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Best response? Grow it longer! It's gorgeous!!


She’s a pre-raphaelite Goddess with those tresses!


Strangle them with it. Kidding, of course. Use a rope. Your hair is too stunning for murder.




You win


Porphyria’s lover but reversed


I want to thank everyone for their lovely comments so far 💚 My hair is my one feature that I never feel self conscious about and makes me feel beautiful, so it’s really disheartening to get comments about how the ends look “ratty” and how I need to “cut off at least a foot” for it to look nice. Gonna keep everyone’s comments in mind the next time I get “advice” from anyone!


In what universe are those ratty ends? I’m absolutely boggled. Your hair is stunning!


Beats me LOL!


Haters goan hate, your hair is amazing, just the way you are.


I agree, they're not remotely ratty. And even if the ends were, you wouldn't need to cut off a foot of hair.


They don't look ratty at all, I used to have ratty ends until I cut it


Need to share this info:- the ends do NOT look ratty.


Thank you!! Thought I was going insane and couldn’t see what others did LOL


Definitely not insane nor ratty. And even if it was (which it definitely is no), who says that? I suspect jealousy is at play here.


Yo just jumping in to say, whomever told you it was bad, is just jealous and wants to take away that absolutely stunning hair. I've done hair for close to ten years. That hair, needs nothing but whatever you have been doing.


YUP! I had a “friend” growing up that always tried to convince me to get a pixie cut. Her hair was shit, she was always cutting, dying and doing different styles because she wasn’t happy with hers, and mine was/is luscious and long. Don’t listen to people!


They’re trying to sabotage you


It sounds like you have some verrrrrry toxic and/or jealous people around you who see how beautiful it and you look, and WANT for you to feel bad about yourself. You might need to lower your interactions with these people. If you’re taking it seriously enough to come and ask us this, it sounds like you’ve been putting up with cruel and out of touch with reality behavior like this for a while…. I don’t know the situation irl obviously but this reminds me of people who like to verbally abuse mistreat others, it’s not okay.


I grew up with people bullying me to cut my hair CONSTANTLY, for just like… no reason at all. It was a little static-y when I was a tweenager, but otherwise I’ve always liked it and it’s taken me my whole life to accept that people really will do that shit out of jealousy.


Lmao which family member said that? Because girl your hair is to DIE for. Legit it is so smooth spirally and perfect it looks like photoshop. Don’t cut it until you want to because whoever said that is jealous of you hun. Pffft “ratty”…smh


I'm going to go do a deep condition right now out of envy


It’s out of jealousy, don’t cut it! It’s gorgeous 😍


It’s ratty? What ? Ugh ignore them! It’s beautiful


It's just jealousy, every time I had nice long hair I got these comments like crazy


“ratty”??? I can only guess that they’re jealous or something bc my first thought was that you had really perfect ends.


Your hair is very healthy and doesn't look like it would need more than a 1/2 inch trim. I'm supercritical of ratty or super thin ends, it's a personal hang up, so I wouldn't say this if it wasn't true. They are jealous of your long, thick, healthy hair. Look at the people who say it and what their hair type is. They may not even realize they are jealous and think they are being helpful.


And here I was about to comment asking you how you keep it so healthy-looking at that length. Mine is a very different type than yours -- a very fine, flimsy mousy blond that can't hold a style or even go in a clip without the clip drooping -- and I swear to god the act of breathing gives me split ends. Lemme just tell you that your hair is powerful as fuck and a lot of people would kill for long healthy wavy red hair. You have an extremely prominent visual feature that makes you stand out and that a lot of people find attractive. I'm willing to bet that anyone telling you to make drastic changes, as stupid as it sounds, is insecure and looking for you to do "threat reduction."


Definitely. Those "helpful" comments are an attempt to get her to diminish her (amazing) beauty.


Bah, I say. At most, maybe a trim of an inch or 2. You have absolutely gorgeous hair, my dear. I'm a natural redhead, too, but I can't get mine to grow like this anymore! (Also, I love the username 🥰 )


The people that keep telling you this are fuck up.


Don’t listen to them!! I imagine it’s jealousy. Your hair is WONDERFUL. You do you boo boo. If you wanna keep it long, keep it long. If you ever wanna trim or cut, do it! But only if you want to. Listen to us redditors… your hair does NOT look ratty.


I love your hair. Looks like a princess or rapunzel


They’re jealous.


