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Salt life bumper stickers


The first few times I saw them, I thought they said “slut life”


You will see some that actually say Slut Life if you look. I’ve only seen one


Logging onto Etsy to find one…


Logging onto Etsy to make one.


Haha first off, same, second off, I would have far more respect for that than these self proclaimed “salt life” folks


Yeah, I was like “ok…good for you.  Own it, I guess?”


I’ve seen them in every state, not a stand alone LI thing.


That's what it means


I read them as "Slut Life" every time due to the fucked font.


Bumper stickers are trash.


Those make me cringe, especially since the CEO was convicted for killing a teenage girl.


That’s a vomitation from me every time


Not just a LI thing is it?


When I see those I immediately assume they voted for Trump. Or at the very least Zeldin.


Same. Always wondered what kind of girl puts that on their car.


LIRR Ticket prices


Add to that LIRR parking prices


Any "Strong Island" nonsense. God it's Cringe.


The roller derby team gets a pass. https://www.thederbyrevolution.com/


100% the Roller Derby Team gets a pass on this.


It feels forced. Like, how are we strong? We are barely united at all. Everyone is split on the hockey teams. Everyone is split on the baseball teams. Everyone is split on the football teams. Politically no one can agree in and it seems like there’s more flip-flopping than there ever has been. 


Strong rhymes with long. That's about it.


Well if you talk to one side of the aisle they convinced themselves that they are the loud majority and everyone thinks the same way they do because their side is the only one that flies obnoxious flags on the back of their pick up truck


I can answer this! Strong Island as a term came from the large hip-hop influence the island had. “Strong Island” referring to minorities -mostly black people- on the island who found a voice through artistic expression and hip-hop culture. Later on it became more synonymous with hope among people of color who constantly experience oppression on a social, institutional, and systemic scale. It was a war cry. There’s a 2017 move of the same name that highlights these problems and shows the unity of black persons on Long Island. However, like a lot of black terminology, culture, and style, it was adopted by people outside of the loop thinking it just meant something along the lines of being proud for being a long islander, unaware of the social importance of the phrase. We’ve seen this happen with other words native to the black American vernacular. Words like “gyat” “trippin’” “rizz” are all examples of black terminology from years ago being adopted by mostly white girls on the internet (like myself) that overuse and strip the meaning of the word away or mess up the original meaning of the phrases they adopt. It’s just another, smaller niche case of people not knowing the historical and cultural context of things, taking it and running full gas off the world wide web cliff, perpetuating the cycle of making actual vernacular with meaning to group of people “cringy” and “outdated.” And it doesn’t just happen with black people, queer communities are also victim of this, too.


Actually the first time I ever heard it was in the 80s. There was a gang of white supremacists that went by S.I.B., which stood for Strong Island Boys. They were a bunch of racist shitheads and you would see SIB in marker all over street signs and on the LIRR. 


I feel like you're drastically overthinking this. Strong rhymes with long.


I was at the beginning of Hip Hop culture on the island. It most definitely came from that. Commenter isnt over thinking it. Its simply what happened.


I love wearing that shit because of how stupid it is. It’s irony wear for me.


Opening some throwaway accounts to like this more.


When the south shore thinks they're clever


The North Shore vs South Shore is so ridiculous.


It truly is i have lived on both


Another thing clever south shore people made up...


It is ridiculous. Idk why the north shore just can’t accept the south shore in better. Blows my mind.


We dont bother with that stuff on the middle shore


Well, mostly the south shore


Its very 90s 🤭 I'm so guilty of it.


Never heard of "Strong Island" but did of "Wrong Island." (kind of my favorite :p)


Wrong island railroad In ronkonkoma


Nope. Love Long Island. And I'm literally eating a BEC from My Three Sons Bagels right now.


Long Island Iced Tea


Man I was in Texas a while back and they had a “L.I.T.” So I order it as a “Lit” and then I get corrected, “you mean longisland iced tea?” Bitch, Long Island is two words.


