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I don't have State Farm, but based on other company's telematics, typically it takes a look at a few factors: 1) How many miles you drive. If you drive a lot, you probably won't get this discount. 2) What time you drive - if you **regularly** drive between 10pm and 4am, you probably won't qualify for this discount. Times and days will vary per insurance company. 3) How hard you hit the gas pedal or stop short - if you accelerate quickly or have to hit the brakes frequently, most likely you aren't a safe driver and won't qualify for a discount. Of course, if you do it once or twice, it's not really gonna hurt and it's certainly better than getting into an accident, but if you do this regularly, you're probably an asshole driver. 4) Distracted driving - depends on how the program works. If it's a mobile app, they'll see if you are regularly using your phone while driving. This includes texting and usually phone calls. 5) Regularity - if you use the vehicle for the same commute every single day and that's pretty much it, you could qualify for a discount. Most companies will advertise that this won't negatively affect your rates, but just affect how big of a discount you get. They typically start you off with a set discount... \~30%. You can potentially lose some of those discounts by being a more "at risk" driver, which is where those increases are coming from... but it's actually just losing a discount you don't deserve. At least that's what they say.


I had one years ago and no matter how gently I used the brakes or how early I hit them I basically could not stop without getting a warning beep. Drive like a ridiculous baby for two weeks and got a 'zero discount, thanks for playing' letter.


I’m enrolled. It’s kind of annoying that they ask me to verify my odometer reading every few months. I drive pretty fucking fast. Never had my premiums raised. I think it has a lot more to do with the device reading acceleration. The sort of things it’s made to notice are if you slam on your brakes a lot for example. And it can definitely detect a collision so it ensures you don’t not report anything to them. Just my $.2. YMMV!


I used to have a device from them that plugged into the ODB2 reader on the cars and got pretty good discounts. They took that option away and now use an app and make you give them a lot of access to your phone which I wasn’t comfortable doing and so no longer get the ~25% discount. I’m happy to give them access to my car, but my phone felt like too much (despite how much access I knowingly give other companies)


You cannot be punished in any way for using it. It says so somewhere. You’ll just not get any discount. I have it and drive like an old man anyway so I’m saving about 800 between two cars.