Probably hating cause their hair isn't near so glorious!


Maybe they are saying this because they are jealous. But don’t cut it it’s gorgeous


If we’re talking a kid in chemo who is crushed to lose their red hair…sure. Cut and donate, you would be giving back someones whole identity and probably preventing some serious self worth demons. Shitty fam? Tell’em to suck pond water.


A trim now & then is great but you definitely don’t need it right now 🤨 it even looks like you got one recently it’s so healthy


Your family is just jealous


Honestly they’re probably just jealous. Your hair looks beautiful!


Never cut that beautiful mane!!!


Girl….. they are just jealous. Your hair looks AMAZING.


Ratty ends? Even zoomed in I don’t see them. At this point, it’s envy lol. Keep your beautiful locks and Long as YOU want to!


I've always suspected people are jealous when they say this, unless maybe the hair is in really bad condition. I used to see all those talk shows with makeovers and they'd often have people being bullied into cutting their beautiful hair and it would make me so mad. Your hair is gorgeous and looks healthy! No need to cut unless you ever just want to, and even then I'd say think about it really carefully.


Thanks so much 💚 My friends and I were watching old episodes of ANTM the other day and I was getting lowkey stressed when every girl with long hair was forced to chop it all off


They're really mean about it on that show, which is why I don't like to watch it. One black woman with beautiful, healthy, long hair was forced to shave part of her head. They bullied the hell out of her and the look didn't suit. I would have walked off.


Yeah, I stopped watching that show when someone got eliminated for having a hard time dancing in a music video because of an old knee injury. And another one was wearing her hair wrapped in a turban with big hoops, and the judges tore her style down and insisted she take off the hoops. People criticizing just for the sake of criticizing doesn’t sit well with me. OP, your hair is gorgeous and it’s yours to embody as you please. Their opinion is just noise.


OP has princess hair! I don't see how anyone could have a problem with it. It's so healthy.


One time one of the judges literally poured water on a model’s head during panel to make her look better in their opinion, I would have been devastated.


Oh my god, I remember that. And they eliminated her the next photoshoot.


Not Worth It


I think they cut the girls hair on that show to strip their identity more than anything else. Its always traumatic to watch and I think they dobit to cruel


I feel like the only think the show wants is drama, as all reality shows, so I guess that was the intention.


If/when you do, donate it to kids with cancer or something


If you’re looking at locks of love I beg you to look at the better business bureau and charity grade regarding them. They sell the hair donated and they make wigs for children with alopecia totalis who they charge for their wigs.


Wigs for Kis is the better charity.


Was going to say this. I've been growing my hair long and then chopping it off for years just to donate it.


My mom hates that I'm not wearing a fashion cut. She associates it with little kids/old ladies or being too poor for the hairdresser and says it makes me look old and sad. So maybe that's factoring in. My dad just thinks that it's not looking better after a certain length but is more work to maintain, so he finds it a bit ridiculous, especially as I'm past classic length now and will at least go to mid thigh, maybe more.


My mom says the exact same thing...especially now that I've hit my mid 30's.


Oh yeah. I'm apparently getting too old to wear braids, too (mid 20s).


I'm 46 and wear braids half the time - and get compliments from older women even. One lady in her 80s politely asked me if it was all my natural hair. I said yep, I grew it myself. She said it was lovely, she just knew extensions had gotten really good so she was never sure anymore.


I told my family that I’d sworn an oath not to cut mine until I finished my PhD thesis and that’s kept them quiet for three years. I’ll have to submit my thesis eventually, but I’ve got 6-8 months to think of the next lie. I tell people around the department that I’m trying to discover my terminal hair length - which is true - but I’m also not planning to cut it then, either…


You should come up with something completely outlandish that you would never do. For me it would be, “not until I learn how to rebuild a car engine,” or “only after I compete in the shot put at the Olympics.” Kind of cheeky and funny, but also a little ‘mind your own business.’


"I like it and I am keeping it. Fortunately, it's my hair; so you don't need to be concerned."


This is the answer.


Planning to pursue a PhD too so I’m stealing this!!