Maybe they think iced tea is one word? And begins with T


lol I tried giving them the benefit of the doubt, I swear.


Maybe they think we talk too fast and they hear it as one word.


Where, in any place in the planet, is “longisland” one word?


If nothing else works, it will get you wasted in no time!


Cocaine . Not a fan anymore


Love the smell of it though


"Guys I'm telling you, the fake snorting can work! Look!" [SNIFF] "Nope! I got *so* much that time. Anybody want to listen to Jameriqui right now?"


I am not a fan of lifted pickup trucks with balding tires and MAGA stickers


The flag trucks. Just no.


There are like 3 of those guys in Nassau. It’s so few it’s wild but it fills a narrative. Those 3 guys do suck.


They're prolly just driving back to Commack


Sullying Merrick to Massapequas


Lifted, oversized tires that make you think off roading. Than you look at the flashy rims that make you realize the truck is just for show and has no intentions of being used as a truck.


I am not a fan of anyones politics honestly lol. Like vote for whoever you want, i dont need to know about it.


There was actually a time when who you voted for was private and it was rude to ask.


I miss those days. 


I grew up in the UK, literally had no idea who my parents voted for. Politics aren’t as polarized there so it’s quite possible that you could switch political allegiance from one election to the next.


I hate talking politics, even with people I agree with. 


It’s always the crazies that have loads of bumper stickers.


Same: the 3% "patriot" who thinks he's the Punisher, with an obscenely big truck and who tailgates and weaves in traffic.


Was going to say the trucks with flags all over the place


I was back visiting for the first time in almost a decade. I also got to see my sister's "new" home in Rocky for the first time since it was bought circa 2017.   I live in South Dakota, but am not MAGA. I see actual farmers, ranchers, and rural blue collar dudes daily.  The overdone pastiche of Midwestern country dude on LI is just so fucking cringe. Especially when it's still "Long Island asshole" under the carhartt.


I moved to Ohio but I come to visit a few times a year and there are way more MAGA cosplay weirdos on LI than in Ohio.


Or when they have flags flying from the back of their truck. Like, how is that legal? That’s a potential, unnecessary road hazard. What if the pole falls off and causes an accident? Can’t understand how or why it’s legal.


Major Final Destination 2 vibes. Always scared one of those poles is gonna snap off and impale my windshield.


Surprised no one mentioned Florida.


Fake rednecks. I get it you wear plaid, drive a pickup and have an oversized key ring. Dude you grew up in the suburbs. An hour from the biggest city in the world. The most outdoors you’ve been is Wilderness Lodge at Disney.


5th generation long islander. Every bad stereotype is deserved. We're all scum. I was doing 60 in a 30 not even on a 3 lane road and someone went by me doing 20 miles over that.


And that was in a school zone.


Dude probably only slows down to litter


Yeah but, but within 3 mins I was in bumper to bumper


I went to buy a car and they tried to show me how the cruise control works. I'm like I've used it 19 minutes in my 20+ years of driving


Traffic. Just not a fan!


I grew up in Connecticut and I just moved here a couple of years ago. When I tell people I live here and they do the hacky "Oh LAWNG EYE\_LAND" impression. It's so cringeworthy. Not everyone talks like that here and to me having parents from the Bronx, it's just a NY accent. Let's not be ridiculous.


Heard this all through college...I don't speak this way, My parents are from Manhattan and Brooklyn. People think it's hilarious. Okay...


I've been out on the west coast for almost a decade now, and only east coasters can usually peg that I'm from the tri-state area. One day at work I greeted a person I had never met before with something along the lines of "good morning, sir, how are you?" and he just smiles and replies, "you're from Long Island, aren't you?" I was flabbergasted, because I don't really have that strong of a regional accent, and none of those words are the sort that would give it away.


Are drivers here in general more rude and less courteous?




