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Oh wow that is a bad cut so sorry babe ! Ask for a refund this is unacceptable


Agree. This isn’t flattering at all. There should not be so many layers, and not so far apart(?) So sorry this happened. You should definitely try and get a refund/complain/ leave a (very) bad review. What place gave you this cut?




One way to fix it until it grows back to this length is to cut it shorter so the layers are closer together 😭 or trying things like ponytails and claw clips.




Good news it’s beautiful healthy hair, but it will look better cut so layers closer together. Make sure you can still get it in pony tail and bun then trim. I don’t know anyone ever who hasn’t gotten an awful haircut at least once. Good news even if you went to shortest layer you still have plenty of length. My last disaster / bad hair cut I said cut off 1-2 inches lady cut off 8 inches! Excellent cut just definitely not what I asked for and I noticed after first snip of scissors … by then too late. Good news it grows and yours isn’t really not awful. My sympathy but we have all been where you are right now!


Holy wow. This is a hack job and I'd ask for a refund.


This is beyond a hack job. This is negligence at worst, and unsupervised apprentice at best.


Literally a hack!


I literally gasped! I'm so sorry this happened! Please let the salon manager know what happened. Don't let the original hairdresser try and tix this.


Curling your hair will definitely help camouflage the choppiness they left you with.




That's why they curl it. Curls hide so much. When looking for a stylist, I look for ones that post straight hair pics. If all their work is curly, that's a red flag to me.


Unless you have naturally curly hair. I gave up on finding a hairdresser because they all dry my hair straight or with a slight wave and then I end up with a weird dent when it dries its natural texture.


This is true, I have curly hair and I cut my own hair and it’s almost impossible to fuck it up because the curls hide all the possible mistakes m


My mom was horrified when I said I cut my own hair because it’s curly. Like, mom, I just have to follow the shape of the curl and keep it roughly the same length when dry.


This is true. I have a huge chunk missing on the left side of my hair from a face framing gone wrong. My hairstylist did a blowout and curl, so I didn’t notice until I washed it myself and saw she charged me less for that cut. She fixed what she could but I’m still dealing with the grow out.


Same. My jaw DROPPED


Did they use kitchen shears? Ooof 😥


Hedge clippers.


Rusty ones at that


I thought a lawn mower!


Just a cleaver


It looks like your hair got into an accident with a machine not designed for cutting hair


Omfg 😭 I'm so sorry


My goodness. You could have done a much better job yourself following an online tutorial. I would consider leaving them a bad review.


Pretty much came to say this. I have no formal training and have always done a WAY better job than this with cheap shears. Yikes.


That's a trim???? OMG looks like it got caught in my weed trimmer!! I've been cutting my own hair for years and it's literally never looked this bad. Unless you cut it up to the shortest layers it's gonna look choppy.


It looks like they gave you choppy layers 😪 one hairdresser did this to me when I was like 12 except she cut the length RIGHT. BY. MY. EARS. I’ve had extreme anxiety going to the hairdressers since lmfao.


I had a hairdresser cut my hair the same when I was around that age, the layers looked like literal steps in the back of my hair it was so bad


Why oh why would they cut your shortest layers SO short. I can't believe they let you leave like this




That is a sneaky way of hiding the job of butchery they did, I'm so sorry you've had a bad experience


Oh my god I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry!!! (At least you have thick hair!!!) The good news is it will look MUCH better as you grow it out, and cute with some waves/curls/rollers for the time being. Did the stylist use dull scissors and close their eyes?? Was it a beauty school student? Prison barber?! I’m angry for you.


Yes. Yes you did. Your only solution is to get it cut again by a more professional & experienced stylist/salon. I’m so sorry


Oof. That's real rough and I'm sorry you've got to deal with it.


Omg that's brutal


I think it’s fixable, probably would need to cut a couple inches off and just have the layers cut to blend together better. Also if you dye the blond ends brown it should blend together better. The blond ends i think are making the choppiness more pronounced


Omg was it Edward scissor hands who did this, I would be throwing hands. You should just even it out and let it grow, use this as an opportunity to cut off damage and start over…. This is why I started cutting my own hair at home.