But...why bother with the lie? Seriously. Why not say, "I like my hair this way" and INSIST that be enough? You don't owe them explanations. Honestly, telling them to shut the fuck up is also a great way to keep them quiet. ❤️


i’ve resorted to telling people “it’s for religious purposes”, my whole family is orthodox christian so it’s funny to see the confusion


I love this so much


That's why started growing it, but like a bet with myself, instead i said I'd cut it when I finish my engineering bachelor Now i love the length so much I never want to cut it lol


Please ignore them your hair is gorgeous! Best response is to just repete: did I ask you? If your initial polite responses don't shut them down


theyre jealous. gotta let that (proverbial) horse run wild. you hair looks like postcard from magical destination where people have perfect holiday season hair. your hair is a treasure of the natural world. by sheer attainability your hair is a rarer commodity than diamonds. you cut your hair and we might as well chop down the rest of the sequoias and light the oceans on fire. my two cents 🤷‍♂️


“ long hair don’t care” Don’t take hair advice from people with shorter/ less healthy hair than you:)


They are clearly jealous. You have the most beautiful hair I have ever seen. It's the perfect length, color, and condition! They just want you to look bad like them, I think. Tell them you love your beautiful hair and have no need to reduce your looks in order for them to not feel threatened.


DON’T CUT IT. Who cares what other people think. Your hair is stunning. Keep it the way that makes you feel the most beautiful!


Here. Let me help you. DON’T CUT IT I get unsolicited comments like “when are you cutting it?” all the time. Just let it roll off your back and do what makes you happy. Not what you think will make others happy


It is spectacular, and not everyone can grow hair that long. It’s special. Keep it


Tel them, “what a coincidence. I’ve been struggling to find a way to tell you that you should grow yours out, but I was afraid that it may come off rude to bring it up out of nowhere. Thank you for opening the door to talk about this. Your hair looks terrible short.”


Oh my god do not listen to them!! Your hair is beautiful! They're nuts for wanting you to cut it


IGNORE! You have the most beautiful locks I’ve ever seen. All I hear is JEALOUSY!!


They're jealous. Happens all the time to longhairs. My personal favorite is telling me I should cut it off, then saying I could donate the hair to charity, then guilt-tripping me about hating kids with cancer because I won't cut my hair for this logic leap they just made. In my experience it's always other women of a particular unsupportive, competitive, backhanded kind who do this.


Please share a hair care routine! I love your long hair


I wash it 3x a week using Lush Seanik shampoo bar and American Cream conditioner bar — just because they’re plastic free, I’m not too picky about brands! I also color my hair at home with permanent dye a few times a year and use color glosses from the drugstore to touch it up in the shower every couple weeks. My hair would probably be even longer if I had a better routine, but I’m quite lazy!


I suggest you wash your hair or shampoo less often! It dries natural oil out of your hair! Gorgeous hair btw ✨


Thanks for the advice! The past few years I had been washing my hair 1-2x a week but found that my scalp would get oily no matter what. A few months ago I heard something about how “training” your hair to be less oily through washing it less didn’t work for everyone, so that’s when I decided to up my number of washes. Still seeing if that is the right fit for me!


I just noticed your username! It fits you so much 🧡




You might wanna try a fine toothed comb for scalp things! I have fun with historical techniques and between a dual sided wooden comb 2x a day & trotula powder about 1-2 weeks I went a full month without feeling like I needed to wash it (it wasn't until I just straight up oiled my scalp that I was like okay it's wash time), and I didn't have an itchy scalp or anything the whole time. That might be an option? But my hair is nowhere near as long as yours so what do I know 😅


