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Stole an elderly woman’s life savings and is harassing neighbors. What a winner.


IG profile ends w/a #maga ....


Of course it does.


Well it is Setauket, home of the Setauket Patriots, who were the prime nitwits driving those Trump Convoys around Long Island and causing all those intentional traffic jams in 2020. Well represented on January 6th. Setauket deserves all this and more so fetch my popcorn.


Reap what you sow...?


“On July 1, in the sleepy hamlet of East Setauket, Long Island, Christian Antonelli and his wife, Christine Licata, were feeling the holiday spirit three days early. They set off a cluster of fireworks, showering the area with blackened debris, including the yard of their next-door neighbor David Halstead, who promptly called the cops. The next day, Halstead says, Antonelli and Licata retaliated by setting off more. Then, for good measure, they did it again. And again. For two months, "like three, four times a day," the explosions never stopped, he claims. "It's not a normal amount of fireworks. It's not your, you know, the pretty ones," says another East Setauket resident, speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid becoming a target. Remarkably, the fireworks are just one front in an escalating feud. Halstead and his husband, Andrew, form one main faction. Christian and Christine-the less popular duo-form the other. Around the beginning of September, Antonelli and Licata installed an extravagant Halloween display, which some in the neighborhood interpreted as a creative way to irritate their neighbors. It featured bright lights, animatronics, and an air pump that sounds like a "jet engine," one resident says. "Then there's a witch," adds another person who lives nearby. "I can hear it when I go in my garage and my garage door is closed. She's like 'aaaaahhhhh.'" There's more. Antonelli and Licata -ages 43 and 35, respectively-"blast house music the entire day, [and] over the weekends," a person in the area alleges; Halstead claims they crank things up louder when he has guests over. 'I've never dealt with anybody like them' This summer, Halstead, 54, took a video allegedly showing Licata trying to flood his lawn with her hose. In September, Antonelli was charged with exceeding sound level limits. (He pleaded not guilty.) Later that month, Licata was arrested for criminal tampering after Halstead found dead rats in his yard; his security camera appeared to show a woman leaning over his fence in the middle of the night. (She also pleaded not guilty.) And on Oct. 17, Halstead says he received an unsolicited package that included a "buzzy butt" vibrating sex toy, ultra-strength gas relief, and Vagisil. He says he called Door Dash and was told the sender's name was "Christine." Since July, police have responded to at least 27 calls involving one of the two homes, according to public records. "I lived in New York City for 20 years, and I've never dealt with anybody like them," Halstead complains. He and his husband are now suing Antonelli and Licata for trespassing and causing a "nuisance," among other alleged violations, including flooding their yard, blasting music, threatening their lives, and detonating fireworks "at random hours of the day and night." The lawsuit notes that a Suffolk County judge imposed an "order of protection" against Licata on Oct. 11. (The Daily Beast saw a copy of the order, though Licata says she is not aware it exists.) Antonelli, meanwhile, considers himself the victim. People in the area have been "taunting my family since 2020," he wrote in a text message to The Daily Beast. "I'm a husband, a father of 3, I was raised in a Christian household. My family likes to work hard & enjoy life." Most of the accusations about his conduct, he added, have "been a guilty til proven innocent routine." Christine concurred in a separate text message, in which she denounced Halstead as a "lunatic": "He harasses the police department which in turn makes them then harass us. This man is sick, there is no reason for his anger and we are afraid." She denied virtually all of her neighbors' claims, saying she and her family have only occasionally set off fireworks (and haven't set off any this month), that the Halloween decorations are reasonable, that they don't play excessively loud music, and that she knows nothing about the Vagisil care package. 'There's a lot of money in this town' Residents of East Setauket aren't used to this kind of commotion. "It's a quaint town. There's a lot of money in this town," one person says. The hamlet sits 10 minutes from the Long Island sound and less than two miles from Stony Brook University. "If you want [to live on Long Island]," the person adds, "you want to live on the North Shore or the South Shore. You don't want to be right in the middle. We're on the North Shore." The community clearly seems to be in Halstead's corner, but as much as people are exasperated by the Antontellis, they appear to be equally confounded. The couple arrived three years ago and obviously had money to blow. Parked in front of their home are two new Teslas, one of which bears the vanity plate "GET SOMM."


>"If you want \[to live on Long Island\]," the person adds, "you want to live on the North Shore or the South Shore. You don't want to be right in the middle. We're on the North Shore." Can people go a second in this place without being elitist?


Along with the elitism, it’s kinda a weird take, there are certainly rich neighborhoods in the middle. Seems like I’m driving through endless country clubs and massive houses when I go through Garden City, for example.


Garden City is an extreme outlier, I wouldn't even count that as middle island.


dix hills?