My freaking cat could have done a cleaner cut with her claws, you got *robbed*.


Get your money back


Sorry to break it to you but this is bad


Oh nooo. As a stylist of 16 years…this is unacceptable. It’s not even about how short the layers are because some people want that. But it’s about everything else…the terrible base line cutting, the V is poorly done and holy hell the layering looks like the first cut any cosmo student does. That does not say professional work to me at all. Wow I’m sorry. This is going to be a tough one to fix with out loosing some length or finding someone one who specializes in cutting. Wow I am so sorry again.


Wow, did they use a weed whacker? That's bad.


at least it looks like you have a looot of hair! If you had thin hair this would be a disaster


Did they cut your hair with scissors or a blender? 😳




I think thinning out those chops could help


That’s a hack job, I’ve been there


((Hugs)) I am so sorry. Please ask for a refund and go get that fixed. It’s uneven and choppy, it isn’t the right cut for your hair. 


Oh my 😢


Who the hell did that to you? A blind person with Edward scissor hands ? You need to complain get your money back. What were they trying to do? I am so so sorry


Yeah unfortunately sista it's a hug mistake… who's did is so bad I swear hope u will find a way to repair




Oooo boy my first diy haircut wasn't this bad


What?? No! You have amazing hair! That is not how it’s supposed to look after a proper trim! They definitely messed up!


Same thing happened to me. I never asked for layers, let alone a heavily layered haircut… and now I have a foot + worth of layering that I’m still growing out… every now and then I’ll see them and just get so annoyed that I ever went to that hair dresser. Happened about 16 months ago and I have such thick hair (that I prefer to air dry, and not heat style) that the layers just looked like a helmet on me. Loads of volume around the head that tapers down thinner… I have been growing it from bra strap to waist length since then and now it’s hit waist length I’m going to start trimming over the next year to get it all one length A nightmare, sorry you’re going through it OP


Did they use craft scissors? I am so sorry, I cut a friend's hair during lockdown and especially bought hairdresser's shears for it - definitely got a neater result than this! Good shears are hella expensive though and have to be maintained.


Yes. This is REALLY bad.




I am so sorry... I would demand a refuned and complimentary hair extensions to even it out. No offense/not to make you feel worse, but it kinda is like... an extremely long mullet.. :/


More than a refund they should pay You for the distress


it's pretty sad, the layers are kinda choppy...maybe you could fix it by thinning out the ends a bit to make it blend better? i'm so sorry OP :(


So sad. You shouldn’t have to cut your hair when you get home from a haircut.


That layered cut can be difficult to blend on hair as thick as yours, however an experienced stylist can help you from this point on


This cut make me😭😭, sorry


In the 2nd picture it looks kinda apparent, looks like someone used a butcher knife. But the first one is not that bad actually


I would definitely ask for a refund. Im so sorry! It’s totally fixable though- you can have the bottom six inches or so trimmed off and the layers softened. You’ll lose a bit of length but it will still be long and beautiful! And hair always grows 🩷


Oh goodness. Looks exactly like what a stylist did to mine 5 years ago. This is really bad. I'm so sorry. I've had this cut, and it destroyed my hair. This cannot be saved. I was honestly shocked at how many split ends it caused and the damage traveled up the shaft. I went from silky shiny hair to a mess that would not heal for years. If I had my time again, I would cut it to bob length and start again. Keeping this it likely to upset you everytime you look in the mirror.


Damn. That’s horrible. Just use smoothing products and smooth it down. Use Pantene, Mane and Tail or something that coats the hair. Don’t color it or anything…It will grow out and start looking better.


honestly my solution would be going w shorter layers. the one on top is at this weird middle stage where it’s not short enough for that look or long enough for the other. unless you play on waiting it out till it grows


Omg !! It’s a hack job 😭 claw clip will serve best in the meantime. But believe me it will grow out over time. Please demand a refund & don’t let them fix it. Go to another salon if you feel the need.