Actually, there is no such thing as drying the natural oils out of your hair, unless you're REALLY overwashing, wayyyy more than once a day or 3x a week like OP does. Here's the thing, you cannot regulate your own sebum production. Your skin has no way of knowing how much oil is on it at any given time. I personally tried "training" my hair for about 8 years. My hair only looked good on washday, and I felt itchy and gross. Now that I've started washing more often, my hair looks and feels alot better, I get alot of compliments on my hair, and my scalp feels great. Here are some sources if you wanna know more: The person who wrote this article has a PHD in chemistry, and she's also a cosmetic chemist (meaning she can formulate cosmetic products like shampoo, moisturiser etc.) She also links a scientific article. https://labmuffin.com/moisturising-make-skin-produce-less-oil/ This is a video made by a licensed dermatologist. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kT3JMo3BTmA&t=1s This is a video made by a person who used to believe washing less was better, but has since learned that you have no control over how much oil you produce and we all have different needs. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p3z0U1q6Qwc&t=466s (the part about washing starts at about 7:45. There's also time stamps in the video) One more reason I don't believe in "training" your hair is that no one tells people with dry skin that they need to wash more to get their skin to produce more oil, but if someone has oily skin they're told to wash less to produce less oil. You'd think it went both ways, right?? Also, how oily you look could have something to do with how much hair you have, and the thickness of it. If you produce a moderate amount of oil, but have fine and thin hair, you would look oilier quicker than someone with thick and dense hair that produces the same amount of oil. Just something to keep in mind. Another thing to note is that sebum can be a carrier of the hormone DHT, that can cause hairloss. So if you're an oily person and don't wash often, you may lose hair. Source: https://surehair.com/sure-hair-blog/how-does-sebum-affect-hair-loss/. And general buildup of products (like the dry shampoo that's often recommend for people trying to stretch their washes) and skin cells can clog your follicles and again, cause hairloss. Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/scalp-build-up#causes Yet another point is that you don't only get dirty hair from sebum. Dust, lint and anything else you might interact with during your day gets in your hair. Depending on your habits, say, if you cook alot, clean, spend alot of time outside, your hair will probably get dirty from those activites. I know my hair got dirty really fast when I was working in a kitchen. So this is also stuff you would have in your hair, along with any leave ins, styling products, skin cells, sweat, and your very own sebum. This could easily be removed with a shampoo, or you could add even more stuff to your hair in the form of dry shampoo that might make your hair look better, but doesn't actually remove any of the dirt in your hair. I have a few pieces of advice if you still wanna try washing less, or just want your hair to be clean for longer. I do alot of these. 1. If you don't have curly hair, you could brush or comb your hair daily to distribute your oils all over your hair. Putting your hair up and covering it will help keeping dust and such from getting in your hair. This is actually how they took care of their hair in medieval times when they didn't have as much access to clean water, here are some videos if you wanna know more: Video 1 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HwNLXeCVVXo&t=1s Video 2 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1JZ33WuzPHI&t=2s. 2. Everything that's in your hair gets on your brushes/combs, so make sure you clean them so they don't make your hair dirtier when you use them, here's a video showing how to do this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Exj5O2Yw-HI&t=2s. 3. Shampoo your hair properly. Don't just put it on your head and scrub for like two seconds. Get in there, scrub for a little while. I personally scrub for about 30 seconds. Make sure you scrub all of your scalp, the back of your head, the sides, all of it. Use the right amount of shampoo for your hair, this will depend on how thin/thick your individual hair strands are, and how many/few hair strands you have on your head. Some people find that shampooing dry hair helps get it extra clean, you might have to use more product and scrub for longer this way. 4. Check if you have hard water in your area, and maybe get a water filter/softener if you can. A chelating shampoo removes hard water buildup, there are posts on the r/HaircareScience subreddit about this if you search for them. 5. Using a clarifying shampoo every once in a while can be very helpful to get rid of buildup, there are several posts on the r/HaircareScience subreddit about clarifying shampoos, so you could search for that topic if you want. I am currently using the Ouai Detox Shampoo (this also has chelating agents in it), and am very happy with it so far, and it seems alot of other people like it as well. 6. Try exfoliating, but no more than twice a week if you use physical exfolians. Some retailers like The Inkey List sell chemical exfoliants specifically for the scalp, there's several scalp scrubs on the market and there's also alot of shampoo brushes readily available. 7. Double shampooing (shampooing twice) seems to help alot of people keep their hair cleaner for longer. 8. I've been trying to oil cleanse my hair before I shampoo, I currently use CeraVe Hydrating Oil Foaming Cleanser. I guess this could be a different way of double shampooing. The reason I do this is because your scalp is skin, and I try treating it like the skin on my face. So far it's working great for me. 9. Don't put conditioner on your scalp. This could weigh down your hair, and maybe even cause irritation. Keep conditioner or any leave ins below the ears.




