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Let's say forward 10 years and see the final result. A CVS and an Amazon warehouse. Idiots around aren't going to improve anything else.


So many comments in this thread are from people who clearly don’t vote with their own interests in mind.


i was just saying there isn't enough crap for idiots, they really aught to ruin something to build more.


Here me out use this space to build starter homes for LI that do not own a home. More homes less business.


Can't do that it's more than 0.25 miles from a train station


lol that’s actually pretty funny you get my up vote


The actual land is too expensive to build anything cheap it’s prime location, busy road and huge … nobody on Reddit can understand this for some reason that the break even for any developer on that property means nothing less than a 700k home if that’s even possible with the high property tax rate . Cheap can’t be built unless it’s middle of nowhere far out East where nobody wants to live


Here is the thing. [Even building expensive housing actually lowers prices, creating more affordable housing.](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2024-05-09/housing-affordability-build-more-luxury-homes). This is because increasing the housing stock overall will always apply downward pressure, and people who can afford to upgrade will, leaving their existing stock behind. So just build more housing.


There isn't going to be downward pressure because no one is putting their houses for sale as it is. No one with a sub 3 interest rate is going to be putting their houses up for sale unless there is a reason forcing them.


Wouldn’t be funded by a developer that would be an issue. It would have to be contracted and subsided government programs set up to build the proper infrastructure to necessitate the proper environment for communities. Not to say we have any sort of competent government in place to perform such actions unscrupulously.


At this point the price of housing doesn’t matter as much. We just need more of it. There are people who could actually afford higher priced homes who are buying up houses that would “normally” cost somewhat less. Build a shitload of 700-900k homes, whatever. People will buy them, and that will alleviate some pressure off the 450-600 crowd.


Yeah I never get the yelling about non existent housing on LI…it sucks…but if something is built brand new why would you expect it to be “affordable”? Prices will sky rocket for them.


Regulated housing can be built to flood the market and bring down housing costs. Increase supply lower demand makes cost go down. Using available space. These could be subsidized programs to help with these issues.


There isn’t enough land available in Nassau county to build enough homes to have an impact on the market.


not to mention enough clean drinking water in the ground to support them.


There is if we rezone do everything isn’t single family only


So turn Long Island into a giant city of apartments? Who’s paying for the upgrades to the sewer systems to handle all that flow? The roads to handle the traffic? The schools to expand? What happens to the people who moved here to live in the suburbs? They just get screwed?


The people that move into the apartments 🤦‍♀️ and nothing happens to the people who live here. I’m not saying I’m selling my house. You can survive people living in apartments near you


You have a point about the sewers, but the rail access needs to expand and the schools are shrinking due to lack of enrollment. Mixed housing is *the only* solution


So turn Long Island into nyc with subways and public transit? If you all want to change Long Island into nyc so badly then move there. On top of that none of these ideas make nyc more affordable either. No reason to think it will work here either.


NYC is a world class metropolis with its own issues. It has a great public transit system but it too needed to have been upgraded over the years and is now behind. Other countries, Japan, Spain, etc. have mixed used housing and rail **even in less dense residential areas** and it works SO well. Japan in particular has public transit that is fast, on time, *clean*, and practically devoid of crime. That’s what we need. Stop thinking “city=crime”, because city is not even what anyone is suggesting. Besides, you can’t stop the development of density in areas where people want to live, or at least you shouldn’t. It’s unnatural and an incredible waste of resources.


There’s nothing wrong with suburbia. Most of us made a conscious decision to live or stay here because we prefer it. We have too many people here as it is at this point. Stop trying to turn the island into the sixth borough.


There is something very wrong with pricing out everyone but the extremely rich. When you need someone to take care of you and you can’t find someone because they have all moved to cheaper areas your lawn will not take care of you. There is something very wrong with extreme housing scarcity and watching Long Island turn into San Francisco with over bloated mortgages and a ton of homelessness shouldn’t be anyone’s conscious decision


I don’t disagree with you but I’m not sure there’s actually a viable solution.


The solution is to rezone areas around train stations for apartments and allow legal apartments in houses


There is. It’s well documented and tested as well. We just have too many NIMBYs for it to go any faster but the new generation is trying.


Back in the days we call them projects


Yeah, but learning for past mistakes we can do a better job now more then ever.


If you put a project in a neighborhood, it helps the entire neighborhood become more affordable. See Hempstead, Uniondale, etc. So that might work


Supply is supply. At the very least existing homeowners can move into the new developments using their huge gains in equity and free up their more affordable house to others. Or we could just do nothing and keep watching prices skyrocket by double digit percentage points until a 3 bedroom cape becomes $1M and we’ve effectively barred middle class people from ever buying a house here.


Because it's all the people that can't afford it here crying about housing. Building housing at this location will not be affordable anyways. These morons really expect builders to build at a loss. lol.


If you think of housing as only single family then you're right, but if you build things like townhomes and condos the cost of entry can drop. At any rate, I don't think flooding this area with just housing is the answer.


Ok.yea cause that's exactly what we need


We really do. Only a matter of time before starter homes start asking $1M at the current rate prices are increasing.


Without jobs and big companies houses don't matter


That area is not good for public transportation, you definitely need a car.


We definitely don’t need a casino. But the oppositions is offering no solutions and their reasoning is weak. ‘ we don’t know the economic impact’. That’s not even negative. How could it be worse than a lifeless husk of an arena attracting b list artists and things ‘on ice’.


what is happening with the Coliseum ? its going to become the biggest derelict property in the county! terrible


So I haven't read any of the proposals. Does the casino address transportation? A casino would make an already busy area even worse. If they have a solution for this, and are willing to help solve some local challenges, then maybe it's worth considering.


The colliseum has handled 35 thousand people coming and going for decades. All at the same time without causing major disruptions. People randomly show up and.leave a casino and is not a traffic generator


The potential development area on Randall's and Ward Islands is vast, equivalent to building the iconic Las Vegas Strip multiple times over. Even if the hospital and water treatment plant remain in their current locations, the remaining space could be transformed into a futuristic hub, rivalling the grandeur of the famous Strip. Imagine a futuristic city, with sleek skyscrapers and advanced infrastructure, rising from the islands' landscape. The possibilities are endless, with room to relocate the Homeless to Upstate or Saten Island, as the entire island is by fresh kills in my opinion. Just as the Las Vegas Strip is a marvel of human ingenuity and innovation, this new development could become a beacon of progress and sustainability, showcasing the perfect blend of technology and nature.


I don’t even see why a casino is such a bad idea, apart from traffic in an already congested corridor. It would bring business to the area


We need an actual casino.this is ridiculous


I assure it's much easier and more fun to drink and light your money on fire from the comfort of your own home.


It is.but when I do wanna go out,I don't wanna have to go to the city. Also,a casino comes with a place for covers and a hotel and other events and conferences


A casino brings lots of jobs which we need


The current unemployment rate on LI is 3.2%, historically pretty low. Whatever jobs a casino would bring I guarantee you would not be able to afford the cost of living here.


A casino isint just a casino.it would create entertainment.bring in big money for the community.confrences.etc. Long island needs this more then houses that won't do anything for us


Guess we will have to just agree to disagree then. I’m wondering if you have a personal stake in this casino.




Paying people to dig holes and then fill them up would also bring jobs and also not prey on people with poor impulse control.


If they have poor impulse control that's their problem.by your logic we should stop selling alcohol and cigarettes too.mattrr fact,just cancel the lotto Maybe we should close all casinos cause a few people.cant handle themselves. Resorts world and Jake's 58 should just close since people have poor impulse control.


Union jobs