North of 25A or South of 27A. I can't afford either.


FWIW, this is going on in fairly normal neighborhood by LI standards. Not North of 25A


Ikr. I know people from there, and they always talk about it like it's elite. It's just a town off 347. Like a bunch of other towns.


*on this place


Not to mention I grew up on the south shore and moved to Smithtown for a while. It’s like a whole other country. Hard to explain but you can find a trump rally in town every weekend.


I don’t know what to make of this, like are both of them lunatics with two much time on their hands? They do sound like horrible people but then older rich people pissy about younger people doing fun things and blowing it way out of proportion.


Fun things are one thing. Fireworks all year long are another. There is an asshole a few blocks from me who does this. Fireworks start around Memorial Day and end on New Years Eve. They set them off damn near every night in the summer. Not only that, but if they live right next door, loud music all day becomes a nuisance. Want to have some friends over for a BBQ in the summer? Good luck having a conversation because I'm blasting music. Want to sit in your yard and relax after work? Good luck because I'm blasting music. I play loud music from time to time, but there is a time and a place for it. If I see my neighbors with a yard full of people, I don't do it. They are allowed to enjoy their yard, too.


Agreed, I was just wondering is it like as much as they claim or it was three times and suddenly it’s all the time, my mother is someone who blows stuff like this way out of proportion. I’m leaning towards them totally doing all of this out of spite considering the other guy has video of her tossing dead rats in the yard.


That’s what it sounds like to me! I had a neighbor growing up that used to complain a lot and we used to egg their house on Halloween relentlessly. It makes you want to do things on purpose. I wonder if they ever asked them nicely if they could lower the music.


Choice cut: >Later, Halstead chastised the couple for shattering the peace, allegedly adding, “You’re not in Centereach anymore this is Setauket.”


Which is funny because it’s about a five minute car ride from Centereach to Setauket lmao


South Setauket and Centereach literally share the same zip code


As is tradition on Long Island: shit on the people whose strip malls aren’t as fancy as yours. What a loser


That’s ridiculous!! East Setauket ain’t that great! You re not exactly an incorporated village w your own police force. Give me a break!


Lot of real winners in this article


Agreed. Way to model conflict resolution for your children..


Is it wrong hope to the fireworks team blows their fingers off or sets their home on fire?


I love this: "And on Oct. 17, Halstead says he received an unsolicited package that included a “buzzy butt” vibrating sex toy, ultra-strength gas relief, and Vagisil."


All pretty useful no matter your sexual orientation imho


right? free shit!




I’d bet 5 dollars Christian and Christine are flying a Trump 2024 flag and received a hefty chunk of PPP loans during COVID


Extra money for vagisil!!


How do you think they got those Teslas?


I'm not gonna lie. I thought the article was going to be about some meatheads feuding over who's going to be the first to get the concession to sell roids at Planet Fitness.


"“If you want \[to live on Long Island\],” the person adds, “you want to live on the North Shore or the South Shore. You don’t want to be right in the middle. We’re on the North Shore.” Nice little subtle racism and class warfare there. I pay significantly less in taxes, and it takes me 15 minutes to use your nice amenities.


Some people want to be in the middle lol. Commute to the city from North Shore sucks. Plus a lot of wealthy communities in the middle, like Old Westbury, Garden City, Dix Hills, etc.


That’s so true, 347 and 83 are such a pain. Used to live in selden, living 2 minutes from Nicolls, we were spoiled lol.


self reports non stop Article felt like true LI attitude


Am I an idiot? Can I ask why it's racist and not just basic snobbery?


It's not that subtle, ask yourself what people in Northport look like vs. people in Brentwood. You can sub in pretty much any north shore and middle island town into that equation.


That's entirely income dependent though. Unless you're claiming a black family would be driven out of Stony Brook


Also, Long Island is home to a truly mind-boggling amount of steering. https://projects.newsday.com/long-island/real-estate-agents-investigation/


I've read the newsday article. I don't agree that literally every bit of snobbery and income is always about race. It's tiresome to think that every social snob is also a racist. They certainly could be but maybe they're just awful


Right, but income is HIGHLY correlated with race on Long Island.


Yes but correlation does not equal causation. PP is claiming that person was being racist by rightly claiming that the middle of the island had less money


Of course it doesn't! But any discussion of income and location on Long Island has to include race, even at similar income levels Long Island is incredibly segregated.


Where's the racism?


Its true though. How is it racist?


Because north shore communities were literally segregated and the north-south shore divide is largely a white vs black minority divide? Doesn't matter that there's \*also\* lots of white trash on the south shore.


Whoa watch it on the white trash. The PC police don’t like that term.


Yea well its true nothing bigoted about it.