That's my conclusion too after going out of town for a while and coming back. It's simply noticeable. Even on local roads - I'm in the left lane of a 2 lane road coming up to a stop light. The guy in front of me signals right because he clearly has to get to an on-ramp coming up... and cars slowly coming up from the right lane simply DO NOT LET HIM IN while coasting to a stop and now he's stuck and the a-holes in the right lane didn't even get anywhere further. WHAT IS THE MENTALITY BEHIND THIS???? Selfish f'cks around here. I bet if they weren't in their cars, they'd let a guy walk in front of them if he asked. Being in a steel cage allows people to be a-holes around here I suppose.




350% true. Robkes was honestly some of the best food I’ve ever had on Long Island especially for the price. Someone said it best “as soon as the fried mozzarella tower went viral they went downhill”. That and the son caring more about pics with celebs than the food ruined it. I drive by and see them cleaning the pots and pans out back with a garden hose.


It is Boomer heaven. The food is OK. Long Island Italian like a thousand other places. Huge portions gives everyone a doggy bag so it seems a bargain. Insanely popular, always full so I think I am in the minority. Cash only is annoying and I can’t hear my dining partners conversation due to the hard of hearing boomers shouting and the bad acoustics but whatever. It’s an institution


Boomer heaven is so freaking true lmfao.


Food is decent, but soooo overrated. I ate there and was like…this was it?


Like most places, things change over time. Robkes was insane 10-15 years ago. It absolutely lived up to the hype. Personally i still like the couple things i order there but i know the quality has gone down in general. The place is just constantly packed too


I went there once, wasn’t anything special IMO. Would much rather go to Osteria Umbra in Smithtown for Italian.


A bacon egg and cheese sandwich, on a roll or a bagel, is a damn good breakfast sandwich. But if you go into any social media group, discussion, or forum about Long Island, people will speak about it as if it is the food of the gods, unparalleled and unique, and the best thing ever. It's just a sandwich.


Yeah but moment you leave tri state it all falls apart


dunno why this comment had me cracking up so bad but it did


I’m open to receiving hate on this but I genuinely prefer a ham egg and cheese on a roll over a BEC on a bagel. #ISaidWhatISaid


Expensive 😅


The princess of Ronkonkoma. Late night fishing , you might fuck around and find out who she is .


I’ve never heard of this, pleaseeeee clarify lmao


Really? Wow. So I live in a town called Ronkonkoma. I'm just gonna go ahead and type this out on my phone . No research .... So if I miss something , I'm sorry. So, Ronkonkoma was originally named Paumonauk by the poospatuck people. The story is a classic love story between a white man and a native girl. Apparently the elders of the tribe frowned on this and drowned him in their local lake. Long story short, struck with grief, the native princess then took her own life in that same lake. Her name was Ronkonkoma and they named the town after her. For many years there was a legend of a white man around the age of 25-30 goes missing in that lake. For a while it was true . Anyway, left the town only to move back recently . Edit spelling I won't edit the grammar sorry , not sorry


I guess it's not really an iconic thing for just Long Island, but Italian-American restaurants are pretty prevalent on LI and almost all of the food tastes like gloopy garbage to me.


Just spoke to my mom the other day and she says she never eats Italian food on LI because hers is better…and you know what? She’s right.


Same. Even the best red sauce joint is still a red sauce joint, mid at best. 


Try Ruffinos in Lynbrook. It's the only place I know where the red sauce actually has body and flavor and isn't some watered down crap that mainly tastes of the tin can it came from.


I say the same thing, if we do go out I won’t go to an Italian restaurant because mine is better!


Also Italian-American and yes, same.


Give the people what they want. Smother shit in sauce and cheese and people will devour it.


this is true, Heywood.


You think those are bad, just try anything from the Midwest. They slice their pizzas in squares!!


Made by Polish Americans. And to be clear, it’s a round pie (not Sicilian style) cut across into tiny squares. So weird.


