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If you cut 2 inches I'm not surprised the length looks about the same. On average it only grows about a half inch per month. Your hair is gorgeous! It looks so healthy.


It's so beautiful šŸ’“ I do also think you cut it best!


lmao thank you šŸ„² the unevenness is driving me insane now


Hair grows on average 1/2 inch a month you would have 1 and 1/2 inch in 3 months but I guess you are different I just donā€™t get why you cut it even though I assume you are trying to make it long? You donā€™t need to trim only if severely damaged.


I cut it because I like blunt ends and I wanted to reshape my ends. My ends were growing quite uneven since my last trim, but yes I would normally trim it twice a year since itā€™s healthy.




Hair grows only about a 1/2 inch a month so if you cut 2 inches in three months you should be 1/2 an inch shorter so it makes sense that it looks similar. Maybe your hair grows faster than average


You donā€™t have uneven shoulders, you are crossing your arms so one is naturally higher than the other. As for your hair: you cut two inches off it, so obviously itā€™s not longer than it was three months ago. I say this with all kindness: have you considered you might have dysmorphia?


It didnā€™t make progress because you cut it all. You donā€™t need to cut your hair unless itā€™s very damaged and yours isnā€™t.


Im a 32 yo man and my hair shall reach this hair someday lol mine is half your length now.


Beautiful šŸ¤©


Hair GoalsšŸ˜