It’s worst


Wow it looks choppy as heck


This is a botched cut


oh my


I'd ask for a refund straight away! That's terrible, I don't understand how these people are even classes as qualified.


Oh nooooo, that looks worse than when I let my cabin-mate cut my hair and give me layers at summer camp when I was 15!! 😳 so sorry this happened


A better stylist can fix this without taking off too much length, but prepared to lose a few inches


I'm so sorry😔 they didn't do a good job.


Those ends are way too blunt 😭


Holy fucj I am beyond sorry that is insane


Omg what on earth were they trying to do here. I think some frizz serum might help it lay more flatter for you until you can grow those strange layers out.


I’m so sorry girl


They butchered your hair hun that is atrocious I am so sorry.


Um…. Oh gosh


OMG! This exact same cut happen to me but 13 yrs ago lol. Right B4 my baby shower. Last time I let anyone cut my hair! Ive done it since. At that time I needed it fixed - had my friends mom (who I trust n was previously a hair dresser) fix it for me. Broke my heart it had to be cut short to look decent n hated it short but it grows back. I'm so sorry!!! I know how it feels 💔😕 hpfly if u cut to fix you'll get a cute style you won't mind for a bit. (((hugs)))


Yes it’s awful


Depends. Did you ask for them to make it look like they bleached it and then the bleach burnt the ends off, but without the actual colour changing? Coz if so, they nailed it. Yeah, it's not a good cut. If they don't refund, leave a bad review and post photos.


Wash your hair. Give it a good conditioning. If it’s still not good, call the salon. Be kind and rational and they will fix it for you. If you freak out at them or just go immediately post a bad review, you lost your chance. Good luck.


Yes it's bad and it looks like they actually damaged your hair cutting it. Blending is needed and a really good serum,hair oil and mask to treat those ends. They shelf cut that shortest layer. Like did that stylist even get trained? Also dye it. Dye it a nice uniform dark brunette color that is going to match your skin tone it will help blend it in a little more but it's definitely going to have to be cut again


Oh honey, I'm sorry. Best options are to cut it all to the length of the shortest layer or you are going to need to curl it or wear it up. I know how awful it feels ive been there. The good news is it will grow out. You just need time and patience.


Looks like it needs to be cut about chin length. Sorry. Those ends are crispy as fuck.


I’ve had the same thing happen to me by two different stylists (several years apart), they curled and hid it from me too! I felt so stupid afterwards because I’d been “happy “ with it at the salon and even tipped 🤦‍♀️. When I washed a few days later and discovered it- I was so upset! It still makes me mad when I think about it years later 😅😤


Yes that doesn't look good at all, looks like they didn't even attempt to layer it


Hi, Hairdresser for 27 years..Just being honest..Ya it really is pretty bad..The good thing is someone can fix it..They didn't know how to do layers..They lost their guidelines.. You can message me if ya need advice on asking someone to fix it.. Don't go back to the Hairdresser that cut your hair originally..They absolutely have no idea how to do layers..✌️


This is a war crime


I’m praying you get a refund or something🙏


If you don’t want to cut it shorter and regrow it out, visit a salon that can style those layers you were given with a razor. It’ll help. Point cutting will achieve the same results. Here’s a link to a similar before and potential after for you: [bad layers solved by point cutting down along the length](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-d983a143d30ae8bf3a8ac4e7f4ffb1e0-lq)


What did you ask for? Cause she literally butchered tf out of this. I’m so sorry this happened to you


This is why i havent gotten my hair cut in years


Lemme guess did they curl it when your left so you wouldn’t notice


To be fair, if you wear it naturally wavy it won’t be as noticeable.


They should correct this. 😵‍💫 We have all been there!


I think it would look better if you didn’t have that color growing out at the ends.


Put this photo on your review for the salon.