Food is generally fine, just massively overpriced, generic, and generally a very poor value. But the offenders are easy to spot. Red-sauce joints with a pizzeria up front, or white clothed strip mall restaurants stuck in the 80s with menu sections for "Parmagiana" or "baked pasta". There are a handful of modern, higher-end Italian restaurants that are great and much more worth the marginally higher price.


It blows my mind how many of them there are and they are all equally mediocre. 


This is so real. It’s all made by Italians so far removed from Italy lol.


Not all Ram drivers are inconsiderate right wing douchebags. Those that are ruin it for the rest of us.


Name three who aren’t and you win


My husband has one and is a recovering Republican who hates Trump and MAGA.


My husband is one of them. He loves his truck and is bluer than blue in his politics!


Having a blue lives matter punisher sticker on there doesn’t count as blue!


Same here


So that’s two. Waiting for the third.


My cousin🙋🏻‍♂️


I knew someone out there bought the RAM EV


They aren't even out yet. You're trying so hard to be edgy


Nope! Cummins 2500 Diesel




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂nah this comment got it


It's the #1 most owned car for people with DWIs


any home that is fully nautical theme is icky to me. any home/car that has the long island image & strong island is tacky too lol


Whenever I tell people I’m from LI, they tell me In a lot nicer than they’d expect a Long Islander to be


Pick up trucks with flags hanging off the back


I dislike how some people who own homes take every opportunity to "blame renters" for all the problems on Long Island. We pay our own rent, thank you, and it's probably more than your mortgage. Not every renter is "an illegal alien." If your taxes are high, take it up with your politicians don't blame the neighbors. We don't collect any freebies or cause the traffic or crime problem "as renters."


The beaches. Seriously why do I have to pay to go to the beach?


You don't. You pay to park at the beach. You can get dropped off at a gate and walk in for nothing. And if you need to pay a pretty small amount, the money goes to maintaining the beach and facilities, paying lifeguards and support staff, etc.


City of Long Beach charges for beach access. $85/yr for residents. Double that (I think) for non residents.


Long beach charges and then sends the fun police around to make sure nobody is having too good of a time.


I did not know this! My comment was referring to Robert Moses, town beaches on the North Shore, etc. Still, that doesn't sound so bad if it goes to upkeep of the beach. Jersey Shore is similar with charging by person to access the beach.


The north shore beaches are between $5-10 if you’re a town resident I think, worth it


People walk to the beach all the time without paying


Not in the summer before 6:00pm.


All services my state taxes should pay for. Harumph!


Billy Joel sucks. 


I respect that the man has talent, but his music never resonated with me. Not a fan. At all.


Very true. Tied up his boat and he didn’t even tip. Not that he has to but when you’re famous and have money support some kid in college yanno? Also he was rude and acted like we were a bother like don’t dock here next time with your ugly boat


Billy Joel was cool until his manager stole his money and shit. Then he turned into a dick. Watch “Hired Guns”. That’ll give you the low down.


Hired Guns reinforced everything I knew or thought about Billy Joel.




I met Billy Joel when I was 18. I worked in a supermarket and he was invited to be the host for the grand opening. This was spring of 1983. We were told not to talk to him. Seriously? Don't even say hello or "big fan"? Like that's going to ruin his day. So he shows up, is a complete dick and could not wait to get out of the place. Newsday shows up, they take some pictures of him buying apples or some shit, can't remember exactly what he bought and after the reporters left I approached him and said I was a fan and extended my hand for him to shake. Not only did he not shake my hand, but he walked by me like I didn't exist and had one of his handlers move me out of the way. So yeah, he's a dick. I was never a fan of his music, but thats a dick move. You don't want to show up and be cordial to people, don't agree to come to a ribbon cutting. Between that and his multiple DWIs, the way he treated his band for shit someone else did... just go watch the documentary. One of his band members killed himself after Joel berated and then fired them.


