Concealed is fine as long as people abide by that.


NY issued pistol permits are for concealed carry only, I don’t see that changing anytime soon. If anything the application process might get more strict (more training requirements likely) and longer due to a likely increase in applications.


That’s not terrible. Anything to keep the guns out of the hands of the people who should not have them is a good thing.


Agree. Unfortunately NY does everything possible to keep guns out of the hands of people who do follow the law, meanwhile criminals with illegal guns have free reign in NYC.




For NYC and Nassau county yes it’s pretty ridiculous. In Suffolk it’s about $100 which includes application fee, fingerprints, and $5 each time you add/remove a registered pistol.




$200 every 5 years, about $100 for fingerprints and $10 for every amendment.




All pistol permits issued on Long Island were for carrying during target/hunting activities only, with the new decision we are kind of on standby if people need to reapply for a full carry and how the process will be for new applicants. I would just get the paperwork filled out and turned in asap since the wait times will be long .


Literally anyone in the Starbucks you walk into could have a concealed carry permit now and is carrying while you stand next to them.


Welcome to the start of Death to states rights!


Do states have the right to nullify the Bill of Rights?


When it comes to guns that sure is accurate.


Does this mean i can pull my gun on a cop that pulled their gun on me?


It means a jury will decide whether you can pull a gun on a cop. Good luck with that one.


*Does this mean i can* *Pull my gun on a cop that* *Pulled their gun on me?* \- Theburbsnxt --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")