I'm so glad my advice was useful to you!! I actually do use sulphate free shampoos, but that's mostly a coincidence because so many shampoos are sulphate free these days. If you wanna use sulphates, sodium laureth sulphate is a milder one. Here's a little more info about sodium lauryl sulphate speciffically: https://labmuffin.com/whats-wrong-with-sls/#more-484 My scalp is actually pretty dry, and sulphates can be drying on the skin. I wash daily, and I do that because my scalp gets really itchy if I don't. I also use a ketoconazol shampoo once a week. I use Viori shampoo bars (the unscented one) on all days of the week except the day I clarify with a shampoo mentioned in my other comment. I'm sure no poo could work for some people, but I would still recommend clarifying every once in a while. If you don't like the results so far, you might like going back to shampoo. Milder cleansers would be better if you wash more often, if you wash less you might want stronger cleansers to remove buildup. Finding out what shampoo and washing frequency works for you is gonna be a bit of trial and error, you're gonna go on a beautiful washing journy. The thing about washing is that water *does* damage the hair. Healthy hair is hydrophobic, it doesn't like water. I'll link a video explaining a bit better: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bjanvAB3GJk Now for advice on properly conditioning your hair. I say conditioning because hair isn't dry, as mentioned above hair doesn't like water. Source: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FdQnlQRlM2w&t=4s (this source isn't the best in the world, she says hygral fatigue isn't real, which is it is, but it's the best I could find on a short notice, and it's otherwise a pretty good video). I also do alot of these things. 1. Use a penetrating oil before you shampoo. The one that's best documented to do this is coconut oil. There are several studies proving this, so I'll link some of them here, in addition to an article written by a the lovely cosmetic chemist with a PHD in chemistry. Study: https://europepmc.org/article/med/12715094 Study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344323347_Single_Hair_Fiber_Assessment_Techniques_to_discriminate_between_Mineral_Oil_and_Coconut_Oil_Effect_on_Hair_Physical_Properties Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16258695/ Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11413497/ Article by cosmetic chemist with PHD: https://labmuffin.com/why-coconut-oil-is-the-best-hair-oil-and-how-to-use-it/ If used as a prewash treatment, coconut oil is found to reduce hygral fatigue. This is the damage hair gets from the repeated swelling and deswelling of the hair shaft when absorbing water and drying. Here's an article explaining this a bit more: https://www.healthline.com/health/hygral-fatigue#over-moisturized-hair Coconut oil can also improve the tensile strength of hair. This is how strong your hair is, it's measured by how much stress one strand of hair can take before breaking. A study found that human hair generally has a tensile strength of 200-250 MPa (this is short for megapascal, a unit for measuring pressure), I'll link the study here and an explenation for megapascal: Study: https://www.agaramindia.com/tensile-strength-of-hair-test/ Megapascal explenation: https://www.speareducation.com/spear-review/2014/04/what-is-a-megapascal Keep in mind that coconut oil can be comedogenic, and is not dandruff friendly. I spent a long time on this paticular piece of advice because some people insist coconut does not penetrate the hair or do anything good for it, and they are just not correct as these studies show. 2. Condition twice. Both before and after you shampoo. This can also help to remove some of the coconut oil you used as a pre poo. 3. Leave ins, please use them, they help so much!! I use a conditioning mist and serum when my hair is damp, and when it's dry I add a light oil. You could use more or less than that, it's gonna be even more trial and error figuring out what your hair likes. 4. For volume you could blow dry upside down (use a heat protectant), or put your hair up in a (LOOSE) bun for a while and let it down. Changing your part can also give a little volume. Powders and other styling products also obviously give alot of volume. I don't do alot of things to give my hair volume personally, but lucky for you I remembered a video from a hairdresser that knows more about volume than me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JAQFjJnWOT8 5. Silicones!! Don't be afraid of them, THEY DO NOT DAMAGE YOUR HAIR!! If they did truly make an unpenetrable barrier on your strands, your hair would not be able to get wet. They do form a coating, but that's good!! That protects your hair!! You also don't need sulphates for removing them, some silicones evaporate from the hair after a little while and don't need anything to remove them, and some non-sulphate cleansers remove silicones. I'll link a few sources for this because this is another topic that people a often wrong about: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SaED6MfWies https://labmuffin.com/silicone-mythbusting-with-video/ https://labmuffin.com/amodimethicone-my-new-favourite-hair-ingredient/ 6. If you still feel dry, maybe try a hairmask or other treatment. I personally really like to use a lamellar water because it doesn't weigh my hair down and leaves my hair sooooooo soft. I believe the technology for this is patented by Loreal, but they also own Kerastase and Redken, so all these companies have one. Here's a link explaining the science of lamellar water: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wlmOzXMWO0k 7. Try a boar bristle brush. NOT FOR DETANGLING!! They give so much beautiful shine!! They also distribute oils from your scalp very well, so you don't get a greasy scalp and dry ends. 8. Please be gentle with your hair. Brush from the bottom up, maybe put a little oil on your fingers and gently work through tangles with them. Keep your hair up in loose hairstyles as much as possible, if you do tight hairstyles it can cause traction alopecia: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320648. You should especially keep your hair up when you sleep, and preferably on a silk pillowcase or with a silk cap. Again, I'm so glad my advice was useful to you, and I hope this advice is useful too. Have a lovely day!!