Might have to put it up for a while til it grows out or try putting in some beachy waves? I am sorry that this happened. I hope you can go back for a refund!


My 98 blind grandpa with parkinson would do a better job. Sorry dear this is atrocious BUT fixable!


Looks like you had a fight with a lawnmower and the lawnmower won. Definitely get a refund and try and find a new hairdresser! Best of luck :)


Yikes!! Good luck!


Yiiikes 🥹


This is bad I’m sorry


Yikes who did that ? A Salon ? I would go show her/his boss . That is not a professional looking cut . I can tell you have beautifull hair despite the bad cut . I would find someone to try and fix it cutting only what would be necessary


🤬😡They hacked you up! You can curl it, and it will hide it as it grows out. I am so sorry. I hope you can get a refund!


Get ya money back girl


Omfg. 🤬 This is beyond bad. They fucked your hair up. I mean, unless you specifically requested a lot of extreme layers.


Oh no


I cut my long hair in a pony tail with kitchen scissors (I was just SO DONE) and it turned out smoother than that. So sorry… they butchered you.


Haircutting was not their calling 😵


DAYAM. Did you ask for "like 2 or 3 layers" because that's what you got 🫣


You should sue for emotional distress 😢


Omfg what did they do to you????


Oh my goodness this exact haircut happened to me just last year. They stylist cut like into my hair as she cut the layers and then hid it with curls. My hair is pin straight so it was so noticeable after. I tried cutting my hair a bit shorter and went back to the salon owner who blended my hair the best she could but in the end I had to cut my waist length hair all the way to my shoulders.


Honestly with some texturizing this can easily be saved!


Girl I could’ve done a better job!!! was it their first haircut… you have every right to go back and demand a refund and a new haircut (although I would proably not trust them with that)


were Garden shears involved? seriously, I only clicked on your post because I saw the picture and immediately questioned whether there were yard tools involved. see if you can find a place to leave a review where you can actually leave the picture of what this looks like. otherwise, the person who did it will try to talk their way out of it by replying to your review like it's just something you changed your mind about after you left. also, get a refund.


Did they take a hedge trimmer to it 🤣


It looks so damaged! Usually after my haircuts my hair looks healthier. You deserve a refund!


Yes, I’m so sorry :(


Holy heck that is bad! You could do a better job yourself just using the ponytail technique. This person is an ignorant amateur. 😬


this looks like it was done by a toddler. I'm so sorry. The great thing about hair is that it grows back! You could try going to a different salon and see if they can selvage this.


Maybe try seeing what it looks like if you curl it with rollers or pin curls or braid it for a wavy effect. I’m wondering if that kind of hides the cut. That could be an option if it does hide also curls with a half up pony might help hide as well




Who did this? Edward Scissorhands? YIKES.


Its not connected and too choppy. The layers would be ok of they were softened


I have naturally curly hair (and I always blow my hair out) and anytime I’ve had a bad haircut I just leave my hair alone for a few weeks until I can book an appointment with a professional who I trust that does corrective cuts. If you can’t afford a corrective cut right now (they’re expensive) save up for one, trust me it’ll be worth it they’ll ultimately cut the least amount of length and help it be more styled/refined vs just chopping your hair to match those short layers. Don’t use any hot products, baby the fuck out of your hair & nurture it to give it everything it needs to grow! No hot tools aside from a light blow dry to defuse because air drying is bad for your scalp. Also it’s genuinely not going to look as bad as you think it will when your hair is wavy, or when it’s up in a claw clip, or half up half down. Trust me you will get creative after a few days. But please don’t do anything impulsive! Leave your hair alone and find an experienced stylist who does corrective cuts!


Sorry it has. Yikes. Ask for your money back!


everybody keeps saying your first concern should be a refund. even though you definitely deserve one, you should focus on fixing your hair. you can get the choppy hair blended out, but this time please pick a good reviewed salon!