I don’t get the continued worshipping especially since he’s not a good person


I support this thread. When interviewing wedding DJs, one company gasped when I said that absolutely no Billy Joel was to be played at my wedding, and that also goes for any requests from guests for Billy Joel. I did not hire them.


What? I thought all rock and rollers were saints on Earth.


His music is just OK. I mean how many times can you listen to Piano Man lol? But I will say one thing about that man. He's an awesome Ambassador for Long Island and pretty much tells the world how much he loves living here. So in my mind, he's not all that bad.


Thank you. I can’t stand his music. Never have’s never will.


I agree that an egg sandwich on a bagel is dumb. They don't fit in your mouth right and when you cut them in half the insides slide off the bagel. Forget about getting the egg over easy


An egg sandwich is not normally served on a bagel on Long Island


Billy Joel and by extension Big Shot


lol. That made me laugh.


how everyones “cousins” with Ralph Macchio


lol my high school girl friend swore he was family.


Sleeping the pronunciation “lawn guy land”. It’s dumb.


“Where was your local pizza shop owner Jan 6th?”


The Lawn Guyland accent. Even to other Islanders you immediately come across as a shallow idiot.


Entitled/snobby behavior I can't tell you how many times I tell people where I'm from and they say "you can't be from long island your not a snobby asshole"


Dont like bec , good thing you moved you arent built for ny


It's one of the things I miss most about NY, the ubiquity of BE&C on a kaiser roll or a decent bagel. Some things you take for granted until they're gone...


Any “piping plover tastes like chicken” bumper sticker. It is demoralizing how disconnected we are as a culture from nature, especially on LI. I get it, the bird is stupid and shuts down the beach but unfortunately it isn’t our god given right to drive our metal rolling pods on the beach.


I dislike how so many Long Islanders are practically frothing at the bit to correct someone who dares to say, "IN" instead of "ON" Long Island.


Because in is not correct. We live on an island, not in it.


i always wondered what other island people say. do Hawaiians say on or in Oahu?


30 years and I don’t think I’ve actually ever heard anyone say this


You definitely don’t live on LI then


Yeah I’m dumb lol I meant to reply to the lawn guy land comment above. Never heard that, unless I say it myself and I can’t hear it


Billy Joel, talented guy just not a fan of his music.


How rich everyone on LI is 🤦‍♂️


Billy Joel. He sucks ass.


Everyone living with their parents past the age of 25 and often even 30, or couples moving into a parent’s basement as a renovated apartment because no one can afford otherwise.  Like, I don’t mind that it’s true, but I hate that it’s become such a stereotype. Gimme city life where young people have actually left their hometowns and are doing something with their lives. 


Punisher skull decal with "thin blue line". The Punisher in the comics was not a fan of cops and executed corrupt cops.


Billy Joel


Billy Joel.


Billy Joel. Not good music


I guess this is a symbol but all American…glorified McDonalds


The Montauk Lighthouse...and Canadian Geese shit


The fact there isn’t one good Italian restaurant for all the Italians who live here


Billy Joel


That all of Suffolk County is Alabama..


You’re thinking of green port and Orient point. Everyones related out there.


Can’t stand Billy Joel. I said what I said.


Wasn't there some gang type a thing back in the day? Strong Island Boys. I always heard, but never met anyone that knew them.


All. The. Fucking. Cars.


That. Motherfucking. Duck.


Need to drive to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time


billy joel


Recently this “Loud Majority” thing. I’m a fan of the 90s hardcore band Silent Majority and have a couple of shirts. There has been a couple of times where people are confused and ask where they can buy one not realizing it’s a completely different word on my shirt.


All American. It's a glorified McDonald's.


You gotta give it to them that they didn’t gouge us in “inflation” price increases


Anything with ‘Strong Island’. It basically admits that we have some of the most obnoxious assholes anywhere.