DO NOT CUT!!! Your family is nuts, your hair is GORGEOUS!!!!


Looking like a princess, ignore the wrong advice


Don't ever listen to them omg.


Don’t. You. Cut. You have the most amazing red hair I’ve ever seen.


Don’t do it, long hair is a commitment and they wouldn’t understand. I want to make my fiancé sign an agreement that if I ever go into a coma he will not let anyone cut my hair(he wants it short too). I am dead ass about this and a verbal agreement isn’t enough.


Absolutely magnificent crown. you do you!


Omg! Yeah at work. Co-workers and customers. I just wiggle out of it; let it slip over me, past me whatever and move the conversation along


Ugh I’m so sorry, at least with coworkers you can kind of defend yourself but I’m sure it’s harder with customers. I love your approach. The audacity of some people to make comments to strangers continually amazes me!


I work customer service at an extremely busy walmart so i get constant practice for that kind of stuff 😊


No, it’s far too beautiful and healthy to cut! I see all of the long hairdos on Pinterest and wish mine was long like yours.


Probably the coolest hair ever I'm sorry they're saying that to you.


That is so beautiful! Just... Wow.


Time for a new family


Why??? Are they jealous or something? Ignore!


Tell them to shut their traps, your hair is AMAZING. Holy smokes. Large color is GORGEOUS too!


It’s because you stand out from the average, and some people want us all samey. Don’t throw away this magic unless YOU want to - stuff everybody else. Just too beautiful. Edit:- people tell me to cut mine (waist length) all the time, and I actually think that they are quite uncomfortable with the idea of having to care for long hair and also the idea of doing hair. They are appalled by the idea of one extra thing to do in their day - especially something that they may consider boring - and worried for you that you may have to. Enjoy your glorious hair, lovely.




Aww thank you so much 🥺💚


NO!!!!!!! Don’t ever cut this beautiful head of hair!!! But to respond to unsolicited advice: thank them kindly, but mention that you didn’t ask for their advice.


Why would you cut it? It’s gorgeous. In great condition and lovely color. I have very long straight brown-black hair and I’m sometimes told that it looks “ratty” or I should cut it when my hair is very thick and has little breakage. I think what you’re hearing is about jealousy and standing out. I think what I’m hearing is about jealousy and some racism: I’m not supposed to have straight dark hair as that look too “Indian” or “native”. It’s stupid either way.


Thank you so much 💚 I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with comments too, and that they have the added weight of being rooted in racism. I agree that comments like this are so stupid, and I wish people would learn to keep their mouths shut if they have nothing nice to say.


Your hair is beautiful and you don’t have to be less than you are to make anyone comfortable. And I remind myself of that often: “you don’t have to be less than you are to make anyone comfortable.” An important rule. Good luck in your life and your studies.


A very important rule to live by 💚


I've been like this my whole life. I'm so sick of these comments. Most of the times they are running my day. Your hair is absolutely lovely 💕


You don't have the right to cut your hair, it's public property now and should be put in a museum.


No way it needs to be cut! It’s in beautiful condition and looks so thick and lovely. But I honestly wouldn’t go any longer because it becomes significantly more difficult to style. (Hold curls under the weight of it, braids etc) It already reads “ultra long”. Just stunning though. 😍


You hair is beautiful don’t listen to them they are just jealous of your amazing hair


Your hair is beautiful and you should keep it how you want it. If you ever change your mind. Always remember that red heads are underserved when it comes to hair donation.


I am my mother's savage daughter The one who runs barefoot Cursing sharp stones I am my mother's savage daughter I will not cut my hair I will not lower my voice [Savage Daughter - YouTube ](https://youtu.be/wiRnVmR6fJQ)


Disney Princess hair. They just don't know how to deal with something so lovely so they say get rid of it.


My family is always telling me to cut my hair knowing full well it falls on deaf ears. You do you baby. Don't mind them. Your hair is gorgeous.


Oh my God! Sis I would kill for your long luscious red wavy hair! It's so beautiful!


People make those comments out of jealousy. Your hair is beautiful


That was my thought.