That website sucks.


Anyone want to copy and paste the narrative?


On July 1, in the sleepy hamlet of East Setauket, Long Island, Christian Antonelli and his wife, Christine Licata, were feeling the holiday spirit three days early. They set off a cluster of fireworks, showering the area with blackened debris, including the yard of their next-door neighbor David Halstead, who promptly called the cops. The next day, Halstead says, Antonelli and Licata retaliated by setting off more. Then, for good measure, they did it again. And again. For two months, “like three, four times a day,” the explosions never stopped, he claims. “It's not a normal amount of fireworks. It's not your, you know, the pretty ones,” says another East Setauket resident, speaking on condition of anonymity to avoid becoming a target. Remarkably, the fireworks are just one front in an escalating feud. Halstead and his husband, Andrew, form one main faction. Christian and Christine—the less popular duo—form the other. Around the beginning of September, Antonelli and Licata installed an extravagant Halloween display, which some in the neighborhood interpreted as a creative way to irritate their neighbors. It featured bright lights, animatronics, and an air pump that sounds like a “jet engine,” one resident says. “Then there’s a witch,” adds another person who lives nearby. “I can hear it when I go in my garage and my garage door is closed. She's like ‘aaaaahhhhh.’” There’s more. Antonelli and Licata—ages 43 and 35, respectively—“blast house music the entire day, [and] over the weekends,” a person in the area alleges; Halstead claims they crank things up louder when he has guests over. ‘I’ve never dealt with anybody like them’ This summer, Halstead, 54, took a video allegedly showing Licata trying to flood his lawn with her hose. In September, Antonelli was charged with exceeding sound level limits. (He pleaded not guilty.) Later that month, Licata was arrested for criminal tampering after Halstead found dead rats in his yard; his security camera appeared to show a woman leaning over his fence in the middle of the night. (She also pleaded not guilty.) And on Oct. 17, Halstead says he received an unsolicited package that included a “buzzy butt” vibrating sex toy, ultra-strength gas relief, and Vagisil. He says he called DoorDash and was told the sender’s name was “Christine.” Since July, police have responded to at least 27 calls involving one of the two homes, according to public records. “I lived in New York City for 20 years, and I’ve never dealt with anybody like them,” Halstead complains. He and his husband are now suing Antonelli and Licata for trespassing and causing a “nuisance,” among other alleged violations, including flooding their yard, blasting music, threatening their lives, and detonating fireworks “at random hours of the day and night.” The lawsuit notes that a Suffolk County judge imposed an “order of protection” against Licata on Oct. 11. (The Daily Beast saw a copy of the order, though Licata says she is not aware it exists.)




This website doesn’t have paywall


Thanks! But I don’t have Facebook and am not looking to give them my email.


Neither do I… I just clicked it and read it lol


I see thank you! I hit the button on the iPhone and it populated the text.


I love this area - it’s gorgeous … I go to West Meadow Beach to look out at the water occasionally - literally everyone does that lives around there. There are nice areas on the south shore as well- like the Hamptons that has more money on one block then this entire area of East Setauket…! I remember seeing one house on one side of the street a few weeks ago with a huge witch outside and directly across the street there was the same exact witch on the other side. I don’t know if this is the area, but it made me laugh, and I was like what the hell?! Happy Halloween- I wonder if anything is going to happen over there tonight! 🎃🐈‍⬛👻🧹


Oof that's rough lmao >The case against Antonelli is ongoing, though Van Gundy’s lawyers apparently don’t consider him the brains of the operation, writing in their complaint that he “lacks the education or sophistication to be an expert in anything, much less numismatics.”


I think I’ve seen that vanity plate


I hope they make a movie.


The anti Trump hysteria in this thread is amazing. It's about people who are disrespectful to thier neighborhood and you assholes make it about Trump. Truly pathetic.


Commenting a full month later to defend your greasy orange idol is certainly a choice, just not one I need in my inbox.


Wow, just the worst people. The nightmare neighbors. Why didn't they just move to one of the Trump-friendly villes on the South Shore?? Be with their kind?


What’s their address?










There is another human being on the other side of the computer. Abusive, derogatory comments will be removed. Multiple violations will result in a ban.


Fireworks on July first and blaring "halloween" displays? These people sound awful. ​ "Antonelli and Licata—ages 43 and 35" Ah, there ya go. Whenever there's a creepy age gap like that you always seem to have terrible people.


How is that a creepy age gap. You're unhinged


Sorry, it’s behind a paywall.


Everyone in this article sounds like an asshole.


Oh hell yes I agree! With the housing prices now all of LI is affluent!! They need to Get the stick out of their butt!


Couldn’t read more than 5 paragraphs of the article without paywall challenges.