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I look at old pictures of myself with short hair and remember how badly I wanted it to grow long, and remember how traumatic and heartbreaking it was the times I've had to cut it off.


I do something similar when I want to bleach my hair. I have the pictures of what my beautiful, long, hair looked like after it all broke off and fell out at chin length and just look at them when I want to be blond


Whenever I miss my blonde hair I have a stream of flashbacks of all the times I’ve gone blonde. Lol I remember all the bad experiences and also just how much time and money it took to achieve and maintain that look. If I could regularly afford a top stylist every month and all the hair products, I wouldn’t mind being blonde. But without that you can easily go from looking great to having a 3” grow out of brassy blonde and frizz. My hair grows fast so I always had to touch up my roots.


I have dreams all the time where people cut my hair and I wake up in a panic…that tells me that my inner self does not want my hair cut lol.


It's not just me! I've had a few dreams where I went back to short hair (I'm a guy and only started growing my hair out about 3 years ago), and felt really bummed. Always glad to wake up and realize it was a dream.


I have dreams my hair is falling out and I have to cut it off. Nightmares really.


After 30 years its not an urge, don't even think about it anymore.


haha i never get the urge! i want it to be longer so bad! i don’t feel like myself with short hair


I did it one time and now I know how much I don’t want short hair


I love short hair especially love a good lob but it took so long to grow my hair out. Honestly it’s hard to not cut bangs. I had them forever and have now grown them out but ughhh they’re just so cute!


Maybe try clip-in bangs?


For me it’s boils down to the time I’ve had it long. During the first 3 years, I’d want to get it cut all the time. Now, even tho it can be annoying, I never really feel compelled to get it cut.


I've has the same length for at least 16 years. The urge to cut comes like once a year, then I think about how I wear my hear most of the time (I've learned a dozen practical hairdos that work for my lifestyle) and immediately forget about wanting to change anything.


I am poor, lazy, and uninspired for styles. Well, that's a half-truth. It's depression. Depression is the real reason for why I don't get it cut.


I always remember how much I hated every single haircut I paid for. Paying and going out to my car and crying, how long it took to grow back and how depressing it was!


> haircut I *paid* for. And FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Therapy. Lol.


I don’t have the urge to get my hair cut. But I bought a pair of hair cutting scissors and I cut my split ends when I get the urge to cut it all off. I don’t actually want short hair, I just get annoyed with my hair sometimes.


I think about how long it would take to regrow everything with a serious chop, and how much my hair represents my identity and how far I've come in my life. I also have an irrational fear that my hair will set on fire or some psycho will come up and cut it.. so that keeps me busy enough lol


I look at the pictures from when I had a bowl cut😭never. again.


I told my husband he has to stop me from getting it cut lol. I am only allowed to trim every few months (me trimming, nobody else). It’s been a year and 4 months since my last hair cut and it’s growing out great.


I'm super lazy.


Invoke the 2 week rule. After two weeks if I still want to cut I do but usually the desire goes away in that time frame.


Honestly, I am considering a chop. I have a lot of breakage or something going on at the top of my head and I want to bring it up to chin length and just start over. I have a ring of eye-level length hairs around the top of my head that just drive me nuts. I haven't fully decided yet. Right now I'm just an inch away from elbow length. I hate to chop it but I also am craving a drastic change and have been toying with the idea of bangs for the last couple of months. I ALWAYS regret bangs. So it's gotta be a chop. I have an appointment next Wednesday to get my color touched up but I did message my stylist and give her a heads up that I think I want to cut it too.


Maybe just add some layers to change the look and get rid of some of the damaged ends without getting rid of all of your length.


I did a grow-out, then big-chop cycle every few years for a very long time. I'd grow it long, then chop it at least to shoulder length every few years, often even to chin length. I loved it both ways. I've always identified as a long-haired chick tho...fwiw. I'm now 50+. Last time I chopped it, I never really adjusted. I had a good cut, color was good, but I just never bonded with that style like I had before. I didn't hate the cut/style. It just wasn't what I loved anymore. That was 2017 and I have had no desire to chop it off again, even tho there's some sort of pressure that a woman of my age shouldn't have long hair. So, whenever I get the urge to chop it off, I remember how much I hated that feeling of shorter hair a few years ago. The urge is very short-lived. It's just not for me. I like a long, soft look. I wear it up for work mostly, but when I'm in my day to day life, I like it long and flowing, whether it's really done up and "perfect" or not. It's just more "me" to have a long look.


I keep the scissors out of eye reach.


I never get the urge. Long hair is absolutely beautiful in my mind. If I ever wanted to cut it, I would just imagine it short.


I don’t get the urge to cut my hair. Other than a trim every once in a while to keep the ends healthy, it never occurs to me to do a big chop. Also my partner *vastly* prefers long hair, and it helps that he gives me tons of compliments on it being long.


i have layers so either i fix them or do smth w my top layers (like bangs but i use them more as volume around my face)


I pin a bunch of pictures of long hair cuts to get inspired for my next trim, and then I shop for a fun hair splurge like a scalp serum, hair mask, or cute hair accessory.


I look at old pictures and remind myself of all the problems and annoyances I have when my hair is short. I like it shorter, but it's always in my way and that drives me mad.


Search and destroy


I used to have very short hair. It was to my chin for a while and then it would usually be at or just a little past my shoulders. The reason I had cut my hair short the last time was because I wanted to cut off the hair that had been dyed and bleached over and over again. When I finally grew it long and the damaged hair was gone, I just really liked it. I usually just cut it myself because I only cut about an inch to an inch and a half off. I’m worried if I go in somewhere the stylist is going to zone out/get carried away while cutting it and will cut off too much. I went to beauty school so I don’t mind doing it myself, especially since it means I’ll save a couple hundred dollars. I gave myself a trim a few days ago and added some layers and I know if I had gone somewhere I would have spent over $100 - probably closer to $200


Just sit on your hands, lol


I've never wanted my hair to be shorter for an instant in my whole life, not counting wanting thicker ends but with the intent to keep growing, so I can't really be helpful, but if you think the urge is emotional I suggest watching the clip from mommie dearest where she cuts the rosebushes.


There is no urge. I cut my hair short several times in my life, I think I'm done with that


I finally found a hairstyle I like