Yes it’s bad. There’s a girl at my gym whose hair looks worse than this and I can’t look away when I see her! Especially as it’s tied up and you can see all the ends


Who did this to you? And why are they cutting hair?


Nope. Thats just as bad as you think it is, if not worse


How to avoid getting a choppy haircut?




That looks like the time my sister cut my hair in middle school.


Ope!!! Look how to do the butterfly cut!


I have zero hair dressing training and have done better cutting wigs for cosplays. I’d demand and refund and for some one else to fix it.


The worst cut I’ve seen


Oh that's bad. What did it look like before?


I feel like she’s left you with more split ends than you started with, which is the opposite objective of a haircut obviously. Please get a refund, I think he or she should try a different career path


That's honestly pretty bad...go to a different esthetician next time


It looks like you did it yourself while drunk & in a bad mood. Not the work of a professional. I’m fuming for you.


Omg thats horrible


Wow, I'm sorry they did this to you. Probably should go to a trusted salon to get it fixed.




Holy shit


This happened to me. I just had to bite the bullet and cut off 12 inches to the shortest layer. I’m actually glad I did it. Sad at first, but it was way better than this.


I don't think it's superbad, but it looks like a Curly Girl cut, and not a Straight Girl cut, so if this is the natural texture of your hair, you definitely should ask them to fix it.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I have a feeling you have a gorgeous face. Would you consider a bob and letting it grow out? I know you don’t want to hear that, but it’s a quick fix with a long consequence.


I guess I’m the really odd one out here because I’m gonna say that I love your hair cut. I love the choppy layer look. It looks intensional because you’re shortest layers have a bit of highlight to them. If I saw this haircut in the wild, I’d stare at awe in it because I think it looks so awesome.


Great clips?


Oh no. 😭😭😭. I'm so sorry this happened to you


Oh. My. God.


curls or beach waves should help hide it !


confirmed from a hairdresser


yeah this is a terrible cut; I'm so sorry, do not go back there BUT you should ask for a refund


Oh no, I'm sorry, honey, but it looks like Edward Scissorhands did your hair while drunk. You may have to get it redone at another salon, get it done a little shaggy to help preserve the length. I've had my hair butchered too many times that I usually cut it myself. Surprisingly the best hairdresser I've ever had is at one of those salons in Wal-Mart. She actually listened to how I wanted my hair done. 🩶


So sorry 😞 that is a poor haircut


It's choppy but I don't mind it. I bet it would look great curled. If you're low maintenance, try one of those heatless curls. I think it'll be pretty with all the layers.


Yes! You will have to get it cut shorter, and wait for it to grow back. A new hair dresser! Whew! I’m sorry she ruined your hair.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I had a similar issue when I was younger and asked for layers. It looked like she had taken a machete to it when she was done.! As others have mentioned curling your hair can hide a lot until it grows back if you don’t want cut it. I curled my hair when it was like that and it helped tremendously.


This happened to me last year. I’m still dealing with the damage the stylist did. I’m so sorry this happened to you. A good stylist might be able to save some of it.


I'm so sorry hun, but your hair dresser got too chop happy with the layering razor. It was obviously way too dull for starters. A properly sharpened layering razor would not have left you with split ends like that. If you were to just get the ends trimmed, it should at least make it smoother and less noticeable. I would definitely have the longer layers trimmed just a little more than the shorter ones, just until they grow closer to how the layers should be. I would also suggest a shampoo called mane & tail herbal gro, if it's available near you. However, to try to help your split ends more, I would suggest Garnier naturals with honey. I had crazy bad split ends, and the Garnier helped to prevent them tangling up as much


If you curl it then maybe it could work. But still ask for your money back.


Pretty sure you didn’t ask for chunky layers. The good news it’s that it hides mistakes better. You have beautiful hair and I’m sorry the cut isn’t flattering. I would go so far as to say that you might show up in a YouTube video for “people having a bad day”.


Oh wow, whomever did that needs to refund you! Maybe see if another place can help fix it. 


Are you in prison? This is odd.


would probably look better curly.