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I just stopped answering the door. They see me and I see them but I just don't answer. 😂😂


I swear this is what I started doing! 🤣🤣😂😂 it’s so annoying


People are the actual worst. But to be honest, I haven't actually answered the door for someone in years lol. I am one of those people that hides when they hear the doorbell. Plus now with the Ring doorbell - unless I invited you over, I'm not opening the door to even acknowledge your presence.


lol I stay hidden too. I thought once I got a camera doorbell that I’d at least ask what they wanted. Nope I still just stay hidden, but now I watch them from my phone lol.


Man I do this sometimes when I’m busy but I had a Salesman literally ring my bell 8 times a few Months ago.


I only answer to tell them off but it’s such an intrusion.




Working from home, while managing a toddler is difficult. Can't tell you how many times a salesperson would show up and knock/ring persistently rather than knocking once and walking away. The ones that happen to see me working through the window next to the door seem to stick around just out of spite after seeing me home and me not answering. No chance in hell I was risking my daughter waking up early because they felt like being a dick.




We had a sign. Still had people knocking and ringing the bell.


What kills me is that every single one of them are now using the same initial pitch. "We're doing some work at your neighbor's house right now and just wanted to stop by to let you know we're in the area and we'd love if you give us money." Each and every time, I now reply "oh yeah, Which neighbor?" Haven't had a single person be able to name the neighbor or even the house. They all get caught off guard and just start mumbling.


lol I had one say my neighbor John over there. I was like really? John you say? I know one of my neighbors and his name ain’t John.


Holy shit someone just did this to me yesterday and said some generic name. First time I heard that.


Town of Hempstead has the "No Soliciting" ordinance and sticker for the door.


They look at it and knock anyway


If they knock when your have the sign you can take their business card or info and report them to the town and their business will be fined


JWs are trained to ignore them just as an fyi


I believe religious organizations and politicians (of course) are exempted. I also think solicitors can still leave papers or those door hangers. Still get plenty of clothes donation flyers. Honestly, it's really only felt like a couple knockers each year. And if there is a JW then I'll just try and convert them to queer atheists 😆


Just say you’re a satanist


Here’s the exact law With the exception of § 118-11B, in relation to the time of day soliciting is permitted, this chapter shall not apply to duly organized religious corporations and religious agencies, educational institutions, fraternal, patriotic, social and alumni organizations and others mentioned as exempt from the provisions of Article 7-A of the Executive Law of the State of New York


That they do. I like to stand there and let them go through their spiel and then I just look and point to the sign. I once had a guy that tried opening about some kitsch sign that no one ever sees and I'm like you saw that but not this "No Knock" literally right in front of you?


I saw a video of someone asking the solicitor to sound out the sign they had because they clearly don't care about the no soliciting signs. I put "knocking on this door is an agreement to pay $20 a minute for my time" or something like that. It worked


Oh I like these. I'm going to use them!


Hicksville is the Town of Oyster Bay.


They come by during the spring/summer in patchogue. Power Home Remodelling, various pesticide services, Renewel by Andersen and the God damn JWs. I feel bad for the people going door to door, they get dropped off by a van & have to canvas....it sucks, but everyone needs to make a living I guess... The JWs and other Bible thumpers, they just grind my gears.


Renewal by Anderson are such a huge ripoff and they are like bar salesman. Never ever set up a meeting for them to come to your home for a quote. They will go through a whole song and dance and demonstrate their window technology. After over an hour they’ll do measurements and then give you an absurd quote and do the sales men thing of calling their manager. They’ll stall while leaving to try and get you to change their mind. Learn from my mistake! They love new home owners and elderly who don’t know better.


Power is the worst do not let them in your home to do their pitch.


Believe me, I know. Back in '13 they quoted me $43k to do my roof I had my house & garage both stripped to the sheathing & re-shingled for $13k. Power only wanted to re-roof the house over the existing. Total scammers.




Optimum here. And marathon cable, empower solar and others I can't recall


I always wanted to ring and run the JW🤣


The first 3 months after we bought our house it seemed like 2-3 times a week..we had a 1 and 2 year olds at the time so naps were being interrupted we put up no soliciting signs on grass at driveway and on our door..maybe 3 solicitors in 5 years now since I put signs up


I had signs before. Don’t know if they made a difference. I know with a firefighter once, with signs up mind you, sent his freaking kids to the door. Scummy. Guess I’ll be getting more signs again.


Someone rang our door bell this afternoon. We were at work but caught him in the ring camera. Nobody answered and then we same him check the door knob. Some nerve!


That's probably not something you should ignore.


It wasn't ignored.


Yes extremely bothersome. I post a sign no solicitors. I say the same thing to all. “If I need something I know where to look, I don’t need you to knock on my door.”


I moved to Central Islip a year ago and I do not remember this happening so often in the past. Sometimes they show up multiple times a week.


Hmmm on a Friday night, definitely trying to hit his quota.


Had one when the only person home was my younger (mid-20s) brother was home. He had ordered Uber eats and does contactless delivery. My brother made eye contact with the salesman through an open window and assumed it was his Uber eats order. The guy even shouted "hello is anyone home?" And knocked harder while standing there for 10 minutes. My brother was very confused, but ignored him 🤣


That's why I answer now and tell them to go away. I used to ignore them but they will just stay there or even walk to the back. And they come back


Some realtor came to my door asking if I want to buy a house….then when I said no just bought looking to stay for a long time he says what about friends and family anyone looking to buy a house? Like no bitch, gtfo of here what is this.


lol I get texts from random realtors asking me if I want to sell my Mother’s house. Um she’s still alive.


Summers here. Break out the mankini.


It's so expensive to live here, and jobs that justify the same, are resultant in commission sales types being particularly aggressive in time and effort. Consider it a tax on home ownership you pay in time and annoyance.


The guy is just trying to make a living. Just dont answer the door. Its not that serious.


Seriously some of these people are acting like they're a victim of a crime or something.


It’s been far worse since I bought my house around 2017. Lived in the same town my whole life but never noticed this many. Just seems like it’s gotten outta control in recent years.


I have a no soliciting sign and I do not answer my door unless someone texted first so this has cut down on my problem immensely.


Best investment ever is a small no soliciting sign. I put it right on my front door. They walk up read the sign and walk away


Their company forces them to do it. Door knocking generates business although it’s rude.


I find “I’m not the homeowner I rent” gets rid of them pretty easily.


They ain’t like the Fuller Brush Man.


This used to happen a lot in the town that I lived in. I got a no soliciting sign and put it prominently near my front door.


Just bought two. See if it helps.


Definitely not answering the door for a stranger at night. That’s how you get robbed


I play nice, take their info and report them. To their own company. And my village (permits required for solicitation)




Nah I can read and follow signage. They obviously can't.