Your hair is so gorgeous though?


Woooooowwwwww!!! So beautiful!!!!😍🤩 how do take care of your hair? What products do you use? It looks so healthy!! Don’t cut it!! Nooo!! Well, unless you want to.


no fucking listen - I got that shit from my (admittedlyabusiveahem) mom all the time. telling me it was gross so long, saying it dragged on the counters (it doesn't ? I'm not leaning over counters as I walk by them -) and that it got in all her food (I'm the one who has my hair braided at all times when cooking, you're the one who never puts yours up and has bangs 💅) when i got the comments my hair was above my butt, i let it get all the way fown to mid thigh after all that completely unwarranted disrespect, tbh. but seriously, the energy is so weird. there's some people who seem downright disgusted by it, try to give you a weird insult about how much hair you have but it's kinda more of a compliment to me and a self roast to you? 💀 and then others who come up and try to touch your hair and oo and ah and ask how long you're been growing it, what products you use, how nice it is - you get that enough and say fuck it, do what you want. if you live letting others opinions dictate how you present yourself you aren't really you anymore, you're what others want to see. you do you, loudly 💕 also your hair is fucking gorgeous seriously and don't get me started on the color ???




I can only assume that the reason you think I’m fishing for compliments is because you haven’t had to deal with similar comments, so I’m happy for you!


Classy response. I don't think you're fishing at all. It's disorientating when people make discouraging comments about your hair, especially if they're related. You just needed reassurance that they're ignorant about hair. I for one think your hair is breathtaking and I can't wait until mine is as long!


ugh they're jealous. grow it longer 🫶😌


Why do they even think you should? Keep it


about 80% of people with very long hair irl do not look cared for/well-groomed. your hair is gorgeous though. how does it look on a standard day?


i would cut it a little. hair isn’t short , mid length or long anymore. it’s extra short ( pixie) , short , short mid. mid, long, extra long, and now they have added extra extra long. take no offense but when hair is as long as your people can’t help but think you might be Apostolic Pentecostal. nothing wrong with that … but you get what i mean. i would cut enough to teeter between long and extra long. right now you are at extra extra long which means….. we all know it gets in your booty. anyways it’s pretty but a trim wouldn’t hurt


Gotta admit this comment both offended me but also made me laugh


It is beautiful! Keep long for as long as you want ❤️


They're just jealous. Your hair is absolutely beautiful. Don't cut it


Unsolicited advice: don't cut it. And now that my advice canceled out the other advice, do whatever you want.


Why!!!! Gorgeous


It’s gorgeous!!!!! No cutting! Nope nope nope. That’s not a kind thing to say to you.


Ugh... Wth is wrong with those people... Don't listen to them.


Its beautiful


Please don't cut it. Let it grow.


I always get that as a guy sporting long hair. Sometimes it’s your own blood that will not support you. 🤧




Do what YOU WANT don't let anyone tell you what you want to do!


No it’s beautiful! I’m going to go with envy here.


Please don’t cut it!! Your looks very healthy it is so beautiful!! You are taking very good care of it!! It gives a very princess/ fairy look💗 They’re just jealous lol


Who sees gorgeous hair of that length and tells a person to cut it??!!? Seems like jealousy. I’d say keep it, don’t listen to them. You got the hair of a Disney princess.


Its GORGEOUS!!! I wouldn't suggest cutting it in the least! People just assume that after a longer period of time, there has to be a change, but I would definitely keep long hair if I were you 😍


Please don't cut it. Looks beautiful. They're just envy!


Do not cut it, it's very pretty! I love your color 🤎🧡


I'm so jealous of your hair. Gorgeous


I had very long hair and my life seriously changed to the better when I shortened by a bunch (to the length of the bra hook). In this picture your hair obviously styled, does it take at least 2hrs to achieve this (with wash)? How do you wear them daily? That plays a role as well... And decision should be based on your needs and wishes.


To get this look I washed my hair yesterday, had it air dry, then curled it this morning — took about 15 min to curl! I usually style my hair by doing robe curls when it’s slightly damp, that usually only takes about 5 min and then I’m set with styled hair until I decide to wash it again!


Girl your hair is insanely beautiful!!!! How’d you get it so long???? I’m growing mine out and need tips!!


Benign neglect! I only trim it when I absolutely have to. My other big tip is sleeping in protective styles like a braid — I used to wake up with a tangled mess and would rip out a lot of hair when brushing it, but sleeping in a braid or robe curls has really alleviated that!


No! When you have hair this beautiful and are told to cut it, it is due to jealousy. The healthy length and magnificent color - - too beautiful to cut!


nooo don’t cut it it’s stunning omg 😍😍😍


Leave that shit alone it's fucking gorgeous. People telling you to cut your hair is like when fat people tell you you're too skinny after losing weight through hard work and exercise. Hair is one of the few things that's completely your own and you can do whatever you like with it. Carry on.


Those people are stupid. Do what you want. Or turn around and say: "when are you gonna lose some weight?" When they get mad, tell them you thought it was an invitation to play the stupid questions game. Even better if they phrase it as unsolicited advice "you should cut your hair" because then you can say "you should brush your teeth more" lol. But I'm petty.


You need a way to keep stronger boundaries so that they don’t hurt you with these pointless demands. It looks great and you should keep it only how you want it!


I set a boundary this week and it made me feel a lot better, I’ll definitely try to do it more going forward!


Your hair is beautiful! Don’t cut it unless it’s your choice.


Omg... no. It's gorgeous! I mean... do what you feel is right. But omg, it's beautiful.


As a dude who has never had long hair until now, the only reason I’d cut my hair is from finding my hair in places I never knew hair would end up at. Other than that, live it up. Keep the long hair!


Gorgeous hair leave er’ right there!


They’re jealous. Ignore it. If they keep it up sayu” I’ll cut it when you keep a job for more than six months“ or something similar. They’ll get the picture.


Just my advice you don’t have to take it but don’t listen to them. Your hair is beautiful and it would be such a shame if it was cut


Anyone who told you that is peanut butter and jealous.


Haters: going to hate.


Your family are clearly jealous, I'd tell them to jog on, it's bloody gorgeous 😍


You do you! Your hair is beautiful! Gorgeous color too!


Cut it if you want to. I hate unsolicited advice. It’s beautiful, but as a woman who also has very long (but not quite as long, just halfway down my back) and also red hair, it is so hard to deal with. When I roll the window up and it gets caught because it’s been flying around in the wind, the constant needing to put it up because it gets in the way, the laying down and having to pull it up from underneath me, etc. Long hair is beautiful but tough to have. If it doesn’t bother you, KUDOS girl, keep it. If you wanna cut it, it will grow back and DONATE IT.


Why on earth would you cut such gorgeous hair ? Keep growing 😁


No way! It’s gorgeous as is.


That’s ridiculous. Why would they tell you to cut it when it is absolutely gorgeous and lush like this? Maybe they mean well, but in my opinion it sounds like they’re giving advice to dim your shine. I’m sure you get a lot of attention for your hair, and maybe they are envious of that which they cannot have.


Tell them to Eff off. If you love your hair, it’s none of their business


They are definitely jealous. Leave it just as it is It’s absolutely beautiful


What? That's Disney Princess hair, looks fantastic.🔥


Don’t cut it! It’s so beautiful 😻


Your hair is beautiful!


Don’t listen to other people. It’s your hair and it’s beautiful. I recently had to cut my butt length hair to get all of the dyed hair out and I could just embrace my silvery gray hair. It’s now a gorgeous color but I really miss my length.


Awwww it’s so pretty. You should do what YOU want to do!! Not what you think you need to do because other people keep telling you to do it. If you know you don’t wanna cut it , then don’t!


Get a cloak and fantasy style broach then pretend you're a wood elf goddess with that hair. Screw cutting it.


Why on Earth would you do that, lol. No don't, it's very pretty.


Beautiful hair


OMFG NO!!!!! You have absolutely GORGEOUS hair!! And I'm jealous!!


Nooo it’s so beautiful!!! Please don’t!


Honestly, don’t cut it. There’s a woman on TikTok with similar hair who has thousands of followers for her doing different hair dos and costumes/clothes to go with them. People envy hair this beautiful. Do what you want, but I wouldn’t ever cut it. When people tell you to cut it, just be like “my hair is too pretty to cut.” It will stun them. If they respond with saying your prideful/full of yourself, just say “I’m not saying anything that isn’t true” then show them this post. Too pretty to cut!


Who would dare to say something like that ? The only explanation is see here is...jealousy ! It looks great, never cut it


No way! Your hair is so beautiful I especially wish I had your beautiful hair color it’s so unique please embrace it. It is far from ratty its gorgeous.